The Cromwell administration spent millions on incompetent lawyers and consultants who composed the LIT application that not only defies the historic record but actually proves that we were never under federal jurisdiction.

The romantic version of the humiliation of Metacomet being forced to sign the treaty that disarmed his warriors. The result was native uprising called the KIng Philips War that nearly annihilated the Europeans and almost succeeded in pushing them ” back into the sea.”
They actually point to the fact that King Philiip…Metacomet, our Sachem, signed a treaty with the colonists & King Charles II in 1671. They said that treaty proves we were under federal jurisdiction. Well, just the opposite. An elementary school student knows that the United States became an independent nation in 1776. So the point here people is that the last thing the founding fathers did was honor any treaties or
agreements with the King of England. The nation was born out of revolution remember? They wanted no part of any deals signed by their

Metacomet was our most valiant leader. He refused to cower and allow our people to be exploited. We have no such leader at the helm now. We are living in a very sad dark part of our history.
oppressors…..let alone 100 years later..after the fact.
Unlike the western tribes who bore the brunt of hundreds of broken treaties with the US government…Meacomet’s treaty was with the colonists and their King, Charles II.
It was not transferable. Contrary to what Cedric says… We had no federal government in 1671. That’s what the BIA said during the recognition process. All that proved was the were were ” A HISTORIC TRIBE.”
The BIA actually went forward with his theory passionately, which raises eyebrows because the BIA’s past rejections of that theory were were used by the plaintiffs suing the BIA. It is very very interesting how this application was accepted on such flimsy inaccurate documentation. Very very interesting indeed.
This is the result of governance by Ceddie. Ceddie who does not know tribal history, does not know his own family members, does not know us. He therefore is taken advantage of by consultants who have billed the Mashpee tens of millions of dollars for crap that can be verified or disqualified on Google.
To allow this $308m charade to continue is just the means to keep Ceddie and the Fryebal Council a pay check. Cedric has a lot of explaining to do to the Feds about all that money that was being washed and dried and we come up with a donut.
He made damned fools of the Mass Gaming Commission who have the nerve to say they are confused. We’re not confused , but oh, wait, were just dumb Indians. The real Indians don’t come near the Fryebal Council.
There is a way to a casino but this is not it. If the the tribe continues down this road, with no alternative to fill the gap we will be worse off.
But keep going to meetings and listening to an outsider who is robbing you blind because you are worshiping a pipe dream.
But don’t listen to us…keep on.
The Tribe should demand their removal. They wouldn’t survive 1 day in the White world, but they are preying on us and our kids and our grand kids.
Keep on.