The Tribal Council has been busy this last week and the consequences of their actions represents a shift change that will likely reveal the wrongdoing in finance. It starts with the TA. We were wrong when we said she resigned. She did not. Instead, she made a smart move, turned around and got a vote of confidence (CK did not want that for obvious reasons– Winnona, Winnie and Bobby voted no for their King). The TA teed up, turned around and fired the Comptroller. Walked him out Wednesday. By the way, as we figured the Comptroller was not a CPA.

Joanne is not helping the embattled Child King. What you should do is get the tow truck. Get the tow truck Joanne.
So you could feel the ground shaking in finance because now they were completely exposed and leaking like a sieve. Not good for TAT, Winnona or CK. Meanwhile Joanne Frye is in a full-blown panic as she continues her smear campaign that tries to minimize CK’s abhorrent behavior. The attempt to distract is not working Joanne. Everyone knows Brian and what he does. What you need to worry about is Bobby and the finance queens who can no longer coverup the mess they created. Yah.
With the election just weeks away, Child King is looking for some kind of achievement to claim. How about the Welcome Center in Taunton. So instead of waiting for 50 slot machines to arrive next month he’s having a grand opening this weekend. Right before the election. Surprise!!! Of course, he’s all over Facebook claiming credit for something he had nothing to do with. Shameless.
Oh Joanne, you really ought to get your son to move the Jaguar. You had to know we were not serious about it being a landmark. It’s undermining the Fryebal Council’s good name.