Herrin’ & Roe “Tah Tah’s off the Reservation….again”

Herrin: ” They let her out.”

Roe: “Who?”

Herrin: ”  Tah Tah.  She’s out talking and rambling about

investigations….she says ain’t nothin  going on.”

Roe: “Oh yah?  She’s gut a pipeline to O’Keeffe  and Coakley does she ?

Herrin: ” Oh…you know her, she’s certifiable. She and Mark Harding  prove that the 09 election was rigged cause nobody in their right minds would vote for either one of  ’em.”

Roe: “They threw her off the ticket didn’t they?”

Herrin: ” Yah.   But why would those people who do investigations, tell the people who are bein’ investigated, that they’re trying to catch ’em?”

Roe: ” Course not, we all know that.  But then again they gut her telling people that Coakley and OK’eefe can’t touch her, Cedric and the rest of them,  cause we’re a federally recognized tribe. Well that’s true about being federally recognized but  there’ s a big problem. We don’t have any official land. We’re not for real without land.”

Herrin: ” Yup…that’s like the state of Massachusetts saying its sovereign without any land, or the Narragansett being sovereign without a reservation.   Regardless, the tribes and states all answer to the federal government. Right now with no court, no laws no land into trust, we’re worse off  than before.”

Roe: ”  Well worse than than that, they gut Tah Tah out in public talkin.'”

Herrin: ” What do ya expect…they’re Tobes. You know there are Tobeas,  and  them Tobes. Them damned Tobes …now they can really mess things up. Them Tobes wanna be Tobeas so bad…but they can’t do it.  They can’t break that strain.  It’s in their blood.  Can’t neva be a Tobea.”

Roe: ” Yah….it something watching them in denial, trying act normal and be decent.  It’s painful to watch. But shoot.. Tah Tah needs to get going…yah know.  She needs to do is find those audio tapes of the meetings for the last two years.”

Herrin: ” Good luck on that one..ain’t no tapes. There are no records.  Let her explain that to the investigators that ain’t touchin’ em.”

Roe:  ” Maybe she forgot to take her meds.”

Herrin: ” That’s a charge right there don’t ya know !”

Roe: “Yup.”

Herrin: “There she goes,  driving all over the road…

Roe: “Damn shame.”

Herrin: ” For us it is.”




The Beginning of the End for Joanne

It is the Beginning of the End for Joanne Frye.  That came a couple of weeks ago when it was made clear that the Tribal Council was hiring a Tribal Administrator. Course this is a mandate that should have happened months ago. This is just one of many of the violations of federal law that the Cromwell Administration  has ignored for 2 years.  On the Administrator, we have a pretty good idea who it’s going to be, and we definitely know who it ain’t gonna be, and that’s Joanne.  Joanne was hot.  Too late Joanne, too late.  They made you do all their dirty work, firing people who were actually doing important things….valuable things for the Tribe.  You cried a lot….a lot, but regrets are worthless now.

You saw a lot of really bad stuff, and it’s still going on despite the fact that investigators are everywhere….But Joanne…if you and Bobby could turn back the hands of time….you might have done things differently.

Maybe you would not have padded the Feb 2009 voter list with 250  illegal voters given to you by Ca and Carol Lopez to throw the election. You were afraid then of being fired by Putnam Peters who ran for chair and  promised to get rid of people who didn’t do a GD thing to earn their paycheck. That was no idle threat and you knew it.  So you and Yvonne made that fatal mistake of hookin’ up with the Tobes. Who does that ?

Maybe you would have had real election monitors, like Patty and Rhoda, able to identify every ineligible pending voter because they knew the rolls… we wouldn’t be in this embarrassing mess. We are in  full reverse of every gain made for us. Full reverse.

Now, you don’t bare full responsibility. Election Committee Chair  Trish Keliinui allowed you to do your thing by relinquishing the voter list to you….the office manager, to manipulate as you pleased.

Course no one can produce that dubious voter list now.  It is an indictment of the pathetic stereotypical incompetence of people who just should not be in charge of money…or a government. These people have no fear of facing Mashpee…because they are not real Mashpee….but you are. That’s what brought the tears.

Then again….the demands to fire you before the election never happened.  Others bare significant responsibility for dropping the ball.

But…the complaint was filed…Elections fraud….and we haven’t had an honest,  good election since. Here is the complaint  filed.

Ms. Patricia Keliinui

Chair, Election Committee

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649

February 9, 2009


Dear Ms. Keliinui,

We are gravely concerned with a number of circumstances surrounding the February 8, election.

First, there was no consistent verification of voter identification, despite the startling number of hundreds of voters who had never set foot on tribal land. Election workers were not directed to ask voters to produce a roll number, tribal identification or photo identification. This makes the verification of voter identification impossible.

Second; this allowed the genealogy pending members to be placed on the eligible voter list that was used.  Carolyn Turner, was the only one who had access to the genealogy pending files with access afterhours.  It is clear that she turned the information over to her sisters Joanne Frye, tribal office manager and Council Woman Yvonne Frye Avant, a campaign manager for Cedric Cromwell, who had possession of the list to be used for the election. This allowed pending voters to participate in our election even voting twice (because no ID required), which is a violation of our constitution and obvious election fraud.

The week before election day, Carol Lopez was copying the eligible voter list and contacting pending voters telling them  “There is a new list and you will be allowed to vote.”  Some of these pending voters attempted to register early and informed Election Committee members of this fact. The Genealogy Department was also inundated with calls from pending voters who were told they could vote.

The tampering and access to Genealogy /Membership files continues with a second day of genealogy staff being locked out of the office. The Frye family has the keys to all the offices and continues to tamper with files and the lists they concocted.   This is one of the most egregious violations of tribal member privacy and sovereignty, and confirms the use and tampering of pending files to control the tribe. Because the voter ballots and sign in sheets are not in your possession, but in the possession of the Frye/Tobey families, and the potential for destruction of ballots and sign-in sheets is likely, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Lakeville has been apprised of this situation and is acting accordingly.

We are asking for a new election because of the obvious voter fraud that has occurred.




Nellie Ramos


cc: US Department of Interior

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Lee Flemming


Election Committee Members





Bye Cheryl… Your Past Finally Caught Up with You!

Reel Wamps knew several months ago that Cheryl Frye  (Cromwell) had been on her standard bad behavior binge, when she smashed up the tribal  blue sedan …we don’t know Cheryl’s condition…but we know she had ghettoized that car so bad…it needed to be laid to rest. Finally Aaron had his revenge for the firing of his friend Rhonda by revealing Cheryl’s wreck.  Well they voted on firing Cheryl from the Health Department..Aaron had the votes to get rid of her and actally be the hero of the Tribe.  Well the plan would have worked if it were not for his cousin Laura Tobey Miranda abstained.  The weak Council members abstain from votes constantly when everyone knows abstaining is used if you have a conflict….not because you don’t want to take a stand.  Course that’s why you elect people ……to take a stand…Better luck next time Aaron…you know those Tobe’s…just can’t trust ’em.

Kung Foo Council

It was another Sunday meeting too ridiculous to be true. It was like a circus. A Karate  class performing for an hour.  A lot of time and money wasted on extra curricular activities, by the way. when our kids need tutoring.  The real tribal members suffered through a diatribe from the insufferable Diane Bassettwho is clearly disappointed with the leadership she owns, and her son protects as ” security”.  She’s not  a Wampanoag and she’s not allowed to raise questions….but then again shes dealing with her crew and there are no rules let alone an understanding of tribal decorum.  And Brook Scanell, Cedric’s flack, for 2 years) needs to keep those lame ideas to herself. No ones sending any cards mto anyone and we’re too small a tribe to have any impact on any legislative body.  She can do us all a favor and stop writing that God awful Mittark…The Tobe’s have a petition going around for that too !

Damn Delahunt…..$15 K a month?

Yup, with that kinda fee, you can drag this out forever can’t you boy?  That’s how it’s done and  with a Council desperate to improve it’s reputation for incompetence and sex scandal…Cedric has to do something. What he should do is resign and take Mark Harding with him before the HUD black suit guys get the call from Leon who’s camped out in Housing pouring over  all the disbursements that don’t add up.  Again, HUD just left the Narragansett’s and now they’re parked in our Housing Department.

Oh…by the way  THE “Tobe’s” have another petition rollin’ around  …’to get them outta there.’ Interesting .

Who does Delahunt Talk to?

He can’t lobby the Congress…cause that’s against the law! Whatever …..Bill’s (close friend of Glenn) gettin paid….White man wins….Tribe loses again!

Let’s talk about First Light that’s where the money goes…and investigators are on that too.

Can We Just be Honest About It?

  • Joan Avant does not have a doctorate
  • Cheryl Frye barely has a GED let alone a bachelors..please…she can’t write a sentence, period.
  • The Tobey  administration has brought the .50 Indians to a new low…but low lifes stick together don’t they?
  • When HUD got thru with the Narragansett embezzlement they came on over to our housing department. And Leon iS PARKED  up there. Hard drives don’t lie nor do bank statements.

Sneaking and Peaking in the Orange Jump SuitsLet’s  be honest the crooks are everywhere in the the Cromwell administration and the millions spent is so disgraceful but the illegality is  on the radar of investigators.

A Fantasy Come True

There was a time when rules and protocol governed Sunday tribal meetings .  The rules were that non Indian spouces could attend the meetings but were not allowed to ask questions or vote.  There used be respect for tribal members having the ability to dialogue with thier government leaders. Now we have Sunday meetings  where these spouces run their mouths with great authority, asking “He Who Lies A Lot” questions she  has no right to ask.

You know who we’re talking about.  ….Diane Bassett.

Diane has told the White people in Middleboro that she can deliver the Tribe so we can have our casino and live happily ever after.  She probably didn’t tell them that HWLA did his usual “Boobabble” then broke camp when time was up in his usual less than manly fashion. Diane has been leading the charge for this administration since 2008.  She mislead Middleboro into thinking she had some influence with the tribe and she wasn’t even a member…just a mouthy condesending spouce who can’t stop..  The very people she backed walked away from the only real deal we had for a casino. And in it’s place gave Fall River nearly $5 million for the FALL RIVER BOONDOGGLE.

HWLA keeps borrowing money, in our name to pay himself , and the huge note ( over $250,000 a month) to the Malaysians. HWLA hired a lot of Mark Hardings friends who had no influence or knowledge of the process and milked us mercilesly delivering nothing…. So here we are people.  The pro’s hired by the “previous Administration” delivered.  Cedric, Aaron and Mark have us in reverse at about 250 miles an hour…no progress..not one financial report in 2 years, and nothing to show for over $20 m in loans.  We just keep getting no for an answer.

What We Don’t Know is Hurting Us

Since the beginning of the nightmare  election in Feb  2009the tribe has been in the dark about everything  the so called government does. The borrowing , the illegal spending , the grant tampering  has gone on unchecked and everytime  someone asks for records  well , nothing happens. So where are the records?  The critical audio tapes of  meetings vallidating their actions have never been presented cause they don’t exist.  That’s the biggest problem Cedric has is a failure to record the Council actions…Guess who else knows the importance of ” failure to record” …the state attorney general , the FBI and the BIA.They  just wait and watch and  interview people who want to stay out of jail or admit that they were part of the conspiracy.  So  when you ask if they got another $9 million from the Malaysians or if the election was legit, the answer doesn’t  matter  because Cedric can never prove it…..and he ain’t gonna try. Pay day loans don’t ya know.  So stop asking questions  they won’t  answer. Letting them know, that you know they’re stealing doesn’t mean anything if they keep doing it and we still have to pay the bill. The Malaysians bound the Tribe through the First Lighrt  corporation that is headed by  the officers of the tribe, so we have to pay for thier  huge salaries, all the bad investments and payola to their friends and family. Oh and Mark Tilden’s bad legal  advice won’t erase Cedric’s writing hundreds of thousands of dollars in checks  ” under the table ” to Tobeys and political cronies, without authority…Keep asking those questions!

Trish & Laura… Oh Boy!!

Low voter turnout & voter appathy…what do you get … Trish and Laura. For the first time in the history of the tribe almost 1/3 of the votes were blank ballots and write-ins of family members who had passed on. That’s one hell  of a message to Cedric who has great difficulty getting a quorum, has no audio record of meetings and a bigger problem  following the constitution. These are serious legal issues that won’t be ignored any longer.  Get them Tums boy!

Election brings Wamps  back from the grave
Herrin’: Gonna be some kinda election today.
Roe: ” Ya…it’s become very mystical they tell me, since nobody wants to vote for the candidates the Council picked for the ballot.”
Herrin: ” That Tobey girl says she’s Mrs Etta Tobey…she’s the one who asks questions all the time and her cousin Cedric  doesn’t answer . She thinks she’s O’Keefe don’t she?”
Roe: ” She’s a clerk is what she is.  And that other Tobey  she’s wacky and  still owes the tribe.
Herrin’: ” Well there are some Mashpee runnin’…Bobby, who still owes the tribe for the 2008 pow wow, Trish, Miss Go Along to Get Along.  And Bruzzy…you know Bruzzy…whoever’s in power.
Roe: ” Trish is the reason we have this illegal mess going on.  In 2009, she released the voter list to Joanne and  Carrol loaded it with pending voters after she and Paula called them tellin’ them to vote.”
Herrin’: ” Ya….and she also kicked Patty and Rhoda outta the election so they weren’t there to throw out the illegal voters. There were  complete strangers votin’. ”
Roe: ” Trish was allowed to change the rules on Election Day 2009 and we’re damn sure paying for it now. No one stepped up to stop her…no one.”
Herrin’: ” Well there’s a slate  goin’  around  ya know…Mr Ferdnand, Eddie Amos, Jeff Hicks, Mr. Steve, Mrs Mable…
Roe: ” What about Mrs Etta ?”
Herrin: ” She said she can’t be bothered.”
Roe: ” Well all them people have passed away!”
Herrin’:” Well it’s better than who we gut on the ballot.”
Roe: “Damned Right boy….let’s go get some fish from Norm…”

Tomorrow—The Tribe Demands Free Democratic Elections with QUALIFIED CANDIDATES …… HA HA HA HA