Cromwell and Arlinda may get us paid after all

The irony is just too much.  The  US Supreme Court has recently validated a nearly $1 billion award forcing the Bureau to pay over 600 tribes for services never rendered.  Or for not paying these tribes enough for services they were owed.  This is an except from another story from about the settlement.

Federal officials on Friday announced they had agreed to pay almost $1 billion to settle claims brought by hundreds of Native American tribes who say the government did not properly fund a number of tribal programs.

Under an agreement with the federal government, the tribes administer their own education, housing, law enforcement, and environmental management programs, among other services. But for 25 years tribes have complained that the government underfunded the programs, leading to major shortfalls.

“Deep and painful cuts were made every year,” Val Panteah, governor of Zuni Pueblo in New Mexico, told reporters at a press conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Friday.

More than 600 tribes and tribal agencies took their case to the Supreme Court in 2012, where the justices ruled the government was liable for the payments.

On Friday, after years of negotiation, tribal elders and government officials speaking in Albuquerque announced they had reached a $940 million settlement, which they have submitted to federal court for final approval.

Right — so if according to the BIA claims that we were under federal jurisdiction prior to 1934…let’s say since 1911, the government owes us at least  $15,000,000.00, and that’s conservative (averaging about $147,000.00 a year). We could use a little change right about now ey bird?

The best part of it all is that the precedent has be set by the above settlement which means a successful legal argument supporting our claim has already been made.The only catch is that the LIT ruling by the BIA has to hold up, and it’s pretty weak. In the Federal Register, there’s no explanation of how we meet the 1934 criteria.

The irony is that the same US Supreme Court ruled that the BIA could only take LIT  IF we were under federal jurisdiction and there are court challenges coming that say the BIA itself said were NEVER a federal tribe. The decision is shaky. Anyway those challenges could reverse our BIA Land in Trust action.

But those crickets are chirping and Alrinda is silent.  She’s working for Genting not us. Maybe she’s thinkin’ about filing that suit for us. Probably not.  This decision buys them time, gives the Comwellians huge

Reluctant dad, and best known for "eating off the White man's plate" While drunk in Dino's and other the photo opt king and big time Indian.

Reluctant dad, and best known for “eating off the White man’s plate” while drunk in Dino’s and other shenanigans…is the photo opt king and big time Indian.

huge raises, bonuses and benchmark raises worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.  They get to build their frequent flyer miles by flying all over the country pretending to be big shots doing God knows what.

Winnie has a long history of getting what she wants from tribal coffers...remember the broken down back hoe?

Winnie has a long history of getting what she wants from tribal coffers…remember the broken down $17 k back hoe?

Hell, if we combined  Winnie’s $32,000.00 raise for leaving IHS and coming on as full time council member ( without a job description ) and Bobby Foster’s $30,000 raise (without a GED), we could have a real pantry for needy families and Elders to shop every week.

Think about what we could have done with the $130 m in debt that does nothing to enhance our lives.

Green eggs and ham people.




Brotha can you spare a dime?

Fat Cats ( literally ) up front and primed to get paid  and our homeless can't even get a place at Del Sol. Winter is coming.

Fat Cats ( literally ) up front and primed to get paid and our homeless can’t even get a place at Del Sol. Winter is coming.

We’re used to waiting, but this is pretty bad. When is SRC going to file suit for our back pay from the BIA? Yah, you know all that money we were never paid when we were under federal juristiction since ahhhhhhhhh the Dawes Act ?  1911 Right Arlinda ?

Oh, stupid question. He’s only thinking of his big fat pay check.  He knows he’ll get his, but we’ll never get ours.

They have never done one thing for us. Why start now? As one Elder said, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

When the bad guys rule

Hayward during a ceremony. Mashpee Wampanoag Medicine Man John Peters is seen in to the left. Hayward and the Mashpee had a good relationship.

Hayward during a ceremony.  Wampanoag Nation Medicine Man John Peters is seen on the eft. Hayward and the Mashpee had a good relationship.

We should have learned from the Pequots.  But we didn’t pay attention.  About 40 years ago Skip Hayward, a Mashntucket  Pequot, rounded up his people scattered west of their Connecticut homeland, got them recognized and on their way to a better life. Skip Hayward, a real Pequot, was kicked to the curb and the outsiders took over and well the rest is well known.  Now the Pequots, who went from rags to riches are  humiliated and broke.The largest casino in the world and formally the most productive is run down empty shell of it’s former self.

Guess who their backers were? Genting. Genting feeds on greed and poverty.   Genting bought the Pequots, built the a huge casino and charged them 27% interest on hundreds of millions of dollars.  The Pequots could never catch up because the casino made less and less money each year. Genting got out…made the Pequots get a bank to buy the debt of a no longer profitable casino and built a competing casino, MGM Grand next door.  Just ruthless.

And guess what ? Genting was the poster child for the Indian Gaming Regulator Act.  IGRA was established to protect Indians from the Gentings of the world. Well Genting went about it’s business charging the Mohawks and Senecas outrageous interest rates and even came into a Council meeting with guns blazing threatening the members because they refused to pay anymore.

Well history repeats itself and when the old investors refused to pay Cedric’s crew, the lovely Mark Harding found Genting. So we pay 17% on millions and hundreds of thousands for wire transfers. No one knows what Shovel Ready Ceddie and crew did with $130 million, and Genting has pleged another $120m but after that, the Malaysians say Wells Fargo is the best bet, cause they’re out.  Sound familiar?  That’s why there’s no discussion about allotments for tribal members because the so called investor has to be paid….and the bank and on and on.

Back to another problem.  IGRA has to investigate Genting before the tribe goes forward.  Ironic, that everything comes full circle and that may be the reason for an American bank early on.

So of course Arlinda will say that’s a snap too. Sorta like SRS saying he is unaware of lawsuits on the issue we said would be a problem no matter how may footnotes Kevin Washburn listed.

And SRC would not answer the question of whether the lawsuits would stop the building of the casino.  Maybe he should ask Adam Bond. Yes, ask Adam Bond.___


Where’s the tribe? The tribal employees turned out for Cedric and Cheryl’s press conference and party Saturday, but the Tribe was absent.  Where were the jubilant tribal members ? Not much of a crowd.  Guess the Mashpee weren’t feeling it.  There was such low turn out Harold Tobey was in one picture…he used to call us Mud Hens. Guess they ran out of people to invite.

Anyway, Ramona Peters was unrecognizable standing there at the microphone

Mona talks history.  When is the museum going to be open? is there anything in there?

Mona talks history. When is the museum going to be open? Is there anything in there? What the hell does she have on? Love The headband tho.


talking about our ( undocumented ) history in Taunton(Ahem)…definitely a symbol of the tribe today.

The Tribe of 6 years ago was anywhere but there…no proud families together, laughing and talking….just the employees. The Cape Cod Times captured the drummers and about 30 -40 people and kids…lotta food to take home. Not much to celebrate, since nothings going to change.

The Elders and the Mashpee were celebrating Aunt Dart’s ( Ellen Hendricks) 90th

90 year old Ellen Hendricks a living symbol of who we were.

90 year old Ellen Hendricks a living symbol of who we were. So proud and pretty.

birthday, at the Rod and Gun Club…telling stories and reminiscing about our golden days when we were proud people. 90 years young, a symbol of who we were.

Arlinda walks it back and lectures reporter on civics

So yesterday Arlinda Locklear said the BIA LIT decision for the Mashpee

Will Arlinda get us a settlement for what we are owed since 1933? Crickets again.

Will Arlinda get us a settlement for what we are owed since 1933? Crickets again.

Wampanoag Tribe was “not bullet proof” admitting that the anticipated lawsuits could prove fatal.  Apparently a reporters questions about some of the issues we raised here were bounced off Arlinda and she responded with a walk back that was funny and a lecture about the invincibility of the  Department of Justice and the Bureau’s decision. All of a sudden the LIT decision was pretty much a done deal and that the lawsuits would have no impact.  Really? They win every one of these cases no matter what?

We know that the Department of Justice represents all federal agencies in legal disputes.  We know that the US Attorney General is the chief  law enforcement officer and lawyer  for the United States.  The AG is also is in charge of the FBI that she sends to investigate messy illegal goings on.  They do a pretty good job too.  So let’s stop with the civics lesson.

If the legal challenges are going to be dismissed or if there will be no way to interrupt the project, why would you wait 7 – 8 months to break ground? You should be able to start right after the comment period ends on October 18.  Why not since you’re so sure the courts will rule in favor of the BIA.

And for God sake have you no mercy on Cedric?  Hes been the biggest squall bag

Always squalling and reinventing our history to involve people who were no where around.

Always squalling and reinventing our history to involve people who were no where around. And lazy reporters print that foolishness.

Oops there it is. Not a good moment for the chairman.

Oops there it is. Not a good moment for the chairman.

ever to cross the town line. And for 6 years he’s been dragging that damned shovel around  with wampum galore glued on the handle.  Why delay his euphoria any longer? Maybe it will make him stop with the bad drumming, bad regalia and even worse head dresses.

But seriously, Arlinda since you’re the spokesperson for the Tribe now and our the legal representative, are you going to file our suit against the government for its failure to pay us benefits for over 104 years? Since the Bureau says we were under their jurisdiction during that time, where’s our money for college, food, healthcare and other reparations? Where’s it at? I know, all we hear are crickets right now.

Since you got so much to say about the Justice Department and have such raptor maybe you can work something out.  We see where other tribes have gotten their back pay.

Albuquerque, NM — In a historic settlement, Native American tribes have been awarded nearly a billion dollars. The U.S. Department of Justice announced this week that a settlement was reached with 645 Native American Tribes for the sum of $940 million dollars.

The settlement stems from a 1990 lawsuit, which claimed the U.S. government failed to pay its portion of federal contracts for housing, education, law enforcement and healthcare, as well as a number of other support programs.

Ouch ! The government owes us plenty in back benefits because we never got a dime.  Again, can you help us out Arlinda?  You’re making that long money, and all we get is $35 a month from the Boston Food Bank and a couple of hams.

Herrin'-- "Git ta work girl. Roe --"Else we'll have ta thro you in the pond." Herrin--"Yaaaaa 'n that Navajo Joe too !"

Herrin’– “Git ta work girl. ” Roe –“Else we’ll have ta thro you in the pon!.” Herrin–“Yaaaaa ‘n that Navajo Joe too!”

Put all that trial experience to work girl ! Ahem.  Besides Herrin’ and Roe are tired of Green Eggs and HAM.

Arlinda speaks the truth…..

Arlinda celebrates her only victory and still cautions that the LIT is not " bullet proof" no kidding.

Arlinda celebrates her only victory and still cautions that the LIT is not ” bullet proof” no kidding.

Yes, it was a historic moment.  Arlinda Locklear admitted that the BIA LIT decision was “not bullet proof.” Because she knows it will not hold up in court.  It could take another several years to resolve the LIT issue and the Bureau’s authority to do so.  Groups and individuals will be in court Monday to sue according to several news outlets.

Another interesting note. Kevin Washburn the Assistant Secretary who leads the BIA, announced he was leaving the agency on the same day he released our LIT decision.  A bunch of the agency’s division directors under him also announced their departure. Washburn and crew are leaving several piles of poop in the hallway of the Tribal Flags. The Pachanga Tribe has asked the US Attorney General Lorretta Lynch to investigate the Bureau’s neglect and failure to oversee corrupt tribal governments.

Washburn's decision means he owes the Mashpee a big fat check for millions and millions.

Washburn’s decision means the BIA owes the Mashpee a big fat check for millions and millions.Let’s just call it back pay.

And now there’s us….suddenly being under federal jurisdiction of the BIA means they owe us a lot of money…dating back to 1911 when the Dawes Act established tribal rolls.  That means the other tribes were getting reparations because they were officially recognized, but we were not.  Imagine that we were cut out of the deal for at least 104 years.  It amounts to  millions of dollars for the 1001 Mashpee.  You better believe we’re better off trying to get paid that way than waiting 15 years for a casino allotment from the tribe. Course you can opt for the Green Eggs and Ham.

Washburn’s decision now known as“How I was able to make butterflies and birds fly outta my a– ”  will cause delays no doubt, probably years more, according to the Boston Globe but it was a reprieve and a great way for the Cromwell administration to buy time so  they can keep getting paid those incredible salaries.

Big problem for the state gaming commission is whether to issue a license in Brockton or keep waiting for us to ” clear hurdles.”  The state looses money waiting for us, and makes less in the end. Check out today’s Boston Globe story. It had a pretty thorough, unbiased assessment of what is happening.

Lotta Frye’s at the celebration yesterday and today. Lotta press conference nonsense, hopefully someone asked about when we’re going to get paid, and if the Chinese are really going to hire all their people for jobs etc, etc.

And  If there are anymore Fryes left off Cape, you better believe they’re headed this way.

For the real Mashpee….winter is coming.



Here we goooooooooo!!!!

Okay, this initial phase of the BIA land in trust approval is huge for us.  BUT there’s no explanation of how we fit under the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. Gee, wonder why? Federal court rulings and the BIA said we didn’t meet the criteria.  All of a sudden we do? Future legal challenges to the bureau’s decision will be the determiner. According to one tribal member, Genting has so much money they can influence any outcome and make “butterflies and birds fly outta your a– ” They have their own magic act. Oh yes, they do. It’s called millions of dollars.

Despite what Shovel Ready Ceddie says about lawsuits, lawsuits are a huge problem and he admits they are a problem…but that ” they won’t stop the process ”  What process is he talking about? The Genting process?

Regardless, everyone knows a lot of people will be suing and it does slow everything to a drizzle.

Anyway, in addition to SRC, Yvonne, Robbie, Bobbie Foster and Jessie receiving additional undisclosed salaries from the ” Gaming Authority “…now they have another  “Benchmark” that they have met for another raise. For those who are not millionaires already they will be such in a matter of months, while yes, we’re going to say it……you get a couple of hams a year and $35 in groceries a month from the Boston Food Bank. It is not going to change.

First question is, after the month comment period where people can challenge and appeal the decision, and the lawsuits start ….are you going to start building anyway or what since the lawsuits don’t matter?

The biggest question is when are tribal members going to get paid…..ha! They haven’t told you because Genting could care less about anyone in the tribe, but the paid council members of course.  When will we get a check ? You never got an answer 6 years ago you won’t get one now.

And if you thought these people were bad before this..they will be even worse in the future. Get ready for the Apocalypse.

And the truth is LIT means nothing for us because we will not get a dime…not a dime. They will do whatever they want. And definitely under orders from Genting who have no respect for us at all.  Ask the Pequots and the Senecas.  Imagine the Tribal Government  having that power…unless the federal government stops them.

The menu may change though to Green Eggs and HAM.

All about gettin’ paid …right?

Damn right.  All that hell we raised about those pay raises, we forgot to tell you about the payola for the ones on the Gaming Authority.  Right and we can’t even guess what the amount of that pay grade.  Probably at least $100 K each.. But the Gaming Authority spends at least $2 million a month on…..well, nothing !

More tomorrow it’s too juicy.

Rogue Nation

A government gone rouge

A government gone rouge

Riddle me this…..Who votes to give themselves huge raises when they don’t have a quorum ? You got it.  The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council officers. Robert Dias did not attend the meeting. Carlton Hendricks  Jr. was there for the start of the meeting but when it was clear they were going to increase their salaries yet again, he left the meeting intentionally, after giving them a few choice words.

This is why the Pechanga Tribe is asking the US Attorney General to investigate the Bureau of Indian affairs.  Tribal nations are suffering under the corrupt leadership of governments that abuse their authority  and hide behind their sovereign status. Basically doing whatever they want. The Bureau has turned a blind eye to this blatant abuse for decades.

We’re just getting a taste of it all.  The horror of the worst in the Tribe taking revenge on us.

Look at these salary raises ;

Shovel Ready Ceddie  $125,000.00 – $147,000.00

Messy Jessie raised to $109,000.00. Messy should be fined for subjecting us to all her wacky ideas and machinations that are just rampant.She finally got the power she craved just like TFL, her old ” Road Dog” (ahem…) but never got the respect.  Memories are to long and vivid in Mashpee for all that.  Too vivid for the both of them.

Big raises and nothing for Tribal members...nothing

Big raises and nothing for Tribal members…nothing.

Tah Tah   $66,000.00 – $82,000.00 And get this, she works from home, has 3 assistants and they still can’t get the minutes right or caught up ! But who cares !  This is Rogue Nation.

Robbie Hendricks $71,000.00 – $91,000.00. Course Marge is still running things from home because Robbie is not capable, for a variety of reasons.

The First  Lady Cheryl Frye Cromwell $56,000 -$72,000.00.  Cheryl is such a hypocrite.  It is hard to imagine how she looks in the mirror.  She had it so hard and yet she has zero empathy for those of us that struggle.

Even Bobbie Foster got a raise !  Whatever it is, it’s too much for that guy ! The repo man need not worry…he’ll still be in play. Oh yah, you’ll be glad to know that they got him on his back child support.

They agreed to do the raises after they paid $35,000.00 for a survey justifying it.  Of course the company completely ripped them off, by comparing apples ( MWT ) to other cities and tribes that in no way resemble us in size, income or tax base.  Which means since we are not self sustaining, and we are not a gaming tribe, there is nothing to compare us to.  And this Council has less than 1,000 people to actually govern, ha ha..or whatever.

No one knows exactly what any of them do. They can’t even return a phone call. They don’t come to work.  In fact no one comes to work except the people in the health department under IHS.

$790,000.00 a year in salaries for people who do absolutely nothing for us. They vote themselves a raise without having a quorum ( legal number of people present) to do it. NO RULES.


We owe $130,000,000.00 to the Chinese. Robbie was bragging that Genting will loan us up to $250,000,000.00.  Jesus.  Have they no shame?

That’s a lot a yard work boy. Rogue Nation on blast.


Finally an answer to LIT

The Bureau of Indians Affairs made a weird move.  It notified Taunton that a LIT decision was eminent.  That could be for a number of reasons: Taunton is a secondary reservation designated for the casino, the historic ties are invalid,  the state wants the yes or no right away to get others to bid in the casino region, or the 1934 argument is invalid.

It would be a stunning move for the the BIA to reverse themselves and say that we were under federal jurisdiction prior to 1934 when they told us during the recognition process that we were not.  That would leave us with the Congressional route for LIT, which is virtually impossible.

The BIA may have stopped at the question of 1934 federal jurisdiction…..closing the door on it’s ability to take our land in trust.

Even weirder was the fact that the homeland, Mashpee were the primary reservation is to be, was not notified first. Very very weird.  And we believe that Shovel Ready Ceddie really did not know what was going on, which is another bad sign, because usually they give you a high sign. No sign at all.

A negative would be worse for the administration of Cedric Cromwell.  The backers would be far less interested in continuing to invest in a protracted effort to get LIT fixed through the congress. All the huge salaries, padded staff, surveys to give themselves huge raises would be left for all to see.

If they had just been honest. we could have fought this thing together.  We want LIT but not at a cost of $130m a Christmas ham and a charity food pantry.