Category Archives: News

Meeting canceled, Council chaos continues,Tribal members POed

Maybe we got a reprieve.  But it was short lived. The Council’s so called leadership, is still in turmoil. They are trying to get off the Council or hang on to get a check.  You can guess who among the officers wants the check. And they are

Together recently, Paula and Cedric Cromwell continue their political alliance. Staying in power through their chosen candidates is the goal. It was never about the Tribe. It was about power and hundreds of millions of dollars that never touched us.

still taking orders from Cedric and Paula Peters, the desperado.  Poor thing. Shes trying to hang on to the Mittark payday….and she’s running candidates tied to the Cromwell Cult…  Brian Weeden, Marie “Tah Tah ” Stone, Winnie Johnson, Anne Marie Askew to start.  Can’t you just see them presenting a plan in Washington for the tribal economic sustainability or land in trust ? Painful.  A certain person could do it in “the language” so no one would know what he was talking about.  Ahem.

Tribal members are tired of the Council mess, personal feuds and now an upcoming election where they are being forced to vote-by-mail. It’s another illegal action that violates the Constitution and tribal members are pissed because they don’t trust the corrupt crew running the election. They say that their ballots will be thrown away if they are from the wrong family. You can’t blame them….

If they won’t follow tribal law, how can they run a  fraud-free complex vote-by-mail election? Currently they are facing lawsuits for their random, illegal establishment of the mail in ballots.  And the experts will tell you anything can go wrong with mail in ballots. The main problem is that you have to identify voters by signature matches and bar codes so they don’t vote twice. In a small election like ours, nine times out of ten you will know the person voting. The election committee oversees the election and counts the ballots. That’s another problem. They are all one family, you know who.  They are not functioning according to law because they are short a member. Anyway, they  see those signatures. So who’s watching the election committee chair Francie, the “Deaconess” (Cedric’s Executive Assistant and confidant)? What if she decides to thrash ballots? They pick the election monitors who watch them.  Because Tribal members don’t trust the Cromwell Cult, they say that their ballot will be thrown away if they are from the wrong family. That’s the first thing tribal members say.  Remember the stress the nation’s state election officials were under? Now is not the time to experiment or try to throw an election, through voter suppression, especially while they are under federal investigation for the last 2 elections.

The Members want the option of voting in person and via drop box.  The drop box method was presented to Jessie Baird months ago and she rejected it outright.

The 2021 election has been a bootleg, cobbled together mess that has triggered justified legal challenges. A self aggrandizing Vice Chair is not longer interested in exploiting the title of VC and the Treasurer is a flip flopping clown who  has violated the law by hiding 3 years of illegal spending.  It’s one hell of a hole to get out of.


Course the Council didn’t know.  It can be done safely, in person or by drive up drop box. They can control the outcome of the election with vote-by-mail, yes they can. That’s why they want it. They control the counters, the monitors and the process.  Why have the election at all?

So let’s tell the truth.  The Council Cromwell Cult were so shook up by Cedric’s arrest and indictment they abandoned the election timelines that prepares the candidates to qualify and give the members time to look  over the candidates.  THEY DID NOTHING to comply with the election laws that span about 3 months for qualifying, campaigning and the distribution of the Election Guide where candidates tell us why they’re running. We do have a process for our people to decide who they want to lead. Most of us know that process well. But Cedric’s regime was so freaked out,  they didn’t give a damn. and waited months to start the qualifying process.

So here we are.  Members are pissed off because they have no idea who’s running or what’s really going on.But they have an idea of who the choices are. And it will become plain soon enough. Every family has a role in what happens to us.  You either choose people who can get us outta the ditch or you keep looking for a check. The Cromwell Cult Candidates don’t seem to have  what it takes to get us out of the ditch so we need to carefully evaluate candidates.  The clock is running  and you better choose wisely. We can’t vote for people who can’t help themselves let alone us.


CEDRIC–Cedric told that  he wanted  to be a Deputy Sec in the Department of Interior.  Really? Do you think Cedric would survive the US Senate vetting even before his indictment. It’s so absurd it’s not even funny. On the more Godly side of things he’s now trying to become a minister by going to theology school as he awaits trial for bribery and extortion. We wish him good luck. Too bad he did not have that “Come to Jesus” meet when he was a “Big da Popa” pimp selling us out to Genting. Prayers Cedric.

Gordon : Damn Gordon!  You won’t make the finance department pay the fisherman $800 but you can take

Gordon is just a mess. He spends the COVID money that he has not earned. He’s short 3 budgets. Is he hiding illegal expenditures?

huge COVID money and plunk down big money for 2 brand new cars. Wow.  Our people need their money! Apparently you don’t get it. Sign the checks Gordon, Jesus.  Just so you know, nothing happens on the Cape that we don’t know about.  Mr. Sandwich.  What people of color live in Sandwich?  Mr. Eddie Amos usta say, “When you go to Sandwich, you betta bring your box.” You damned fool the people of Sandwich abused us more than anyone else. Stealing our land and more. They despised us. Gordon, Gordon, Gordon.







More chaos, more spending, more reckless disregard for Tribal law

Tonight’s Council meeting will reveal the kind of chaos that reminds us that the Tribe needs new leadership. It’s also clear that Cedric and Paula Peters are still calling the shots.

Je$$ie is exiting faster than usual claiming that she can’t do the zoom tonight  because she has “to work.” When has she ever worked? Okay.Oh by the way she uses her personal zoom for Council meetings.  It’s so ghetto…unreal.

The agenda is to hand over another $50 K to the Weld law firm ( we already paid an enormous $100k retainer a couple of months ago) to deal with the 5th subpoena.

We should pay around $5K – $15K for this add on.

Next they want to sell off a part of the Middleborough land.  That’s all we have for any economic development or a casino.  Why would we sell any part of our land? That land has historic ties to our Tribe….unlike Taunton.

OKay, Cedric asked the Council to pay his legal fees.

We have a pretty good idea of  what they will do with the $50K to Weld  and the sale of  land in Middleborough. Cedric needs his lawyers paid.

We don’t know what they really do with any money because we have no budget or true expenditure of funds. The corruption runs deep!

That’s what we call transparency.

Worser and Worser

We forgot to tell you that they have moved the election date a second time to March 26th.  You guessed it.  They didn’t do it legally so no news there.  But it supports the fact that they want to stay in power to spend up the Genting loan.  Over half of the Genting $3 million is going to lawyers (we have confirmed that they are gouging us). More on that later. Oh ya, the Mittark, run by Paula Peters eats up a lot of money.

Nelson follows the old ways by serving us and dispelling the corruption label associated with the Cromwell administration. This week he was an expert on the National Council of American Indians Tribal Disaster Declarations panel advising Tribal nations on best practices.

They have (Illegally) allocated $500k to staff salaries.  Who the hell are they paying? Indian Health Services employees are paid by the federal government.  Nelson Andrews has everyone else on grants.  All but 3 people. If he didn’t crank those grants night and day we would be hurting.

So where the hell is the $500k going? You know where, right in the pockets of the do nothing Council officers.

They aren’t delivering refrigerators, or moving tribal members to there homes or shoveling them out.  They do nothing but talk a lot of S—.

And they won’t produce the budgets because they don’t have them.  Can you imagine what they’ve been doing with over $20 million over the last three years?

They want to prevent a free and fair election because they would loose and be out of power. It’s not about you, or your kids…it’s about them.They’re determined to stay in office forever.  Just like Trump.



Jessie Baird’s kindergarten class

The Monday emergency meeting was worse than usual. First Jessie was determined to conduct the meeting like she was teaching 5 year olds and that meant she once again, violated the rule of tribal law with impunity.  Just like Donald Trump. She was muting Council members she didn’t like and siccing Anne Marie on people with her inappropriate name calling.

So they are trying to implement mail-in ballots, violating the Constitution.  They want you to believe that this is what you want. Nobody asked you did they? Well of course not.  When have they ever done a damned thing to help you? We’re in this awful mess because they have cut Tribal members out of the governing process completely.  You have no say in anything.

And the mail in ballots is their last chance to hold on to power and keep getting paid by Genting. They are incapable of conducting that kind of election.  Who’s going to monitor them?  Francie? Francie running an election? An election with mail in ballots and secrecy covers, bar codes, signature matches, roll number verification.  Right.  If they don’t like you, they throw your ballot away.  AND THEY PICK THE ELECTION MONITORS. Main question, who gets the mail? Who’s watching the 10 steps of verification and counting? Jesus.Did you watch the hell the states went through under scrutiny? And they are election experts. They did everything right and still caught hell.  This crew does not even have the benefit of the doubt. This is a method of voter suppression to make you doubt the only way we have to get rid of Cedric’s minions and salvage what’s left.  There’s a way to have a clean election.  The old way. Vote in person, social distance or drop your ballot in a secure drop box for all to see…the old way.

Of course, the longer they stay in office, the more damage they do. As for their terms never ending….let’s just call it “Extended Stay.” And you know what we’re about to say..altogether now…Just like Trump. 


Their consistent violation of tribal law is unmatched.Passing election ordinances that they don’t know how to execute is more worser. Actually their ignorance of the repercussions of some of their stupid moves is even more incredible.  How about this:

We’ve suffered through your identity crisis and your humiliating failure at leadership. The people who brought you to power now shun you and have told all your secrets. Why won’t you just leave us alone ?

Cedric Cromwell was on the zoom Council meeting.  Ya,right there in living color. The US Attorney said he was to have no contact with any Tribal member (under any circumstances) because we are victims of his 7 alleged crimes. And likely many more.  Essentially the Mashpee 5, which has graduated to the Mashpee 6, was mooning everybody. It’s kinda like sitting in the same room with the person who raped you.  Good job Je$$ie. The right people are taking note and tribal attorney Rebecca is grinding her teeth.

“Knees Knocking” showed up too, empty handed.   Guess he wasn’t too happy to see Ole Running Bear (you know Cedric named himself…who would name themselves that?  Works well now tho) after he (Gordon Harris) spilled his guts to the man.  But as usual, he was without the 3 years of budgets. He just showed up to vote for more illegal shenanigans that hurt the Tribe.

Just keep watching the Council Kindergarten. Another thing, the feds are investigating the 2017 and 2013 elections. And Cedric’s crew is trying to throw the 2021…in plain sight…altogether…  Just like Trump.



Call it what you want …lies, a mistake, but in this case it’s the worst kind of communication ……misinformation. The Mittark continues to misinform readers with inaccurate information. For the second time has printed the notice that the election has been moved to March 14 and that mail in ballots will be allowed.  Well, we all know that that is not true because AS USUAL, Je$$ie did not follow the legal process and the Council never approved any of the recommendations from the Elections Committee (that is functioning without authorization because it does not have enough members to function) AND they’re paying big money to a law firm for an advisory opinion to tell them if what they did is legal. Again the ” advisory opinion” is not worth a warm bucket of spit.

Stevie, like mother like son is not a good idea…misinformation is not the way to keep your employers in place. Won’t work.

So Poor Steve Peters who supposedly assembles the Mittark says he just prints what the committee sends him. That’s what he told Carlton Hendricks, Jr.  Wow, that’s pretty scary. Then he runs it a second time, Hendricks raises more hell.. tells him to print a retraction because it’s not true. Stevie says wait till the Council meets..Council doesn’t meet (too much controversy), and the three ring circus continues.

This kid is doing what his mother Paula tells him to do.  She’s supposed to be a journalist and knows that incorrect stories are supposed to be corrected.  That’s called a retraction. To do otherwise is engaging in misinformation. Repetition of lies is very dangerous because people start believing the lies that are repeated over and over…… all those crackpots who stormed the US Capitol based on misinformation claiming that DONALD TRUMP WAS RE ELECTED!

This kind of irresponsible misinformation comes at a high price and it is definitely not beneficial to the Tribe….The Council has currently engaged in a marathon to the bottom by violating Tribal law at every turn… continuing in the in the footsteps of disgraced Chairman Cedric Cromwell.

Paula, the Queen of lost causes is now using her son to keep her buddies in power and the checks coming for that expensive Mittark.


The aphrodisiac of power leads to a bad end

The inseparable cousins, Jesse and Cedric were self serving and vengeful refusing to do anything benefiting the many needs of the Tribe.

Let’s evaluate the status of the Tribal government. The Chairman Cedric Cromwell faces 7 indictments and a potential prison term of 100 years.  Jessie Baird, the sidekick Vice Chairman is the philandering grifter who occasionally leads (always the wrong way) abdicating responsibility as much as she can.  Ann Marie Askew is well…Ann Marie.  Being the only Mashpee officer (Secretary) she actually thinks that abstaining clears her wrongdoing.  Of course it does not.  She continues to betray the Tribe and siding with those in power for a check. Then there is Treasurer Gordon Harris, abandoned his post and has failed to provide a budget for 3 years straight.  It is a gross violation of his duties and an open and shut case of misfeasance.

This is what happens with officers in charge who are incapable of doing their job.

This rendering shows that even Harvard knows we’re in deep trouble.

These outsiders would never have such crucial leadership roles in any tribal government or otherwise.  The ones who have the most authority are the worst as we see now. They are unfit, just like Trump and everyone he appointed. But they currently have power. People gravitate to power and political power is all encompassing, again as we have experienced.  But now as the power wanes they all have amnesia about those bad votes for Cedric and Jessie that undermined our future. It doesn’t go away.  It’s a haunting and corrupt legacy.



On the second Sunday in February 2021, we are supposed to hold an annual meeting to approve a budget (each year). We have not followed this constitutional mandate for 3 years.  Here’s the guts of it.

Article VI, Section I  – Tribal Council 

To prepare and present an annual balanced budget of Tribal operations to the Tribal body and in the event the budget is approved by a majority of the registered voters present  and voting in the annual meeting of the Tribe, to allocate the funds called for by said budget.


So these numbskulls have been  in blatant violation of the Constitution by taking over $23 million from Genting and spending it (on God knows what) without our knowledge or authorization…for 3 years. So David Weeden does the Mashpee Board of Selectmen operate like you guys?  Didn’t think so.  You need to stay focused on your own longhouse and stop listening to Paula Peters lame efforts at distraction.  You guys are like a cartoon designed to scare the hell outta people.

The Election

So they’re in so deep, not only are they violating Tribal law by failing to meet all the election requirements and deadlines they’re paying  lawyers again without authorization under law.. The election is also held during the annual meeting February 14. So they took $30,000 from the newest unauthorized loan from Genting, and paid (unauthorized) an outside law firm to get around more that 10 election violations.  Again we asked what does tribal attorney Rebecca do?  She didn’t want her fingerprints on this latest in the continuing saga of wrongdoing. So this law firm had to get around all the screw ups and the effort to have mail in ballots on and unauthorized date of March 14.The firm wants the council to approve election emergency measures Monday.  It’s unclear how that’s done.

Once proud, the humiliation continues though actions by remaining members of the Cromwell regime. The continuing federal investigation doesn’t seem to bother them.

Ironically, today’s Sunday meeting is the deadline for candidates to turn in their paperwork for certification to run.  It gives candidates about a month to campaign. The packets with candidate requirements and number of signatures etc were supposed to go out in mid December. So they want to have mail in ballots without deadlines, cut off dates, impartial counters, oversight, recount options, validation of signatures and all the procedures to ensure a safe, secure and viable election?  They still have a conflicted-out  election committee short of  required members. Once again they don’t want to take corrective action but want to endorse this illegal act and  potential disaster.  So the “law firm” tosses it to the infamous do nothing Tribal Court asking for an ADVISORY OPINION. But wait, this happened before.  Cedric asked the court to render an “ADVISORY OPINION” to stop his recall election. The court refused to get involved in any way. He told the elections chair at that time to ” call it off.” Besides ADVISORY OPINIONS MEAN NOTHING LEGALLY.  Rebecca and those lawyers know that.  They’re just taking the money and doing as little as possible.  Lawyers have lost they’re licenses for less.

Our own method of voter suppression

Apparently Cedric’s  pop shook ole girl up so much, they’re just trying to hang on as long as they can….cause confusion and keep as many core members from voting as possible. Just like Trump. 

And despite the fact that the Justice Department is still investigating…they just keep on trying to hold on to power.

Voter suppression attempts do just the opposite now a days.  It pisses people off and makes the people you’re trying to suppress show up. And COVID is not an excuse to violate our laws prohibiting mail in ballots. For 500-700 voters who do show up you can vote in the gym, masked,  socially distanced or drive through drop box with a paper ballot where everyone can see who’s doing what.  That doesn’t take an emergency ordinance.  Just good sense that is in short supply. No one trusts their raggedy mail in effort.


Gordon is returning  to the Council meeting Monday.  Will he have the 3 years of budgets? Probably not. He’s been so sick ya know. We should ask for a refund of 3 years of salary…around $285 k.

Message to Cromwell regime ….there’s no way to navigate away from complicity.





Emergency Meeting canceled

Come on Ann Marie! You promised to be on our side…oh, neva mind.

Sooooo Ann Marie said the agenda did not constitute and ” emergency.” She’s the only officer left to run the government. A DAMN “EMERGENCY IN ITSELF !”

More updates coming.

Our Doe Little Je$$ie “The Saboteur” Emergency Meeting 5:30 tonight

Je$$ie is so Trump like it’s hard to keep up with her insanity.  She sent the Council an email last week saying she was “taking leave” until January 29th.  What kind of “leave?” Leave of her “senses?” The Tribe is operating under in state of emergency status and Je$$ie is AWOL.  She was pouting.  Just like Trump. She left the Council rudderless. Just like Trump. She refuses to resign. Just like Trump.  She is a “Saboteur.” Just like Trump.

The Department of Justice is nothing to fool with. They know what they know…and there ain’t a damned thing that they don’t know.

This time she allowed the elections committee, operating illegally because it does not have the required 5 members and also violated a whole bunch of other tribal laws, to change the election date and sanction the  use of mail in ballots….a big taboo.  Even council members denounced that immediately. Ok, it’s in the Mittark like it’s law. Another interesting move.  The Council gave a law firm $30k to help the illegal 3 member elections committee.  Maybe because we said they were violating the law and it was beyond stupid while the Justice Department is still investigating the 2017 election (and everything else) blah, blah

Why would they need a law firm to undo an illegal act?   Cedric (also like Trump) had us spend millions of dollars on lawyers and look where it got him… 7 counts of  bribery and extortion. Yup.  So lawyers have not been real helpful to us. Just follow the damned laws & Constitution.

Besides, the $30k paid to a law firm was acquired illegally and expended illegally because there is no budget approved by the Council or the Tribe for nearly 3 years. That’s how it works.This law firm may need to clear that up before it goes any further.

Bigger question.  What the hell does Rebecca do? She’s the tribal attorney. Why can’t she look at the

The US Attorney’s comments about Cedric’s wrongdoing were brutal.  Who wants to be tied up in that mess? No soul searching necessary.

election law and tell Je$$ie the truth instead of finding a way to do and ” emergency ordinance?” By the way, an ordinance of any kind does not supersede THE CONSTITUTION! There’s no way to do it without a vote of the core of the TRIBE.

Why can’t we just follow tribal law with the election (which has a series of easy steps that have been ignored) and the budget.  We must have transparency on these budgets we cannot allow Je$$ie to continue the coverup. And why are we paying Gordon Harris for his nonfeasance? Such a coward who not only failed to do his job, refused to do it….Just like Je$$ie.  Looks like a lawsuit to us.

God knows what they have been doing for 3 years.  It makes you wonder what the hell is going on with all those millions flowing in and out of the tribal coffers…..and the $30k.

The stalling of the election prohibits us from getting rid of this corrupt element and moving on.  Every day we screw around with Jessie and her incompetence keeps us further from our goals.

As we said before her neglect of her duties makes  the case for her to resign. Step aside Je$$ie. We’re going to find out anyway, delaying it only prolongs the inevitable.

The Trump strategies don’t work Jessie Baird.  Resign.

Trumpette in our Midst

Leader of the shadow government Messy is running for cover faster than usual. But she can’t hide.

Whatever you say about Our Doe Little Jessie, you have to admit she’s consistent.  Violating Tribal law and prohibiting the Tribal government from doing its due diligence  is how she rolls.  She is the master of the Trump playbook and here’s why.

We alerted Tribal members to the Tuesday Emergency Meeting to discuss the budget and election violations of Tribal law.  Well Jessie canceled the meeting, despite having a quorum.  Yvonne, Ann Marie, David, Brian, Carlton, Rita, Aaron and her. The Council clearly wanted to talk about it, let’s give them credit.  Besides, some loyalists on the council are solid  participants in the wrongdoing. . Ok, so on Wednesday the Council was supposed to hold a Special meeting.  Everyone confuses it with a regular Wednesday Council meeting but it is not.

The Council has not had a regular meeting since it fired Cedric Cromwell. And those regular Council meetings are important because that is the forum to conduct official business. But we’ll get back to that later.

So the Wednesday special meeting was canceled because Jessie said no one responded to her email.  Next question…since when is that the criteria to hold a meeting?  Worst of all, she had everyone holding on the Zoom refusing to start the meeting. Then she canceled it.

Trumpette through and through.  That was not a procedural maneuver.  It was just plain illegal.  So after years of violating Tribal law Jessie just neuters the Council because she doesn’t want to face what’s coming at her. She should resign.  She doesn’t want to be chairman, she won’t resign if she were chairman because she doesn’t want the responsibility or the work and she doesn’t want anyone else to work. One damn thing for sure.  She is a prolific whinner, liar and narcissist just like Trump. All the made-up credentials, titles, unsubstantiated Tribal history, fabricated accomplishments have become an embarrassment to the Tribe and has hurt us in Indian Country.

Ceddie with Francie  (silver hair) known as the “Deaconess” is Cedric’s most dedicated loyalists.

Okay but let’s talk about the real scam she’s running this time.  The reason the Council (under Jessie’s dictatorship) does not have regular meetings is because she does not want to execute the final step in firing Cedric. The Council unanimously voted to remove him, the Tribal Court confirmed it, but the Council never confirmed it in a regular Tribal Council meeting as is the process under Tribal law. So they never finalized his removal. Is this a technicality or just another example of a desperate bunch of scoundrels trying to hold on to power JUST LIKE “”TRUMP?

We said Cedric is still running the Tribe through Jessie and others.  His confidant Francie, his former executive assistant mysteriously popped up on the Election Committee….the committee that’s illegally changing election dates and trying to use mail in ballots to restore the Casino Stalkers to power… You know Cedric is chatting away with those two some kinda way. He is not supposed to have any contact with any of us because we are the victims of his abuse.

Yah chew on that for a minute. Freakin’ mess.

They made a deal with the devil— EMERGENCY MEETING TUES. 5:30pm

The Mashpee 5 & Cohorts refused to make the course correction. So they continue to operate the Tribal  government in a Trump like fashion by ignoring the rule of law.

Total  Violation: All spending has been in violation of the Constitution because for going on 3 years Treasurer Gordon Harris has not presented a budget nor has the Council or the Tribal members approved any spending  plans. That’s the most transparent government inaction by this Council ever and it’s all illegal.

We don’t have a Treasurer or a Chair.  Je$$ie Baird is stalling because she doesn’t want to be chair, nor does she want to resign as chair because she wants to screw with Aaron Tobey who would become chair in

Angela is brutally frank to a fault. But  she’s honest.

her stead. That foolish Gordon Harris is on sick leave…..he’s sick alright. Mr. Chatterbox ( “Knees Knocking” cause I can’t face anyone)  has been spotted riding up and down the road on his very expensive road bike near his Sandwich home, all dressed up like Neal Armstrong… touring! The insult is just too much.  Instead of Gordon being a man and stepping aside, he continues his abuse of the Tribe, getting a check and frolicking about without a care in the world.  In Gordon’s case, Angela Marcellino would have assumed the role of Treasurer because she came in second to Harris with 222 votes.  Angela is no friend of the Cromwell regime and questioned their illegal moves consistently.

The recent acceptance of the $3 million dollar Genting loan and the plans to spend it is yet another of many hundreds of illegal actions taken by the Mashpee Tribal Council that continues to usurp service to the Tribe. This is business as usual in the shadow of Cedric Cromwell

It’s rouge governance at best, like Cedric never left.

Throwing the upcoming election: Well well well, once again the Council didn’t approve a thing, but the election is supposed to be magically moved to Mach 14. The Constitution was violated again to allow mail in ballots/absentee ballots (one in the same). Apparently the election committee is making all the decisions (or violations) and it’s all based on the advice of former elections chair, Rita Lopez.  That would be the same former elections chair who cancelled the recall election of disgraced former Tribal Chairman Cedric

Running Bear is definitely running scared. He’s in so deep he’s begging the Council to pay his legal fees. Guess he feels he was acting on our behalf. But clearly the government didn’t agree.

Cromwell. Oh ya, she asked Cedric if that was what he wanted to do don’t forget. If it weren’t so damned embarrassingly corrupt, it would hysterical.

Can you imagine this group trying to conduct a fraud free election with mail in ballots? Ann Marie thinks absentee and mail are different.  They are not. I mean really?

But this kind of blatant corruption is what got Cedric indicted in what is an ongoing investigation that includes the scrutiny of the 2017 election.

Now, you might say, who in their right mind would be so stupid or unscrupulous as to draw attention to tribal election activity that IS CURRENTLY UNDER FEDERAL INVESTIGATION BY THE US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE? Well criminals always get caught because they can’t resist returning to the scene of the crime. In this case, the mail in ballots benefit Doe Little Je$$ie & Cedric’s candidates because they rely heavily on those 1,000 or so Casino Stalkers Je$$ie put on the roll. These are people who were never supposed to be members. They created her own

Jessie continues to lead a shadow government as she tries to revive the dormant Casino Stalkers who once kept her regime in power. They did not show up last election and she only won by 4 votes over Carlton Hendricks, Jr. But who knows? Their elections are so shady.

tribe for  a reason. And like everything she does…it’s illegal.They conveniently skipped the step to make mail in ballots legal which requires a 2/3 vote of the Tribe.  It’s the core of the Tribe who would make that decision, and the Mashpee 5 and Cohorts are desperate to avoid that. So they’re doing an end run around us. Believe that Paula Peters is behind this, but instead of worrying about her own problems she’s frantic to hold on to power via the Mittark propaganda rag. You see the Casino Stalkers are  only people who read the Mittark.  We’re paying a lot for propaganda to the bootleg tribal members.

The Constitution was crafted to be very hard to change to avoid this very thing…outsiders who have little to do with the tribe taking over and benefiting from the struggles of the people who remain on the homeland. Why would any Tribal member vote themselves out of the decision making process? Exactly. We lost control because outsiders took over….worse than when the White people outnumbered us and took over the town.

To stay in power, the Council is emulating Trump. It’ crazy and disturbing.

How about conducting a legal election with drive up drop off paper ballots counted by the Elders? Oh wait, we forgot.  The Elders have no role in this Tribe under this administration and they’re still looking for the $50,000 that was allocated to them. Where’s it at?

Every time these Council members pull these stunts it makes it harder to be taken seriously and move forward with a positive agenda. They are like Trumpster clones who will do anything to stay in power. They are doing exactly what Trump is trying to do…”find some extra votes.”

Every family should have a role in the future of this Tribe. No family should be branded or held responsible for every bad actor in that family cause we all have a bunch.  But we have to stand up for Mashpee as individuals.  We can’t look back, only move forward.