When ya lie down with dogs, ya come up with fleas

The Genting group has it’s share of investigations in the United States in addition to  hurting Native tribes that they showered with unregulated money, then shoved off the cliff. Namely the Mashantucket Pequot. They are the poster child for the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. Actually the law was passed because the Genting exploited the Pequot so badly, the federal government had to establish a law to protect Indian tribes from the loan sharks like them. Well it came to late for the Pequot who 23 years later were crushed by a debt they couldn’t generate the money to pay….even with their ” largest casino in the world.” Foxwoods is an empty shell now. And the Pequots are absolutely broke and in debt. No more $150,000 allotments. Nothing.
And the Mashpee Wampanoag, without land in trust? Guess who owns this tribe? Genting. We are no different than the Pequot, on the same path, unprotected looking for a commercial venture that benefits the investors….exclusively Ain’t that special?. But guess what, the officers of the tribe and all their friends still get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to bind us to a really bad deal. Yes indeed, the landless Wampanoag are paying their government to set us back 200 years. Great. Can’t blame the White man…ya just can’t.

The Malaysians face investigtion in many places

New York State Comptroller promises more looks at NYRA’s books

Published: Wednesday, July 20, 2011

By PAUL POST, ppost@saratogian.com

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The state comptroller intends to look, with some skepticism, at the New York Racing Association’s books to see what it’s doing to get out of the red.

“NYRA has a history of overspending,” Thomas P. DiNapoli said in a press release Wednesday. “I want to ensure that this is one tradition that doesn’t continue.”

DiNapoli’s review will examine NYRA’s response to two earlier comptroller audits, which called for significant cost reductions, including salaries and consultant fees. NYRA hasn’t posted a profit since 2000, reported a $17 million operating loss last year and projects an $11 million loss this year.

In June, state Budget Director Robert Megna asked NYRA for a long-term business plan, which NYRA said it cannot provide until after the six-week Saratoga Race Course meet that begins Friday. NYRA says it needs to see how Aqueduct’s new casino, scheduled to open in early October, actually performs before making long-term financial projections.

Megna also chairs the state Franchise Oversight Board and recently criticized a nearly 8 percent spending increase in NYRA’s $141 million budget. The budget included a more than 5 percent hike in salaries, with some executives making between $255,000 and $460,000. Megna also questioned the firm’s ability to get back in the black.

However, NYRA on Wednesday announced positive results from the recently concluded spring-summer Belmont Park meet. Attendance was up 14.4 percent over last year, total on-track handle (including money bet on simulcast races) was up 72 percent — increasing to $141 million from $82 million — and total all-sources handle (including money bet on simulcast races) was up 1.2 percent, increasing to $579 million from $572 million.

Also, NYRA Rewards telephone wagering was up 146 percent, increasing to $13 million from $5.4 million, and NYRA Rewards internet wagering was up 231 percent, increasing to $22 million from $6.5 million.

NYRA is three years into a 25-year contract with the state to operate Saratoga Race Course, Belmont Park and Aqueduct. The racetrack operator is currently operating with a

$25 million loan from Genting New York LLC, the casino’s operator. The first 2,500 gaming machines are slated to open around Oct. 1, with the rest coming on line before the end of this year.

One June 21, Megna asked NYRA to submit a plan to bring racing operations into long-term solvency. “We are working on a five-year plan which will not be final until the fall, as we need firm numbers on VLTs so we can better gauge how long it will take to pay back the $25 million loan from Genting,” NYRA spokesman Dan Silver said.

In addition, New York City Off Track Betting, which closed last Dec. 8, accounted for 18 percent of NYRA’s revenue stream.

“We’ve made some of that up, a significant amount, by our on-track business,” NYRA President Charles Hayward said. “But we need to work on, and we are working on a strategy to get back in the city and that relies on some approvals from the state and city government. So we’re moving that forward, but we can’t get that five-year plan done until we have some certainty about revenues from VLTs and some clarity about New York City OTB.”

Benefits represent one of NYRA’s largest spending increases — roughly

$4 million (27.2 percent) — from $15 million in 2010 to $19.1 million this year. “Several factors contribute to this increase, including a 36.7 percent increase in health care due to rising health care costs and a significant spike in claims correlated with WARN Act notices issued in May 2010,” NYRA’s budget said. NYRA sent out the notices last year, a requirement having to do with potential layoffs, when faced with a possible racing shutdown.

Salaries are NYRA’s singe largest expense, $59.2 million, and have gone up 5.2 percent (roughly $3 million) from last year’s $56.3 million. Of this, NYRA has had to pay an extra $1.4 million for additional pari-mutuel and television staffing to handle increased business activity when NYC OTB closed.

NYRA expects to save $500,000 by hiring 900 temporary workers during the Saratoga meet compared to 1,100 last year.

The Chairman’s legacy of deceit

The USDA loan for the Community Center, secured by the previous administration.Cromwell and Harding get the check. As usual, no one knows the status of the millions for the center.

The latest investigative report  by Wampaleaks goes to the heart of tribal concerns.  Was Cedric Cromwell and his slate duly elected? Do the Mashpee have a means of resolving the issue of legitimacy?   The answer is no to both questions. This administration never set up a tribal court  because they failed to get our land into trust.  Again they never understood that process and literally did not know how to proceed.The tribe has been helpless, as the Cromwell Administration  takes advantage of this limbo status and continues to operate in secrecy.  And the debt to the Malaysians is reportedly upwards of  $24 million.  Who knows ?

This administration is clearly abusing it’s legitimate 1700 members.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs was made aware of the  2009 February election debacle in great detail,  shortly after it occurred.  The Obama Administration was in transition then, but it’s clear that, unlike the Bush administration that refused to intervene in Indian government affairs, the BIA is looking into governmental abuse. The BIA said that as soon as Cromwell violates the  tribal constitution  they can step in.  Most recently, the Council did just that by  giving themselves the authority to sell off tribal land, what very little we have.  Clearly this will go into effect when they run out of money again.  Selling tribal land is an absolute constitutional taboo.  With the help of  Native attorney  Mark Tilden, the Council skipped the proper procedure which is to place the issue on a ballot for a tribal vote.  It’s supposed to be  difficult  to change the  constitution. And rightfully so. Not with this group.

WampaLeaks reminded us that the chairman has great difficulty with the truth as noted with his grossly exaggerated education and professional credentials.  But the claims that he ” grew up in the tribal community ” is the most insulting and egregious untruth. Traditionalist can still be heard howling on that one.  But worst of all. Cromwell has done a fabulous job of disenfranchising the Mashpee like no other chairman or sachem (self appointed or not) in its history. These are not political resume pontifications, but confirmation that he his not  an honest broker.

The tribe is actually  occupied by a foreign government.  One consolation is that further close scrutiny of Aaron Tobey, Marie Stone and that charming tribal treasurer Mark Harding will provide further proof to substantiate why we’re under siege. The movie rights will be priceless !

WampaLeaks Tells on the Man Who Calls Himself the Chairman

A new blog that does a lot of digging exposed Cedric Cromwell to the world today. It also looks inside the gaming process on Beacon Hill. It is pretty hot.Clearly, they got “sources.”
Great pictures of Sherry and Cedric back in the day though.
Have a look for yourself.

FBI Subpoenas for Wampanoag Leaders still active

Credible sources have reminded Reel Wamps that FBI subpoenas issued in the spring of 2009, for the Chairman, the Vice Chairman and the Chairman’s estranged wife, are still active. That’s troublesome.
Just the people you want out front negotiating on our behalf. It’s no wonder the tribe’s downward spiral has turned into a curse. So sad that it’s painful struggle for recognition was realized only to be destroyed in a few years by people who have never been in tribal leadership and exploit the tribe.
Let’s review the history of the tribe’s slide down the slippery slope.
• When the land in trust process was thrown out in Feb 2009, the new administration failed to act quickly and single Mashpee out and protect its status. They were clueless about the LIT process in the first place. They never gave our expert lawyers any direction for a course of action. Instead they fired them because they hated Glen Marshall. And they fired other knowledgeable professionals which began a politically vengeful strategy that hurt the Mashpee Wampanoag and reversed every one of the gains made during a 30 year process.
This allowed 27 states, in the Congress, including Massachusetts to mobilize, openly oppose us and other tribes who needed to use LIT, Indian gaming ( because it takes money from the states), and basically prevents us from building a sovereignty casino that protects the tribe from predatory investors.
• The new Administration proceeded to spend up the $800 K surplus. The $300k a month provided by the original investors stopped in April 2009 because they refused to present a spending plan or sign an agreement. They ran out of money in August 2009.
• Out of money for their salaries, they sought and found the Malaysians by around October 2009. This is the same group that drove the Pequot over the cliff.
• The new administration reneged on the investors that they owe, reneged on Middleboro and the site of a 539 acre destination resort casino. Of course Middleboro has every right to sue the tribe for violating a perfectly legal agreement.
• The Chairman proceeds to negotiate a deal with Fall River on the biotech land that is already designated for that facility. The University of Mass is the administrator of the program and the state allocated over $54 million for various infrastructure associated with the project. The chairman even put a huge deposit down ( nobody knows whether it was just $250 K or $3.4 million)and the Mayor and the city economic development group took the money happily.
• The Mayor bailed on the tribe publicly when the state made clear it was going to punish Fall River for brokering an untenable deal. The Chairman claims Fall River is still looking for a location for a casino.
• Now the Malaysians are unhappy. It is the late winter 2011. They want assurances of a meeting between the governor and the chairman or they will not continue to funnel millions to the administration at 15% interest.
• The administration is out of money in March and only gets $500 K from the Malaysians.
• The Chairman talks to the owner of the decrepit Raynham dog track in late June 2011. Of course so has every other gaming interest. The owner is making demands that all of his laid off workers be rehired along with his current workers. The broken down facility is unworthy of a state license because it is so tiny and surrounded by swamps, it can’t even be expanded. It would be a slot dump generating very little money for the state or the investors forget about tribal members. Is that all we’re worth? Who would even talk to this guy? Remember a commercial casino provides no protection or guaranteed payment to tribal members. The investors don’t even have to hire tribal members.
• Following the dog track publicity stunt, the administration gets $2m in July. The Malaysians think there is some minor movement. But that money will have to last until after September when lawmakers come back, and the Massachusetts budget problems have to be addressed by Oct. 1. The administration has had its smallest draw down ever. $2.5 m over 6 months.

And besides, a commercial casino law would not take effect for 2-4 years if the bill were passed and signed today.
Knowing that the same Malaysians who drove the Pequot into the ditch are now engineering our fate, well that’s reason enough to believe that the current administration has some really awesome get rich plan in store for us. Or…….they just want to make sure they keep getting a paycheck. What do you think ?

Indian Circus Held in Mashpee

The Cape Cod Times had a picture of a little girl on the front page with a rawhide head band on. That was the first official photo of the 2011 Mashpee Wampanoag Pow Wow. Not a single Mashpee Wampanoag could identify her. Not a single Mashpee Wampanoag could identify her…..period. Not by family resemblance, not by regalia. Any Mashpee looking at the newspaper website online photos was horrified by the photos because out of about 15 pictures only 2 could be identified as Mashpee.
The prediction came true, the city people had erased us. They allowed people to show up wearing costumes, imitating Indians. It was the ultimate insult. Again, no tribal identification to verify heritage. People all over the place were playing Indian. Worse than any other pow wow. Other tribes were praised and honored on our sacred grounds for three days….’The great Shennecock Nation’ was repeated over and over by the MC…..to the chagrin of the few members present. Even the children took note.
The Mashpee had stopped coming to their cherished homecoming celebration. The event they used to plan for meticulously the day after it was over, has become a cheap Indian Circus. It was reduced to people imitating Indians in “costumes” and very very few Wampanoag in attendance. The few Mashpee that showed up muttered “this is awful.” They had so few adult dancers they were dancing the kids into the ground for 3 days. “Hoka.” We won’t talk about where the prize money went and to whom. Guess who the host drum was…right the Shennecocks….they were…….downright awful.
Driving into the parking lot was frightening. A rough crowd was in charge. The warmth and hospitality of the event was replaced with chaos, clutter, tents everywhere and no security. You felt like you needed protection from the people in charge, whoever they were. There were a couple of tribal members children on the gate and they were 13 years old. Once you got inside the parking lot….that was something else altogether. Tribal members would come in and they would get the hell out ….fast….and then there were those who just did not show up. There were hundreds of the “not show uppers.”
The transition to the Indian Circus meant June did not do the Clam bake…..the first time in the history of the pow wow where there was no bake.
We should not hang our heads about what was in the newspaper. The real Mashpee did not support the Indian Circus and it was their decision. For everyone who thought that being Mashpee just came naturally….well now you know don’t you? We don’t wear costumes and stupid headdresses. A Pow Wow is one thing and an Indian Circus is something altogether different ain’t it bird?

We’re Billionaires Ain’t We? Oh You Didn’t Know?

The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe has a constitution.  That constitution requires the Council to provide a budget to the Tribal membership.  The Council has never presented a budget to the Tribe . As a matter of fact, it has never voted on the budget at any time as a governing body. Okay whatever.

Again, more importantly, it never presented the budget to the Tribe.  Not in 2009, or 2010, or this year 2011.  It just keeps making bad deals, taking out huge loans and  failing to provide the tribe with an economic developemnt strategy that benefits anyone other than Mark Harding. Isn’t it interesting that while other businesses are failing and struggling , his is thriving.

Anyway let’s talk about the moola !

  1. Who makes $172,000 a month is salaries?
  2. Who is making nearly $1,000,000 in professional fees a year?
  3. Why does our cell phone bill  exceed $120,000 a year?
  4. Why are we paying for consultants cell phones?
  5. What is and wh0 gets ” Member Good Will” at $500,000 a year? Did you get any help? Course not.
  6. Who’s traveling on our tab at $50,000 in 90 days.  Bermuda, Saigon, Pago Pago?
  7. What is the mystery category of  $473,669 for Investor Operating expenses?
  8. What is other mystery category of $257,642 Investor Predevelopment?
  9. Why do we have $11,271 in miscellaneous ? We got  your miscellaneous….

The questions continue from a Council member who can’t get answers or audio tapes that are records of official activity. If you want to call it offical.

Now we understand why we had 5 negative audits on Housing and at least 2 negative audits overall. Mark Harding bought an auditing system that was supposed to prevent errors.  Course what do we know? We’re Billionaires ain’t we ?

We got money to burn! At %15 no less…such a deal!

They’re Onto You

Cayugas’ leadership dispute

boils over; BIA called in as

As the money dries up, and the Tribal government searches for new revenue sources, like selling off tribal lands…it’s interesting to see what’s happened to other tribal officials, with sovereignty, who have done far less. The BIA is more involved in tribal affairs armed with federal enforcement ( remember what happened to the Brown woman who headed Narragansett Housing, arrested, indicted). 

Chippewa Cree Tribe to elect new chairman July 5

Related: Chippewa Cree man pleads guilty to tribal theft of $58K

HAVRE – The Chippewa Cree Tribe will hold a special election next month to choose a new chairman after Raymond “Jake” Parker Jr. resigned.

Parker resigned last month a day before pleading guilty to federal theft charges.

Parker was accused of charging nearly $60,000 to a tribal credit card between 2009 and 2010, mostly on unauthorized personal charges.

The Havre Daily News reports that the tribal council on the Rocky Boy’s Indian reservation will hold a special election on July 5.

A statement from the tribe says it is regrettable that Parker is in this situation but his achievements in office will always be recognized.

Parker has agreed to repay the tribe.

Even Tribal Government Isn’t Without Reproach For Long

Snoqualmie Tribe votes to throw out Tribal Council, hold elections

June 22, 2011

By Dan Catchpole

The Snoqualmie Tribe’s division deepened June 18 when a group of members voted to throw out the current Tribal Council and hold new elections.

The move is the latest in an ongoing dispute. But formal opposition to the current government has been growing, and opponents are digging in for a protracted fight to wrest control of the tribe from what they say is an illegitimate government.

Tribal Council members and the tribal administration contend that the opposition is acting illegally and consists of members who have been disenrolled, or kicked out.

But the outcome will have big repercussions. Both sides are fighting for their heritage, and control of millions of dollars in Snoqualmie Casino revenue and federal money.

For the Snoqualmies who gathered at the Great Longhouse in Monroe on June 18, there was no doubt that they crossed the Rubicon when they voted unanimously for a resolution recalling the current Tribal Council and to hold new elections. An election committee headed by Chief Jerry Enick will organize the elections July 16.

“Once you do this, you’re going into the lion’s den. You have to go and look these people in the eye, and you have to stand firm,” said Leon Enick, the chief’s son. “There’s no turning back after this.”

As the tribe’s head chief, Jerry Enick had called the June 18 meeting after the Tribal Council postponed the Snoqualmies’ annual general membership meeting in May when new elections are typically held.

The council postponed the elections earlier that month saying that the tribe’s membership must be vetted by an outside party, a Seattle-based genealogist. However, opponents of the council say that the audit is politically motivated and that the 2004 member rolls are legitimate.

Arguments over who is and who is not a Snoqualmie stalled a general membership meeting called by council members in January in an effort to strip the 77-year-old Enick of his title.

After Enick challenged the postponed election, the Tribal Council passed a resolution warning the hereditary chief that he is acting inappropriately and could face punishment, Councilman Ray Mullen said.

The council will not recognize the June 18 meeting.

“It was an unsanctioned meeting. Period. The council has control in setting meetings,” Mullen said.

For the time being, the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs has declined to get involved in the current dispute. But it has stepped in during episodes in the past two years.

If no general meeting is called for several months, the situation would become a concern, Stan Speak, the Pacific Northwest regional director of the bureau, said before the June 18 meeting.

Enick said he expects the push to unseat Mullen and the rest of the council to be difficult.

“They’re fighters,” he said.

Enick should know. In 2008, he sided with several of the current council members in an effort to overthrow a disputed 2007 election that led to a federal civil rights case that overturned the banishment of nine members.

The nine formerly banished members were on hand at the June 18 meeting.

“We’ve been banished, disenrolled and blacklisted from everything, and we’re still fighting,” said Marilee Mai, one of the nine formerly banished members.

The past is the past, she said.

The long-running feud has been painful for some of the tribe’s elders.

“It’s heart-sickening for me to watch the tribe fuss and argue,” tribal elder Barbara Beauchamp said.

At age 83, Beauchamp lived through the tribe’s decadeslong fight to regain federal recognition.

Like members on both sides of the dispute, she said she hopes the tribe can be reunited one day.

“I know it will with God’s help,” she said.

Mullen said he prays daily that the tribe members will be able to get along again.

In the meantime, the fight for control of the tribal government continues, but opponents say they finally feel like they are getting somewhere.

“We’ve been dragging at the bottom for so long, but now we can see that there is a bright light up there,” Enick said. “We can’t quit. What’s in it if we quit?”




Food For Thought..Just When They Think They Have the Final Say!

Snoqualmie Tribe chief calls for membership to throw out Tribal Council

June 13, 2011

By Dan Catchpole

Snoqualmie Tribe Chief Jerry Enick is calling on the tribe’s members to throw out most of their elected officials. The longtime chief has called for a meeting of the general membership Saturday, June 18 in Monroe.

The Tribal Council has done nothing wrong, and Enick is acting beyond his authority, says Tribal Administrator Matt Mattson.

The catalyst came when the Tribal Council voted in early May to postpone the tribe’s annual general elections until July, after an audit of the tribal membership is finished.

For several years, the Snoqualmie Tribe has been plagued by completing claims of who is and is not a member. At stake is control of the tribe’s casino proceeds. In an effort to quell the ongoing fights over membership, the Tribal Council voted in January to hire an outside genealogist to audit the member rolls using records from the tribe and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

But the council cannot simply postpone the election, Enick says.

As the tribe’s head chief, it is his responsibility to act.

“I oversee what’s going on in my tribe. If I see something that’s going wrong, I attempt to take care of it,” he says.

Without an election, the Snoqualmies have no functioning government, because most council members’ terms expired on June 1, according to Enick. The lack of a legitimate government could threaten the tribe’s financing agreements for Snoqualmie Casino.

That concern is overblown, Mattson says.

The tribe hasn’t broken any parts of the loan agreements it has with the bondholders, who provided $330 million to start the casino, he says.

The ongoing political fights don’t hurt the tribal government’s ability to provide services to its members and Snoqualmie Valley residents, according to Mattson.

The tribe runs two medical clinics in the Valley. Together they handle more than 5,000 patient visits a year. It also runs a food clinic in Carnation, among myriad other social and cultural services it provides
