Governor Healey stops by

Ciara and Ivey didn’t have to put on any airs, just the Mashpee charm. Like the magic of the olden days.

The week before the official Thanksgiving holiday, Governor Maura Healey visited Mashpee on a tour of our historic sites. The popular governor seemed to enjoy the visit where she also awarded state recognition the Herring Pond band of Wampanoags.  These kinds of visits are feel good in nature, and our young people served as ambassadors. Many thanks to Pow Wow Princess Ciara Hendricks and Little Miss Wampanoag Ivey Machado whose charm offensive worked.

So, the Meeting House held the fascination of the governor who also heard from Chief Emeritus Earl Mills.  You know that was a long talk.

When you think about the church, it commands a 340-year-old historic legacy of oppression and redemption reflecting the Tribal experience that is centuries old. On the surface things look good.  Those young women make us look good.

Let’s move on to the next leg of the tour where the governor goes to the tribal museum. The same

Governor Healey visits our museum where documents are glued on to construction paper on cardboard. Imagine what she must have been thinking.

museum the US Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland visited (June 15, 2023) that was cleaned and fumigated just days before her historic tour. Guess what? The Tribal Historic Preservation Officer David Weeden—(AKA Magpie) was in Bermuda partying with Paula and Trish. Fast forward to November 19, 2024, the governor’s visit to that museum photo opts revealed a place that was cleaned up, somewhat.  Weeks before, Reel Wamps pointed out the “disgusting” condition of the closed museum and raggedy weetu on the property. Negligence is a trademark of the so called THIPO apparently, who makes $80K a year and refuses to maintain the museum or keep it open. The man is incapable of being embarrassed.

At the government center the Elders were waiting to see the governor. The chairman tells them she does not have time to stop.  Instead, he took the governor to meet with Natana about the Weetamu  School. Yes, the Weetamu School with an extremely warped student teacher/staff ratio. Natana stands firmly behind the controversial project where students fall behind in basic education unable to compete when they enter the public schools. With no grant, she’s counting on CK to bail her out. Course the governor couldn’t do it alone if she wanted too.  And when the research is done, the $900K will be missing from the three budgets necessary for a greenlight.

Let’s just stop for a minute and understand how these events go. Governors are always late getting

CK is so desperate to get re-elected he will do anything to keep that check coming. Get your flak jackets on people…..serious incoming ahead.

anywhere (accept to meet with the President).  Taking five minutes to greet, chat and take a picture with the Elders would not change a schedule already 30- 45 minutes behind. Healey would have graciously agreed to meet with the Elders. But the Child King purposely snubbed them pivoting to delivering for Natana whose fan base is lower than his. Politically, it makes no sense. But it’s CK after all.

Finally, the governor was presented with a list of asks including housing, Aboriginal Rights, economic development, etc etc.  Well, we’ve been asking for help on these issues for years. CK’s regime has produced nothing. Guess who’s supposed to take the lead on this stuff and do the follow up, draft the bill and walk the halls of the state house working the plan? The Child King who has not initiated one project to benefit the Tribe in four years.

With amateurs like CK at the helm you get what you get. His profile taints all efforts.  Pariahs are poor representatives of our people.





Resolution 33 stinking. Cliff Walkers make sure CK gets his BOGO

The dark side of CK continues to show itself. His selfishness is killing us.

The director of Tribal Housing abruptly resigned yesterday effective immediately.  No doubt another casualty of the Child King’s wrath and penchant for coverups.  He’s been busy for the last serval months wrecking havoc under Resolution 33. CK was restored to dictator status by his Cliff Walkers. Since the Tribal Administrator reports to him he ordered her to fire Talia Landry. The Frye’s began their usual rumor mongering, blaming the Vice Chair who has no such authority. Of course, Talia was in the middle of a scandalous whirlwind (that we will not repeat here) but it is prolific and common knowledge. Sad.

Talia worked for Roxanne in the education department, just like CK’s sister Sassamon. Both have been there a while. Talia’s job description was pretty clear, no one knows what Sassamon does for her paycheck other than be CK’s sister. She was right in there with her brother, acting pretty rachet during the Farm insurrection. We have to say that Roxanne with all her piety and dedication to upholding self-proclaimed Hall Monitor duties, she failed to discipline either one of her employees.  Our best bet was that CK sacrificed Talia to save his sister.

In the end, anyone who has information or tries to investigate expenditures or misappropriations is going to get the hatchet.  Because the Child King has to keep it covered up. Some of the finance employees, the comptroller, and the treasurer have thwarted all efforts to infiltrate the Tribal expenditures. And we still have no budget!


Our Baney Fife, Kevin just can’t bring himself to, “Nip it, just nip it in the bud.” 

We learned that Kevin Frye promised a police report on the Farm insurrection two months ago after tribal law enforcement, council members (Cliff Walkers blocked) and Tribal members asked for the report independently. Nothing. Then, according to sources, a grant of $100K for Housing security to build a cop house and jump start police monitoring on the premises disappeared. Sources added that for some reason, Kevin recently got a retroactive raise going back 2 years.

Wunda who authorized that Kevin?

Tick, tick, tick.  Eleven days until the Child King gets his BOGO.  Buy One Get Outta  jail free. Not hard to connect the dots on that one.

Any questions?

The big moochers

The “Raising” of Trish Keliinui as a Peters family clan mother is coming up this weekend and it continues to be the brunt of jokes. This time it’s because Trish supporters are mooching off the Thanksgiving feast that is coordinated by the Meeting House Committee and the Elders. It’s a blatant effort to legitimize Trish’s ascension to a post that is nowhere to be found in our culture.  That fact has been verified by our traditional leaders.

Trish’s coordinators offered tablecloths for the feast. Tacky. A $2,000 donation is more like it. That’s a class act. That’s what the family would do.

So last week, the committee’s budget got a $2,000 boost. Because the Coronation will be held on the same day (coincidentally. Last time they made a run at bootlegging off Ancestors Day), because more money was needed for Trish’s overflow crowd. Well, her event is not a tribal “tradition” where we pay the check.  It is an event they are having to celebrate her winning an election to a post without definition, job description, or legitimacy.  She can celebrate it any way she wants to…at her expense.

Expect to see pictures of the event on Magpies campaign flyers.

With that said, the right thing to do is to have a fundraiser to reimburse the Tribe for badly needed money that could be used elsewhere. Like feeding families or turkey giveaways.


There’s some good news

It’s not exactly news but the Meeting House has been pressure washed and painted! A victory for the committee and a notch for Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Councilman David Weeden. Unfortunately, it took over a year (some say 2 years) to get it done. But it’s done right?  The caveat— since it was his only accomplishment during the year we spent $80 k on his salary and $13 k on the actual project. And it was a struggle to get it done.


David has proven he is not a serious person. But he still thinks he’s worthy of being on the Council and getting paid for work he does not do.

So the Parsonage restoration has been stalled for 3 years.  Ellen Frye Sharp and Magpie are just getting the bids out.  Who knows how long that’s going to take. They both have a very casual work ethic.

The museum is a disgusting mess. It is closed and looks abandoned.  If you look in the window you see a few pictures glued on to some construction paper on cardboard. Look for yourself. And the weetu behind the museum is falling apart. All of this is neglect on the part of the THIPO officer we’re paying.  Nice work if you can get it.

We will never grow if we can’t even get funded projects done. Broadening relationships with other tribes, federal, state and local governments bring collaboration and money.  But the economic development efforts have to be consistent because we can’t survive depending on grants, and we can’t maintain them now under this administration.

The chairman’s buddy Mark Harding is moving around on some projects that no one’s supposed to know about but do.  A reminder here, Mark Harding brought Genting to the Tribe and it nearly destroyed us. CK is easy prey for Harding.  Inexperienced, and lazy, CK always relies on others to do the work cause he won’t hit a lick. Thus he has not done a single project that has contributed to the betterment of this tribe,

Trusting Harding is dangerous.

Nelson continues to work hard on partnerships that benefit the Tribe.

Meanwhile council members are doing the work they should be doing. Nelson Andrews continues to use his relationships in Indian Country to broaden our economic development prospects. He was able strengthen those ties with the Seminoles while on FEMA duty at Dania, Florida. He then headed to Cherokee North Carolina where the Eastern Band Cherokees are interested in a host of partnerships.  The ability for the Tribe to have it’s own manufactured housing business is on Andrews’ radar.

Time to face the realities of our future.

The spending and misappropriation of funds is more than a whisper in the government center.

Be very aware that the budget coverup is real. And what and who is covering up will knock you down.





Swastikas, sellouts, & sycophants. All part of CK’s coverup crew

You really have to wonder when CK’s misfeasance is going to stop. His moral compass is broken for sure, but so is his spine. Take the swastika incident. The hate crime occurred in September. Donald J. Myers,


Gina Marcellino took this picture and reported it to the Mashpee police. The FBI was also involved. The chairman is so self-absorbed he won’t even call out the attacks on our civil rights and our right to exist peacefully on our ancestral land. Pathetic.

the 18-year-old son of the School Committee Chairman Donald Myers was charged with vandalism for spray painting the hate speech symbol on the building that houses the Native Land Conservancy and the Wompanaak Language Reclamation Project. He pleaded not guilty and was released on his own recognizance. Fast forward to this week’s joint meeting between the Tribal Council and the Mashpee School Committee. CK’s on the school committee and during this meeting the so-called chairman said nothing, as usual. No indignation about the hate speech, the detrimental impact on our children let alone that it’s alleged culprit is the school committee chair’s son. Like it’s ok. The Child King is insufferable. Myer’s court appearance is Nov 20. Doubtful that the Child King will ask Tribal members to show up and have a presence in that courtroom? Why should he? Protecting our interests is just not his thing.

Uncovering the coverups is important right now, because we have a chairman who’s obsessed with distracting from his mismanagement of the government and tribal law violations. He’s helped by the sycophants protecting him in a cover up scheme. They’re still pulling the wool over our eyes.

Enter Sycophant #1 MWT Police Chief Kevin Frye; Kevin’s

In 2018, Kevin gets the MPD Distinguished Service Award. We couldn’t find out why being that a few years earlier he was demoted from detective to officer. Now on two payrolls his service to the Tribe is anything but distinguished.

dereliction of duty is striking. He failed to file a report on the farm insurrection incident that he witnessed by his own officers. The Child King lived up to his name forcing his way past the police that night, leading hundreds of partiers and non-tribal members on to the Tribal land. The Child King’s gang cursed Kevin and did everything but spit in his face and moon him.  And he did what they told him to do, “Get the F— outta here.” That happened 4 months ago and Kevin, true to his reputation, didn’t do a damn thing. No police report, no investigation just dereliction of duty. We know the reason for the Cover up. Because the investigation or report would constitute a violation of CK’s probation a little more that 35 days away from ending.

Enter Sycophants #2,#3,#4, Lovely Winnona (aka “Little Genius”), Forked Tongue, (Comptroller John Larsen), and TAT (The Alleged Treasurer- Bobby) This crew right here is so incompetent, if we fined them for every screw up, we could fund a budget to run the tribal government no sweat. Where do we start?

Little Genius is the Child King’s only friend. They spend all day, every day together. When they’re not screwing with people in the government center, they trying to undermine those who can anticipate their every move …because they telegraph it all over town! It’s the best comedy ever. Stay tuned to hear more on those ” laser focused” strategies.

Lovely Winnona, Confidant to CK, as loyal as she is stupid. We don’t say that to be unkind, but who in the hell tries to get a hold of the officers’ signature stamps without their authorization? Ya, and she works in finance!  Trying to stamp signatures on unauthorized checks and blame specific officers? Or how about absurd excuses for incomplete audits and other reoccurring finance failures. As CK’s “do” girl, Little Genius spends her time stirring up gossip, rumors and political nonsense that a wouldn’t come out of the mouth of a 12-year-old. Little Genius is also liaison to the Mittark and the police department….exactly. Her cover up role is larger than we will discuss here. It will come out soon.

OMG! It’s Forked Tongue! This guy’s hair should catch on fire every time he’s called a comptroller cause his impersonation is awful.  He hasn’t delivered a budget in two years and can’t produce one. He blames everything on his staff that he describes as incompetent. Really? They’re still there, and he’s still working with them, or something. When the budget issue was bubbling hot, he took a long vacation.  We thought he was using up his vacation time before he got fired. Ahem. Where can he do nothing, cover up wrongdoing and get paid $150K a year in the bargain? Jeeez. The question Larsen will soon have to answer is, what did you know and when did you know it?

Now TAT…..this dude is resilient if nothing else. But Bobby is played out. He’s tried to abdicate his

During better days Bobby thought he was a playa. Playa, playa! Looking “clean!” Now he’s trying to bribe the Elders with $15K from “investors” saying, “They’ll vote for me now.” Yah, he really believes that.

responsibility as Treasurer (CK gave him the job illegally without an election, just like Winnie) with so many wacked out excuses for the nonexistent budget. It’s not funny anymore. He’s contemplating his future prospects with the Tribe. They are nonexistent and those child support payments loom large. He’s probably not on the roster of candidates the Fryebal Council is trying to broker to save their jobs this election cycle. Rumor has it that the Frye’s are trying to revive Cedric as their champion. Boy, that reeks of desperation.

They’re kind of like locus. They swarm in, devour everything then disappear only to return at another inopportune time.


Robin’s management of the homeless shelter is coming into question now. She has yet to find some competent help. Wonder why?

Robin Stamps resigned as chair of the Elections Committee. Needless to say, there were no protests. Bombastic, erratic and difficult to work with, she’s also unfamiliar with the basics of election procedures and makes things up. She manhandled volunteers and caused chaos at every turn. During one election she was supposed to conduct a candidates’ forum. She threw in with Paula Peters (who stole the 2009 election) and the forum was a mumble jumbling mess. Now she’s running around slandering people as usual while contemplating a run for office. Weird strategy. That’s part of the package with Ole Robin. It’s a lot.




Dereliction of duty

Now you may think we’re talking about the Child King, Brian Weeden. Well, he’s not the one…. this time. This time it’s his partner in crime, Tribal Chief of Police Kevin Frye. Now, Kevin lives up to his reputation of being scared of his own people.  That’s why we have virtually no law enforcement on tribal lands.  He refuses to have officers monitor housing, the cemetery, or the homeless shelter. Instead, he’s the hatchet man for CK. Conducting bogus investigations that harass tribal members, and council officers.  What he doesn’t do is the real stuff.

That’s because he and CK do more than collaborate.  They collude and have been colluding since Brian got busted on videotape stealing bull rushes and bear rugs from Plymouth Plantation.  Remember this headline in the Boston Globe in mid-December 2022? Remember the headlines all over the country.

Tribe chairman charged with theft of Wampanoag artifacts from Plymouth museum

This was a state felony grand larceny charge that exceeded $10k, nothing to sneeze at.  But the absurdity of his actions was demoralizing for us. CK was unable to keep it covered up.  And in early November 2022, when he sobered up, he had a certain person (we all know who that was) return the artifacts to the police and Plymouth. Oh, and CK tried to justify the theft by saying he was taking our artifacts back. Plymouth had that covered too.  They paid tribal members to make authentic bull rushes and bear rugs.

So damned stupid.  And he dragged young people into the mix as usual without a care.  The scandal was the talk of the tribe for months.  The Council suspended CK until Jan 11 2023.Then he fought his removal effort and was able to hang on dragging out the state court hearings for 8 months during 2023.

We hate to bring it all back up but it’s just to remind you of how CK has undermined the Tribe. Hè just keeps doing his thing with his salacious behavior and contributing nothing to the tribal wellbeing. But he gets that $10K a month.

Guess what? His number one detractor, his number one hater is his recent bestie, the Hall Monitor Roxanne. Yes, in Jan 2023, she did her whole sanctimonious “He’s awful. This is bad for the tribe. No moral compass.” No kidding girl.  You’ve been away from Mashpee too long, cause that boy is God awful.

Ya, but what happened next was beyond disturbing. We won’t go into the litany of repulsive behavior by CK over the last year and a half. We’re going to the most egregious that took place during our celebratory 2024 Pow Wow this past summer.

After inviting a crowd of people from a Hyannis night club, the Child King lead hundreds of the party goers on to the Tribal farmland, pushing past tribal police trucks and officers who tried to stop them. Again, CK lead these people who were drinking and doing God knows what else on to the property. CK had his own insurrection.  His sister Sassamon was driving a car through the crowd with a man hanging on to the car.

It is scandalous.  The Tribal Chairman violated tribal law.  There were numerous witnesses, but

Curtis Frye was the last Native Police Chief. He was respected. It’s hard to understand how Kevin can stay on as Chief in good conscience. But then again, he has no conscience. Maybe it’s a latent DNA thing.






More details on Talia’s sad fall from grace, Robin Stamps long awaited resignation as election committee chair and Lovely Winona’s (or newly named Little Genius) new role as CK’s enforcer (without authority).



Hendricks puts Tribe in play with Harris endorsement

Pueblo Culture Center in Albuquerque, N.M. (Photo/The All Pueblo Council of Governors)

Pueblo Culture Center in Albuquerque, N.M. (Photo/The All Pueblo Council of Governors)

Native Vote 2024. Following Indigenous Peoples’ Day and Vice President Harris’ ambitious new initiative for rural America, over 70 Tribal leaders and activists from Indian Country have endorsed her presidential campaign. They commend her vision for Indian Country, which aims to support Tribal families, strengthen nation-to-nation relationships, and create pathways for Native Americans to thrive.

On Tuesday, Vice President Kamla Harris and Governor Tim Walz unveiled a plan focused on rural America, encompassing more than 1.3 million Native Americans and their families. Key components include:

  • Enhancing access to affordable, high-quality healthcare in rural areas—especially in Tribal communities—by adding 10,000 healthcare professionals, expanding telemedicine, and reducing ambulance deserts by half.
  • Supporting the “sandwich generation” in caring for elders at home by lowering childcare costs, increasing the number of providers, and expanding the Child Tax Credit to offer up to $6,000 in tax cuts for families with newborns.

  • Reducing the costs associated with home buying, business startups, and family raising—by facilitating the construction of 3 million new housing units, providing up to $25,000 in down payment assistance for first-time homebuyers, and increasing the small business tax deduction for startup expenses tenfold to $50,000.

In sharp contrast, the Trump administration weakened protections for Indigenous peoples and Tribal sovereignty. The extreme Project 2025 agenda proposed by Trump and JD Vance threatens to further harm Tribal communities, jeopardize rural hospitals, increase taxes on average families by nearly $4,000 annually, and regress the country’s progress.

Wednesday’s endorsement comes from the following Tribes:

  • All Pueblo Council of Governors, representing the 20 Pueblos of New Mexico and Texas
  • Chairman Terry Rambler and the San Carlos Apache Tribal Council
  • Steven Wadsworth, Chairman of Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
  • Leonard Forsman, Chairman of Suquamish Tribe

And the following Tribal and community leaders in their personal capacity:

President Shannon Holsey, Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians
  • Chairman Mark Macarro, Pechanga Band of Indians
  • Vice Chairman Brandon Yellowbird-Stevens, Oneida Nation
  • President Robert Laren Lower Sioux Indian Community in the State of Minnesota
  • Chairman Darrell G. Seki, Sr., Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
  • President John Johnson, Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
  • Vice President George Thompson, Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
  • Former President Jon Greendeer, Ho-Chunk Nation
  • Chairman Robert Miguel, Ak-Chin Indian Community
  • President Buu Nygren Navajo Nation
  • Vice President Richelle Montoya, Navajo Nation
  • Vice Chairman Dwight Lomayesva, Colorado River Indian Tribes
  • Chairman Roland Maldonado, Kaibab Paiute Tribe
  • Chairman Verlon Jose, Tohono O’odham Nation
  • Vice Chairwoman Carla, Johnson, Tohono O’odham
  • Tribal Chief Kirk Francis, Penobscot Nation
  • Vice Chairman Dino Beltran, Koi Nation of Northern California
  • Chief Robert Burkybile III, Modoc Nation
  • Chairman Jack Eldon Potter Jr., Redding Rancheria
  • CEO Tracy Edwards, Redding Rancheria
  • Chairwoman Cathi Tuni, Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
  • Vice Chairman Carlton H Hendricks, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
  • Chairman Darryl Brady, Yomba Shoshone Tribe
  • Chairman Elwood L. Emm, Yerington Paiute Tribe C
  • Chairwoman Dackota York, Fort McDermitt Paiute Shoshone Tribe 
  • Vice Chairwoman Justina Paradise, Fort McDermitt Paiute Shoshone Tribe
If Harris wins, these tribal leaders will be pivotal in keeping the White House informed on issues resonating with their tribes. This forward-thinking strategy is what works in government to government relations.  Unfortunately, instead of looking out for the best interest of the Tribe, we have Cliff Walking council members acting as hall monitors engaging in ridiculous squabbles, and personal attacks that solve none of our problems……let alone the ones in their own departments!
More on exactly what we are talking about in the upcoming Whistle Dance.

Paula brings back memories….all the bad ones

Paula made a rare appearance at a Council meeting. She began chirping, full of theatrics and  complaints. Clearly, she presumed that people actually cared about her whining, since her roommate Mark Harding and the Child King are so cosey…such good friends these days. She’s the messenger for the “boys” don’t cha know.

Chirp Chirp has difficulty reinventing herself because she gravitates to the same bad guys every time, dragging Trish right along.

But her hiding in plain sight made her lambasts disingenuous for sure. She launched into this contrived diatribe about her dissatisfaction with the Council.  That they “ain’t doing nothing.” That ” she wasn’t voting for anyone on the Council.” She ticked off issues: no economic development, “we can’t speak the language.” It’s some kind of weird PR campaign for sure. Were’s she been for 15 years?  The barricades to progress are her people.

And it’s a diversionary tactic.  She and Mark Harding are jam-up-jelly-tight with the Weedens who notoriously have an aversion to work. They are experts at doing nothing and getting paid. By February, CK will have squeezed between $500 k – $560 out of the Tribe according to best estimates.  Magpie is still getting paid as the THPO officer, without the required credentials (Bachelors, or Masters degrees). He has milked us for $400k so far. But we really don’t know do we? No budget.

And that’s a lowball guestimate. Magpie refuses to do the most minimal maintenance on the museum, the Meeting House (still not pressure washed, or painted) and bungled the town funding to renovate the Parsonage. He defies chastisement from the chief as does CK.

Paula’s pretty nervy. Complaining that Indian Health Services doesn’t pay her bills.  Well hell, she made over $3.5 m off the Mittark.  Yeah $3.5 million off a propaganda rag that recently showcased Magpie’s work on the Parsonage. It was pure fantasy. He did nothing. He does nothing. He will do nothing ever! We know Vice Chairman Hendricks and Secretary Jackson went to DC lobbied, worked with US Senators Marky, Warren and Rep Keating to get the $1.6 m (check Reel Wamps April ’23). Remember, the museum was infested with rats and racoons right up until the Sec of the Department of Interior arrived…..he was in Bermuda with Trish and crew partying. The museum is still an absolute disgrace. He wouldn’t pay Anita, probably cause he was too busy paying himself. So she quit. We also know that the Mittark  has little news content of use to the core Mashpee. That’s because, Paula is telegraphing to an audience she has groomed for a long long time.  They are members with minimal if any contact with the Tribe. They absorb the misinformation like gospel. They are certified outsiders. The fabrication about Magpie was another politicized effort to salvage his February reelection bid.


Let’s go back to the 2009 election where the nightmare began. Remember Paula and her cousin Trish, orchestrated the election of Cedric Cromwell. That strategy completely undermined all the safeguards in place that protected the integrity of the election process.  We will give you the short version. Paula was campaign manager, and Trish was the elections committee chair. From the start, Paula knew Cedric could not win the Mashpee vote. So anxious to redeem herself she pivoted after a series of humiliating personal  circumstances.

With federal recognition, our casino prosects triggered hundreds of people trying to get on our Tribal roll. Those were “pending” tribal members. Your lineage could trace back to Massasoit, but the enrollment chances were slim because of numerous criteria check points. It’s a rigorous process, that’s standard in most tribes. The majority of the Casino Stalkers were not going to make it. Not so mysteriously the

Removing Elders from the tribal governing process was punitive and egregious. CK has also refused to restore them to their rightful status for obvious reasons.

“pending” people, were merged on to the election voting list. Paula and her crew supporting Cedric and her roommate (the despised) Mark Harding, phone banked all the “pending” members telling them to come and vote. The Elders were removed from the process. As the election police the Elders literally eyeballed voters and had the authority to remove people who were underage or not identifiable. They knew the Tribal members and families. The guard rails were gone. There were hundreds of pending people who voted.  When asked “Who the hell are these people?” Trish said, “I got this.” She really did.

The doctored list, the removal of Elders allowed the Casino Stalkers to vote handing victory to Cedric and Mark who were also outsiders. They had no idea who we were, and it was a horrific 15-year journey. Outsiders gave Paula and Trish entre that they would never receive from the Mashpee.

But the saddest thing was the loss of fellowship surrounding our voting process. It’s been soured for 15 years. Tribal members used to see family and friends and were all smiles.

Tribal members still ask about the status of the disgraced chairman, “What’s going on with Cedric?” He

Ain’t they cunnin’? Actually no. No, they were not.

was convicted of kickbacks and 5 other charges, jeopardized land in trust and owes the Tribe hundreds of thousands of dollars. Three years later he’s still waiting for his appeal to be heard. Ya, Paula’s guy.  Trish’s guy, Magpie, Winona, Winnie, and TAT”s guy. These nuts have transferred membership to the Cliff Walkers cult clinging to power with the erratic Child King.

Paula & Trish at it again…

It was the same playbook, same target audience, same end result but this time it was the (Steve) Peters family Clan Mother designation. It became a politicized contest controlled by…wait for it…. the outsiders of the family. These members had minimal contact with the family or the Tribe, let alone fellowship or knowledge of the culture. After several family zoom meetings it was determined that Trish and Gina were the candidates. As the process played out it became clear that the election itself lacked integrity. Greg Mckinney controlled the election that had Keisha and Jaimie, (Trish supporters), accessing and sending ballots out on a Google doc (right).  He would not allow Gina’s daughter to participate to even give the appearance of fairness. Nor would he accept Gayle’s recommended election app that was secret and secure. “We’re all set.” Right, they controlled who got ballots via email, saw how people voted and counted the ballots.


Okay…so what’s happening here?

Let’s back up for a minute.  The whole Clan Mother business was Anita’s idea but did not have cultural legitimacy so never received Tribal support, including the Peters’.  And the Elders adamantly resisted their efforts on every front. They tried to pick the Chief when Clan Mothers tradition did not exist. Anyway, Anita was able to restrict the effort to the Steve Peters family. Cutting out Steve’s brother Charlie (“Todd”), eliminated a huge core Mashpee family, immersed in family and Tribal history.  That’s Hazel, Joe, Freddie, Eleanor, Stacey and all their kids and grandkids over 18. Though fiercely independent, it’s a good guess that many of them would not have supported Trish. But to her credit, Anita pulled her family (John’ s 7) out when the outsiders took over. It was another blow to Paula’s powerplay. As usual, Paula all but abandoned the project as it lost momentum.

Other problems:

  • No definition of ” Clan Mother”
  • Abandoned the matriarchal tribal protocols
  • A man controlled the process and allowed men to vote
  • No basic criteria for duties
  • No protection from political exploitation

The candidate contrast was dramatic. The Clan Mothers met every Sunday for 3 years. Sometimes there were only three present for conversations with tribal members and other discussions.  It was a forum for listening, learning

Gina continues to share research and other useful information to help Tribal members. Her interest in serving is genuine.

, sharing and helping. Gina was at those meetings without fail. She also took time to talk with family members, whose children knew nothing about family history and has a Facebook page that chronicles that legacy.

Trish on the other hand came to 3 meetings. Total.  She was thrown out of one because she brought David Weeden to pitch for a campaign endorsement.  The 2 other times were also to benefit David. Paula of course only hovers around when she can leverage the Clan Mothers politically.  Little success there.

But Trish won reportedly by 7 votes and so now the Outsiders are trying to have a coronation. Not going well. The dates for it have been changed 3 time (Since late August). To show you how inept they are, they tried to get the Chief to preside, and he won’t return the calls. Marla tried to have the event during Ancestors Day last Saturday. That was an absolute no. You know who presides over the Meeting House Committee and Ancestors Day.  Marla, you have to be deceased to be an ancestor. Talk about being clueless. And then David went back in to try again. This is the guy who refuses to maintain the Meeting House. Keep on reading the Mittark, ok.

Now Trish did her Clan Mother tour of the of the pow-wow circuit.  Blanket dancing in contests brings criticism of dancing for money.  That’s what happens when everyone has their own definition of a “Clan Mother.”

Great job girls. The family is divided into 3 factions. John (7children), Anne-Randy-Amelia(part),

Muriel-Clara(2 kids)-Amelia(part)-Russell. The Clan mothers seem to have disbanded since this election debacle. Very few get on the family calls.  Trish hasn’t had any meetings probably because she would have to hold them in Newton.


Hate to say it…the Weeden Administration is worse than the Cromwell’s


He kept acting like he didn’t know there was an emergency. TAT actually showed up to the Emergency Meeting and was totally defensive about his role in the mishandling and ignoring the Tribe’s financial crisis. The short story here; Bobby wants to grab very small pots of random money (he’s found…hmmmm) and exploit grant Indirect Costs (IDC) funds to cover a large shortfall.

Forgot to tell you. Our poll showed that this picture was voted the “Most Unidentifiable Tribal Member of the Year.” Stress will do that.

So, he launched into this really bizarre Trump like babble of excuses about the inability to complete the audits, the comptroller’s sleepless nights….(because for more than a year he refused to release them). The most recent denial series began in early June. Our mysterious Comptroller denied Vice Chair Hendricks’ request saying it had to be approved by the Treasurer.  Of course that was a lie.  The Tribal Court ruled that any Council member request must be answered within 7 days.  That was almost three months ago. Not only did TAT sputter absolute deniability, but he also called his finance department “a mess.” A profound understatement.

The council was playing to a packed audience in the chamber.  About 30 tribal members showed up (additional 8 on zoom) and witnessed a frustrated Chief say ” We have serious budget issues to meet, and we need to get it together.” As the meeting went on the chairman sat on zoom solemn, silent without guiding the dialogue. He was at a leadership conference. The irony was too much.  At one point it was clear he was reading the bullet points distributed to those in need of “leadership skills.” It was awful

Once again the Chief snapped, “Who’s running this meeting? Everything is

The Chief was able to reign in Council members who were out of line. But now even the most basic common-sense solutions seem out of reach.

willy nilly.” To TAT he said “You’re talking about spending money you don’t have.  The Tribe has no income.  Why don’t we have an income.  You’re the Treasurer, your job is money.” Then they got into the consultants hired at $250 k a pop who never fixed a damn thing. They just kept taking the money right under the nose of the so-called comptroller who still can’t put a budget on the table. We still don’t even know if the comptroller is a CPA. What’s your bet?

Bobby sputtered on about his work with the chair to get a smoke shop going. That outdated concept is more trouble than it’s worth and would raise $300K annually at best. Surprisingly, some of David Weeden’s ideas made sense until he lapsed into his real passion, the smoke shop, like that was a viable option.

Councilman Nelson Andrews reminded everyone of his efforts to get

 Andrews continues to deliver to the Tribe and partner with fellow council members on projects that move us forward.  His go to status and contacts in Indian Country benefits us too.

support for a variety of businesses and partnerships that would bring in upwards of $75 million dollars annually. He pointed to the Eastern Band of Cherokees partnering on a resort, gas stations and other investments in the Tribe. The opportunity to set up a turnkey cannabis operation and expand solar electricity to sell. Solar would also cover the cost of government center, and housing utilities. He never ever got a response from CK who has yet to generate a dime for the tribe. To keep the lights on and basic maintenance costs $1.6m. And VC Hendricks reminded everyone that they still owed the land in trust lawyers $1.3 m.

The Tribe will have only $2.8 by the new year.

So, the touchy subject of salaries was next. For certain departments that

Hopefully Nitana understands that her school may not make it past the new year. She’s been told for the longest to crank some grants. That didn’t happen so after school it is.

have no grant funding its beyond serious. They are broke. Enter the controversial Weetamuw School lead by Councilwoman Nitana Hicks Greendeer, PhD. With ten students it’s heavy on teachers and staff (18) with hefty pay checks that eat up most of the budget. But according to many sources Nitana’s salary will make your eyes water. Worse is the overall price tag is between $750k-$900k annually with no grant funding. She really had the nerve to ask for that kind of money.  No doubt she was egged on by CK. Okay, so the Indigenous Montessori program hasn’t lived up to whatever it’s supposed to prepare our children for. And no one believes it’s worth the money.  Tribal members and Council members say the Weetamuw amounts to an after school-latchkey program at best. That warrants a third of the budget request.

But that didn’t stop the money grab.  And where did they go to get the money for Ellen,  Nitana, and Magpie’s salaries? They turned to opioid settlement revenues. Well, that is an absolute no-no. And Shelly Pocknett went off about it during the last Sunday meeting and she fried Nitana “good and proper” as the old timers used to say. Nitana’s disregard for the tribal members is stunning. Her indifference to family complaints about the treatment of their children and the ones she expelled, is remarkable. All parents get  is her blank stare. Apparently she doesn’t understand that serving on the Council doesn’t guarantee the protection of her program. Quite the contrary. She was elected to serve the Tribal members.

Despite the Chief’s prodding, CK said nothing through the majority of the meeting pouting like a teenager. It reminded you that every one of the 5 Council members, who often oppose CK loyalists, proposed or have offered legitimate projects to fix the looming deficit. Every one of those efforts have been blocked by the Cliff Walkers, who contribute NOTHING. Their fealty to CK is cultlike. Just like the Trump MAGA.

Remember these Cliff Walkers ignored his abhorrent defiance of Tribal police.CK lead followers on to the Tribal land on Pow Wow weekend. Unlike Trump during January 6, the chairman ushered them on to the farm despite the police efforts to stop them. His do-nothing loyalists refused to sanction or even remove the problem child. And lastly, there was no police report. Jesus Kevin. Who the hell do you work for?

Turning a blind eye only leads to problems escalating. What are they going to say then?







All Rise…

Soni, Natalie and Vicki sport their shirts that say it all. In true Mashpee fashion, humor is the best medicine.

The headline should make you laugh when you think about the Tribal Court. The latest was the boondoggle or boondoggle x 2 with the case against Natalie’s granddaughter. It was so unnecessary.  But to compound the first overreach they clap a $200 bond on the young woman.  We all know a bond is set to guarantee a court appearance. Well she showed up, the court settled on what appears to be 2 years of probation. With all that, Vicki should have gotten the $200 back. That’s pretty standard. but not in the Tribal Court…..somekinda way they conjured up this stupid condition that she would not get her money back for the two years. The controversy has started a movement because of the absurdity of the disappearing $200 and the Romper Room Court. Herrin and Roe said they’d take up a collection but decided to just tell people to contribute to Natalie.

But, there’s more.  It’s not as if the court has a real docket or anything.  And since when does real work or rulings matter? Amazingly Nancy Frye Rose showed up at the last Council meeting talking about how the court deserved $180 K raise. Someone in the audience almost gaged. Right. The Tribes’ in financial straits and she’s talking about raises for people nobody ever sees and renders absurd rulings that hurt Elders.

Meanwhile Councilwoman Roxanne was endorsing the raise too. The ethics of

According to sources, CK chats with Roxanne before every Council meeting. A surprising alliance for many reasons.

her role as the Council Laison to the Tribal Court comes into question in that her brother is the chief judge of the Supreme Court. Roxanne is also the chair of the Elders Judiciary which should no longer exist.  It was established to substitute as mediators of sorts until the true court was up and running. Not a good look at all.

The parents of college bound students complain bitterly about the lack resources coming from the Roanne’s education department. The Rhode Island Indian Council has filled the void for years because our grants and other funding resources have not grown. Here we are at the start of another school year, and parents that can do it are forced to take out loans because our education department is outta gas. There’s more on where RIC resources designated for scholarships are going.  That’s not a good look either.

Accountability or the lack thereof is the ultimate deal breaker for elected officials.  There’s no way to survive politically because there’s always someone watching ready to rat you out.