Chief Vernon Lopez resigned April 2008
Every Mashpee Wampanoag who was able should have attended the coin dedication (3/25/11) by the US Treasury. That was the crowning moment for our tribe. For that moment, all the hurt and the pain of the past 2 years were washed away. For that moment we could have been proud and stood tall and remembered how we made so much progress and were about to live out our destiny.
Well, you really had to close you eyes and pretend …here’s why.
All three of the officers representing us at the event are foreigners to our traditions, and essentially know nothing about Mashpee families. That’s why they continue to destroy our identity adding insult to the injury they inflict. In addition to there not being able to represent us at all. Here’s why.
Cedric (Tobey)Cromwell--Grew up in Boston/Dorcester and spend his adult years there. He had nothing to do with Mashpee until very late in life. His mother Connie left Mashpee when she was 5 returning to visit much later in life. Course Cedric LIES about ” being raised in the tribal community”….ha in where? Dorchester? He never came near Mashpee. Cedric thinks wearing lots of wampum makes him original and authentic to the White people. It actually makes him look like a cross-dresser trying to be accepted. He has never been accepted. $ 130-150k annually to do nothng( no one really knows but the Malyasians )
Aaron Tobey–Never came over the bridge to Mashpee, which has to be seen as a blessing now, in hind sight. He ran 5 times before he was finally elected, the last time was an illegal election. Aaron is a guy who has to be in charge. Aaron you will recall thought that our land went into to trust automatically when we were federally recognized. So, yes he didn’t know that our sovereignty was as incomplete then as it is now. Aaron is the only man who would abandon a beautiful wife, of consequence and his children, for a straight up…..well, you know….and the new companion was his cousin’s wife…Aarons trying to be an Indian now with his slicked back hair and his Lumbee Lie girl friend who has no where to go. $95k to do nothing.
Mark Harding– was very busy being White, also on the other side of the bridge…and …well, until he decided it was time to be Indian. A dollar a dollar a dollar, his heritage for a dollar. Mark Harding despised by everyone….and loved by a secret few….Markie Poo. Everyone knows his story. At least $70k that we know of, discounting contracts under investigation)
Marie “Tah Tah“–She’s the only one that’s Mashpee. She’s the only one who could have actually helped her own. But she just couldn’t handle it. They treat her badly, manipulating her. Calling her a ” Whistleblower” when theywant to because she knows of the check rec’s. And her issues get in the way, complicated by tragedy. Marie actually knows better. She just can’t help herself…or her people. Now she will tell you in firery terms that ” She is a Mashpee Woman God Damnit!” But …well you know.
At the ceremony , Cedric purposely refused to recognize Earl Mills. Earl is not only a Chief, but he is a living breathing testament to every traditonal part of our being. “Flying Eagle” is Mashpee. So it confirms a lot of things doesn’t it?
The Elder abuse is connected to the current Council dragging “Bunny” around when it suits them. “Bunny” has been a pawn of this Council for all of their illegal actions, currently under investigation. Bunny is clearly aged. He is dragged into Council meeting to vote when Earl Mills was in fact designated Chief in 2008 when Bunny resigned. But Cedric knew he could not manipulate Earl Mills.
No one tells Earl what to do. Everyone know that. But let’s be honest. Earl is Mashpee. Cedric, Aaron, and Mark Harding are carpetbaggers who back in the day whould have gotten their asses kicked and sent down the road. Who knows, it could still happen…that’s why Cedric is always running around with the “One armed …”
But the coin event was unseemly and embarassing. Bunny did not seem to know what was going on. But if you don’t know us, if you are not Mashpee, why would you care?
Round up your .50 Indians Cedric Bro… and call it a day.