Are you freakin’ kidding ?

VisionTribal members received this ridiculous card in the mail.  It is inviting them to participate in some VISION quest to share ideas about tribal economic development.  Funny, Reel Wamps has been harping and “ranting” (according to Yvonne Frye Avant) for years about the lack of a strategy to put our people to work utilizing our own resources and heritage. And most recently we said that the so called plan for the Genting casino, that is “In Our Name Only” lacks an Economic Development Plan according to the laws of Indian Gaming….now all of a sudden they want to engage tribal members in coming up with a plan?

Are you kidding or what? Reel Wamps questioned the lack of a plan in the previous post a week ago. Besides they’ll have all those overpaid, over billing Boston lawyers and Navajo Joe and Arlinda Arlinda the Really Big Spender throw something together while pretending to solicit imput from whoever wants to run their mouth to them.

We have spent upwards of $70m dollars on salaries for council members and leadership who are blatantly corrupt…lawyers and consultants who have over billed and gouged us under the watchful eyes of Shovel Ready Ceddie.  And council members who are merciless in their greed.

We have a food pantry courtesy of the Boston Food Bank and a paid council getting millions.


Ceddie was sloppy drunk at the staff Christmas party last Friday….You know it was at a fancy hotel.It damn sure wasn’t Sea Mist.  We have to say something is going on because Running Bear ( we still don’t know how he got that name…probably made up when he bought the turquoise bolo that has become a growth on his neck)  is not seen drunk in public. Just keeps mumbling ” Malfeasance misfeasance….”

Stick to golf girl.

Stick to golf girl.

The MWT has been named Public Relations Nightmare of the Year because it has an army of hacks who just collect a check and dribble out press releases about minimal events that are rewritten by lazy reporters. Trish Keliinui has been back on a job created just for her  a few months ago...doing who knows what. She just has to belong…Little Miss Needy.  It isn’t like she needs the money or anything. Another $55k for her to sashay all around   Sean Gonsalves works for Regan PR and is our spokesman because half the time no one wants to answer questions…especially Running Bear. Regan makes $15k a month and probably cranks maybe 2-3 releases a month. Course when we have tribal members raging at Sea Mist they spring into action with condescending lecturers about behavior. That torturous Mittark has filled up more trash cans and is a complete mess …the paper is so expensive it’s not even good herring wrapper. Ceddie does a dissertation every edition that is 2 pages long and very poorly written.  Alot  of propaganda and very few tribal members in it. Lot of casino stalkers.  When the flaky BIA LIT decision came…the only pictures in the Mittark were of the council, and the Fryes because no one was celebrating.

Going off like a whirlybird. Dancing and documentaries ain't your thing.

Going off like a whirlybird. Dancing and documentaries ain’t your thing.

And finally there’s Paula Peters who has reemerged as Martin Scorsese with that silly homemade video Mashpee 9, featuring Brian Weeden running reenacting a Wampanoag messenger. When she tried to show it to the Elders, Bernadine told her to “Turn that off…we don’t want to watch that.” It’s so bad, yet Paula has the nerve to try to raise $60k for it.  You may recall that Brian can’t seem to outgrow the Tribal Youth organization and keeps hanging on as a consultant, chairman, adviser and so it goes:

I’ll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up 

Why should I grow up?

Why should I grow up?

Not me,
Not I,
Not me!
So there!

mis·fea·sance — a transgression, especially the wrongful exercise of lawful authority.


  1. wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
We have to remind people that misfeasance and malfeasance are preeminent in the tribal government.  Reel Wamps was astounded that the Cromwell Administration is struggling to finance this casino and is trying to beg, bond and borrow money to do it, which is unheard of.  Genting is not going foot the bill for everything.  Just the salaries of this corrupt government.
Ceddie with eyes closed in prayer, " Praise God the millions are mine."

Ceddie with eyes closed in prayer, ” Praise God the millions are mine.”

You realize that these people keep paying themselves huge salaries and deliver no tangible services to the tribe, which is very suspicious and is at the top of

“misfeasance/malfeasance” criteria.  Believe it or not, you cannot get paid and fail to provide service to constituents. Not even in a so called nation within a nation without the completion of LIT. Also our tribal government takes federal funds and blatantly misappropriates money to family members. Moreover they hire people who are do not meet job descriptions, lie about their college education, have been fired from WIA and rehired making $87,000 in salary and benefits.  Right.  Then the person who replaced that one at WIA has a full time assistant and between the two of them make $116,000 a year to manage a $40,000 WIA grant.
All smiles at the Ball. Wen Natives rumbled, ran the White people outta the hotel and cops tazed, Ceddie hid in his room. Leadership is too much tor him.

All smiles at the Ball. When Natives rumbled, ran the White people outta the hotel and cops tased, Ceddie hid in his room. Leadership is too much tor him. He’s afraid of the Mashpee.

More ridiculous is that as the tribe gets closer to the $250 m cap, borrowing up a storm.. they still cannot afford to pay the $60 m owed to the old investors who helped with recognition. That’s a very critical part of the Compact with the state of Massachusetts because they have to pay it or cannot get the license.

The more absurd deal is the fact that Cedric has paid $56m for 150 acres of patchwork land in Majestic Taunton. $10M of it is not deductible or refundable and was paid TO HOLD LAND YOU CANNOT GIVE AWAY! Smells funky to us…very funky indeed. Get the air freshener.
Cedric and his brain trust could have saved $50m and bought the 536 contiguous acres in Middleboro for $6m which is home to one of our ancient villages and truly our homeland.  We still don’t know what our historic ties to Taunton are…we do know that our people were not that far north…but you know what happens when you’re overpaying for stuff don’t you?

There’s another red flag flying over the proposal submitted to  the National Indian Gaming Commission. It lacks a tribal economic development plan.  The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act requires that gaming tribes have an economic development plan as the backup to ensure sustainability. Casinos don’t last long and it makes sense. They had to resubmit the plan for finance problems.  Now its just siting there.  We are one of the few tribes

When it comes to making a living, Ceddie and Crew come first.

When it comes to making a living, Ceddie and Crew come first.

with a homeland that has historic sites, fishing and hunting and a vigorous  tourist trade that can provide us a good quality of life. Cedric never cared about our future, just kept taking the checks, imitating Indians and embarrassing us in Indian Country.

Tribal members filing the reparations lawsuit say they plan to include money lost under the Cromwell administration’s 6 year tenure.  That would mean at least $6m-$7m for the loss of grant dollars, housing and other revenues that were shut down or disappeared because of gross incompetence and nepotism.
Of course that’s only if the flaky LIT decision survives.

The budget is $20m. $5m for the infamous slush fund better known as the Gaming Commission...managed by dope dealers who say they don’t

Phillp said he didn't know nothing about that straw in his behind

Phillp said he didn’t know nothing about those straws or the dope in his behind.

know about the heroine attached to a straw in their behinds.  Commissioners who are cops, tribal council officers and commission staff (habitual offender) caught in compromising situations in Las Vegas.  No criminals allowed on a gaming commission according to  IGRA.  But the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Crew has its own rules.  The other $15m is for the tribe.  Yes they have the nerve to say that they need that much money to spend on about 300

families in Mashpee and surrounding towns on the Cape.  So you do the math.

For all that money you get some tacky parties a ham and some turkeys.

That’s why misfeasance and malfeasance is against the law.


A hurtful place….in the Empire

Well….4 more Frye’s have been added to the Empire.  The Empire has 4 more Fryes added to their 80 percent domination.  Kevin Frye who has been on the Mashpee Police department was demoted for reasons unknown along with his cousin Curtis Frye Jr., will be the tribal policeman.  Let’s talk about this a little bit.  Neither one of them are in very good shape.

Patty Oakley could back hand either one and keep goin’. Yes, and there are two more Frye’s,  daughters, sons and cousins of other Empire dwellers making huge salaries with barely a high school education and they are not even trying to go to CCCC.  Why should they?  Course when everything falls apart they will wish they got a formal education instead of stealing from their own family members and cousins. That is if they have any conscience at all.

We have much more to discuss  tomorrow…it’s too much for tonight.


Say it ain’t so Aaron

Aaron wants back in the power structure and will do whatever he has to to get there.

Aaron wants back in the power structure and will do whatever he has to to get there.

Aaron Tobey wants back in and he really pulled a shrewd trick to get there.  The former Vice Chairman joined others and worked hard to get over 140 signatures on a petition ( he loves petitions) condemning the 1.3 million dollars in raises that will be given to officers and paid council members.

Another point of interest…Aaron mailed out the indicting flyer pictures, salaries and all as his campaign material, pretty much discrediting the whole effort.

Well there was the great special

The flyer Aaron co-opted as campaign material to get a job from Cedric.

The flyer Aaron co-opted as campaign material to get a job from Cedric.

meeting to address this latest outrage and certain Elders were thrown out and others asked questions and raised hell. As Reel Wamps said prior to the meeting there would be no answers, nothing would happen and nothing did.

Back to Aaron.  He had a lot to say about the abuse of tribal members at the hands of a heartless council.  He and his buddy Cedric went at it hard.  It was as though Aaron had amnesia and forgot all the damage he did to tribal laws pretending to be judge and jury etc etc.  Aaron was part of the destruction of tribal law.  He was part of the very undoing of the fabric of the tribe, creating the phony Elders, forcing the real ones out and a host of other outrageous political hacking that in the end proved his undoing.

But now, Aaron could be victorious again.  Rumor has it that Aaron’s “advocacy” as he calls it, may have brought him results.  He may have badgered Cedric into giving him a cushy job on the Gaming Authority reviewing contracts. If its true, Aaron used the raise issue to benefit himself not the tribe.

Aaron will be Aaron after all.  Like Cedric, they are outsiders who rob you blind and without regret.


Land in Trust at any “Cost” has consequences

It’s a good idea to read stories by Marc Larocque in the the Taunton Gazette. Larocque is a serious reporter who thoroughly researches his stories. He also substantiates why certain things will happen and why the worst is yet to come concerning the casino. He actually interviews people who know and understand Indian law.  He is a straight shooter and  he does more than print a press release and make fun of tribal members futile attempts to fight the corrupt Cromwell regime.  We have to give him credit for telling the whole story and what to expect.

Since we’re honest at Reel Wamps we have to admit that Larocque has confirmed every aspect of our speculation concerning the flimsy LIT decision, the state’s continued skepticism about the Arkana (tribal) casino while it considers issuing a commercial license and lawsuits that are bound to delay it by 3-4 years. Read the whole story from November 5: Below is a excerpt.


Brockton casino developers say Taunton casino won’t happen

“The Brockton casino proposal is the only remaining commercial license applicant pursuing a license provided to the southeastern region by the state’s gaming law. The Massachusetts Gaming Commission expects to make a decision on whether to issue a commercial license to Brockton by March. Tribal casinos are given preferential treatment under the Massachusetts law, but the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s proposal is likely to face challenges in court over the legitimacy of the U.S. Department of the Interior’s decision to award land in trust to the tribe for its project site in Taunton.

Mass Gaming and Entertainment presented a lawyer who specializes in Indian law and litigation, who claimed that the Department of Interior’s decision is “seriously flawed,” based on an “unprecedented” interpretation of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 and a disregard for historical evidence that is critical to understanding the law.

David Tennant, a partner at the firm Nixon Peabody, said that several tribes have been unsuccessful in their efforts to petition Congress to change the precedent setting Carcieri v. Salazar decision issued by the Supreme Court in 2009, which held that a decision to grant land into trust hinges on whether the tribe was under federal jurisdiction in 1934 when the IRA became law. ”

Again, the only beneficiaries are Shovel Ready Ceddie and his gang.  They get paid more than city commissioners serving millions of people.  There is no profit to be seen from that casino (if it’s built) for 11 years.

Mashpee Wampanoag leader Eben Queppish pulled our paperwork together in 1933, but it was never filed. Maybe he knew who would be in charge.

Mashpee Wampanoag leader Eben Queppish pulled our paperwork together in 1933, but it was never filed. Maybe he knew who would be in charge.

Also, a group of tribal members are headed back to federal court to sue  the Bureau for reparations. Other tribes recently got a big fat check, and have already set the precedent  After all we were under federal jurisdiction they just forgot our benefits for 104 years right Kevin Washburn.? Oh ya they completely forgot our roll numbers too right?Where’s that top notch Indian lawyer Arlinda Locklear? Trying to protect that bullet proof LIT decision no doubt. Lots missing all the way around.

Brace yourself

This information is so bad we had a hard time bringing it to you. These are the salary increases for the paid tribal council members and officers for what is called “MILESTONES.” The Council is getting paid for pimping us out to Genting ( Arkana ).  The 6 benchmarks signify each victory the Malaysians achieve with the help of Shovel Ready Ceddie, Messy Jessie, Tah Tah and Robbie “ISSIV”  ( I Shoulda Stayed In Vegas).

So here are the total amounts of the raises:Shovel Ready Ceddie, $187K, Messy Jessie $126K, Tah Tah $56K, Robbie “ISSIV” $50K and worst of all Bobby, Cheryl, Yvonne, and Winnie get $40k each.Yes the man with the fake GED will be making $108k. 

We have to say that Winnona Pocknett had the decency to refuse the raise.

So all total the Malaysians are paying $1,300,000.00(on paper) a year to these Sellouts to build a casino in our name only. Because if it happens,  the cost of this painful venture is over a billion dollars,which means they own the casino. That is if IGRA approves the crazy interest rates and lets us slide by without the required  economic development plan and that’s if the BIA LIT decision holds, if the Malaysians get the license, if they can build a destination casino  on a bunch of disconnected lots in majestic Taunton (purchase price $46m).

So that’s why there is no discussion about your paycheck.  It is going to take 11 years to break the Genting financial grip cause those birds are going to keep taking those checks no matter how many petitions Aaron gets.  They will sit in that meeting and say nothing and do nothing because there is nothing you can do and they know it.

The only way we’re going to get paid is if we sue  the government in federal court for failure to pay us reparations for 104 years. In a class action 600 tribes already did it successfully, so there is a precedent.  After all they took the land into trust under the premise that we were under federal jurisdiction right? Ya can’t have it both ways.  And, we still don’t know if the land really went into trust.

Otherwise we have to remember the saying of a Mashpee Elder who passed away who said, ” I’ll be fartin’ up dust before we get anything from any casino.”



For Your Perusal…

Well, we got scooped by “Rebel Wamps,” but here it is.  Enjoy…



Voucher Queen buys $700,000.00 house

jessie hWe told you it was going to get worse and well….here it is.  Messy Jessie just bought a $700,000.00 house at 29 Christopher Lane.   Maybe she’s gonna open a rooming house. Right.  It wouldn’t be so bad if we didn’t have such an abysmal housing situation in the Tribe. The Vice Chair of the Tribe just couldn’t help herself.  She just couldn’t.

So let’s review our housing horrors:

  • Tribal members who are homeless and literally dumpster diving for food in Hyannis.
  • Tribal members who cannot get emergency assistance and are reduced to living in Del Sol and barely making ends meet.
  • The Section 184 program that allowed tribal members to buy houses has been shut down because of abuse. Mainly the Fryes getting all the loans.
  • The tribal renovation program is shut down for abuse also. Queen abuser was Council member Winnie Johnson who renovated her second home and that amounted to a new addition.

So if Messy Jessie had earned it, that would be one thing.  But she’s getting paid not to serve us basically.  She serves the Chinese.

But you know how nervy Messy is.  This woman who is making at least $200k – $300k a year with all her bonuses and raises has the nerve to use vouchers for her grand kids daycare. Yah.  You can take them outta the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto outta them.

One thing for sure, Jessie ain’t living in a Quonset Hut now!

What happens in Vegas don’t stay there !

Ouch boys ! And Melissa…adding to the Hill Bad Girl Legacy.  Minnie Ah Ha and Herrin’ and Roe have something to say about that ! Stay tuned !

Can't take 'em nowheres can ya?

Can’t take ’em nowheres can ya?

The proof is in the Town Seal

It’s absolutely crazy. In the LIT decision, the BIA…Kevin Washburn said that we were under the feds prior to 1933. He talks about the plantations and living on our homeland etc. but there is no new confirmation of federal governance of the Mashpee at any time in our history.

As we have said over and over and over, we were on plantations under the British, and the Commonwealth but never under the federal government.  If we were under federal jurisdiction, why didn’t we get roll numbers in 1911 like all the other tribes Arlinda? We got nothing, that’s the point.  We have no connection.

But we made the fatal mistake of becoming a township in 1870 and the encroachment on our land began…but we were officially a town in Massachusetts, baring our name. Look closely at the seal.


From a state plantation to a state town in 1870, the federal connection remains elusive, and the BIA knew it.

From a state plantation to a state town in 1870, the federal connection remains elusive, and the BIA knew it.

This is the reason Arlinda said the decision “was not bullet proof.” Reel Wamps will post the actual detail on the Washburn explanation.