The Tribal Court being what it is…..nothing, has a lot of nothing going on. It has a

As a former Minnesota Assistant Attorney General, newly appointed Mashpee Supreme Court Judge Yellowhammer should know a scam when she sees one
new Supreme Court Judge Terri Yellowhammer who joins the old ones getting paid to participate in a process that in legal terms is “moot,” or “not real.”
The court rulings are not enforceable because we can’t get our land into trust. As we all know by now, LIT completes the most important part of our sovereignty that validates our government and more importantly the court. As you can see we really don’t have any way of getting justice against the corrupt Council unless we go to a federal court or the FBI shows up. That’s why we can’t resolve true legal matters in the tribal court…serious issues are handled by state courts and a lot of times it does not work out well for us. ICWA is a huge problem needless to say.
LIT is a fantasy postponed for over 5 years by Shovel Ready Ceddie and his very expensive White lawyers (and one NDN Arlinda). These Boston firms lead by a former governor and Congressman do absolutely nothing but bill us for stuff a law clerk knows will be thrown out. They’re frantic now because they know the state has made clear they don’t believe in the LIT fantasy and they’re giving the casino license away. Last November Arlinda Locklear said we would see

Arlinda couldn't get her Lumbee tribe recognized nor can she get our LIT..She is getting a fat check for $10K a month
LIT in 90 days. By March she and Messy Jessie said June

Messy Jessie "Master of Charades" searches the heavens for her next scam
or July. Well? The time frames evaporate and new ones appear….that’s the only thing that is certain in the LIT saga. The BIA has no preliminary decision standing by which is the normal step before an affirmative decision is made. There’s just silence. The state Gaming commission knows what the silence means.
These shameless shysters have made millions by over billing us in the Genting racket. The so called tribal leadership keeps getting paid to run all that money through the tribe.
What did Cheryl say? “The Fryes’ll be rollin’ in the doe!”

The First Lady never dreamed of riding so high after being so low.....
Damn right girl! Can’t get a clean election…can’t get rid of you and all your relatives who have infested the government with all your extensive education, sophistication and brilliance. You have made us so proud with all your empathy to our sick tribal members, one beloved member who recently passed away. And the prosperity, the abundance you have brought to our families and our fledgling tribal community.
Right. So tribal members filed a challenge to the latest crooked election where the First Lady won by keeping people from voting (because they would not have voted for her). Well her great White lawyers told, the tribal court that the the challenge was filed by “dissidents” who don’t like the leadership. Yes that’s true. But the court’s role is to resolve legal disputes.Aside from the argument being valid, the majority of those members are from the same families that fought to get our land back and to get us Recognition. The government of the United States thought we were “dissidents” in both of those instances.These new White Overseers say the tribal members should be sanctioned for filing the suit. Oh yah….so how is that enforced?

Kickin’ the Quahog down the path….
Well the court wants no part of the case because they know that we know that the judicial system is a sham. The judges want the pay check to do nothing, but don’t want to be held accountable for rendering unenforceable decisions. So, they want the case to go to the Peacemakers who are some of the nutty-ist people in the tribe. The Peacemakers were supposed to be Elders from each family because they are wise, will be fair and people will respect their decisions. When you have outisders running the tribal government…well they don’t want the Elders involved. And we all know that Carol Lopez and her daughter Marie are not exactly credible…okay…that’s a duo on the panel that makes the whole thing ridiculous.
These White lawyers are paid to insult us and degrade us in the phantom court. They are paid handily. Arlinda makes about $10,000 a month to tell us that LIT is just over the horizon about every 3 months. Whatever she’s doing it ain’t much cause there is no legislation in Congress that has a chance of passage to fix the Carcieri ruling. We pay a lawyer named Burr $30,000 a month to review the bills of the other lawyer thieves. Fox in the hen house indeed. The tribal government has failed us and become a caretaker of the people who have worked against us since time immemorial.
Watch out for the FRYEPATROL !
$130,000,000 later, and we’re worse off than we were before recognition. You get a ham, and a monthly ration from the food pantry (that’s sponsored by the Boston Food Bank no less).With that kind of debt, tribal members should be able to go into the pantry weekly. Instead you’re greeted by Donna Johnson and her sister Ca ( who loaded the voter rolls with pending tribal members for Ceddie )who do nothing but pass judgment and gossip about everyone…They’re on Fryepatrol. Beware, the Fryepatrol is watchin’.
No one would go down there if Natalie weren’t there.
The Curse of the Pond and “Goshes”
Generations of Mashpee speak in hushed tones about the Pond and it’s consumption of strangers….White people mainly. They talk about how they can’t remember a Native drowning in the enormous lake, but many White tourists perished for some

The Pond .. a sanctuary for Mashpee Wampanoag but treacherous for outsiders.
reason. That Pond drops off wicked bad and it was like the shock of it is so stunning it appears as though they’re sucked under. Natives standing on the gray sand would watch in silence…then, someone would beat it out into the black water to save the pitiful victim. But if no one were around it spelled trouble every time. Whites capsized in the middle of that lake and it was too bad cause they couldn’t make it to shore…not a Mashpee. Mashpee don’t capsize and if they couldn’t swim shore to shore, they didn’t accept the dare to race. We learned to swim in that lake or suffered constant humiliation. Course it was too much and you were a prolific swimmer in short order.
It’s sad because we never learned from this longstanding childhood lesson of tradition and survival. We’re still saving the White man but won’t save ourselves.