There he is, in all his glory, with the children. Even a Child King has a Bully Pulpit to do good. He used it in all the wrong ways. He made a lot of promises when he took office and well, you know what happened.
The Child King wanted to run the Tribal government operations, illegally, and under Resolution 33. He did it alright. He ran it right into the ground. Within the last four weeks we’ve had 3 department heads quit. All of them brand new hires. So new, we only knew the name of one of the women. The Housing Director, the Human Relations Director and today the Tribal Administrator quit.
There’s one common thread….CK. None of these women would go along with the coverup of financial mismanagement or overlook employee incompetence. Every time the TA tried to find out what was happening in finance, and God forbid present a budget, she was stone walled with lies and excuses from Forked Tongue who pointed to the Frye’s incompetence. Even a Tribal member consultant with major auditing and management skills couldn’t break through. As for the Housing Director, well she had loads of trouble trying to figure out where the security money went and never got an answer from Kevin Frye about when it’s coming back. Course Joann Peters couldn’t do her job because the culprit in trouble (you can guess which family) would whine to CK who would undermine the managers action or proposed firing and so on.
The abrupt departures all circle back to finance and someone knowing too much choosing to walk away from corruption. But it’s one hell of a thing to run off three important people in management within a month. Roughly a month before an election. It’s a desperate pattern.
The refusal to produce a budget year after year under CK’s regime is so outrageous we’re exhausted from talking about it. But one thing is certain it must be pretty bad because the cover up involves a dozen bulldozers and as many dump trucks.