The Whole Truth

There’s nothing left to the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.  The people running it are the degenerates of the tribe who allow people with active felony warrants run for office. For several days, our sources say that they have proof that  Danielle Hill has been wanted since 2010 in the state of New York on a felony warrant for grand theft.

Cheryl Frye Cromwell  got confused about her military  service….all typos, you know,  5 months vs 4 years in the Army. No one makes that kind of mistake about their military service and she stalled as long as she could with an answer to the Cape Cod Times.

The people running the election are all connected to council favorites who are embarrassing damned fools that no sane person  would admit they knew.

So what next…Good luck!




Danielle what’s your secret ?

Why won’t the election committee run the a check of your felony records….Oh we know why…The majority of the people of the election committee, including sister Melisa (arrested for resisting arrest, fighting the cops, and driving on a suspended license) are involved in the cover up.  For days they have refused to do the background check on Danielle to end the story of a felony charge in New York.

And get this, they let her do her own background check and said she was clean.  Wo Navajo Joe!

And of course the Woebegone Election Committee members bully Non Woebegone members.

Just announce the election results today….why wait till Sunday?


You’re paying for the re election campaigns of Housing Hijacker (Winnie Johnson), Mean Travel Queen (Yvonne Frye Avant), Ratchett (Danielle Hill), Newfrye (Trish Keliinui), Winona Pocknett, and  She Who Lies About Her Military Service (Cheryl Frye CROMWELL).

Worst of all you are paying for for the postage and the printing of the Woebegone campaign materials. This means we are being disenfranchised. That’s why you’re only hearing from Brian Weeden and  Shovel Ready Ceddie’s candidates. They make boo coo money and still have you paying for their campaign !

This election is a scam like all the others. There is no campaign financing for the challengers...and we never authorized the Woebegone campaign financing either. So Mashpee Selectmen do this ? Sure they do, ahem.


Look at the bulk postage number on the Mittark and the direct mail piece from the Woebegones.They are the same.The Woebegones  who make $380,000 a year combined,  could have paid $65 each to for their own bulk mail permit to mail to 1,000 tribal households. That’s the right thing to do. Instead they chose to milk you because they can.This makes it virtually impossible to win for the opponents because they can’t get their message out to voters.  They don’t have the mailing list , the printing , the graphic design ( done by whoever, Stevie Peters…bet your grandfather’s proud of you) ….nothing.That’s a violation of federal election law. That’s why they call it disenfranchisement.

It is the very thing the Republican Party has been doing to Blacks and Hispanics to keep them from voting…..keep them at a disadvantage that they can’t overcome.

The Woebegones are so greedy, so desperate,so out of control they are willing to steal another election to keep getting paid by Arkana

The other candidates, Carlton Hendricks, Jr. Laura Miranda, Robert Dias, Robin Tobey Stamps, and the ever changing Aaron Tobey are at a disadvantage and so is everyone looking for someone else to vote for.  Worst of all you are paying for for the postage and the printing of the Woebegone campaign materials.  Such a deal eh?

Ask yourself….

Does the town of Mashpee, Barnstable, Brockton, Taunton, or Boston conduct the most important part of their democratic process with these kinds of illegalities in place?  Of course not. Even Navajo Joe, Mark Tillden warned Brian Weeden that he could be sued because he is openly endorsing and campaigning for the Woebegones, and is trying to force the young people to vote for his slate. It is a very bad reality show.

They can only do what you allow them to do.

Stay tuned.  More salacious election investigative reports. Unreal.



Really Cheryl? Have you no shame ?

The First Lady of the  Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe has quite a past.  She wants to forget it and create a new one no doubt.  But obviously she has made up quite a few things that smack of total fraud accompanied by jail time.

Lying about military service is a serious matter as you will see by the statutes and the statements Cheryl Frye Cromwell has made. We also have photos and statements from her touting here military service and her pride in serving on a Veterans committee…..even more disgraceful.    We really need to think about who we have representing us and how the election is rigged to keep them in office.  These kinds of lies disgrace our warriors who fought and died for US dating back to the King Philips War. She should be removed from the Council, let alone running for re-election. 

One of Cheryl Frye Cromwell's many lies about her military service.






Below is the law pertaining to false claims of military service:





§ 287. False, fictitious or fraudulent claims

Whoever makes or presents to any person or officer in the civil, military, or naval service of the

United States, or to any department or agency thereof, any claim upon or against the United States,

or any department or agency thereof, knowing such claim to be false, fictitious, or fraudulent, shall

be imprisoned not more than five years and shall be subject to a fine in the amount provided in

this title.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 698; Pub. L. 99–562, § 7, Oct. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 3169.)

Historical and Revision Notes

Based on title 18, U.S.C., 1940 ed., § 80 (Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, § 35, 35 Stat. 1095; Oct. 23, 1918, ch. 194, 40 Stat.

1015; June 18, 1934, ch. 587, 48 Stat. 996; Apr. 4, 1938, ch. 69, 52 Stat. 197).

Section 80 of title 18, U.S.C., 1940 ed., was divided into two parts. That portion making it a crime to present false

claims was retained as this section. The part relating to false statements is now section 1001 of this title.

To clarify meaning of “department” words “agency” and “or agency” were inserted after it. (See definitions of

“department” and “agency” in section 6 of this title.)

Words “or any corporation in which the United States of America is a stockholder” which appeared in two places were

omitted as unnecessary in view of definition of “agency” in section 6 of this title.

The words “five years” were substituted for “ten years” to harmonize the punishment provisions of comparable sections

involving offenses of the gravity of felonies, but not of such heinous character as to warrant a 10-year punishment.

(See sections 914, 1001, 1002, 1005, 1006 of this title.)

Reference to persons causing or procuring was omitted as unnecessary in view of definition of “principal” in section

2 of this title.

Minor changes in phraseology were made.


1986—Pub. L. 99–562 substituted “imprisoned not more than five years and shall be subject to a fine in the amount provided in

this title.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 698; Pub. L. 99–562, § 7, Oct. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 3169.)

SOURCES Provided Letter stating that there is no record of Cheryl Frye ( Cromwell ) ever serving in the US military. 

Can we get a break from the lies and deceit ? The Cromwell administration has destroyed every bit of integrity we had left.  We are the laughing stock. She should resign.

Woebegone Women can’t draw a crowd

The Woebegone Women had their  campaign shindig last weekend at Dino’s….and nobody came. They sent  out hundreds of invitations, free food and booze and nobody came. Not even their own families.   Well, Donna Johnson and Ca came, Campaign manager Brian Weeden was there looking sad and defensive, maybe one or two others  we really can’t remember.

Herrin’ and Roe looked in and left.

Housing Hijacker,Mean Travel Queen, Ratchett Newfrye,Winona,The First Lady or " She Who Lies About Her Military Service."

Shovel Ready Ceddie endorses clean election….no actually not

Arkana has told Shovel Ready Ceddie to do some serious push back.  So he did an election dissertation, written by his White PR firm, on the tribal Facebook page (established by his 21 year old protege, Enrollment Chairman, election day gadfly and campaign manager to the 5 incumbent Woebegone Women candidates, Brian Weeden).  This was some serious spinning to make us believe he’s worried about low voter turn out.  There’s also a condescending lecture about the role of elections in a “Democracy”…..ain’t that White of them.

We need to see the ballots go in the box and counted by us...not spin that gives us more of the same.

He goes to great lengths saying the electronic voting machines are credible. But if members want to vote the old fashioned way, why not give them what they want? Why is he so frightened of an open process that will satisfy tribal members? Because he will not get the result he wants.

Course that’s  democracy right?  Doing what the tribal members want.None of that here.

The more important question is why are the immediate relatives of of 3 candidates ( including his wife ) still on the election committee?

Again, his protege Brian Weeden is the chair of enrollment,which establishes the voter list in

"Oh Shi-, they know." SRC in his posh office at his empty desk in the Echo Chamber of the Woebegone Tribe.

collaboration with Election Chair  Kimmie Frye, (sister of candidate Cheryl Frye Cromwell and first cousin to candidate Yvonne Frye Avant). Melissa Hill (sister to candidate Danielle Hill) is also a member of the committee. Lots of collaboration on addresses, phone banking, and shenanigans going on that Tribal Core challengers cannot overcome or participate in.

For God sakes ! Talk about rigged! They have access to the membership rolls ( voter list of those eligible to vote over 18), can add whoever they want to it and they present that list as the voter check off for  election day. We have no election laws, so we have no idea what they are promising these new so called members…no idea whatsoever.  It’s election 2009 all over again.

No government tribal or otherwise, runs an election process that is so without credibility. Despite what Brian Weeden says (that tribal law tops the federal law) adults know that federal government still rules us. We are still citizens of the United State aren’t we? Damned right. The Woebegones break tribal law all day long but not state or federal law…ever notice?  Disenfranchisement of any kind and voter fraud outlined above is taken very seriously by the Justice Department. You see the power these so called elected officials have over our lives? That’s why federal law places a high penalty on bad elections that put bad people in office.

WHERE IS THE OVERSIGHT?  Where are the Elders to keep non members from voting? We have no idea who the hell has been put on the damned roll because of Messy Jessy and her efforts to throw elections by enrolling people who should have never been accepted into the tribe.

The process is so corrupted, it is scary.

Do you ever notice that Shovel Ready Ceddie nor his cohorts ever address the issues we bring to light….They can’t answer cause they’re leading a shell government in our name.

Give us the ballot, let us mark the ballots and count them ourselves in front of everyone.  That’s a clean election.

Oh yah His Hokaness? Where’s that LIT Arlinda said would be in place this month?  (Crickets)




Really? The White Man doesn’t do it this way—–but we’re “Woebegone”

Okay so let’s take a look at our election process.

Do you think the Town of Mashpee or the State of Massachusetts would allow its Elections Supervisor, or anyone connected to the elections process

The MWT is violating federal law

  • To be an immediate relative of a candidate(s) on the ballot?
  • Campaign publicly for incumbent candidates
  • Control the list of voters by determining who’s on the roll(voter list) and who’s not
  • Have a inexperienced 21 year old controlling essential aspects of the election that determine the outcome
  • Allow the use of tainted equipment cited in many media accounts
  • Offer no assurances that a legitimate election will occur

This is not how Steve Peters, Harry Frye, Eddie Amos, Mabel Avant , Ferdinand Mills or anyone else conducted business in Mashpee.  Course these men and women were not foreign and answered to their people. They were respected.

This is why we are not respected and under close scrutiny. We can’t even dream of voting in a clean election. Disenfranchisement is disenfranchisement.

Election irregularities on blast in Robo Call III

The phone bank list keeps growing as hundreds of tribal members, council members, elected and federal officials listened to Robo Call III concerning irregularities on the elections committee and the inability to have a clean tribal election.

Since the Woebegones and Shovel Ready Ceddie want to maintain control of the tribal council, they will fight even harder to preserve their crooked election process. The First Lady (Cheryl FRYE Cromwell), Mean Travel Queen (Yvonne FRYE Avant), Housing Hijacker ( Winnie Johnson) and Newfrye (Trish Keliinui) are the slate that is being presented.  Actually, it’s really just Mean Travel Queen and The First Lady that they really want. But if 2 of the other 3 get in its as acceptable because they will do whatever Shovel Ready dictates. The back up candidate to Housing Highjacker or Newfrye is of course Ratchett (Danielle Hill).  Winnona Pocknett  doesn’t seem to understand that she’s in there to take votes from other candidates that can’t be controlled by Shovel Ready.

Stunneded Woebegone Women! Running against each other as a unified front. We know the fix is in. HH, MTQ,R, NF, WP, & TFL. For God sakes more makeup, more highlighter for the under eye dark shadows.The Woebegone Women standing tall !

It was pretty obvious during the council meeting that the Woebegones can’t take any chances on this election. They could easily loose control of the council. They put on a great demonstration with the voting machines. Not convincing at all.  Those voting machines can be programed to do whatever Arkana wants. And they want their pawns back in to continue to gouge us.

With such a small number of people voting, at most 600 -700, you don’t need voting machines.  The computerized voting machines are designed to read lengthy ballots containing many categories, candidates, and issues. It counts all those categories quickly. Voting in numerous categories is what is time consuming for the citizenry. The voting technology is designed to count  hundreds of thousands of complicated ballots.

We have 6 council seats to vote on. Our voter turnout amounts to a very small precinct so it’s hard to justify even the expense when you can count them in a half an hour in front of God and everybody..

Simple, quick & clean . Everyone can vote and watch the ballots counted. Crooked voting machines deliver crooked results.

But then again, we don’t know what the hell is going on or who’s been put on the roll.  You have Brian Weeden chairing the enrollment committee (that determines who votes) and campaigning openly for the incumbent Woebegone Women like they are role models and this is okay. It’s pretty incredible that such a young person is in charge of enrollment.  Very very irresponsible.  But look who we’re dealing with. Why not put Brian on the election committee too with Melissa Hill and Kimmie Frye Sr? We could skip the voting and just let the 3 of them announce their results.   He runs everything on election day. Very important fellow. I’m sure we’re all comfortable with that.  Apparently he’s “Chair For Life” of the Youth Council.  They’ve extended the membership cut-off to 45 years old with the motto ” I’ll never grow up.” We have enough bullies in Woebegones.  Now they’re training new ones.

Tribal Youth Chair Brian Weeden in 2013 surrounded by kids half his age in a video at a youth party. Because he insisted on continuing as chair, the age limit was bumped to 21 so he could be "Chair for Life." Another Woebegone in training. Breaking all the rules is mandatory.

Anyway, Shovel Ready Ceddie who runs the election committee, could allow us to mark our ballots and drop them in the ballot box. Everyone can watch them go in and be counted.  That would be the smart thing to do and it would give us a clean election that no one can contest.   The other way is yet another negative hash mark for the feds watching with great interest.

What now “His Hokaness?”

Not a good Sunday meeting was it His Hokaness?  Corrie Dadabbo got in in your face cussed you out and stealthfuly eluded the Clown Patrol (security).  When they would try to close in, she would move to the other side of the room and then move in on His Hokan from her new position. HH had a crew of cops and security on site.

It was such a raucous spew fest the council members barely raised there heads to mutter anything, let alone respond.  Frankly they couldn’t say much because the Natives were restless and sick of the debt and the Woebegones.

Crystal Maddox raised so much hell security threaten to remove her….course she said, ” You ain’t taking me outta here. ” And they didn’t try.

All versions of sentences using the word lie were a common thread.

“You lie”

“Why are you telling that lie?”

“You’re lying.”

“You just can’t stop lying.”

“Lies all lies.”

It went on like that.  Too much for right now, the calls are coming in with more accounts.

Oh, one last thing.  His Hokaness did not have a friend in the audience. Lonely.

Sistas workin’ to hold power…doing the “Disenfranchise Dance”

When you are disenfranchised, it means you are unable to exercise a legal right, awarded to you as a US citizen … this case, the right to vote. By the way, our so called sovereignty does not supersede the US Government. We are about to participate in a election that is clearly rigged….again. There are no independent election monitors who know the election machines and the red flags to watch for.  We certainly have no tribal members who know the election technology. So if they serve as monitors it’s a joke.  The tribe currently uses  election equipment has been documented in the media, as easily hacked that has brought faulty results. Arkana can rig the process with less than $15k in election equipment.  How would we know ? On top of that crap you have the following.

Kimmie pressured

Kimmie Frye decided to resign as chair of the elections committee after her less than professional conduct following the last dirty election she presided over. You may recall she was riding around with ballots in the trunk of her car and getting wasted at Dino’s after the  deed was done. It took a while but she finally stepped down, exhausted from the stress of all her other family problems.  But now big sista Cheryl Frye Cromwell  is back on the ballot and needs to stay on that Council. The First Lady

Can't get any worse, but no better either

has to keep cheesing in pictures and giving all that good service to tribal members, especially cancer patients, as the health department liaison.  Ahem. Its the same conflict and nepotistism we were subjected to before. Course Kimmie has to take care of TFL, Yvonne for sure. They can’t afford to loose any pawns like Trish or Winnie.

Now they’re really feeling the heat as the noose tightens so they have another entrenched sista tag team involved.  The Hill girls.  Melissa Hill has been added to the elections committee. Melissa is the secretary for the gaming authority (also known as the “Laundromat” that is getting over $7m over 3 months. The tribe

Danielle ready to serve Arkana

gets $2m, in Shovel Ready’s budget request).  She is paid to keep secrets from us. She also got busted for driving on a suspended license very recently.  Anyhow, her sister Danielle who is a highly paid tribal senior planner (both received first and last months rent …and  Danielle is living with someone of questionable reputation all according to the internal housing audit.) has decided to run for council.  Isn’t that amazing?  A  month before the election. Danielle has decided to run and her sister is on the election committee.  Pretty funky indeed.

It doesn’t stop there.  You have the chair of the enrollment committee and a volunteer for the election committee openly campaigning for TFL and the crew of incumbent females, like these are the kind of women we want our girls to follow…eh?

Since Marge's hospitalization for heart failure, Boo has been overwhelmed

And Boo Boo the Fool refuses to give the names of the tribal employees and their salaries  in his report because the Fryebal Council  strangle hold will be confirmed. The gouging by attorney’s and consultants is even worse.

They are flaunting their egregious behavior.  So we will keep “Feedin’ the Fryes.”