Herrin’ : “You know the Pow Wow committee is goin’ rogue.”
Roe : ” Rouge, how?”
Herrin’: They’re takin’ aim at the big chic….big smile, big body, big plans, and big brawler.
Roe: “Oh, the First Lady…yeah okay. So the Pow wow Committee did what?”
Herrin’ : “It was a historic moment. Really man. Unbelievable. They made some serious moves. They decided to ban council members from Pow Wow dance competition.
Roe: ” You’re kiddin’. That’s somethin’. Ahhhhhhhh, but ah, nobody on the council competes but the First Lady.”
Herrin’ : ” Right and she takes that prize money like she’s still livin’ in the Church Homes..”
Roe: ” Well, you know the few tribal members that go to the circus say its a shame she

The First Lady can’t get no respect either. Maybe she should try to stop acting so ghetto. Just a suggestion.
and..what a they call him…Shovel Ready, make all that money….millions of dollars, and still take money from the contests.”
Herrin’: ” No class.”
Roe: ” No class.”
Herin’ : “That damned Cheryl Frye was smokin’ boy. She was runnin’ outta the building like her hair was on fire.”
Roe: ‘What happened to them Fryes? Jesus. They’re like man eattin’ fish now a days.”
Herrin’ : “Who knows.Maybe they’re dormant aliens who were awakened after years of sleep. You know nobody understands them.”
Roe; ” Can’t call them ” sleepy” anymore. They’re rabid.”
Herrin’: “Yah. Well, anyhow, they put one more on The First Lady tho. She ain’t runnin’ the health booth anymore. Yeah. She ain’t gettin’ paid $2,000 to run that thing and hire a bunch of Frye-a-laters at $25 an hour to be no shows.
Herin’: ” I think all that crap is played out. The Pow Wow committee may start a revolution with baby steps.
Roe: ” They better make dancers show Indian ID to dance. That’s what they otta do.
Herrin’: ” Don’t get ahead of yourself. One thing for sure, they don’t like Cheryl.
Roe: ” Is it goinna warm up?”
Herrin’: Do I look like the weatha man to you?”
Roe:” Won’t tell ya what you look like. You know we missed the Elders meetin’. They say they’re lookin’ for some money missin’.”
Herrin’: ” Don’t give a damn. With Joanne Frye in charge now, who the hell knows what going’ to happen’ next.”
Roe: ” There’s Norman, let’s geta beer.”