Okay. What Tribal officer was spotted riding around with tribal young men  very “la la land”  and also walking the halls missing a front tooth….You have to look for the entertainment value in all this because we will otherwise all turn into manic depressives !.

See if your hunch is right…check back by 11pm

Yearning for the good old days !

Whatever happened to setting the example?

You know, the Tribe has become so weird,  Reel Wamps was actively recruiting an exorcist and other experts to see if certain Wamps are actually possessed by aliens. I mean, that’s not far fetched being that so many of the employees, and council leaders have been acting like they’re on Flakka.


The Wampanoag Ball was such an catastrophe, we don’t want to go there..all you have to do is Google the mess if you want to relive the international  humiliation and embarrassment of essentially shutting down Sea Mist and behaving like deranged psychopaths. “Don’t taze me dude !” became the phrase snickered as people followed up with how “awful” it was.  As the White people checked out of Sea Mist and got their refunds, the police, (Mashpee,

The First Lady & Shovel Ready Ceddie. Overwhelmingly Purple POMPAss

Falmouth and State cops),went looking for the Chairman to see if he could calm things down.  What? Not Shovel Ready Ceddie.  That boy was hiding in his room.  Shovel Ready has a security detail that’s the envy of President Obama.  He’s so afraid of his own people, the press release statement lecturing tribal members on their bad behavior  did not come from the so called chairman but the White president of the Regan PR firm.  Nice.

This is what our young people see? It’s what they are supposed to emulate?


Clearly you have to have a record to make a  big salary  at the government center.  Danielle Hill is still there and her dishonesty about her unresolved felony charges is now part of the ongoing coverup that includes hiding the fact that she lied on her application that disappeared. Danielle only presented a resume, according to HR. It’s so so bad that a record is the prerequisite  to getting a job making over $50K.  If the voters rejected her, why is she working for us?

Bobby Foster still tries to pay almost nothing to take care of his kids by lying about his income.  He got quite a bit of help from his peeps.

You have another employee who blatantly lies about having a college education and beat their spouse with a golf club in a moving car…never mind other really bad stuff.

Staffers to Messy Jessie and Tah Tah have constant run-ins with the law with open cases.


Tah Tah likes buring up cars and being " the Boss"

Tah Tah has the worst record.Setting cars on fire, erratic and scary behavior at the office. The Council is trying to get the minutes dating back to  October.  She cannot do her duties as Secretary and her behavior clearly warrants her removal from the council.  But, there are no rules and the reprimands are minimal.  She runs up and down the halls saying “I’m the boss” because she believes she’s the HR director.  It’s obscene.

Once again young people believe this behavior is appropriate and the rest of the world believes we’re degenerates because our government and leadership thinks this stuff is invisible..

Yes the buck stops there because it all stems from the top.




Can we just clear the air and ReBoot

Contrary to rumors we  have not closed up shop.  We were swamped with life and had to take a break from the really depressing realities of our people.  We see a trend occurring though…and it could be a good thing so we’ll talk about it in a minute…..

Stay tuned.  Reel Wamps ReBoot.

A little light reading about how the FBI works

Winnebago council members resign following release of audit

March 05, 2015 7:00 pm  •  By Kevin Abourezk | Lincoln Journal Star

Two Winnebago tribal council members have resigned and another remains suspended following the release of a report last week that showed council members had given themselves hundreds of thousands of dollars in bonuses and tribal casino gifts.

And on Tuesday, tribal members elected a new council member who promised to take a strong stance against exorbitant spending on council members’ salaries and benefits. With 176 votes, Vincent Bass received 51 percent of the vote in a field of 10 candidates.

“I’m all for lowering salaries, across the board, not just for council members,” he told people gathered at a tribal meeting Wednesday. “I want to take that money back where it’s being misspent and put it back in our children and elders programs.”

Bass was elected to the seat left vacant by former tribal council vice chairman Darwin Snyder, who resigned in January after he was accused of failing to properly authorize issuance of prepaid debit cards to council members.

On Wednesday, FBI spokeswoman Sandy Breault declined to comment on reports that her agency had begun an investigation into alleged corruption by tribal council members.

“Unfortunately, we can’t comment on it because it is an ongoing investigation,” she said. “As soon as anything becomes public knowledge, we would be able to release something at that time.”

Council members Travis Mallory and Morgan Earth resigned their positions this week. Earth resigned due to health reasons, said tribal chairman John Blackhawk. Mallory didn’t give a reason for his resignation, Blackhawk said.

The council suspended two members last week, Thomas Snowball Sr. and Louis Houghton Jr., after a tribal investigative committee released its report. The Winnebago tribal council empowered the special investigation and fact-finding committee to look into allegations of corruption.

The committee’s report found council members had received free hotel rooms, meals and prepaid debit cards from the tribe’s WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Iowa, and handed tens of thousands of dollars in recent years to tribal members, many of whom were likely voters, through loans and discretionary grants.

The tribal council held an ethics hearing on complaints filed against Snowball and Houghton on Wednesday. The council failed to pass a resolution seeking the removal of Houghton by a vote of 2-3. Snowball remains suspended after members tabled a resolution seeking his removal.

Blackhawk declined to say how he voted on the resolution to remove Houghton from the council but said he didn’t believe there was sufficient evidence justifying Houghton’s removal.

“He was exonerated,” he said.

Blackhawk said the council has taken no further action on the investigative committee’s report, though he said last week that the tribal council plans to commission a forensic audit to further examine the committee’s findings. The report indicated some council members are paid salaries of over $100,000 a year.

Other allegations in the tribal investigative committee’s report say the council gave itself a 35 percent salary increase one year, at least one council member gave loans to family members, and council members received bonuses with no evidence they were approved by the council.

A community group in Winnebago is calling on five of the remaining tribal council members — Blackhawk, Houghton, Snowball, Larry Payer and Charles Aldrich — to resign their positions or risk being recalled.

The community group, Winnebago Tribe for the People, has begun circulating petitions seeking the recall of the five council members. They are not targeting Darla LaPointe, who was recently elected, and Bass.

The group’s leaders say they have about half the petition signatures they need to put the recall to a vote of the tribe’s members. The group is alleging the council members stole from tribal coffers when they approved hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of bonuses, raises and casino gifts in recent years.

One of the community group’s leaders, Keely Bassette, said the group was frustrated by the council’s unwillingness to take responsibility for its actions and oust members who’ve been shown to have misappropriated funds.

“At this point, it’s about those men and not what’s good for the people,” she said.

“They’re just hanging on like ticks.”


Sound familiar Mashpee?

Danielle Hill beaten badly in Tribal race….irregularities impact outcome for others

The Ratchett agony of defeat.

Danielle Hill was the lowest vote getter in a horse race of 11 candidates vying for 6 seats on the council.  Hill’s unresolved felony warrant in New York clearly undermined her efforts to become a council member. Incumbent Patricia Keliinui was the weakest link in the Cromwell incumbents commonly referred to as  ” The Woebegone Women” coming in 8th. Ironically Keliinui is responsible for failing to enforce tribal laws and election procedures during the chaotic 2009 election that ushered in the Cromwell regime.  Since then the election process has been dominated  by Cromwell and Frye family members and cronies who make up the rules and threaten members who question their actions.

Winnie Johnson Graham slipped under the radar of criticism which allowed her to be the top vote getter to the surprise of many.  If the election is clean, it shows that voters have clearly forgotten her illegal award of $50,000 from Housing.  Tribal member advocates say the money should be be repaid by garnishing  her pay check from the Tribal Health Department.


Robert Dias,a popular young town supervisor, came in second place and is expected to be a strong advocate for

Rob Dias, is popular and respected. A leader to watch.

core members.Carlton Hendricks, Jr.  a consistent vocal critic of the administration was re elected coming in ahead of Cheryl Frye Cromwell, wife of Chairman Cedric Cromwell. Cromwell barely made it back on to the

TFL & Ceddie during happier times. Plenty of purple and lobster.

Council edging out Laura Miranda.  Cromwell greatly exaggerated her 4 month stint in the Reserves.  In various documents, Frye Cromwell  says she served in the Army from 1981-1985. Military officials had no record of Frye Cromwell’s service. Both Frye Cromwell and her cousin Yvonne Frye Avant, who has no record of accomplishment for 25 years on the Council and another Cromwell soldier have been loosing ground each election, slipping from the top vote getters to the back of the pack. Even their family seems embarrassed by them.

But the irregularities continue to be part of the MWT elections.  The demand for ID’s from known tribal members(who had no ID)  turned away at least 15 voters.  These voters were the nephews and close friends of Carlton Hendricks Jr, Laura Miranda and Robert Dias. Miranda would have beaten Frye Cromwell easily.That was a known fact.  And the fact that Cedric Cromwell had a membership card made for his mother on site. Others who would

Navajo Joe presides over the election. Standing behind monitors, trying to avoid lawsuits. Tough job.

clearly vote against his wife were not given the same access. A bright spot appeared when Tribal attorney Mark Tilden kicked out the Child Chairman of the Enrollment Committee, Brian Weeden. Tilden had scolded Weeden about the impropriety of being the enrollment committee chairman and openly campaigning for The Woebegones. Banished by Navajo Joe, the big kid took his rightful place with his candidates waving signs out front.

Had those people been allowed to vote, which is standard, Cheryl Frye Cromwell would have been history like Patricia and Danielle. Cromwell has not been the picture of health for a while and the continued controversy surrounding his wife and council cronies is not pleasing to the Arkana bosses.

Winnie Johnson    280

Winona Pocknett   266

Robert Dias           266

Yvonne Frye Avant 262

Carlton Hendricks, Jr. 257

Cheryl Frye Cromwell 248

Laura Tobey Miranda     245

Patricia Keliinui              239

Aaron Tobey                   222

Robyn Tobey Stamps    190

Danielle Hill                    161





So…..You can’t ID Natalie Costa as a Tribal member?

Well sah Nat, you're more Mashpee than all of 'em put together...They need to know who you are.


See….they can make an ID on the spot for Connie Cromwell, the chairman’s mother from Boston, but because Natalie Costa doesn’t have her ID she can’t vote. The ID requirement came about because of the 2009 controversy when non tribal members were voting and the Elders were not there to stop them.  People who are known tribal members are supposed to be able to vote without ID.

Then again this same group of nuts asked Chief Earl Mills for his ID…they really did not know one of our most revered members.

Foreigners don’t respect tradition .

Vote anyway– don’t let Messy Jessie’s Wannabes win

Today is election day and we should not give up on Mashpee.  Many outsiders have chosen to turn their heads while we languish at the hands of the worst in the tribe.  People think we actually voted these people in. That’s because outsiders have clean elections and ours are questionable at best.

Wamsutta, Massasoit...would want us to do the right thing.

Well no fight is worth winning unless serious consequences will result. We have some very good candidates who are not afraid to answer to us, to face us and to do what’s right. They will restore dignity to our government and the basic services to our Elders, children and families.We have to start there because the debt and the Arkana situtuation is a legal matter.

Reel Wamps should not have to inform the true Mashpee of the goings on in the tribal government.  The government should conduct business the way it used to too in the old Town Hall where you were called out and had to be accountable to the families of this tribe. We can bring integrity back.

Too  many of our ancestors struggled for us to give up now. And the people in the Cromwell administration do not have ancestors who contributed to our well being in any substantial way…let’s just be honest.

This is nothing new to us…let’s stand up, and if you don’t recognize people, ask them, who are you? Who’s your family? That’s how we know each other….and there are no Elders to monitor eligible voters. Certainly Brian Weeden, Chair of the Enrollment Committee  (I know it), Messy Jessie’s decoy,  is no expert nor is he a substitute for adults who know tribal family members dating back 50 years.

Take plenty of notes of irregularities, they will be vital in the federal lawsuit on the whole Cromwell operation. There are people out there willing to help us. And of course others are watching this process closely aren’t they Navajo Joe?

Slimy Alright

That’s why her nick name is Ratchett. Danielle Hill was in the Cape Cod Times with her talking points (construed several times) about her arrest and felony charges being the result “wrong place at the wrong time.” Well how about this:

She was arrested in New York in 2009.

She was charged with a felony.

She was put in jail.

She was given a court date in January 2010.

And she didn’t show up.

The felony warrant was issued September of 2010.

Wake up Danielle...So very, well..... sad.

We’re not going to talk about that clown show of an election committee.  Equipped with its own bully who enforces the ridiculous dictates from the Council.  Then the election committee and candidates are all out together getting smashed last night trying to forget…

How can she expect us to believe that she did not know that these serious charges were pending and she was wanted? And she tells the CCT that she’s not sure when she will return to NY to answer them? She says she’s not guilty.  When was she going to tell the court ? Well then….

So the question becomes how do you not clear your name on a felony charge?  Why were you working as a clerk at the infamous Tribal Court? Guess it’s the right fit? And currently working in the grant program? Dishonesty is the criteria as we said before.

And we are lead to believe that Ratchett is not a fugitive from justice with a felony warrant in the state of New York? Apparently not, according to law enforcement in Mashpee. Well let’s look at how justice is handed down here.

Take a look at another episode involving Carlton Hendricks, Jr. He had a misdemeanor warrant issued in Mashpee because he had not paid a $300 fine. He was a candidate for election at that time about 6 years years ago. Unknown to him was the fact that the warrant was issued on the Tuesday before the election. He had seen police officers during the course of the week nothing was said.  But, on Sunday, election day,  Hendricks was arrested. Right, on a misdemeanor charge, on election day.

So it’s very interesting how certain people are obsessed with debunking our definition of Danielle Hill as a “fugitive from justice” when it’s clear that they deliver justice in a very select way.

Again the Town of Mashpee and it’s selectmen would never adhere to these kinds of employment practices or for law enforcement to diddle with its duties. Of course since we have no land in trust, the Mashpee Police Department is our law enforcement agency.  But when it comes to us,  the rules are different aren’t they?  We provide certain government officials quite a bit of entertainment no doubt. Instead of weeding out the bad people, they allow them to fester among us.

It’s an old strategy tried and true.




Can we all share the reward ?

Oh my, warrants everywhere and she’s still a candidate, wanted by the authorities in New York.Danielle has been on the lamb for 5 years and now, under the protection of Shovel Ready Ceddie and Navajo Joe.  Arkana said keep her on the ballot. They do what they’re told.

Such a proud day for us.

Disgracing us yet again

Second page of a sad story


Wanted…fugitive from justice

Not worthy of serving us or working for us.

Danielle Hill has a problem.As we told you, our sources say the horror comes in the form of a 5 year old arrest warrant for grand larceny in New York.  So instead of telling her to turn herself in, the attorney, Navajo Joe is trying to work something out, and the election committee, all of them but one are trying to figure out how to keep her on the ballot.

It is outrageous….And Danielle has her own personal tribal attorney, who actually works for us, to work for her.  Other tribal members don’t have that luxury…Living the lie; a fugitive from the law who worked in the Tribal Court, and is a senior planner, handing money.

This kind of dishonesty is what has degraded us.  It has made us the laughing stock.  Shovel Ready Ceddie should be a man and make his wife Cheryl Frye Cromwell step down and not seek re election.  We have had enough of her attempts to become respectable.  Danielle should turn herself in and deal with her issues which are pretty serious.

If we only had a way to address the criminal behavior of this administration.Actually other law enforcement agencies do, thank God.