The trouble with running for office in the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is that most of the voters know too much….The other problem is that the shaky candidates try to lie about their records or accomplishments. Thats another bad move.
So, Robin Lynn Sweeting, aka Robin Tobey, was in rare form. The candidate for Vice Chairman started out arms flailing, shouting,” I’m gonna get real.” Well, you know she manages the homeless shelter so she was going on about how great it was. The audience was totally distracted because they were trying to figure out what the hell was going on with her hair. Was she trying to imitate Chaka Khan, or was it just another bad hair day? As for her wonderful homeless shelter, one Tribal member was overheard saying, “Being in that place is worse than being in jail.”
So much for Robin’s ability to persuade.
The sleeper race for Secretary could be the most interesting and competitive. Talia Landry began bragging about the 12-acre project as if all

Talia is too young to understand the ” We know everything.” standard. Her family vote may save her. Who knows?
was right and good. Well, it gets sticky because she’s responsible for stalling the whole deal. The project is on hold, and it’s been that way for months because she does not play well with others. She conveniently left that out. The job of the Tribal Secretary is tougher than most people know. The incumbent, Cassie Jackson, does a good job. Not only does she keep all the records in order, she does the outgoing communications, but she also keeps the backup documents and prepares the agenda details for the Council. Shelly Tobey jumped in the race after a turbulent time managing housing. And as usual in Mashpee, everybody knows everything it just depends on what their version is. For Shelley Tobey it could go both ways unless she tells her side of the story that makes sense to them. That’s why this is the race to watch.
Now Winnie is continuing her revenge tour against Carlton Hendricks Jr. We all know that Winnie has lost so many races, we have lost count. She launches into tirades against Hendricks and everyone takes a nap. So, this is nothing more than an anger management issue for her. But here’s the thing. Winnie has the tribal logo on her yard sign (again) and that is a violation of copyright. The tribal logo is on the tribal stationery. It is the tribal brand ….the legitimate marking for all correspondence and other documentation that validates a government action. It is not to be used for political campaign purposes. No state, town, or congressional candidate anywhere in the country uses the brand of the state, town, city, or any US government on their campaign materials….. only Winnie and Fenton Soliz, a candidate for Treasurer.
So, Fenton boasts about his financial credentials. OK, we get that, but don’t you
think a guy who professes to be worldwide knows better than to engage in copyright infringement? Another interesting thing happened at the last council meeting. In the middle of the meeting, Fenton started asking questions of the Council from the audience. The Child King acknowledged him, allowing him to continue with a barrage of questions, like he was on Council. Carlton Hendricks, Jr had to call for a point of order to stop him. Very weird.
The tide is turning.