Category Archives: News

Brian Weeden making all the wrong moves

Brian Weeden’s ambition has over run his common sense. He was surprisingly insensitive about his leadership role in this pandemic when we face great danger. Apparently he does not value the lives of those who’s shoulders he stands on.

So…everybody’s talking about Brian Weeden’s being the first to get the vaccine. And they are angry.This was days ago because he was showing off on Facebook.  Running his mouth about this and that while getting the needle.  And if that wasn’t bad enough, he’s in the Cape Cod Times bragging about it.  Okay, we know what you’re about to say….” What the hell is wrong with him? What about the elders ?” Why wasn’t the oldest Mashpee Wampanoag brought in and given a shot?

Native Americans are among the 3 ethnic groups with the highest incidents of deadly diseases. Combine that with the fact that the elderly are most vulnerable to COVID-19. Maybe he doesn’t know that. He’s the least likely to succumb to he disease.   Again, Facebook wasn’t enough, he had to be all in the Cape Cod Times. Again…for about the 4th time in a month.

He is TPOK….The Photo Op King.

So he’s supposed to be running for Chairman. Ahem. I know it….  So is this the kind of leadership he’s going to present to us if elected? Grandstanding? His lack of experience, education and maturity is glaring.  Can you imagine him with a little power?

This is not a happy place that we’re in Brian.  You need to stick to the internet….you’re apparently very prolific in that space.

A reminder from Herrin and Roe


Herrin’ and Roe have stopped laughing about the Cedric Cromwell crew and remind us that his failed leadership set us back 50 years. Wiping out all our accomplishments.

Herrin’ : ” I gotta tell ya. I think Cedric did the worst thing a Mashpee could ever do.”

Roe: ” What’s that?”

Herrin’: “He betrayed us. It ain’t like we don’t have enough problems for God sakes!”

Roe: “Damn right boy…damn right.”


“Many American Indians face a host of difficult financial and social issues. They require – and deserve – real leadership. But it appears that Cromwell’s priority was not to serve his people, but to line his own pockets. We will continue to aggressively investigate public corruption, including by those who purport to serve our American Indian tribes.”

Instead of working honestly on behalf of the Mashpee Wampanoags as their duly elected representative, Cedric Cromwell is accused of using his position as Chairman of the Tribe to enrich himself by extorting tens of thousands of dollars in bribes and engaging in a conspiracy with David DeQuattro to commit bribery. These allegations are extremely troubling and indicate a disdain for the rule of law,”

United States Attorney Andrew E. Lelling.

One more thing

It all went wrong. And now no one returns your calls and you’re begging for money to pay lawyers. Sad end. Power corrupts.You did it to yourself.

The $1.2 million for “lawyers” is probably going to pay Cedric’s legal fees.  Those Genting guys are just off the chain. They gotta protect themselves. Cedric has always been their patsy, and remains as such.

There’s not enough money Cedric.

We forgot one big thing


Hey Wamps out there….guess what we forgot to tell you ? We’re into Genting for $700 million not $600 million.  Ain’t that something?  That was the news last night laid on our awesome Mashpee 5 and their other salaried cohorts. And guess what happened next ?  They voted to add $3 million to that ($360,000 in interest graciously withheld  until March ). Here’s how they voted.

Yvonne Frye Avant, David Weeden, Winnie Johnson, Aaron Tobey — YES

Brian Weeden, Anne Marie Askew — ABSTAINED

Rita Gonzalves — ABSENT

Gordon Harris — SICK LEAVE (Ahem)

Carlton Hendricks, Jr — NO

Let’s talk about these votes. The ones voting yes are clearly in the pocket of Genting, America’s most wanted gaming monolith and predatory lender. They just go right along…skippin’ down the path to our ruin. What’s another $3 million?  If Genting offered $25,000 at 50% interest, they would have taken it because they are so damned dumb they don’t think there are consequences for their irresponsibility. And the Tribe? To hell with the Tribe. Rita has had surgery and continues to deal with a tough recovery. And Gordon Harris…well don’t worry about him, cause he did his thing, and all bets are that the Tribe will never see him again despite the

Knees Knocking has no shame, no decency, no tribal loyalty, just regrets. That’ll teach him to condescend.Such a looser

fact that the Mashpee 5 and cohorts are still paying his salary($95K) for failing to deliver a tribal budget for 3 years, violating law. The silly ones are showing their lack of acuity and voting protocol once again. Brian and Ann Marie abstained. That means you’re not voting on the issue….but it doesn’t clear you of any wrong doing.  They think they are cleaver but you abstain if you have a conflict. And Ann Marie has a conflict yes but she wins the salary (to do nothing) cause she knows what the final vote will be in the end. For Ann Marie, it’s about the money. They both should have voted yes because they weren’t fooling anyone. The orders are still coming from Cedric through Je$$ie.  Scared as she is, her loyalty is still to Cedric, not the Tribe.

Aaron was a surprise. But maybe he’s reconsidering a run for something,

Aaron is full of surprises. We can’t even guess what he’s up to.

and getting paid.  But it’s hard to justify taking money from the bad guys under these incredibly bad circumstances.

Carlton Hendricks, Jr.NO. Hendricks continues to sound the alarm and challenge the bad deals, but they just won’t put The Mashpee First. Here’s what the $3 million is supposed to be spent on.

$1.2 million to Lawyers for LIT (complete failure) Still owed $1.5 million

$700,000 “Soft Costs” Gaming Authority (outstanding bills ha,ha)

$550,000  Taunton Payment

$500,000 Tribal Salaries (Really? The only people who produce or work are on grants or employed by IHS).  It’s just a damned shame that during a crisis we’re spending like this.  Not even a Federal Investigation can stop the madness. We’ll see how long that lasts.

We have no words for the above graft.  It’s just too absurd. So the Trump Burn it Down on the Way Out is apparently in play.

David has several Reel Wamps T shirts versions. But this is his full screen on Zoom. You can imagine the unease it causes Our Doe Little Je$$ie.Thus the video boycott.

But there was a point in the Zoom call that was pretty funny and so indicative of how simple our Doe Little Je$$ie can be. So David Pocknett was on the Zoom  and as usual he had his Reel Wamps shirt on but Je$$ie blocked the video you could only hear him. So David being David asked why his video was cut off and of course Messy basically said the shirt caused viewers a lot of stress.

” It is what it is girl.”

They just don’t learn

A week ago, Cedric Cromwell’s attorneys appeared before the United States District Court of Massachusetts to ask for a delay.  They needed more time to respond and review all the documents the US Attorney required.  Mounds of documents… among them, records surrounding Cedric’s elections. Yes Cedric’s elections.  Cedric got a delay until February 4. And it is the beginning of the long painful consequence of true greed and wrongdoing that will haunt us for a long long time.

Cedric’s demise is one hell of a warning shot across the canoe. Apparently his cronies on the council aren’t paying attention.  The efforts to hold on to power eked out into the open during tonight’s council meeting with the old rebuked effort to use absentee ballots during the upcoming election, which could be delayed a month. Absentee ballots are a violation of our constitution, or is Cedric’s crew ignoring the law yet again?

Jessie doesn’t want responsibility or accountability, but she will face it soon enough because every problem we’ve had leads right to her. A scam artist.

Question. With the Justice Department all over us, and paying particular attention to Cedric and the shady elections, using voting machines that could be manipulated to spit out results favoring whoever….is this the time to be violating our law? Or is Jessie insisting on salvaging the regime with all the people she put on the roll? Remember, she created her own tribe of outsiders from the red box, to keep herself and Cedric  in power. She claims she didn’t know what he was doing.  Oh she knew.  And he knew she knew.  And guess who else  knows what she knew? No mystery there.

And another thing. The constitution was set up to protect the core of the Tribe from outsiders and incompetents. It empowered those who lived in Mashpee for good reason. But the loading of the rolls  by Jessie at Cedric’s bidding brought on the 12 year nightmare.

Back to the election. Who needs digital voting machines for 500-700 voters? So absurd and expensive. Paper ballots counted by Elders should work just fine. They should be a little less obvious with attempts to shut out the core of the Mashpee Tribe to stay in power.  Maybe if they they were accountable and had paid attention to the needs to the Tribe instead of Cedric’s, they wouldn’t have to suppress voters and import others.

Genting is also acting up, offering millions to continue our enslavement… And Cedric’s crew leaned in….all dumb.  Now, we have been the laundromat for these gaming moguls for 11.5 years, and have seen no benefit.  NOTHING! Outta $600 million.  There cannot be another tribe in the county that”s our size with that kind of debt with nothing to show for it.  AND GENTING INSISTED IT BE THAT WAY AND CEDRIC AND CREW ALLOWED IT.  The only people to benefit have been Cedric Cromwell, Mark Harding, Paula Peters, Jessie “Big Doe” Baird, Marie “Tah Tah” Stone, Robbie, and Gordon  “Knee Knocking” Harris and all the paid gofers on the council. Who do you think flew in all the Casino Stalkers to vote in our election? It was Genting.  Do you think the Justice Department might have picked up on that? Ya think? Do you really want to go down that rabbit hole with Cedric? Even those who have immunity, and you can guess who’s already flipped on “The Target,” will have to give up something or face some time in prison.

And the investigation is ongoing. Genting has long been a bad actor on the Justice Department radar. Let’s take a wild guess about their future in the United States after this horror show. And the feds don’t stop until they’re damned good and ready.

Deb Haaland is a wonderful choice for Interior Secretary and we have to demonstrate that we can produce leaders with innovative plans that will sustain our people and culture.

So high praise for  US Representative Deb Haaland as the President Elect Joe Biden’s nominee for Interior Secretary and let’s pray she is confirmed. To have a Native leader in charge of Interior is the best thing that can happen for us. And to have a President who has empathy is even better. But we have to play our role and elect new leaders who are the best of us…not the worst, and certainly not connected to Cedric and the old regime in any way.  Again, we have to have leaders who will present a plan to get the Tribe back on its feet and get our land into trust.

That’s the only way to remove the stench.



Course Correction

Jessie wants to runaway from her partnership with her cousin Cedric claiming she didn’t know what he was doing. She can’t escape the consequences of her actions.

At Reel Wamps, we’re grateful for existing. We’re sure many Tribal members feel the same way. It’s been a tough journey, but the last 12 years have been brutal. It was like Her Imperial Majesty Je$$ie Baird was clueless about our painful experience… one where she played a major role.  She recently wrote this insulting letter to the Tribe about our status and future course. She took no responsibility for our very bad state of affairs.  She was in lock step with Cedric Cromwell the whole time….blocking, tackling and engaging in 8 years of coverup.

When Je$$ie did show up, she made it her business to obfuscate and  knock people off the zoom calls to keep Cedric’s activity a secret. She was constantly challenging the government’s authority to investigate.  Instead of understanding that the scrutiny into every damned aspect of tribal service and expenditures was an indictment in itself….. she was trying to subvert it.  Like her compadre Cedric, accountability is not a strong suit.  As a matter of fact, they mirrored Donald Trump, incompetent, disingenuous, narcissistic, greedy and lacking compassion for people.

Worst of all, Je$$ie is talking about what she will or will not do. With Cedric gone, she will have to become chairman, provided the tribal court confirms his removal, which is likely. So at first she said she didn’t want to be chairman.  So resign then, she was told.  She’s totally irresponsible in her current role, she never shows up for meetings accept to protect Cedric.  But worst of all, she didn’t want to resign because she did not want Aaron Tobey to become the interim chairman. That’s not her decision.  It goes to the heart of the Mashpee 5 MO, they do not follow Tribal law. Just do whatever they want….

The most outrageous lie in the Je$$ie letter was her pronouncement that our financial affairs were in order.

Je$$ie proclaims her love for the Tribe and that she works hard for us. She’s so absurd. Like we don’t know. She’s so ridiculous, she tried to remove her aunt, Martha White from the roll because she was too dark skinned. Everyone loves Martha and can’t stand her. Keep the countdown goin‘.

Oh, wait a minute.  So are we supposed to believe that knowing we haven’t seen or voted on a budget in 2 going on three years means our finances are in order? And the Treasurer goes on sick leave for 2 1/2 months just prior to Cedric’s arrest? Worst of all Jessie keeps doing a countdown to her departure.  A countdown  to all tribal members who question her.  No accountability.  Just a lecture in a tribal letter. She has never done a damned thing that doesn’t benefit her personally.

And she has the nerve to talk about working with the Biden administration? So, you don’t think they know about you, Cedric and the others? With the first time public inclusion of Native American tribal nations in the public discourse….they know about us and the autocratic tribal leadership of which she is a significant member. They know about the disappearance of $600 million leaving the Mashpee Wampanoag all but destitute (if it weren’t for the grants).  And you have to imagine that there’s more coming and more scrutiny of the consultants and attorneys who worked for Cedric. Ya that’s what happens. Time to shed a lot of people.


We all need to do our homework.  We need to get answers.  We have not done that.  That includes Reel Wamps because you can never ask enough questions. Knowledge is a powerful weapon and we need that this round. We need leaders who have a plan to move us forward.  Many of us know people who would like to serve on the council but decided not to because they did not want to be associated with Cedric or his regime. Now is the time to come forward to reaffirm our ability to handle our own business.


Cedric’s administration answered to no one….until the feds stepped in.  The lies and lack of transparency created suspicion at every turn, especially where money was concerned. So hazardous duty pay was eyed warily.

We have been critical of officers in particular who have been getting hazardous duty pay during COVID. The officers got the money and rarely showed up in the building, including Cedric. A lot of other staff are on the list and quite frankly, we don’t know what the hell some of them do to warrant the extra pay. Several getting upwards of nearly $40k over 6 months.

Tribal members are quick to tout Nelson’s work ethic and tell stories of how he’s actually helped them. And they say if the lights are on at the Council, he’s in there working.

Nelson Andrews, Jr is on that list too, the difference is that we know what he does….a boatload. Andrews is a  quiet unassuming guy who is well liked. But his biggest assets are his knowledge and experience. Not only has he expanded his department of Emergency Management to an efficient and viable agency, he has acquired nearly a half a billion dollars in equipment and manages a budget of $2.5 million.  He’s a Tribal member who’s professional know how is frequently sought out by the federal government. A former FEMA officer, he played a major role in designing  the road map for the for tribal nations to receive COVID emergency revenues and other public assistance funding. Because of his expertise, and proposal, our Tribe was the second in the nation to receive COVID funding. In Indian Country, they also look to Andrews. He has provided expert testimony on all this and more for the National Council of American Indians most recently and is the co-chair of the United South & Eastern Tribes Homeland Security & Emergency Services Committee.

Now as our interim tribal administrator, he is responsible for oversight and management of the Tribe’s 23

No chest pounding with Nelson Andrews. He’s one of those people who actually loves doing his job. Lucky for us.

departments in addition to his own.  That also means filing the federal government reports necessary to keep us in good standing.  The guys is doing 3 major jobs, two of them are lifesaving for Tribal members. Furthermore, we will need to get the next round of CARES funding that’s on the horizon.  Who better to do it than the guy who designed the process and guidelines? And Native Americans will likely be among the first ethnic groups to get the vaccine because of all our preexisting conditions  And the Biden administration is paying close attention to Native America so we should be on the front line with a plan for self determination and sustainability.

It’s been so long since we’ve had good tribal government service, frankly we though we would talk about it for those who didn’t know that we have a strong positive element in our Tribe. Their success is our success going forward. They will provide the course correction we need during this sad time.

Salvaging the Tribe is the challenge.  We need real leaders with ideas. plans  for renewal and understand that they work for us. We need leaders who will reverse the image that has been our brand for 12 years.

And we’re going to talk about other tribal members who are working for us whether they’re in the government or the tribal community. It’s all about looking forward now. Next time.


UPDATED: Je$$ie turns on Cedric, disgraced Chair removed, pleads not guilty to 7 bribery & extortion charges

The Mashpee 5, Je$$ie Baird, David Weeden, Yvonne Frye Avant, Anne Marie Askew, and Winne Johnson, defended Cedric Cromwell as though he was the reincarnation of Metacomet on Monday night.  That night they defeated the move to removed him as chairman and instead voted to remove him as chairman of the Gaming Authority, a totally worthless move. Then poof,  Cedric is indicted and arrested. On Friday Jessie calls an emergency meeting and he’s  removed by a unanimous vote.

Cedric is confined to his home and has been directed to stay away from his victims…that would be us.

All of a sudden the Mashpee 5 are no longer ” ride or die road dogs with Cedric.” David refused to act looking for “facts,”  Anne Marie personally attacking people who called her out, Je$$ie a vocal  and constant critic of the government investigation.  Now she’s in the Cape Cod Times talking about cooperating with the government when they sided with Cedric every step of the way.  The Mashpee 5 knew what Cedric was doing and voted for his agenda no matter how bad it hurt the Tribe.They were complicit and turned a blind eye to everything. Their loyalty was to Cedric not the Tribe.  They are just as responsible as he is for the disappearance of $600 million.


Aaron Tobey amended the motion to remove Cedric with a demand for the resignation of the Mashpee 5.  Of course that failed. Once again, they voted against their own best interest, but it’s on the record.  A record that reflects their years of  diligent work against the Tribe.

For example, Anne Marie (Frack) submitted these absolutely random minutes to the government. The documents reflected about a

Frack has memory loss no doubt. But her allegiance to Cedric isn’t worth a warm bucket of spit right now. She needs to resign immediately. She comes to work 3 days a week in an empty building to keeps gettin’ a hazardous duty  check. A disgrace to her well liked family. Her promise to look out for the core of the Tribe evaporated as soon as she got a check and Cadillac.

paragraph long record of each meeting. .  No detail, nothing, obviously made up.  Who ever heard of such incompetence?  And she’s got the nerve to talk sh– to people after all the disgraceful conduct by Cheryl and other Peters haters who would not build a ramp on her brother’s house. Dwight did not deserve that kind of hate.  Dwight died shortly thereafter. That’s hard to get over for sure. But noooooo….Anne Marie’s all into Cheryl Frye Cromwell and her now disgraced husband Ceddie Lou.

Dwight was a Mashpee man. Everyone loved him, really funny and a consummate fisherman and hunter. His death brought a lot of sadness. But his treatment by Cromwell’s regime, lead by Cheryl, prior to his untimely death, angered many.

The US marshals actually arrested Cedric at his Attleboro home Thursday night.  During his first appearance Friday he plead not guilty to 7 counts of bribery and extortion.  The charges amount to a maximum of  100 years sentence and $1.5 million in fines.  Pretty bleak. That’s so far.

The bad part is there’s probably more coming and others indicted…you can guess who.  But more problematic for Cedric is that the government has 10 witnesses. You can take a good guess at who that is.  Several have immunity from prosecution.

Friday the 13th was not a good day for Cedric but it was a relief for us.  We can start planning a reboot that includes the Mashpee. But first we have to get rid of the rest of the debris.


Feds arrest Mashpee Wampanoag Chairman Cedric Cromwell 7 counts of extortion & bribery

Department of Justice
U.S. Attorney’s Office
District of Massachusetts

Friday, November 13, 2020

Chairman of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and Owner of Architecture Firm Indicted for Bribery and Extortion

Bribes included $54,000, a Bowflex home gym and a suite at a Boston hotel

BOSTON – The Chairman of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and the owner of an architecture firm were arrested today and charged in connection with a bribery scheme involving plans to build a resort and casino in Taunton.

Cedric Cromwell, 55, of Attleboro, the Chairman of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, and David DeQuattro, 54, of Warwick, R.I., were each indicted on two counts of accepting or paying bribes as an agent (or to an agent) of an Indian tribal government and one count of conspiring to commit bribery. Cromwell was also indicted on four counts of extortion under color of official right and one count of conspiring to commit extortion. The defendants will make initial appearances via videoconference this afternoon.

“The charges allege that Mr. Cromwell violated the trust he owed the Mashpee Wampanog Tribe by committing extortion, accepting bribes and otherwise abusing his position,” said United States Attorney Andrew E. Lelling. “Many American Indians face a host of difficult financial and social issues. They require – and deserve – real leadership. But it appears that Cromwell’s priority was not to serve his people, but to line his own pockets. We will continue to aggressively investigate public corruption, including by those who purport to serve our American Indian tribes.”

Instead of working honestly on behalf of the Mashpee Wampanoags as their duly elected representative, Cedric Cromwell is accused of using his position as Chairman of the Tribe to enrich himself by extorting tens of thousands of dollars in bribes and engaging in a conspiracy with David DeQuattro to commit bribery. These allegations are extremely troubling and indicate a disdain for the rule of law,” said Joseph R. Bonavolonta, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Boston Division. “Both men’s alleged actions undercut the efforts of hard-working tribe members and betrayed their trust.  Cases like this fuel our commitment to rooting out public corruption, and as our investigation continues, we urge anyone with information to contact us.”

According to the indictment, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s Gaming Authority, led by Cromwell, contracted with an architecture-and-design company, owned by DeQuattro, in connection with the Tribe’s plans to build a resort and casino in Taunton. Between approximately July 26, 2014 and May 18, 2017, the architecture firm, through DeQuattro, provided Cromwell with a stream of payments and in-kind benefits valued at $57,549, and, in exchange, the architecture firm was paid approximately $4,966,287 under its contract with the Gaming Authority.

It is alleged that the payments to Cromwell included $44,000 in personal checks written by DeQuattro to CM International Consulting LLC, an entity owned by a friend of Cromwell. Cromwell directed his friend to deposit DeQuattro’s checks and use the funds to buy treasurer’s checks payable to either Cromwell or a shell entity that Cromwell had incorporated called One Nation Development. DeQuattro also wrote one $10,000 personal check directly to One Nation Development. The indictment alleges that Cromwell spent all of the money on personal expenses, including payments to his mistress. The president of the architecture firm authorized and signed company checks reimbursing DeQuattro for his payments to Cromwell, falsely characterizing the reimbursements as payroll expenses to conceal what they really were.

The alleged in-kind benefits included a used Bowflex Revolution home gym that DeQuattro and the architecture company’s president bought for Cromwell and had delivered to his home. They also agreed to pay for Cromwell’s weekend stay at a Boston hotel after Cromwell texted that he wanted DeQuattro to “get me a nice hotel room at the Four Seasons or a suite at the Seaport Hotel” for his birthday weekend, adding, “I am going to have a special guest with me.”

The charge of paying a bribe to an agent of an Indian tribal government, or being an agent of an Indian tribal government who accepts a bribe, provides for a sentence of up to 10 years in prison, three years of supervised release and a fine of $250,000. The charge of conspiring to commit bribery provides for a sentence of up to five years in prison, three years of supervised release and a fine of $250,000. The charges of extortion under color of official right and conspiring to commit extortion each provide for a sentence of up to 20 years in prison, three years of supervised release and a fine of $250,000. Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based upon the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

U.S. Attorney Lelling and FBI Boston SAC Bonavolonta made the announcement today. Assistance was provided by Attleboro Police Department. Assistant U.S. Attorney Christine Wichers of Lelling’s Public Corruption & Special Prosecutions Unit is prosecuting the case.

The details contained in the indictment are allegations. The defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Stockholm Syndrome

Three Factors: What makes the Syndrome come to life | Bridging Freedom

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response. It occurs when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers. This psychological connection develops over the course of the days, weeks, months, or even years of captivity or abuse.A person who develops Stockholm syndrome often experiences symptoms of post traumatic stress: nightmares, insomnia, flashbacks, a tendency to startle easily, confusion, and difficulty trusting others.

The majority of the Tribal Council are so ridiculous we decided that they suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. They’re not just sycophants, they seem to thrive on the abuse doled out by their beloved Cedric Cromwell.  So…the emergency meeting last night was to decide Cromwell’s political fate.  Essentially to get rid of him.  Je$$ie Big Doe was running the meeting and blocking people from getting on the Zoom call. Shes pretty exceptional.  Anyway, the Stockholm Crew they worship Ceddie despite the fact that he is the “target” of a major federal investigation (backed by 4, count ’em, subpoenas).  In addition, the US Attorney also says the “Tribe is the victim.”  But what do they care. They’re in love with their abuser.

Weeden needs to get his values straight. Being a champion for Cedric is not smart politics.

They killed the motion by Carlton Hendricks Jr. to remove Ceddie immediately and instead approved a motion by Frick (David Weeden) and seconded by Frack (Anne Marie) to remove him as chair of the Gaming Authority. Not the Council where he gets paid to keep abusing us…the Gaming Authority aka Cromwell’s Laundromat. Course the laundromat’s closed.  No more laundering to do. $400-500 million was enough I guess.  Any they just won’t do anything to stop the abuse. Yvonne, and Winne joined Frick & Frack and essentially endorsed the continued victimization of the Tribe.

These people are keeping us from getting our land in trust.  The first thing anyone paying attention would say is why didn’t you do something? Everything we did, Cedric or the Council up ended it.  Like:

Cedric cancelling his own recall election.

The Council voting to remove him, and them restoring his status.

and forget about Ceddie.

Frick has a split personality. One for the Board and another for the Tribe. He needs to take his job on the Council more seriously

They refused to remove Je$$ie after she resigned in a written letter. So take it all in and remember these clowns and their marathon Amateur Hour make us look like the Howdy Doody  show.  Who would give us anything with a federal grand jury investigation in full bloom and David Weeden confused about what’s actually happening to us.

Let’s put it this way.  If this were happening in the Town of Mashpee, do you think those White selectman would be playing patty cake with the federal government and ignoring the blatant wrong doing. What a clown show Thanks Yvonne, Anne Marie, Winne, David, and  Je$$sie Big Doe, keep embracing corruption.This is why we are going to have a rough time getting on our feet once Ceddie stops ducking and dodging.  He is the target after all.




Another Subpoena, that makes 4 and the man is knocking on the door

There’s a saying about being “wanted.” “When the man comes knocking, there’s no back door.” Well this fourth subpoena asks for all Cedric Cromwell’s tribal emails dating back to 2012. So, anyone who doesn’t understand the seriousness of this federal investigation needs their head examined.  Course there are those council members like Je$$ie Big Dough who makes it her business to hold Cedric in her own self defined ” protective custody” of sorts.  And asking stupid questions about sovereignty.

Let’s be clear….the feds were unable to nail America’s most notorious gangster, Al Capone.They finally got the cruel murderer on tax evasion, the government’s most trusted weapon. But they have a favorite hits list of white collar crimes….violation of RICO, that would be Racketeering  Influenced and Corrupt Organization act, money laundering, and  kickbacks are also favorites that could be the reasons  $600 million has disappeared from Tribal coffers without a trace.

Knees Knocking is playing hide-n-seek from the Tribe.
Such an incompetent looser.

It’s clear the investigation is drawing to a end, and they are moving close to the indictment phase…very close. Also, the government has talked to a lot of people who know how the money is moved around in the Gaming Authority and the Tribe….Yup.  They have been in and cut heir deals and probably piled on with loads more of Cedric’s ( and Lou Caterina’s) bad deeds to save themselves.

So chew on that for a minute.  We will say that suddenly, Treasurer Gordon Harris has taken 2 months of sick leave.  We don’t know what’s wrong with him….but you can guess. We still don’t have the budgets for 2 years and he and Cedric have signed off for $1.5 million in hazardous duty COVID money for themselves and 16  employees who come into an empty building.  Jesus Christ…none of the officers ever come to work!

There are so many atrocities committed by this administration, especially with one of the

No one knew Greene as a Tribal member. Let’s just call him “Petri Dish.” Ya that works. Taken a lot of money from us, and apparently he doesn’t share…with us that is.

contractors at the top of the list of the investigation. Tribal member David Greene of RGB is under scrutiny.  Right now, Greene is paid $5,000 a week to monitor the Taunton land.  Nothing is happening there.  The phantom Casino was never even started. The land was cleared, that’s all.  What the hell is he monitoring? Exactly. But Greene has had his hands in every construction project since Cedric became chair. The tens of millions of dollars spend on unnecessary architectural  redos was also in Greene’s wheelhouse. And Greene who showed up after recognition, was brought to the table by David Weeden who wants to see facts in all this mess. The government has all the facts.  Facts Weeden, Greene and Cedric have long since  forgotten.

People, Cedric and crew have really destroyed this Tribe.  As you consider candidates in the upcoming election, you better find some serious people with plans to bring about the sustainability and economic development that generate revenue and opportunity for our people.  This cannot be a popularity contest.  We need a plan for the future to convince the new administration that we can avoid people who do not have the experience or know how to get us out of this dilemma.  We have a big big problem. We need the new administration to help us with our land in trust efforts. We have to prove we have scandal free leaders with an agenda that works.

Cedric is just like Trump and most of the Council members are complicit just like the Republicans in the US Senate.  And look at all of Trump’s flunkies….they got jail time.

There’s and emergency meeting Monday. It’s time to take our future seriously.