The First Lady of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe has quite a past. She wants to forget it and create a new one no doubt. But obviously she has made up quite a few things that smack of total fraud accompanied by jail time.
Lying about military service is a serious matter as you will see by the statutes and the statements Cheryl Frye Cromwell has made. We also have photos and statements from her touting here military service and her pride in serving on a Veterans committee…..even more disgraceful. We really need to think about who we have representing us and how the election is rigged to keep them in office. These kinds of lies disgrace our warriors who fought and died for US dating back to the King Philips War. She should be removed from the Council, let alone running for re-election.

Below is the law pertaining to false claims of military service:
§ 287. False, fictitious or fraudulent claims
Whoever makes or presents to any person or officer in the civil, military, or naval service of the
United States, or to any department or agency thereof, any claim upon or against the United States,
or any department or agency thereof, knowing such claim to be false, fictitious, or fraudulent, shall
be imprisoned not more than five years and shall be subject to a fine in the amount provided in
this title.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 698; Pub. L. 99–562, § 7, Oct. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 3169.)
Historical and Revision Notes
Based on title 18, U.S.C., 1940 ed., § 80 (Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, § 35, 35 Stat. 1095; Oct. 23, 1918, ch. 194, 40 Stat.
1015; June 18, 1934, ch. 587, 48 Stat. 996; Apr. 4, 1938, ch. 69, 52 Stat. 197).
Section 80 of title 18, U.S.C., 1940 ed., was divided into two parts. That portion making it a crime to present false
claims was retained as this section. The part relating to false statements is now section 1001 of this title.
To clarify meaning of “department” words “agency” and “or agency” were inserted after it. (See definitions of
“department” and “agency” in section 6 of this title.)
Words “or any corporation in which the United States of America is a stockholder” which appeared in two places were
omitted as unnecessary in view of definition of “agency” in section 6 of this title.
The words “five years” were substituted for “ten years” to harmonize the punishment provisions of comparable sections
involving offenses of the gravity of felonies, but not of such heinous character as to warrant a 10-year punishment.
(See sections 914, 1001, 1002, 1005, 1006 of this title.)
Reference to persons causing or procuring was omitted as unnecessary in view of definition of “principal” in section
2 of this title.
Minor changes in phraseology were made.
1986—Pub. L. 99–562 substituted “imprisoned not more than five years and shall be subject to a fine in the amount provided in
this title.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 698; Pub. L. 99–562, § 7, Oct. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 3169.)
SOURCES Provided Letter stating that there is no record of Cheryl Frye ( Cromwell ) ever serving in the US military.

Can we get a break from the lies and deceit ? The Cromwell administration has destroyed every bit of integrity we had left. We are the laughing stock. She should resign.