So, Council member Winnie was officially given the job of assisting Renee Pocknett in the so called education program. The price tag….$30 an hour . Only in the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe under the Cromwell administration does someone make that kind of money for being awful. Winnie’s not exactly a role model for kids. She loves to fight too and recently tried to beat up another tribal member in front of some teenagers who joined in the fight. Right. She did a little jail time for reportedly beating up a pregnant woman. She must know alot…
The Juvenile Justice program dropped $50 k in one month. Sounds like the old ” broke as a joke” so let’s take it from the grants. Got to pay those salaries for people who do nothing .
And tomorrow’s the grand opening of the Helms facility in New Bedford. How about taking care of the Indians in Mashpee?
Ancestor Day at the Meetinghouse is the event of choice on Saturday. Definitely a time for prayer.