One thing about Yvonne Frye Avant, she’s consistent. The Mean Travel Queen has a temper that seems to ignite when someone does unto her, what she did unto them. We’ll tell you what we mean in a minute.

The Mean Travel Queen is a Council member plagued by domestic problems and violence. She has been on the Council over 30 years. As the longest serving member with a less than stellar record, she needs to exit.
The Saturday incident was another domestic violence occurrence. This time she backed into her husband,hitting him. He called the Mashpee cops. Well damn!
MTQ was at it again, and got herself arrested. And her sisters were frantic about getting her out of the joint. But the Fryes’s couldn’t work that magic. That’s because Yvonne was stuck in jail for the 6 hour cooling off period for domestic violence. Course that’s the White man’s law of the land. None of that tribal voo doo that Jessie conjures up.
Just over a year ago, Mean Travel Queen broke into a tribal members home looking for her husband. Well the cops were called again and this time she ended up in court. The tribal member did not press charges but the judge said MTQ was not to trespass on the woman’s property ever again.
Now on to how Yvonne is getting what she gave. The circumstances surrounding her present husband is a lurid tale that played out in Dino’s. Her current husband was married then, and his wife found out about about the two of them carrying on. Well, she came into Dino’s and whipped Yvonne’s behind quite nicely….in front of the Creator and everyone.
So it’s amazing to know that Yvonne has two outstanding daughters. It’s incredible. Talented educated women. What’s her problem ?
Yvonne had the nerve to send out an email to the Council saying that she would be happy to discuss it at the next meeting. Well, the Council didn’t discuss her breaking and entering episode even after tribal member David Weeden asked what the Council was going to do. You may say David’s got his own stuff goin’ on …yah, but he is not on the Council.

TFL has a seedy record that has not changed since she was elected to the Council or became The First Lady. She has purposely ignored our sick people, bullied men and women relentlessly destroying our legacy as a giving, loving people.
On the Council is Cheryl Frye Cromwell, AKA The First Lady. Tribal members were witnesses to her beating a Pequot woman on her homeland at Foxwoods of all places. There have been other incidents of scandal in bathrooms and public drunkenness. She has never been reprimanded.
Council woman Winnie Johnson was jailed for beating a pregnant woman and recently jumped a tribal mother of 5 in front of tribal youth she was supposed to be mentoring. Nothing was done about Winnie and she has become the mascot they trot out for the White people. She recently burst into a screaming rage at the Sunday meeting. Despite the fact that tribal members demanded she be removed,

Winnie Johnson flew into a rage after she was outed on her false campaign promise to give Tribal households $500 a month stipends. She knew that Genting would not allow her to do anything like that. As a member of the Payola Council, she is pimping us out to her Chinese masters.
she was allowed to continue like a lunatic until she was exhausted. No other government would allow these women to continue to serve on their governing body lowering the standards of decency beyond measure. It is unconscionable and proof that Cedric Cromwell answers to Genting not us.We knew he was a bombast but this proves he’s anything but a leader.
The Tribal Secretary constantly reveals her instability on Facebook and other internet sites. This confirms the total disregard for Tribal government integrity and worth. This is a reflection of how they feel about us.
Ever notice how your friends outside the tribe say, : “What’s going on with that Council? Why don’t you guys do something…they’re awful !” You really can’t say too much.
So we bare responsibility too. We get what we get. We allow it. So it continues.
It’s funny until you really think about how the people who did nothing to build the Nation are tearing us to smithereens. It’s a sad ending to our storied legacy.
SRC, Messy Jessie, Tah Tah, Mean Travel Queen, Raging Mannequin and The First Lady should resign.