Cedric is busy on Facebook talking about his religious conversion and plans for the ministry. Ahem…..
Well, you know why. Because Cedric Cromwell dragged us to our lowest point. Anyway the difference is he has to deal with his wrongdoing while the tribe and whoever is elected cleans up the mess he and his cohorts left behind.
Look it…
Former Vice Chair Jessie Baird is still trying to manipulate council members. She offers them nothing and continues to use them despite her disgraced status. She resigned 3 times. This last time was for real and she would never ascend to the chairmanship nor would she relinquish her position as Vice Chair.She was trying to reign over the remnants of Cedric’s corrupt regime. That is as long as she didn’t have be responsible to the people of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. A grifter never changes its stripes. And she’s off setting up another school to milk.
This was about Jessie’s revenge. She hates Aaron Tobey and Carlton Hendricks, Jr and was straddling the revenge categories like she was still in power…when she figured it out she bailed. The future for her is not good despite the fact that she claims that she knew nothing about what “her boy, Cedric” was doing..no one believes that. Especially you know who.
Gordon Harris former treasurer has never been the same since he took that ass whipping during the meeting called to remove Carlton Hendricks, Jr because of name calling. Well, you will recall it was cranking Gordon was called every name they could think of. What did Gordon do? Nothing…no budget for another year and a half totaling 3. The guy’s criminal negligence is real.The supreme coverup.
Just before Cedric was indicted and arrested Nov. 13, 2020 Gordon took two months of sick leave…still taking a big pay check and still signing checks. He never really came back. His irresponsibility was astounding. Attending an occasional meeting he decided he was going to quit Feb 14, despite the constitutional mandate to wait for an elected replacement. Well he hung around with Jessie ( also taking sick leave and threatening to leave) for a month taking pay over $45,000 instead of paying bills. Of course he dodged paying the fisherman too. So as their regime disintegrated they decided to cut and run in late March. Phew.
The damage done is pretty bad.
Here’s the problem.
We have no officers. They all quit. Jessie, Gordon and Ann Marie. Quitting does not absolve them of guilt, especially Gordon. He knew what was going on. The USDA was calling him about the the Tribal Government Center payments in arrears. He did nothing. But the Council is moving ahead because those so called leaders never cared about the Tribe. Instead of doing what is in our best interest, they did what was in theirs.
What you heard is true. Instead of paying the the note on the government center, they paid themselves for a long time. Now, who’s going to pay the check? It’s being figured out…legally. The new leaders will have to take corrective action, clean up the mess, jump start the tribal economy and initiate the congressional fix to get our land in trust permanently. None of these actions were ever part of the Cromwellian agenda…never, but many millions were spent on lawyers who delivered nothing which will be of great interest to the feds.
Criminal negligence ain’t no joke.
No squalling here. Just saying we are a good people. We don’t deserve any of this. Starting over is so painful. But we have to do it.