Alea iacta est

The die is cast.

The Mohegan are the winners in the great ” will a tribe get a commercial casino in Massachusetts”  gambling soap opera.  The Mohegan have done their due diligence by working closely with the town of Palmer to meet the requirements in the bill.  They are federally recognized, and have land in trust….you know all the right stuff.  No need for  boondoggles and phoney deals to reassure their investors who happen to be Sol and Len, the South Africans who (along with the Detroit group) backed the Mashpee Wampanoag in Middleboro. Must be nice to have a strategy.

And another potential coup is that there’s nothing to prevent  the South Africans from bidding and developing the 539 acres of  land they own in Middleboro, that has been processed with environmental clearances.  Why shouldn’t they get a license? Considering that the ( sovereignty ) resort  casino that was our deal evaporated because the Administration did not act quickly to get our land into trust…nor did they have sense enough to ask Ted Kennedy for help. To say the crew was in over their heads is an understatement, cause we’re sure paying the price now.

And the Malaysians are not exactly the kind of investors the Commonwealth is interested in doing busines with….too messy.  Ask the Seminoles.

Point 2.  No tribe seeks a commercial casino because it is unprotected.  Only the investor, the state and in our case, the Council get’s a paycheck.  That’s why land in trust is the bible of Indian gaming and state governments hate it because they can’t do anything about it but ask the tribes for whatever they can get…

Well the balls in the Governor’s court ain’t it? If we had a strategy even when the LIT process was derailed…we would have stood a chance.  But we didn’t.

And Cedric and his jackpot in the Boston paper…with all that weepy clap trap about how his people have suffered.  How would he know? He doesn’t know the first thing about his own family…being new to the tribe and all.  He’s  only been a member for 5 years….course that’s another story and its a screecher.  How he got on the rolls and all.

Meanwhile remember our new status.  Without land in trust we’re a tribe with a guillotine hanging over our heads.

Great. Sort of our own Tale of Two Cities…Mashpee and Middleboro.


When we get LIT……Holla !!!!

Big Pow Wow excludes Mashpee

Everyone who knows something about lawmaking knows that the gaming bill revealed will likely be very different, if and when it passes.  But one thing not likely to change is our status in the new historic legislation.

A conversation with a expert in Indian law and gaming reconfirmed what we have been saying, that not only have we been uninvited to the pow wow, we don’t have the leverage to get into the gig.  That old Land in Trust thing is a ” game changer” as the lawyer said.  Damn right. But when our players don’t even know how to play the game and trying to get us a commercial casino that benefits everyone but the tribe….that’s just pathetic.  He also said ” You have no leverage with the state.”  Of course the state knows that…now they’re waving at us and blowing kisses at Cedric, Aaron,  and Mark Harding as the train leaves the station.  Course the rest of the Council is clueless about anything.  Lovely.

Where’s our casino going to be…Uranus ?

The newspaper headline is accurate until you read closer. The Governor is basically saying the tribe will have a casino…when it gets land into trust. But it won’t be one of the states  3 commercial licenses . To the lawmakers, who do not want us to have a special commercial license, it tells them not to worry.

What Rep. Cabral does not understand is that our lack of  land into trust, will not delay the state’s commercial casino process.  Just that simple.  The state will move forward without including the set aside commercial license for the tribe because it can. And if  the tribe ever gets it’s land into trust, the tribe  automatically builds the casino on its sovereign land  without state sanction.

But remember, LIT is almost a dream now and valuable time slipped away under the deceptive leadership of Cedric Cromwell. It was years before he, Aaron,  Mark or any of them understood that they should have pursued the LIT  effort  before the Congress turned against Indian Gaming.  Now the state Legislature is just as anti Indian gaming ” set aside” and threatens  to derail the bill.  The Governor certainly does not want to do that dance. And a weak rudderless tribe that has been involved in two casino boondoggles, Fall River and Raynham..can’t be very helpful.

Cedric tried to make Genting think he’s in the state gaming deal by pontificating in committee hearings on Beacon Hill and with the Raynham publicity stunt. Then he makes speeches before the BIA ( that has about as much respect for us of late as, well, God knows what). Genting wanted Cedric to meet with the Governor to strike a deal. Who Duval Patrick ? Can’t you just see that? The last thing Genting wants is for us to have a sovereignty casino because it benefits us…not them.

Cedric threatened the state, and the Governor and waved sovereignty at them like a weapon. It was a wet noodle.  Our sovereignty is elusive. But for confused tribal members…it kept hopes of a casino alive.  His false double talk is a disgrace to our ancestors and the tribal members who fought for decades to get the Mashpee recognized.  Our people are struggling.  We have people in charge whose self interest is overwhelming.

Whenever Cedric’s foolishness backfires he starts talking about Hybrids and swears the tribe is in the state commercial gaming bill.

We could be in the bill…but as a kind of afterthought. It would state the obvious….tribal casino with  LIT, which frees the state to give licenses to someone else.  Cedric sounds ridiculous thanking the governor and planning for a Compact without LIT.  Part of the smoke and mirrors.  But it won’t fool Genting.

Guess who already has the process 90% complete and shovel ready? The original investors with 539 acres of property that is part of our LIT package  in Middleboro. Wow.


Governor backs Mashpee tribe casino

August 20, 2011

As Gov. Deval Patrick prepares a plan for three potential casinos in the state, he believes any future gambling legislation needs to account for a Mashpee Wampanoag-run gaming operation.

Patrick took a stand on the tribe’s role in an expansion of gambling in response to a letter this week from five Southeastern Massachusetts legislators to Senate President Therese Murray, D-Plymouth, and the governor. In the letter, the lawmakers urged the governor not to give preference to a Native American tribe in obtaining a casino license in Southeastern Massachusetts.

On Friday, a key member of Patrick’s administration wrote back to the lawmakers, stating that if the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is able to resolve its land-in-trust issue with federal authorities, then the tribe will be legally entitled to have a casino on tribal lands.

“We believe it is important that any gaming legislation account for and address this tribal gaming reality,” wrote Gregory Bialecki, state secretary of Housing and Economic Development Secretary.

Earlier this month, state Rep. Antonio Cabral, D-New Bedford, and four other representatives from Bristol County told lawmakers that they were worried about the time it will take for the Mashpee Wampanoag to go through the legal wrangling necessary to place tribal land in federal trust for a casino.

To place land in federal trust, the tribe must address a 2009 U.S. Supreme Court ruling known as the Carcieri decision that restricted the ability of the U.S. Department of the Interior to take land into federal trust for tribes recognized after 1934.

The Mashpee Wampanoag received federal recognition in 2007.

“Providing a Native American preference for obtaining a casino license would incur significant risk for the Commonweath,” the lawmakers’ letter states.

“This decision would likely entangle that process in years of litigation.”

“I want to see a casino built,” Cabral said Friday night in a phone interview with the Times. “We need to create revenue and jobs.”

State lawmakers will be taking up the topic of expanded gaming laws next month.

Last year, lawmakers backed a proposal to allow three resort casinos and two slot parlors at state racetracks. Patrick effectively killed that plan when he rejected the slot parlors, citing “no-bid contracts” for track owners. The gambling legislation would have divided the state into three regions and permitted one casino in each. The Southeastern Region would have included Bristol and Barnstable counties.

New proposals that will be debated next month will probably stick with the three-region approach, according to Bialecki’s letter.

Setting aside three areas “is the best way to maintain valuable market capacity and maximize short- and long-term job creation and economic development opportunities for the entire Commonwealth,” Bialecki wrote.

He went on to write that the Mashpee Wampanoag “will be legally entitled to conduct gaming on their tribal lands upon successful resolution of their land-in-trust application with the federal government.”

In an email message to the Times on Friday night, Cedric Cromwell, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council chairman, thanked the Patrick administration for recognizing the tribe’s “inevitable right.”

“We appreciate the acknowledgment from Secretary Bialecki and Governor Patrick that the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe has the inevitable right to conduct gaming in our ancestral homeland of southeastern Massachusetts,” Cromwell wrote in the email.

“We look forward to negotiating a compact with the governor as soon as possible that will guarantee revenues to the Commonwealth, and to breaking ground on a destination resort casino that will bring much-needed jobs to southeastern Massachusetts.”

But Cabral said the region faces “a cruel irony” because the Legislature could approve casino gambling, then face a long wait for the federal government to take Mashpee Wampanoag land into federal trust for a casino.

A “hybrid” solution or a chimera?

There was a mythical creature known as a chimera, composed of several other distinct animals.  Of course, this was the result someone’s active imagination and the willing acceptance of simple minds.  Such a creature never existed, and never will, though there may be some that will continue to believe.

So, too, are many ready to believe that the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe can erect a so called hybrid casino, one neither Indian nor commercial, or both, somehow.  Cedric Cromwell wants you to believe that he can bring Indian gaming to Massachusetts that is not really Indian gaming because we do not have land in trust.  The feds can’t help, he’s on his own.

On the other hand, commercial gaming is not available to us because we nearly literally have neither pot nor window.  If, as in this article in the Cape Cod Times, the legislature rejects any special advantage for Indian tribes,  we’ll not have the collective liquid to fill that pot.  Cromwell & Co. have gotten us into this mess, so remember this in upcoming elections.

Paying large for a pants load

Wanda  Lord was supposed to get us grants. Now we’re told  she’s a consultant making $250 k a year  to look over grants staff  find themselves to keep their programs going.  And on top of it all, the woman says it takes her 3 months to review them before she okays them. What a  scam.  Most grant writers work off a commission.  In other words, they get the tribe the grant, and they help administer it for about 10%.  No one pays someone to be a consultant on grants and not bring a damned thing in…..but the Cromwell administration.   Reliable  Sources say the woman has not brought one grant to the tribe….but keeps getting paid as a consultant.  It’s called no deliverables.  No tangible product. Nada. Nothing.

This is why the original investors spent the money on professionals because,  people, who claim to be leaders,  lie and don’t know what they’re doing and screw things up very nicely. The last two years are a testament to that premise.

Okay now look at this.

More “ No Delieverables “

Cedric Cromwell makes  $68.00  and hour.

Aaron Tobey made $41.00 in 2010 and now he makes $52.00 an hour .

What have they done for us ?

Marie Stone and Mark Harding make close to what Aaron makes and they only show up for Council meetings where they collect another $100 a meeting, and on Fridays to get their pay check. Marie cannot produce the audio records from the time they took over in early Febuary 2009 until present.  We know why.  Ain’t no records.  Just pictures of her banging the gavel…frantically.

The Assistant District attorney should be very interested in that being that the state has jurisdiction over us since we are not sovereign. …with no land in trust.

We are not the Seminoles of Florida ( even though we used to share the same lawyers….back in the day when we were ballers…they were fired by  Mark Harding who hired real estate lawyers in their place). Course the Seminoles own all the Hard Rocks and are opening casinos in Saudi Arabia with their own money while our people languish.

Many of our people do not make $68 a day let alone an hour.  We could give every LEGITIMATE FAMILY IN OUR TINY TRIBE $2,000  a month and fair better than paying outsiders to push us over the cliff.

Cities with populations in the millions do not pay their political leaders hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and their budgets are in the billions….but then again we’re billionaires ain’t we?

No cash flow.

Illegal measures to sell off our donated housing land.

No Economic Development plan to put our people to work.

And now there’s this little matter of the Federal Charter of Incorporation.

Stay tuned.

She come by it honest didn’t she ? She’s got game !

Jessie ( Tobey White) Baird is remarkable.  She has elevated herself to a place of authority and has yet to even produce a high school diploma ( she spent only a few years  in Mashpee).  No undergraduate credentials and the MIT business was a certificate for a few weeks of training according to many other Natives in the program. So how do you become a “LINGUIST”  without an education? You destroy the Tribal Enrollment process because you don’t know how to access the very complicated state of the art program that set the standard for Native America, and begin adding people who do not qualify to be on the rolls, to help your cousin Cedric ( Tobey ) Cromwell.  Then after you screw that up…true to form…you abscond and get that absolutely awesome grant for half a million.

Can  Jessie translate something?  A simple line, something other than the Lords Prayer that has been translated for centuries and is common.  That’s what a linguist does. Won’t happen.  You know why. And the language is extremely difficult to master but it’s available to the public.  Who the hell knows….everyone always laughed when she was asked to do ” a prayer”….what was she saying ? Who knows?  Jessie keeps her persona alive.

The Boston Globe Magazine article about her grant was a precious example of bad native pr…the whole thing about the ancestors speaking to her in a vision….is beyond ridiculous and so gah gah ancient Indian guru speak.  According to tribal members who know…Jessie was a receptionist at the Tribal Council and began looking at the recognition paperwork and decided she would check out the language.  Maybe the ancestors appeared at that point.

Who would tell such a humongous tale but Jessie ?  Because if the ancestors show up in a vision,  it ain’t good. Maybe they will show up and tell her to stop the chicanery and take her cousins Cedric and Aaron with her.  They are, after all doing serious damage to the Tobey good name.


First Person/jessie little doe baird

A gift of gab

Mashpee Wampanoag linguist jessie little doe baird, 47, on bringing back her tribal tongue.

In 1993, you cofounded the project to reclaim Wopanaak, the language of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. Did you always want to become a linguist?

This started when I saw my ancestors in a vision. They asked if we were ready to bring our native language home again, after losing it for more than a century. I gauged interest and every response was positive.

Noam Chomsky once said he would have considered your work “impossible.” What drives you?

I feel I was born to do this. There’s a burning desire in me to reclaim what is Wampanoag.

A documentary on your tribe, We Still Live Here, screens today at the Woods Hole Film Festival. What do you want viewers to learn?

That studying our language and keeping our culture intact offers something to all of humanity.

Your daughter, Mae, 7, is the first native Wopanaak speaker in over a century. How is that progressing?

Not well. Putting her in public school was detrimental, because everything is in English. She’ll speak [Wopanaak at home], but seems to socially shy away from it because no one can understand her.

How do you remedy that?

Through a federal grant, we’re training apprentices to be fluent speakers. Hopefully in 2015, we’ll open up an elementary school in Mashpee where all the subjects are taught in Wopanaak. Children taught in their indigenous language are better able to cope with the pressures of their community.

How has life changed since you became a MacArthur Fellow last year?

The day I got the call, I was in tears just for the honor of someone recognizing what I do. It’s not a sexy career, and it’s lonely most of the time. When they told me I was getting half a million dollars, I nearly fell off my chair. Some will go to language-related work. I also paid off medical bills and plan to install insulation in my living room.

Besides education, how else would you like the language used?

I would like to write the stories of European contact from our own perspective. I want my ancestors’ voices heard.

© Copyright 2011 Globe Newspaper Company


Publicity stunt gone bad…time to resign

Reel Wamps called it.  Raynham was a publicity stunt…that bought the Cromwell administration a little money and very little time. Now what?  Go back to Middleboro?  You better check with Master Mark Harding ha ha.  It’s so ridiculous you have to wonder why we continue to be punished.  Millions have been obligated in our name and we have no accounting.  The authorities are fully aware of what’s going on.  There are no audio tapes of any tribal council actions since Cromwell took over in Feb 9, 2009.  We don’t even know if his slate was properly elected.  No one can produce the election sign in sheets ( because it will show that 200 – 250 pending members were added illegally), and so here we are with a  group of uneducated urban people at the helm, and a chairman who just made it on to the roll in 2006 no less.  Imagine that.  Not one of the 1001 are you Mr. Cromwell?
Emily J. Reynolds/The Enterprise

George Carney, owner of Raynham Park, had been in talks with the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe about the track, but says those talks have fizzled.

By Matt Stout
Posted Aug 02, 2011 @ 09:26 AM
Last update Aug 02, 2011 @ 10:02 AM
Print Comment

George Carney, owner of Raynham Park, said Monday that discussions with the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe over the future of his dog track are all but dead.

Carney, who last month said he had talked “two or three” times with the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe about the track, said Monday the two sides haven’t communicated in close to six weeks. The tribe has been exploring possible sites in southeastern Massachusetts for a gaming facility, including in Middleboro where a casino deal fell through last year.

“I’ve been led to believe they have another location they think is better,” said Carney, who didn’t say what that site might be. “It’s not the end of the world. Not the end of my world, I should say.”

Carney said he is in no other discussions. He said he thinks people are hesitant to enter into any agreement before any decisions regarding legalized gambling are made on Beacon Hill.

Meanwhile, Carney said he wasn’t concerned that state racetracks have been given just a six-month extension to simulcast greyhound and horse racing. In the past, those approvals were for one year.

“It’s one less problem I have for the next six months,” he said.

Gov. Deval Patrick last week signed a bill for the six-month extension, just days before the current agreement was set to expire on Sunday.

If the long-debated bill clearing the path for casinos in Massachusetts passes in the coming months, Carney said he has “been led to believe” one addressing simulcasting will also be attached.

Since voters in 2008 decided to ban live dog racing, simulcasting has served as the lifeblood for the park and its 200-plus employees.

Carney has been an ardent supporter of a legalized gambling bill, which could include provisions for casinos as well as slot parlors at existing racetracks.

But any discussions of incorporating a partner or selling Raynham Park – whether as a possible casino site or otherwise – are on hold at the moment, Carney said.

Massachusetts political leaders are said to be trying to cut a final deal legalizing casino gambling after years of noisy disagreements doomed earlier efforts.

Patrick, House Speaker Robert DeLeo and Senate President Therese Murray – all Democrats who support some kind of expanded gaming – hope to agree to the broad outlines of a plan before a bill is filed.

The goal is to avoid the caustic rhetoric that pitted Patrick against DeLeo over the issue of allowing slot machines at some of the state’s four racetracks. That clash killed hopes for a casino deal last year.

This time, the three are doing much of their negotiating out of public view. They’re also taking their time to cut a



The Unknown Headdress of Cedric Cromwell

The Indian Country Today column by Cedric Cromwell, about LIT, is clearly written by someone else. It’s riddled with errors concerning our history….but what the hell. Cromwell has never told the true story about anything. Well, the effort to act like he knows something about land into trust, backfired with a host of negative demoralizing comments (20) from a lot of people who don’t like him or Jessie Baird the so called linguist ( wink wink). The past caught up with the both of them and the critics laid it out. His lack of Indian credentials and motivation for gaming ( that has gone down hill) really was the focal point….and it is yet another wound inflicted by someone who really should not be at the helm. He has taken us to a new low.
Take a look for yourself and look at what people think of us because Cedric is not perceived to be Native no matter what costume he puts on. Have a look…

The Mohegans are Ballin’..the Mashpee Stallin’

This story is 9 months old but it confirms what we have been telling you.  We are in a very bad deal.  The administration has borrowed and spent upwards of $24 m ( at 15% ) from the Malaysians in a deal gone bad.  That’s almost double what the original investors spent over a 10 year period.  We have nothing to show for it.

Look at the Mohegan.  They will be done with debt to their investors in a few years. The South Africans and a host of people many from Detroit were also our investors . They gave us the same reasonable payment plan given the Mohegan, over 20 years.  Our deal was 6% of gross receipts  go to investors over 20 years. Fair enough.  That was how we would repay them for the millions invested in a 539 acre resort casino.  Think about it.  We would have honored our agreement to Middleboro, and our people would FINALLY have an opportunity to build   a foundation for a better future.  Now the Malaysians regard us as a one night stand. The administration just forgot to tell us no doubt.

Foxwoods’ Malaysian investors gamble on New York casino

By David Collins

Publication: The Day

Published 11/07/2010 12:00 AM

It’s a small world when it comes to gambling industry kingpins.

Who would have imagined, for instance, that the South Africans who helped the Mohegans get into the gambling business would have allied with the Mashpee Wampanoag Indians in nearby Massachusetts, set to compete with Mohegan Sun?

And then last year, the wealthy Malaysians who first backed the Mashantucket Pequots pushed aside the South Africans as the Wampanoag partners, ready to compete with their own stepchild, Foxwoods.

And now the Malaysians, under the name Genting New York LLC, have moved into New York City. They broke ground last month on a new casino at the Aqueduct Race Track in Queens, preparing to soon open a Resorts World Casino there with 4,525 slot machines.

Both Connecticut casinos will certainly suffer when a casino with that many slot machines opens alongside the New York City subway system.

Curiously, the new president of Genting New York is none other than Michael Speller, the last president of Foxwoods, who resigned here in June.

It is indeed a small gaming world.

It is also interesting to note that while the Mashantucket Pequots may soon lose some of their gambling business to Genting New York, they are still paying the Malaysians some 9.9 percent of gross Foxwoods income, part of the deal in which they borrowed $58 million to build the first casino here. The payments are meant to continue until 2016.

The Mohegans, on the other hand, may be through paying their original partners, the South Africans, 5 percent of gross revenues in 2014.

Genting Chairman K.T. Lim, appearing at the Aqueduct casino groundbreaking last month, called the event one of the company’s “proudest days.”

Genting paid out $380 million for the right to develop the casino in Queens, which is expected to contribute another $300 million annually in tax revenues.

Presumably it was prouder than the day the Genting-backed Foxwoods debuted, or the openings of Genting-backed casinos in Niagara Falls and in Monticello, N.Y.

Foxwoods was the first foray into the U.S. gambling market for the wealthy Lim family, which made its gambling fortune on a casino monopoly in Malaysia, a giant resort called Genting Highlands.

More recently, in addition to the New York projects, Genting has built one of only two huge casinos in Singapore, sharing a $6-billion-a-year market there.

In addition to the big casinos in Malaysia and Singapore, the company also controls large plantations and the Norwegian Cruise lines.

“It’s real important for us to make (Aqueduct) a showcase event for the company,” Speller told the Wall Street Journal, in a story that ran in late August.

Genting officials have said they eventually intend to spend $1.3 billion on the casino resort in Queens.

The initial phase, in addition to the slot machines, is scheduled to have several restaurants, a parking garage and an outdoor terrace that will connect the casino and racetrack.

There are plans to build three hotels, shops, a spa and other resort facilities.

One might presume that the New York City gambling resort, surely to become a formidable competitor to Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods, will be fully operational by the time the Malaysians finish collecting all those many millions on their smart startup investment on the Mashantucket Pequots.

It’s a small gambling world after all, and it seems that everyone here in the Northeast will soon be chasing the same player dollars.

This is the opinion of David Collins.



Even the Malaysians don’t take Mashpee seriously

This very recent article shows that the Mashpee effort is going no where as far as the investors and professionals are concerned. Genting is instead focused on killing the competition in it’s New York stronghold and that competition would be the “Great Shennacock Nation”….just recently recognized. Of course the chairman’s fondness for the New York Natives is admirable, but you can rest assured that the investors paying his salary, are working hard against his close friends, and if history offers any clue, Genting will do whatever it takes to maintain its gaming advantage and crush the Shennacock. Lovely group. We’re not trying to depress you, just keeping you informed.

Dickinson Wright PLLC Global Leaders in Law

United States: Tribal Casino And The Asian Global Giant: A Modern David vs. Goliath?

Article by Dennis J. Whittlesey

July 25, 2011

Genting is the Malaysian global gaming juggernaut that has been working on gaming projects within the United States for several years and finally appears to be on the verge of opening its first domestic casino before the end of the year. Yet, one of its top executives has just suggested that a tribal casino proposed for Long Island could wreck its plans for a major racino development at Aqueduct in New York City.

Colin Au is a senior executive of Genting New York LLC, the company that was selected to develop the Aqueduct facility which will operate under the name “Resorts World New York.” He also has been publicly identified for other company projects in the United States, including a sidetracked casino in Fall River, Massachusetts, in partnership with the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, after leading that tribe out of an agreement with the Town of Middleborough for a major casino resort development. But Mr. Au now is expressing serious corporate concerns that the Aqueduct project could be put out of business if the newly recognized Shinnecock Nation of New York opens a casino in Long Island’s Nassau County.

The Mashpee project seems to have been something of a diversion for Genting, since its most serious efforts to gain a foothold in the Unites States have been in the state of New York. Its latest and largest effort is the proposed development at Aqueduct which would include both the racino and a major convention center nearby under plans publicly announced by the company. Upon winning the competition for the Aqueduct contract, Genting made a $380 million upfront payment to the State for a 30-year contract period and an option for an additional 10 years. The racino component is already under construction.

Only last Monday, Genting Chief Financial Officer Christian Goode made a detailed presentation of his plans to the state Franchise Oversight Board at the State Capitol in Albany. In addition to major renovations to the existing facility, Goode unveiled plans to initially open the racino with 2,500 machines; earlier statements indicated an ultimate installation of 5,000 gaming machines producing some $380 per machine per day. That level of play would generate a drop of $1.9 million daily, or approximately $700 million annually. These estimates are based on the facility’s location, a glitzy resort-type development plan, and an affluent customer base in Long Island, Queens, and Brooklyn. The proposed convention center would only add to the total attraction.

Also addressing the Franchise Board on Monday, Mr. Au said, “Here is a place where many conventioneers can fly in for a day. Of course, this will be done with private money that is our money, not bonds.”

But Mr. Au then ominously warned the Board that Genting could be bankrupted by a Shinnecock casino on Long Island, expressing emphatic opposition to the proposed Long Island Indian casino. If such a casino is opened, he said, “It would be disastrous. We probably would have to close shop.” The implication was that the state would be the big loser in that case since the taxable revenues generated at Aqueduct would be permanently lost, as well as a commitment to pay 7 percent of revenues to the New York Racing Association and 1.5 percent to the breeding industry.

While Messrs. Goode and Au painted a rosy scenario for the state with development of a competition-free project, they then stated the bottom line to their message, which is that the State must refuse to negotiate a Tribal State Class III Gaming Compact with Shinnecock. Since such a compact is required under the federal Indian gaming law, a State refusal to enter into the agreement would foreclose the competition that Genting seems to fear.

It is a fact that a tribal casino could offer full casino games not permitted at the Aqueduct site, including blackjack, poker, and roulette – all are games that are extremely popular with the gaming public. In the face of that potential competition, Mr. Au flatly warned the Board to prevent it from becoming reality, “We are absolutely on a very different level playing field. It’s important for the Governor’s office to recognize they should enter into a compact [pursuant to the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act].”

Genting claimed to have been a great fan of Indian gaming a couple of years ago when it pried the Mashpee casino project away from that tribe’s original development partners a project that appears to be in a state of permanent paralysis. Conversely, the company currently is telling Governor Andrew Cuomo that he must block any Indian gaming in New York. There might be some consistency to Genting’s attitude about Indian gaming, but the corporate spokesmen have not yet explained it.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter.