Politics trumps the tribe

Clearly incompetence is the only consistent  element in the governing mechanism of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.  The Chairman Cedric (Tobey) Cromwell,  has so many domestic problems  he’s abandoned even appearing like he cares about the future of the tribe and the survival of the grants that assist our people. Because, it’s obvious that the casino mirage is just that…a mirage.

And the people and certain  Council members who were part of  the Marshall Administration,  are blaming and  now badmouthing  Glenn Marshall for what has happened to the tribe under this administration. They  are the same ones who remained totally silent and passive over the last  two and a half  years as these outsiders took over and destroyed everything we cherished. Casino or not…The “Marshall Bashers”  never stood up for the tribe. And still are trying to justify their failure to act and blame it on Marshall.

On to the current nightmare. The chairman’s cousin, the Vice Chairman Aaron Tobey, who says he’s not running for Chairman now.  Just Vice Chairman.  That’s a good one.  But he has Rhonda and another family to support. He  is actually in charge of  tribal government administration. Therefor he is just as responsible for the decrepit state of tribal affairs  as Cedric and Harding.

Look at the latest.

  • Ramona Peters has apparently spent close to$150,000 in repatriation  grants established by Patricia Oakley.  She needs “help”  according to Leon, the new tribal administrator.  Apparently the quarterly reports have not been done for years.  Nothing to report, but  sources say,the money has been spent.  The remains? Where are they? The last report made about ancient remains was made by Oakley in March 2009. Obviously Cedric, Aaron and Mark care nothing about remains or heritage.
  • Wanda Lord, the so called grant writer consultant, and close friend of the chairman, who does not bring in grants but makes a huge, huge fee, lost 2 more grants recently for the tribe that has no income.  Thus her nick name is  “OFA”   O for Nothing .
  • Council member Winnie Graham is answering phones on the education grant for $30 an hour.  Three tribal members could be generating income for there families for that hourly rate.  And she reportedly does not even have a GED.
  • Stephanie Tobey who was calling for an investigation of the missing $50 k on the Juvenile Justice Grant would actually have put herself in jeopardy,  because she’s not authorized to be working under that grant.  Anyway…she didn’t say anything when they hired her illegally…and she received a  strong official tribal letter from her cousin telling her to shut up. She’s supposed to be let go at the end of the month any way.  They get so comfortable.
  • Laura asks questions that are never answered.

  • Council member Laura Tobey Miranda, Stephanie’s sister,  did her investigation of  all those credit card expenditures that were out of line…she has yet to officially tell the tribal members what she found. Maybe she’s stockpiling information for the DA.  They so love emergency meetings, petitions and such….and they always ask questions and never get answers.  It makes them feel really smart.  But it makes them look stupid.  Least that’s what everyone snickers about. ” Help me out Trish,” that’s what Laura said about the credit card disclosures. She wanted someone else to verify the bad business.  Of course Trish remained silent and as spineless as ever.

Sssssssshhhhhhhhhh no talking Ceddie says

Cedric Cromwell issued a gag order to tribal employees.  No talking to each other or people outside the Council  about the outrageous behavior of  council members.  Primarily his wife and others who are supposed to be setting an example of good government. Reportedly the Council  has been inundated with wigs for First Lady Cheryl  Frye Cromwell who has been in hiding following her battle royal in Pequot land.  It’s become so absurd that you have to wonder what Cedric’s thinking ?  It’s not like anyone pays attention to what he says and those rediculous emails he sends out

Last week,one of the original investors who thought Cedric and Mark Harding would actually honor contracts and pay investors, finally exploded and sent a nasty email to Cedric calling him an as-hole.  Cedric immediately circulated it to everyone on the Council looking for sympathy.  All he got was hysterical laughter…..

Matter of fact no one pays him attention on Beacon Hill either.  Looks like he’s experiencing ” Investors Revenge” and  collaboration with investigators, who have thrown up all kinds of blockades designed to keep him from GTP ( Gettin That Paycheck). The gaming bill will never pass in a form where Cedric and crew get paid free and clear. Course there’s no benefit to the tribal members with the commercial gaming bill, but that’s never been the focus.  Seems the newspapers have never told that story….too much work t researching the Indian Gaming Act and drawing the comparison to commercial.

Anyway, the bill is loaded with, let’ s call them inhibitors  like ” vetting the investors” verifying “the finances” of the entities involved, land into trust, approval by the communities and the communities adjoining the communities where the casino is located and the tribe  will experience the state’s credit check basically which is tantamount to Chinese Water Torture where the tribe’s finances are concerned.  Everyone who had their hands in the till will have to explain what happened to $24 million over two years. And no one really knows how much money is involved.  Then there are the threatened lawsuits .  Who would do business with an administration like this?  So the recall continues.

Winnie oh so risky and other horror stories unfold

So,  Council member Winnie  was officially given the job of assisting Renee Pocknett in the so called education program.  The price tag….$30 an hour .  Only in the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe  under the Cromwell administration does someone make that kind of  money for being awful. Winnie’s not exactly a role model for kids. She loves to fight  too and recently tried to beat up another tribal member in front of some teenagers who joined in the fight.  Right.  She did a little jail time for reportedly beating up a pregnant woman.  She must know alot…

The Juvenile Justice program dropped $50 k in one month.  Sounds like the old ” broke as  a joke” so let’s take it from the grants. Got to pay those salaries for people who do nothing .

And tomorrow’s the grand opening of the Helms facility in New Bedford.  How about taking care of the Indians in Mashpee?

Ancestor Day at the Meetinghouse is the event of choice on Saturday.  Definitely a  time for prayer.

Mashpee Wampanoag First Lady brawls at Pequot pow wow

Cheryl and Cedric Cromwell loving a good fight

Mashpee Wampanoag First Lady Cheryl Frye Cromwell went beyond her ambassadorial duties at the Pequot pow wow this past weekend in Connecticut.  A tribal member who witnessed the episode Sunday night told the story on condition that their identity  remain anonymous.  Reportedly,  Cheryl Frye Cromwell  shoved a Pequot woman pretty hard and the woman shoved back.  It digressed to a fist fight hair pulling brawl.  Frye Cromwell, who is pushing 50, the mother of 5 and several grandchildren, reportedly is missing large clumps of hair. Her husband, Chairman Cedric Cromwell reportedly tried to separate the screaming cursing women without success as they rolled around clearing a path. We don’t know if assault charges have been filed. Such is the legacy of Cedric of Dorchester  losing the battle and the war courtesy of his lovely wife Cheryl. Such exemplary representation of the tribe.

Frye Cromwell has a long history of erratic behavior.  When elected to the Council, during meetings, she would stomp around the Council conference table,where members were seated, constantly rolling her eyes, making snide remarks and disrupting the meeting. Of course   countless other episodes have occurred….totaled out tribal cars (no police report), the misrepresentation of her title and role in the tribal health office.  The misrepresentation of her level of education and lack of professional credentials, which seems to be a husband wife thing. A legacy tribal members don’t want to be reminded of.

On to more bad business.  The administration is in default for the tenth time on the farm. Yet they’re opening a New Bedford office this weekend, to appease the Helms family.  The Helms family that  heretofore had nothing to do with the tribe, has been waiting for all Cedric’s promises to come true, so this office is some kind of appeasement? Who will run it.  They say it’ s the famous Bobby Foster ! His mom Joanne Frye has been demoted and works under Leon who is the Tribal Administrator  (purely because the Self Determination grant mandates it). And Marge is out of finance and over  there with Leon.

A little press release that appeared as a story  in the CCT about the Community center is old news .  The Cromwell administration dug it out and recycled it  because it was getting loads of bad press. Apparently the paper fell for it and failed to mention that the money was secured by the previous administration.  Mark Harding looks sooooooooo  happy because  he has cornered the market on contracts designated for Native Americans…and he grabs them despite the fact that he has been told he cannot sit on the governing board that  allocates money to his company, let alone be the treasurer.  The story of Mark Harding and that extremely expensive ramp for the health facility and his very slow itty bitty payment to the woman who actually built it, is worse than you would believe. It’s called conflict of interest and a violation of federal law. The feds don’t like that.

Oh yeah….Cedric and his administration plan to tear down the historic tribal council building that was given to us years ago.  That’s comparable to erasing an important part of our history.  But if you just made it on to the rolls in 2006 you have no idea what’s important to our people and what’s not do you ?

USDA Rural Development Financing Provides Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Government Center and Health Clinic, Creating or Saving Over 300 JobsThe Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe of Mashpee, Massachusetts, was awarded a $12.7 million Community Facilities Recovery Act Direct Loan from USDA Rural Development on August 23, 2010. The loan will be used to construct a 46,000 square foot Tribal Government Center and Health Clinic.
Signing the loan: Picture (L-R) USDA RD Business and Cooperative Specialist Jennifer Lerch, Tribe Chairman Cedric Cromwell and Tribe Treasurer Mark Harding.

Cedric’s casino has relocated to Miami

The Massachusetts House passed the governor’s bill to bring casino gambling  to the Bay State.  Problem for Cedric is that he was looking for an added 10 month extension  so the tribe could get  land into trust.  He didn’t get the message That  amendment failed . It will fail  in the Senate too.  You see, everyone who has a stake in this game counted their votes.  They’re the winners.They will ram this through  while Cedric and his lame “please lemme get my paycheck” falls on deaf ears. The bill is designed to give the tribe a minimal shot at a casino, because a bill in any other form will fail.

Cause for those Council member who were asking for checks …commercial casino means the state gets paid, investors and Cedric.  But according to the article below, Cedric’s Genting  has fled to greener pastures. Money will dry up.  Not only are they all over New York, they’re in Florida.

Meanwhile the backup plan for the Federal Charter  failed by an overwhelming no vote  Wednesday night . Mark Harding was the only member to vote for it.  He didn’t get the message.

Carlton Hendricks Jr.  won a major battle all by himself.  No one came forward until the coast was clear and all the work was done.  No matter how bad things got..they laid low….only coming out when the briars were gone.

Meanwhile Cedric  is all tangled in them.



Genting buys remaining Omni debt, reveals resort plans

The Genting Group unveiled its vision for a massive bayside resort and made a major move to acquire the Omni site, seeking to bolster its case for a casino gambling license.


Miami Herald

The Genting Group on Wednesday doubled the footprint for Resorts World Miami as part of a calculated step to win support for a gambling license from the Florida Legislature.

Genting purchased the $161 million note on the troubled Omni Center from Miami real estate investors Jorge Perez, Jimmy Tate and Sergio Rok. The deal, whose purchase price was not disclosed, gives Genting control over the entire $206 million mortgage on the Omni, which is currently in the midst of foreclosure. Genting purchased the other $45 million note last week.

The plan: turn Omni into the first stage of Resorts World Miami with the ability to open a casino with restaurants, bars and entertainment facilities as soon as Fall 2012 — within months of receiving potential approval from state legislators for a gambling license.

“The Omni acquisition is a strategic acquisition that answers the Legislature’s concerns about where are the jobs,” said Colin Au, a Genting principal. “We are taking a calculated risk. We are responding to the concerns and trying to create jobs as fast as possible. The Omni is what’s called a decorator-ready solution.”

By combining the Omni Center with the Miami Herald property and the Checkers site Genting purchased on Biscayne Boulevard, the Malaysian conglomerate has now assembled about 30 acres. While Genting must still complete the foreclosure process on the Omni property, company officials remained optimistic Wednesday that they could reach an amiable resolution with property owner Argent Ventures and gain control of the site within a few months.

The Omni mortgage acquisition came on the same day Genting unveiled its $3 billion master plan for Resorts World Miami.

The mixed-use project is unlike anything South Florida has seen in terms of sheer magnitude and design. With plans for four hotels, two condominium towers, more than 50 restaurants and bars and a luxury retail shopping mall, it’s being billed as one of the largest projects in the state.

The design of the 10 million-square-foot development draws inspiration from the region’s coral reefs. The centerpiece is a 3.6-acre outdoor lagoon — equivalent to 12 Olympic-size swimming pools and surrounded by natural sand beaches — that would allow visitors to literally swim from Biscayne Boulevard to the edge of Biscayne Bay.

“This will put Miami on the map and make it a destination,” said Bernardo Fort-Brescia, co-founder of Arquitectonica, which is designing the project. “Miami has not seen resorts of this importance, Orlando has and maybe Las Vegas. This will make Miami more than competitive. It will have an advantage.”

By acquiring Omni, Genting is in position to speed up the development of Resorts World Miami and offer an immediate benefit of revenue generation and new jobs. The casino would go in the empty 650,000 square feet that once housed the Omni Mall, a process that Genting officials say would take minimal structural work. The Hilton Hotel, existing office tenants and parking garage would remain. An Omni casino would create 5,000 permanent jobs and $100 million per year of taxes for state and local governments, Genting said.

Miami state Rep. Carlos Lopez-Cantera was both skeptical and intrigued by the idea.

“It’s interesting, I would like to see how they would accomplish that,” said Lopez-Cantera, the House Republican leader. “I would want to see all the details. That’s a lot of jobs they’re talking about.”

Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/09/14/2407173/genting-unveils-plan-for-miami.html#ixzz1Xz8vA8Np

Genting goes south

Everyone loves Florida.  Year round.  It is fertile for gaming and Genting is all over it with half a billion spent already on bringing commercial gaming to the sunshine state.  Brian Ballard is leading the charge for the Chinese gambling moguls.  So he’s getting paid.  Make no mistake, the state legislature is eyeballing commercial casinos because the Republicans control the legislature.

Understand the contrast.  Massachusetts has a budget of 30 billion dollars. Florida has a budget of 64 billion dollars. So Mashpee is an after thought for sure. But the 26 million dollars in debt is still there at 16.5%.  There is no tangible evidence of what that money was spent on beyond the Council salaries. It is an atrocity.

Back to Florida….Remember the Seminoles are most substantial.  After all they never surrendered to the US Government.  They know about independence and the importance of being able to function without a tin cup…..as for the Mashpee….

What’s the plan to get us out of this ditch Cedric has us in? Who has that answer? Right.  What’s the plan?

Traditionalists plan ouster of Cromwell Administration

Mashpee–The  General meeting of the Mashpee Wampanoag exploded today.  The membership, exhausted by the secrecy out of control spending, and rejected the Federal Charter of Incorporation and began openly signing petition against  the Charter.

Cedric of Dorchester

The meeting was a nightmare for Cromwell who was having trouble fielding questions from the hostile members.  The Charter also triggered a recall petition of the Cromwell administration  officers who have ruled under a cloud because of the missing voter sign in sheets.  The  voter sign in sheets have never been produced raising questions about their two and a half year reign and the legitimacy of the 2009 election.    Cromwell was accused by Tribal Elders of padding the voter list with pending voters who are illegal, in order to win election.  Videos,  photographs, the failure to require tribal ID’s and genealogists or tribal Elders to identify legitimate voters on the list made the process suspect.

Cromwell never produced the tribal voter sign in sheets and will not produce the audio tapes of the council actions  since taking office in February 2009. This is a constitutional violation.

Council Member Laura Tobey Miranda,  a cousin of Cromwell’s and Aaron Tobey’s discovered huge charge card debts  for limo services and luncheons paid for by the tribe.  The airport limo service was $1500 and the luncheon was $2500. Tobey Miranda has launched an exploratory effort to test the waters for a run for Chairman  against her cousin Cedric.  It was rumored for months that Tobey Miranda and Aaron Tobey, the tribal Vice Chairman,would run as a Tobey Ticket.

Laura has refused to sign the recall against her cousin Cedric. Nor has she discussed these charge expenditures.

Traditionalists have sent detailed documents of violations of the constitution to the BIA along with the protests against the Charter. The Recall details are also being sent because the Council ignores tribal law. The Tribal Council continues to pay a judge without authority.

Pimp My Tribe

This is the legal tribal logo that was substituted for a giant cartoon turtle and other irrelevant symbols.

Traditionalists are extremely angry with the Cromwell administration. ( The Wanabee Wamps, recently enrolled, without paperwork, added by Jessie Tobey Baird,  have long since left the building).  Not only have tribal hopes for the future been dashed by his self serving bungling and ineptness, now he’s trying to set up a separate tribe through the Federal Charter of Incorporation.  The Charter,  goes to the DOI for approval don’t you know. It  allows an evenly numbered panel of tribal members (Ahh….Cedric, Aaron Markie etal) and “non tribal members” to run the new tribe.  The Charter Tribe can buy and dispose of  “tribal land,” establish businesses,  acquire debt all in the name of the Mashpee and on and on.

So the families of Cedric and Aaron will show up and vote for the Charter tribe and to keep jobs they would never have outside of the tribe.  Who would have thought it. Our destiny is in their hands. Who would ever imagine?

They  don’t understand that just like the Narragansett Housing Director arrested for embezzlement, they’re responsible for misappropriation.   Already the BIA is asking for refunds for our mismanaged grants, the Juvenile Justice in particular. People were not in the grant specs, and were hired and getting paid. Yvonne in particular.   The government wants that money back….right away. Oh boy.

Vote to allow Cedric, Aaron and Markie to keep running us into the ground and in debt?  The Charter allows them to keep getting paid and doing more damage to an ancient culture they know nothing about.

Now…what does this look like to you? That’s because you’re exactly right

Let’s look closer at the disintegration of the Cromwell Empire where desperation reigns.  Let’s look at your Charter Tribe.  Mark Tilden the Indian lawyer for Cedric and Markie, has been cozying up to Elders and others who have documents to solidify the Charter Tribe.  Tilden went to Aunt Dart to get the coveted documents in her blue folder.  That would be deeds and valued documents for the Parsonage, the Old Indian Cemetery, 55 Acres , and the housing land on Meeting House Road…what’s left of it. Her grandson intervened and stopped that little slight of hand. Thus Cedric canceled the last Wednesday’s Council meeting.

Then there’s the old Grant Pilfering Routine that has reared it’s ugly head again because the Malaysians have disappeared with their money.  No cash so  no money to pay salaries. They wouldn’t allow the hiring of 3 tribal members on a new $167,000 grant, as was allowed….guess they have plans for that money. Clearly no part of the  economic development plan.

The silly search for casino land sent Cedric to Plymouth last week. He clearly does not know those people hate us.  And…want nothing to do with us. The Senate President does not  want a casino in Plymouth…neither does anyone in Plymouth

Cedric should have stayed in Dorchester..or where ever.

Now, as Reel Wamps said a year ago.  Middleboro will sue the tribe. You have to wonder how much more pain these people will inflict on us and how much more we can take.










How Cedric disguised himself as an Indian


In Costume, looking totally foolish. No one can identify what Cedric has on his head.


The Boston Globe did a story on how Cedric Cromwell  was thesoft spoken Mashpee Wampanoag Chairman who was leading his suffering tribal members out of the wilderness to a well deserved “jackpot.”

Cedric must have disguised himself  in one of  his awful crazy Indian costumes as he whispered his famous clap trap to the unknowing reporter. We know it’s all about Cedric’s Jackpot, by way of the paycheck.

Cedric was not soft spoken  when he screamed that a Mashpee  Wampanoag woman was  a mother fu–ing bi— in the Council parking lot in front of 5 witnesses.  He was not soft spoken when he  proceeded to go into the Tribal offices and scream, insult and bully  tribal elder and Treasurer Nellie Hicks Ramos for asking the District Attorney to investigate his secret taping of  Council executive sessions and threatening Council members with it.

Cedric’s dirty secrets reveal a man without identity and a sallow wannabe who has destroyed the Mashpee Wampanoag with his outrageous quest for power.

Cedric had little to do with the tribe prior to mid  2000.  He was elected to the Council and as recognition became eminent, Glen Marshall and Shawn Hendricks called him in and reminded him that he could not continue to serve because he was not on the tribal roll. Imagine that.  Cedric did not know what the tribal roll was. ” Thanks Cuz,” he said.

He went to see Patty Oakley who was the tribal genealogist and she told him he had a problem.  The problem was that his mother (and his aunt Theora) was adopted by a Boston family when she was 5 year old that was reflected on her birth certificate.   The people who adopted Connie were not Mashpee.  Even if they were, she would not have qualified under the tribes strict membership requirements.  He had to go to court to resolve that and get his mother to unseal her birth records.  So his mother, aunt, brother or  himself were never members of the tribe until  he brought  his mother’s correct birth records to the membership committee.  In 2006 he, along with family, became Mashpee Wampanoag.

Cedric was not raised in the tribal community as he said in his campaign material.  In the Globe he said he was an Indian victim struggling with his identity growing up in  Boston.  For God’s sakes!  People who knew him at Fidelity as a technician and in Boston or Dorchester said they knew nothing of any Indian heritage. He didn’t know his damned self.

Casino transformed Cedric and got him into costume.

And to think he turned on Glen Marshall, Shawn Hendricks and fired Patty Oakley because they knew too much. That shows you he’s not Mashpee and will sell away our sovereignty for a bushel of quahogs. And Herrin’ and Roe says he can’t fish for ’em nor can he cook ’em.  That tells you something.

Don’t blame it on the White man. They’re laughing at us like everyone else.


Giving away our independence

Reading this story will tell you what we already told you with one very disturbing addition.  We  were reminded that if  by some miracle the tribe get’s its land into trust, and finally achieves “real” sovereignty…. the bill says we would have to give it all up for a commercial casino. And promise not to open a ” sovereignty casino” independent of the state. That LIT sovereignty business is a serious weapon and the state is frightened of it because we are the only northeastern tribe that can pretty much do as it pleases without state permission.  Course we didn’t have the leaders to finalize the last step.

So the bill says the tribe must give up it’s sovereignty to get a casino. Now there’s some question as to whether the state can legally  supersede the federal government and order the tribe to do that…but the idea that we would be so desperate to get a casino ( that cannot guarantee  the members a dime), that we would sign away our independence is disgusting.

The Aquinnah gave up nearly everything to obtain recognition.  Their sovereignty is extremely limited and they must get permission from the state to open a casino.

Our 37 year fight for recognition will be in vain if we go down this road because there is no guarantee that members get any money.

And guess who would seal that deal? Cedric Cromwell.



Developers challenge Indian preference in casino bill

Steve Urbon

August 28, 2011 12:00 AM

NEW BEDFORD — Lawyers for casino developers are objecting to the state’s proposed casino gambling legislation’s preference for Native Americans as an unconstitutional breach of the equal protection clause in the Fourteenth Amendment, a special deal based on ethnicity.

KG Urban Enterprises, which is proposing a casino at the abandoned NStar plant on Cannon Street, hired attorney Marsha Sajer to look into the matter. She claims “the states have no power to enact a state law preference for tribes” and that only the federal government can deal with tribes as sovereign nations.

The opinion, a copy of which was given to The Standard-Times by KG Urban, signals that a legal battle lies ahead even if the Legislature and Gov. Deval Patrick enact by the end of September as expected a compromise bill that would authorize three casinos and one slot parlor statewide.

The bill state carves out a narrow opportunity — only in Bristol and Plymouth counties, plus the Cape and Islands, an area called Region C — for tribes to find land, win a local referendum and negotiate a compact with the governor.

Tribes (likely the Mashpee Wampanoag, who are scouting for land) have only until next July to get all of this done.

The casino developers complain that they are being put at an unfair and illegal disadvantage for the first year, because Regions A and B (Boston and Western Massachusetts) can begin their casino projects almost immediately while in Region C everyone has to wait a year, and could be shut out altogether if a tribe wins a no-bid contract.

In setting such tight deadlines, the state’s top political players heeded the request of several SouthCoast lawmakers and gave Native American tribes very limited preferential treatment in a proposed casino bill, said state Rep. Antonio F,D, Cabral, D-New Bedford.

Casino watcher Clyde Barrow at the UMass Dartmouth Center for Policy Analysis said that the Mashpee Wampanoag are virtually certain to make the attempt together with their commercial partner, Genting of Malaysia, the largest casino company in the world.

But even with all that backing, the tribe needs Congress to pass legislation allowing that land to be put into trust by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, something that has never happened before.

Cabral said that if the new state gaming commission doesn’t think the tribe is on track to get congressional approval by next fall, it will go ahead with casino license auctions in Region C.

John Toohey, an equity partner in KG Urban Enterprises, which proposes a casino resort at the Cannon Street NStar site, was upbeat about the prospects despite the tribal angle. “We’ve always looked for an opportunity to bring some of those jobs and open up the waterfront and clean up what would otherwise be a Superfund site for who knows how long.”

Finally, the tribe, having withdrawn from Fall River after the city reverted to its biotech park project where a casino might have been, continues to shop around in Bristol and Plymouth counties, most recently in Raynham, where discussions with racetrack owners reportedly fizzled.

Barrow said he isn’t concerned that a casino or two elsewhere along with a slot parlor will saturate the market before Southeastern Massachusetts can get into the game.

That is because the state must create a gaming commission, which ultimately would accept bids ($85 million minimum) for a commercial casino. And that will take time.

Barrow said, “It will six months to get the gaming commission up and running, hiring staff and employees. They will probably have to hire 100 people or more.

“Then they’re going to have to lay out a detailed process for submitting a bid. And anyone who wants to bid will have to have a referendum in place as part of a bid application. And there are requirements for public review and 30-day waiting periods. I can’t see them actually awarding a license in less than a year.”

Barrow pointed out that if the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe makes make a deal with the governor, and the land can be put in trust, it will remove the possibility that someday the tribe would assert its rights under the Indian Gaming Rights Act and Massachusetts could have an unwanted fourth casino.

State Rep. Robert Koczera, D-New Bedford, called this the tribe’s “window of opportunity,” and he expects them to use it.

“Cedric Cromwell, chairman of the Mashpee Wampanoags, was pretty adamant in conversations with me that the tribe has rights and wants rights to land,” Koczera said. “I believe he needs an act of Congress but Congress won’t act anytime soon.”

The proposed legislation, he said, gives the tribe the fair chance it has been looking for. Otherwise, luck will run out next August.