Category Archives: News

Appeal delays election, voter confusion, election committee jumps the gun

Today’s status hearing was canceled because of the Election Committee appeal. It’s up to Supreme Court Judge Robert Mills now. Hopefully he will make a decision soon to either dismiss the appeal or hear it .  Which ever, the election will likely be delayed because of simple logistics.

Normally, a supervisor of elections (our election committee chair) would delay any action regarding the election until the legal challenges concluded. Not Francie.  They go ahead and send out mail in ballots to members without knowing what the court would do.  She presumes the court would rule for the committee ( which it didn’t) and sends members the ballot to return by mail. We’re not going to get into the mess this creates.

Meanwhile members are receiving mail in ballots and it’s resulting in chaos.First, the off reservation people don’t know what’s going on or the people running, so they are asking family members in Mashpee who to vote for.

Those living the Mashpee life should decide its future.  The off reservation folks, well if you care, get your ass home to vote.Simple and clear cut.

Someone needs to clue Jessie Baird.  She quit for the 3rd time on Feb 14…despite the court advisory opinion that says she had to stay until someone is elected to replace her. Oh ya, the court said to stop asking for advisory opinions like that one when the legal intent was obvious. Just like the unconstitutionality of mail in ballots.

Jessie is so not worthy. She can’t get on the straight and narrow.

Back to Jessie. She’s in she’s out, she’s here she’s there.  She has reappeared, called a meeting Thursday because there’s money to be had. Yup another infusion of CARES money to the Tribe. You know Jessie’s got to get hers.  What happens with that money should be determined by the incoming administration not members of the corrupt regime that has destroyed us. 



They love that rabbit hole

Those of you who have received a mail in ballot may be wondering what’s going on especially with the historic ruling by Judge Amanda White Eagle saying that our Tribe cannot vote by mail. Well, we’re not voting by mail unless the Tribal Supreme Court Judge says so. Mean while the Election Committee  told members to keep their ballots because essentially White Eagle “made a mistake”.  Well unless Francie’s a mind reader that’s not true. Just more misinformation guided by Paula and Cedric.

In an effort to suck more money out of the Tribe, the very expensive ($60k) lawyers are appealing to “Supreme” Court Judge Robert Mills. it’s rare for a higher court to over rule a decision like this, but they’re appealing anyway.  You see, the lawyers get paid more money for the appeal.  All three of them. By  the way Aaron Tobey did not file against us (the Tribe) it was against the Council and the elections committee.

The judge said the election committee was without authority. Again they violated the Constitution. Believe us…the higher court will see that too.

This letter was written by a Frye and it sounds like Bobby Frye don’t cha kno.

But on to really serious stuff.  The election committee did send out the mail in  ballots anyway. The ballots are wrong in several ways. The election may not be on March 26th, Rita Gonsalves is no longer running for chair and they never took into account the length of time it takes to get ballots back in. They couldn’t get the voter registration forms to those who needed to register on time.  They sent them to everyone. Talk about confusion.  Everyone did not need to re register. This goes to the fact that the election committee is clueless about the logistics of running an election and the precautions that need to be taken. And in the letter to Tribal members they accuse Judge White Eagle of “causing confusion” by declaring the mail in ballots unconstitutional? Condescending to a judge? Boy that’s brilliant!

The ballot is bootleg too. Names aren’t listed by incumbency or alphabetical or anything…just random and wrong.

Voting the way we should, on election day, in Mashpee can be done safe and sound. You can’t use ballots with the wrong dates or candidates who dropped out that can be copied a hundred times and sent in.  How do they know if they are registered Tribal members without revealing their identities? All you have is the ballot and return envelope. Who’s going to put their return address and name one there to be thrown away?

Trying to meet the March 26 date depends on whether Robert Mills hears the case right away. Meanwhile the Monday (March 15) morning status hearing goes forward to figure out how the election will be run. That should tell you something.




Judge says mailbox is not a ballot box for the Mashpee

In a detailed ruling, Judge Amanda White Eagle essentially said that the Tribal Constitution was “supreme,” and that the emergency ordnance approved by Jessie Baird, Anne Marie Askew, Brian Weeden, David Weeden, Winnie Graham, Yvonne Frye Avant, Gordon Harris, election committee members (Chair) Francie Dottin, Alyssa Hathaway, Elsie Pocknett and Darlene Scott was unconstitutional. 

She also compared the defense’s effort to distinguish absentee ballots from mail in ballots (described as one in the same nationwide) as “linguistic somersaults” and that a ” mailbox is not a poll.”

So as we thought she might do, she is holding a status hearing  Monday at 9 am with all parties concerned to determine future steps. Which may be that we vote in person according to the constitution. And by the way.  Even the very expensive lawyers they hired to fight us say they should have paper ballots and a hand count because we are such a small pool of voters. Ya think?

If the defendants want to appeal they have to do so within 30 days..  So it looks like the Mashpee Wampanoag Constitution stood the test.  We better be damned glad.

Jessie is anxious to torture the Board of Selectmen in the town Hall (Samuel G Davis School). Can’t you just see the ghosts of Mista Coombs, Ms Smith, Ms West, Ms Pierce and even Mrs Blinkcorn telling her to behave, or sit in the corner?

***note for the day.  All those bolded Council members are running for officers posts and David for re-election.  The nerve. And Jessie Baird is going to try to subject the Town of Mashpee board of selectmen to her SCAMdolous activity. She also walked away from he job as Vice Chair despite the court advisory opinion that said she was required to continue working (heh heh) until her replacement was elected. Nastiness pure and simple.

Preliminary Injunction granted..Tribal Election on hold

Judge Amanda White Eagle has granted the preliminary injunction filed by Johnathan Polloni on behalf of Council member Aaron Tobey to stop the March 26  tribal election.  There are a variety of mandates the judge could require to allow the election to proceed, or she could ask for recommendations from the plaintiff (Tobey).

This is a huge victory for the majority of tribal members who wanted to vote in person because they did not trust the election committee.

When we have more, we will let ya know.


Losers always attack and still loose

The attacks on candidates in the race for 2 Tribal Council’s top officers is coming from Brian Weeden, Anne Marie Askew and Winnie Johnson.


Brian is long on optics but short on substance. Experience does matter, especially now.

Despite the fact that Brian’s family Elders on the Hicks and Weeden sides have counseled him against running….he’s running anyway.  Another example of his foolish defiance of Elder advice.  They know he lacks the experience,  behaves erratically and is unable to provide leadership in this time of crisis. Acts of Desperation never work out.  And listening to the wrong people is a political death sentence. That’s because these people who lead you astray are the first to abandon ship when everything disintegrates to you know what.  Maybe Brian’s time will come, but he’s not willing to wait. Another example of poor judgment.

Now Anne Marie is not attacking her opponent, she’s

Anne Marie promised to stay “Mashpee” and within a few months she joined the Cromwell Cult. It’s a hard betrayal to forget.

pushing someone up to continue her rage of personal grievance against a candidate (and his friend who is her

Winnie is all over the place. She brags about her service to the Tribe but we’re not seeing it.

first cousin) in another race! Winnie is also likely involved in this as they both continue to try to distract from their abysmal records on the Tribal Council.

All of us have some kind of baggage that we carry around for life. And we know who has particularly dark and sad places embedded in that personal history.  Guess what? We all know what’s there.

Candidates who refuse to talk about their own record and how they are going to really help us continue to trivialize our politics and play into the stereotypes that we are stupid and shallow.

Ignorance is not a characteristic we’re looking for in candidates. It’s their vision. The Cedric Cromwell regime will only continue to drag us underground if we  allow them to thrive or influence our thinking.

So what’s it gonna be?

You know things are bad when the Tribal Council has 3 lawyers, paid $60k to defend the forced effort to vote by mail and fight the will of Tribal members. Council member Aaron Tobey filed suit in Tribal court  saying that the election committee and the Council violated the Constitution by doing so.

Judge White Eagle has a tough decision to make. As a former candidate herself in Wisconsin, how would she feel running under these circumstances? It’s not a good feeling.

In Court, the lawyers for the election committee (4 out of 5 are Fryes) argued that COVID demanded it and that the committee and the Council were covered by sovereign immunity.  In other words, they can do whatever they want because they’re the government.

Here’s the problem.  When a judge starts asking about Constitutionality, that’s a red flag. The Tribal Constitution is supreme. The fancy lawyers clearly became anxious.  Chattering on about sovereign immunity and COVID. Ironically, the state of Massachusetts was declared OPEN Monday. And you will recall during the 2020 election, at the height of  COVID, Americans had the option of voting early, in person, or by mail. But they had options that were safe and secure

We have no options.  The vote by mail is not what Tribal members want for obvious reasons. They don’t trust the Fryes, the collection, counting or validation of the mail ballots.  And why should they?

Still dedicated to Cedric, Francie is chair of the elections committee that is completely void of expertise and direction.

Missing in the court hearing was a very important fact.  The committee hasn’t told us how they plan pull off a fair election. Because they can’t survive a fair election. How do they prohibit counterfeit ballots, secure the ballots when they arrive, validate tribal membership and registration on and on?  Who is going to watch them? More Fryes?

Mail in ballots is a pure victory for one family in this Tribe and their candidates. It’s voter suppression. The rest of the Tribe will not vote by mail, and if they do, there’s no way ensure that their vote is going to be counted.  And the committee is not trying to do the right thing. Another fact.  They cannot set up a valid process in one week.

Judge Amanda White Eagle is waiting to hear more from both sides.  She has to decide if she’s going to delay the election with an injunction, or let it proceed. Again the election process is so flawed and corrupt, there’s no way a fair election can be carried out in a few weeks. The US Justice Department is all over us about the previous 2 elections and here they go again. Her decision should come next week.

This case will determine whether Mashpee will shine or become a memory.


Council members Aaron Tobey and Carlton Hendricks Jr were on National Public Radio in a story about our controversial election.  They were discussing the request for injunctive relief from the Tribal Court and Tribal concern over the mail in ballot method lack of integrity. There was also a lengthy story in the Cape Cod Times earlier this week about the election court case. It expressed the same concerns.

No one cared about Paula’s humiliation. They just wanted to know who asked the question !

Well Paula Peters was carping on social media about putting Tribal business in

No one is paying attention to Paula.

the mainstream media.  Apparently she prefers to coverup and the continuation of the reign of corrupt leadership that she brought to power.  She wasn’t concerned about news coverage a decade ago when declaring her passion (and unrequited love) for a former Tribal Chairman in the Cape Cod Times … embarrassing the hell out of all of us.

Okay then she went to the Rod & Gun Club to the ham and bean supper and was asked by a couple of people why she was there. Well, that tells us a lot.  She put that humiliating moment on social media….why we don’t know. Message sent, not opened.


The infamous Gaming Authority continues to be under scrutiny by the Justice Department.  The tribal black hole for hundreds of millions of Genting dollars is another Frye conclave with troubling inferences. Amazingly, one of the stars of

Playfully called the “Overweight Lova,” Bobby does his thing….everything.

the clan is a candidate for Treasurer…that would be Charles “Bobby” Foster. He was also scrutinized by the FBI.  Bobby has held nearly every job in the Tribe without a shred of qualifications including the Gaming Authority. Most recently he landed at the Tribal Court which was hearing a case that could affect his candidacy. His legacy of skullduggery is endless. He was constantly on the run from the state for failure to pay child support for his many children. He is the foreclosure, and “repo ” king loosing homesteads and numerous automobiles. The money from the 2008  Pow Wow mysteriously disappeared and the side eye went to Bobby.  His girl friend at the time reportedly told people he was layng on the bed throwing the money up in the air saying, ” I’m rich, I’m rich.” Bobby has trouble writing a  coherent, complete sentence. His emails were the brunt of jokes because no one knew what the hell he was talking about. It was so bad, he forged a GED certificate and didn’t give a damn that the Council members knew it was a fake. The election records of the infamous 2009 election debacle mysteriously disappeared.  We know the reason behind that family matter.  So all that stuff he’s talking about on social media was clearly written by someone else because he in no way knows anything about anything.  The Fryes need cover in the Finance department and that Gaming Authority for real, so Bobby is it. But Bobby has been on the FBI radar.  With those guys, you’re never out of their sight.



Tribal Court also on trial today

Ho Chunck Amanda White Eagle’s decision could decide the future of the MWT, and end the corrupt government.

Today, Aaron Tobey’s case challenging the process the election committee used to arrive at the vote by mail election method.  Amanda White Eagle was also the judge who rejected Cedric’s request for an advisory opinion (to throw out) on his recall election.  But watch carefully today because the court has dismissed every case that Tribal members have filed.  Check the website for yourself.

Perhaps it will abandon our corrupt government and rule in favor of the Tribe for once. Lets see.

We want to add that the state of Massachusetts has opened up.  Safe and secure drive through ballot drop box voting would work just fine. Everyone could check in with tribal ID, verify registration, get a ballot from security and drop the ballot in a secure dropbox at the next check point.  Besides, the election committee has not told us how they plan to stop people from stuffing the ballot box with mail in ballots.

What about counterfeit ballots?  The potential for fraud in enormous.  Besides, election experts across the country prepared for upwards of 6 months in advance. The election committee threw this out a month ago because it is bent on protecting the Fryes.





Questions grow over fairness and security of vote by mail

Aaron Tobey’s challenge to the election committee’s violation of the Constitution by allowing vote by mail will be heard tomorrow at 10am in Tribal Court.  Tobey says that the committee did not follow tribal law when it decided to use mail in ballots for the election.  The Constitution prohibits that process, and he’s asking for an injunction.  Aaron’s on point because Tribal members don’t trust the process or the people running it. And it’s the talk of the town.  Matter of fact the Tribe is raising hell.

Honestly, you can’t blame them. Four out of 5 people on the election committee are Fryes.   Nancy Joseph and her nephew Bobby Foster are handling court business….yes they are. They’re in control of finance. Everywhere you look the Fryes have jobs that depend on the outcome of this election. And it’s not like they have credible candidates.

More later, watch this space.

“Wassa matta with you boy ? Just pay the fisherman

It’s tough enough without the tribe working against you.

You know, it’s not like we don’t have enough problems.  The Council is shut down, perhaps to mourn the loss of their cult leader Cedric Cromwell, and then maybe it’s just the usual incompetence.

But the tribal fisherman, about 30 want their money.  Now we know where the problem is.  It’s so sad that we have lost all semblance of decency and respect  for the men (mostly) who fish for a living and have been hit hard by the COVID.  Their restaurants and other markets are virtually shut down…so what does Mr. Gordon Harris do…he won’t pay the fisherman their $800 in Cares (COVID)money.  Course Denise is in there being messy and mean.

Pay the fisherman.Being decent does not cost anything.

What the hell is goin’ on ? The random and unqualified jump ‘board

So we have all these people trying to qualify to run for all the officers posts for all the wrong reasons. So, we’re so damned tired of the bull s—, the same bull s— you’ve heard, so we’re going to break it down. Let’s leave chairman out for a minute and focus on the other three officers seats…Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.  So match the foolish reasons with certain candidates who are running.

“I can’t stay on the council if he is Vice Chairman”

“”I ain’t working under her.”

“I’m gonna get someone to do the books for me.”

“She ain’t tellin’ me what to do.”

Now look it.  Not a damned one of these women has the credentials to run for anything. Let’s just say it. So are they running for  a check, to keep their families on the dole or whatever ? They do not represent the smart Mashpee women of years past who looked forward to a future of promise for their people.  It is a damned disgrace that they offer shallow weak justification for their candidacies.

The beautiful, “sassy” Mashpee women who played a major role in our, federal recognition, survival and progress. Anne Peters and first cousin Hazel Peters Oakley were members of the family that lead the Mashpee Wampanoag to federal recognition. Their dedication to the Tribe reinforces the prominence of women leaders among indigenous American people.

Where’s Hazel? Where’s Mrs. Stella Hicks? Where’s Amelia? Where’s Mrs. Mable (Pocknett) Avant?Where’s Mrs Emma Mills? Wheres Aunt Nelly, Where’s Aunt Dart? Where’s Leona? Where’s Aunt Vi? Where’s Mrs Marion( Peters) Hendricks? These women candidates don’t even know who these women are. What they need to know is none of them would stand for this outrageous behavior.

We are a people who trace our ancestry back to 1620,  And we have continued to survive despite the odds.  Clearly these candidates don’t get it.

We are at our weakest point and have very few who will stand up to Genting and understand that our land in trust situation is UNCHANGED. We are in limbo.

Okay, so what is their plan to get our land permanently in trust ? Oh oh okay.  Do you hear those damned crickets?.

One more thing about the LIT casino blah blah…

Genting owns us lock stock and barrel.  If they build our casino on their property in Taunton (as planned), all the profits from the casino go to pay off our $750m debt. YOU GET NOTHING. They will keep paying you know who who continue in the Cedric Cult.

We are still under the scrutiny of the Department of Justice.  Apparently some

Mrs Mable Avant epitomized the Mashpee Wampanoag spirited demeanor…always challenging and humorous.

people don’t understand that.  Genting is a predatory lender that has a  long track record of abuse among small Native American tribes.  But that check is a very sticky bait cause it comes with jail time.  Ask Cedric. Where the hell is Mark Harding?  He robbed us so bad it makes your eye water. Herring Pond my ass.  Look at ” Knees Knocking'” Gordon Harris, gut spilling all over the place. Look at Robbie Hendricks…a wonderful guy destroyed by Cedric’s BS.

And we’re going into an election run by  women from one family  who have absolutely no idea what they are doing…and don’t care.Just want to get paid.

Simple election day vote by drop box is the way to do it where everyone votes and sees what’s happening.

The Justice Department s watching everything don’t forget,