Who wants to be bothered?

People elected to leadership positions are very strange.  They have enormous egos and start out with very good intentions. They have big ideas and want to fix things so you can be grateful to them. Well, there’s a downside, they’ll accept  your flaws, yes.But,  when you’re elected, you become their whipping boy for everything that goes wrong.  That’s what they elected you for.  Now in our  Tribal government there’s a different setup.  No democracy, just Cedric, and Carlo raising hell, constantly.and the council clown show, running around  with their hands stuck out for that check.  Free money.

It would be different if Cedric had a few victories but as we said. he’s got a donut and a lot of really distressingly bad moves that brought bad consequences for the Tribe.

We lost all credibility on every level….with the Town of Mashpee, the state of Massachusetts, legitimate financial institutions and communities around us.

Shovel Ready Ceddie with Interior Secretary Zenke. Who believes either of these guys is serious about our best interests?

Without and end game strategy beyond getting paid, Cedric was erratic and misguided.It would ultimately kill any hope of our getting a casino.  But the thing Reel Wamps warned against, and repeatedly was the fact that Shovel Ready Ceddie never had a plan for the Tribe’s sustainability when things went south.  We said it, we will say it again, it was never part of the plan.  It’s not part of the plan now. It’s about Cedric and his paid voters (the council). What is the Tribe supposed to do without any economic development plan or means of generating cash flow? Right.  This is what brought us to this disastrous place.

Taunton was bad real estate and no historic tie to us. That torpedoed the LIT application because Messy Jessie and the so called experts were creating history about why or how were so far north.  Just a damned lie. Historians and experts know that was not our territory.

The sellers gouged the hell out of us because they knew Cedric was desperate and dumb. The Taunton land was not contiguous. It was  about one third the acres we had in Middleboro and cost 25x’s as much.  So they had to pay the old investors and just spent a lot of money on puzzle pieces they couldn’t put together.  Worst of all, it was Taunton.  And they had a handful of residents who had the BIA documents that said were were not under federal jurisdiction before 1933 (the 2009 US Supreme Court mandate).  We told them that, and that the previous administrations efforts to use that was rejected. So the pesky Tauntonites won the court case, technically.

Okay so they keep bumping around rudderles.  Designing and  redesigning the casino. And guess where  all the  money is going? To Gentings architects.  Money laundering again.  What does Cedric care? That’s what he gets paid to do.   First, the Asino has a hotel, then it doesn’t because nothing is going right, then the brain trust of lawyers try to pass state legislation to amend the compact to allow the tribe to go commercial, well that didn’t work.  Can you imagine what the Mass Gaming Commission thought?

” What a bunch a——–”

It all goes back problems with Land in Trust.  The application was so flawed, in November 2015, a federal judge agreed with the

The Mass Gaming commission got “gamed” by a non Playa named Crommie.

Tauntonites and threw the damned thing back to the Department of Interior (BIA) and told them to fix it a few months after the agency took the land into trust. Meanwhile the Mass Gaming Commission is blowing up (late winter 2016) about their mistake of holding the southeastern region hostage to SRC and his madness. We laughed when it was clear that they really thought the Cromwell administration could pull this off.

The next boot to drop was when  Bank of America pulled out (April 2016). They were supposed to build this great Asino. No LIT, mayhem and judicial order to hold all construction made  the risk way too high. BOA wanted out so bad,hey said we didn’t have to pay them anything.  All was forgiven. Bank of America walked away wiping their brow in relief.

There are no unknowns anymore.

SRC knows the the the Department of  Interior cannot and will not help.  It will return a negative finding to the court. That will take our land out of  trust permanently. So Shovel Ready came up with his last stand in the Congress. They pulled a PR move and got a bill sponsored to protect our land in trust knowing that Interior is going to abandon us. US Senate Bill 2628 sponsored by Keating and Warren of course which was refered to the Committee on Indian Affairs in early March, and House Bill 5244 which was buried in two committees, Natural Resources and Indian Affairs.  No action on the legislation in 21/2 months.  That’s how you kill a bill. Never give it a hearing.  Also have one of the Republicans most despised Senators, Warren, sponsor a bill to help you.  Hummmmmm. The bills are

Elizabeth visited the Mashpee recently. Of course she and SRC could share war stories on ” what’s in a roll number?”

DOA, just like the  mess SRC sent to the statehouse on the same drill.

So people have we gotten our $450 million worth?

Now the Tribe, oh sorry Cedric, has a pledge from Genting for $450,000 a month. That’s not much considering what they used to get when the Fryebal was rolling.   About half of that goes to Cedric and the gang for salaries and other nonsensical items and don’t forget Genting takes its  money off the top.No employees are coming back  To show you how crazy it’s getting, the chairman’s getting a raise to about $220K and council members get a boost too. So you’re broke and there’s no plan to help the Tribe pay bills and secure a future beyond living off the grants? Well of course not.

Why would we be in the plan?

What do you think happens to the “pledge” when Interior lowers the boom nand the legislation dies in committee ?




A Tribe Beleaguered by Boondoggles

You gotta nerve “Running Bear” (Running Scared).  There’s one  person left in the world who cares about your anger management issues and that’s you.

Let’s keep moving.  Cedric’s failures are many  and successes are 0. We are a small beleaguered tribal nation burdened by Shovel Ready Ceddie’s boondoggles.

Drunk with power and money, Shovel Ready Ceddie, flanked by his cousin VC Jessie Baird, was in his glory. But he never arrived or  got the respect he craved.

Once he realized that he could get away with anything, he did everything to feed an insatiable appetite for power.  But he could never escape the fact that he was owned lock, stock and barrel by Genting.  The chairman was a grateful puppet to the gaming giant who showed up occasionally at tribal meetings to condescend to tribal members and openly admit that they would not receive any money from the pact for ” long time ” and that they would not be able to buy a ” Cadillac.”  Boy that was quite a dated stereotype, eh ? But our people believed what they wanted to believe. They wanted to believe they were going to be rich.  They were deaf to the tell tale signs.

The chairman was surrounded by a security detail at first.  He was a foreign dictator in a foreign land.  He needed protection.  But we had no protection from the incredible debt and the millions and millions of dollars laundered through the Tribe.  The huge interest rates taken off the top leaving enough to pay the chairman, certain council members, lawyers, consultants cronies and the Fryes….for nothing.Hundreds of millions of dollars, in and out. Never any benefit to the struggling Tribe.

The debt doubled and quadrupled each quarter as The Cromwell administration continued to wreck havoc in the tribal government. Joined by Mark Harding, who was scorned by the Tribe and the previous administrations, the leadership blatantly steered contracts to Harding and preferred council members. The blatant conflict of interest was present with every tribal contract, and the shakedowns never ended. The sub standard construction and services were everywhere.  The only service that was (and are) safe were the grants and services run by the Federal Government and Indian Health Services. Housing was the exception. The Administration treated housing like a candy store until the feds shut it down.  The essential services were cut, like weatherization, renovations and repairs and tribal home ownership because all allotments went to the Fryes.

About the Fryebal Council

With each Pow Wow, there were fewer Mashpee dancers and participants. The homecoming atmosphere is gone. Because the INDNs aren’t there.

There is an incredible irony surrounding SRC disastrous reign.  His family, the much maligned-Tobeys, championed his candidacy.  But, for them the victory celebration was short lived. Cromwell married Cheryl Frye and the Fryes had open access to existing jobs and the contrived ones.  There were no job descriptions, no experience or education required and for some real job hires, the programs deteriorated because of the gross incompetence.  The previous administration was a stickler for requiring education, qualifications, and experience.  Not at the Fryebal Council.  Many did not have high school diplomas, and one Frye forged a GED certificate. It was ridiculous.  But the sad chapter was Cromwell’s treatment of his own family.  They got a few jobs here and there but, within a few months, there was always a pink slip.  To their credit, the Fryes with good sense and qualifications worked for IHS, and do a good job.  Again the federal programs were a blockade to the infusion of bad actors in search of a place to flop.  The Feds made applicants provide credentials.

A sleepy clan, the Fryes brilliantly took over and made more money than they ever dreamed. They quietly banded together with the Casino Stalkers to dominate the voter and approval process for budgets and keep Cedric in power. The problem now is that those 6,7 or 8 years of prosperity is gone because most of them have been fired with the recent Genting cuts.  And Cedric being true to his DNA shortage on compassion, will not be bringing them back. He will take care of himself with the small infusion that Genting has just “pledged” to the Cromwellians. More on their influence on that budget vote Sunday.

Messy Jessie Pulls Her Greatest Scam

As long as Jessie doesn’t have to answer any questions or explain her actions, she ‘s good. Unpopular with her own family, the Tobeys, Jessie says she will no longer answer to the Tribe.But true to her messy nature she will take the check to pay for her very expensive home in Osterville. A long way from the quanset  hut indeed.

Rewind to the first 6 months of the nightmare.  Jessie Baird was in charge of Enrollment.  She was freaking out becaus she could not access the roll and could not bastardize it.  Well, after many months she finally got a teckie  to create a means to the end she wanted.  She loaded the roll with 1,000 wannabes from the dreaded “Red Box.”They were “Casino Stalkers” who suddenly wanted on the roll. But the Elders and previous administration established criteria that would protect the Tribe from Pretenders who wantded to be Indian without ever living the culture. They just wanted the money..But Jessie and Cedric and the rest of the crew needed people who did not know them or their families or the tribal history.  They needed  people who would be grateful to them for making them members of the tribe that was going to be rich….ha ha ha.

So they were bused in and they showed up to vote for the Cromwellians…but eventually began to fade when they figured out that Cedriic and Jessie were fakes and frauds.Jessie’s last election (for Vice Chair) scared the sh– out of her.  She won by a handful of votes against Carlton Hendricks Jr. her nemisis. The Stalkers figured it out and began their disappearing act.  As their base vote erroded and Jessie saw the bad end to it all…she began her pathetic whining and how she wasn’t going to attend Sunday meetings cause she didn’t want to be attacked…well that’s the life of a public official…oh-oh wait, we forgot.  She wasn’t raised up to serve, or answer to the Tribe or anyone under any circumstances. We know who we’re looking at.

Kevin Washburn BIA Sec. told the story of the Mashpee Wampanoag land into trust application and how it started a war in the DOI because we lacked the proof of federal jurisdiction needed. Many left the agency after the Mashpee LIT controversy which was ultimately rejected by a federal court judge.

But she did alot of double talk to the White people on the Gaming Commission.  She and Cedric the Cromwell made fools of those White people who started asking questions about the validity of the land into trust application after it all started unraveling.  Of course Reel Wamps raised the same questions that were raised by the Judge.  We raised them for years.  The inability to properly answer those questions was the reason for the war in the Department of Interior.

Sadness is knowing that your people have lived this long to be done in by there own. Even though they’re outsiders in many ways.

We are an awesome people.  We are a people who possessed the humanity to care for those who  would ultimately disregard our giving nature. We  kept them alive and they turned on us. But we are still here and we have to deal with what we are delt.  Our survival is still our responsibility. We will be Mashpee forever.



The Chief, Earl Mills, an undeniable leader. 





John Peters, Slow Turtle, Supreme Medicine Man, Wampanoag Nation



Remember who we are. Our struggle is tremendous.  Before the White man even looked west he was working on 

Hazel Peters Oakley, an unwavering voice of discipline and persistence in a tribal community where women were the final arbiters.

assimilating us.  We never gave in. We never will.



Part 2 is worse than Part 1—Suffering with Cedric’s Identity Crisis and stupid dog tricks

A slim Ceddie with Sherry and next to it the horror of a raggedy headdress sunglasses, buckskin leggings and a lousy ribbon shirt that frightened onlookers. The picture was seen all over the world. Yes, it was.

Cedric Cromwell was determined to turn himself into a Mashpee Indian.  That was a painful metamorphosis. But actually he really shoulda taken his show on the road. Ceddie was really funny to watch in the crazy get ups.  If you didn’t see him in person in the riggings, the pictures would cause tears to run down your face from laughter at the disastrous combinations. Shovel Ready Ceddie did not have a single friend in the Tribe to stear him right.  Another tell tale sign.

So after Genting bought Cedric and his crew, he started looking for land to build his “Asino.” Never mind the fact we had no land in trust, a compact or a strategy to do either .  We did have a lot of lawyers and consultants who had no experience in Indian law or the political wherewithal to do the jobs. They all got paid millions to play and took full advantage of a chairman out of his depth completely. On top of it all, Cedric lacked credibility as a man, a Native and a professional.  He exaggerated his professional experience at Fidelity saying he handled millions of dollars in investments for clients. Right and he attended Roxbury Community College to achieve that right?  Actually he was a tech guy. He lacked any of the compassion, interest or understanding of our uniqueness as a people who survived 400 years of encroachment and hardship.  Again, he didn’t know what a “roll” was and turned against the very people who helped legitimize him  (and his mother) as members of this Tribe.

When you compare Cromwell to our other leaders over the past century, Cedric lacks even the most basic attributes worthy of a Mashpee leader. They were very smart, resourceful and famous for their humor. The only thing he has in common with them is power.  He used it against us to empower himself.

He’s not that smart either.  How about the time he jumped in a helicopter and flew over the Bay State looking for casino land from the air. He got the moniker ” Whirlie Bird” on that one. Then he went on to Fall River (we had no historic ties to the area)….and gave  the town a $2 million deposit on land designated for bio tech research by U Mass and the state. Ya. And the deposit was non-refundable. It was incredibly embarrassing.

Meanwhile the debt and the scandals multipied.  The money was rolling and the American Express cards were on fire.  Remember Mark Harding renting porn videos on the Tribal card? Sure you do. Just messy business.  We thought this would take maybe 3 installments, but clearly its going to take more ! Getting to this latest budget vote is pretty awful.

We’ll get there…just a few reminders along the way.


End of the line for Shovel Ready Ceddie

Shovel Ready sings an honor song to the Tribe . This is from the man from Dorchester who didn’t know what the tribal roll was and had to be put on by Glenn Marshall and Patty Oakley He can’t sing and he scares people.

Cedric Cromwell achieved his dream and became the chairman of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, but it was in name only. He never had the credentials or legitimacy of his predecessors. A stolen election brought him to power and rigged elections thereafter kept him there. Always considered a wannabe, he fell victim to the notorious Mashpee Wampanoag nic name brand of  “Shovel Ready Ceddie.” He couldn’t deliver. It was too much for him. But he gave it “the ole heave ho” by gory.  You see, standing up against Eben Queppish, Steve Peters,  Earl Mills, Eddie Amos, Russell Peters, Hazel Oakley, Mable Avant, Glenn Marshall and John Peters…. real leadership was not something Cedric could ever even fake. Not in the DNA you see.

So Cedric and the BF’s ( Bottom Feeders ) began erasing our history around April of 2009..  They fired all the Elders, literally threw them out of the Tribal Council effectively killing many of them off prematurely.  Of course, we all know the importance of Elders in Native culture, but if you are not raised Native, it doesn’t matter does it?  Blaspheming, after all, we went through to get recognition brought no rebuke of Cedric and his Play Play Indians. They moved ahead.

Here were the signs that Shovel Ready was never about the best interest of the Tribe. Straight out of the Trump playbook.

  • In a matter of months, Cromwell and his gang blew through a $1 million surplus left by the previous administration plus David Pocknett’s donated salary.
  • Also within months SRC and his Council officers fired all tribal members in enrollment, finance, and housing  resulting in a general collapse of any structure of tribal governance established by the previous administration
  • SRC puts his Tobey cousin, Jessie Bard in charge of enrollment. For months she could not access the code to enroll members.  She eventually begins adding people through her newly created process. They were people who did not meet tribal enrollment standards. She built a base vote that would keep them in power.  She added over 1,000 new members who never had any affiliation with the Tribe.  These people came from the dreaded RED BOX who were prohibited from becoming members because they had no affiliation with theTribe for 10-20 years. The Casino Stalkers outnumbered the core of the Tribe.  So Cedric and Jessie had a lock on the Tribe.
  • By the Fall of 2009, SRC and his regime abandoned the Middleborough agreement, and a 536 acres and confirmed homeland of the Mashpee. It was purchased by the previous administration for a mear $6m.
  • Mark Harding brought Genting to the table and the true horror story of extraordinary debt,  interest rates and pimping of the Tribe began in earnest.
  • THE GROSS INCOMPETENCE OF THIS ADMINISTRATION WAS REVEALED WHEN THERE WAS NO EFFORT TO COMPLETE THE LAND IN TRUST PROCESS in  2009. The Carcieri decision by the US Supreme Court came down in Feb of 2009 and Cedric had no idea what it meant. Tribal  Lawyers  ( who were the best Indian lawyers in the country), were calling the previous administration members to get for the Tribe to act because the decision meant that the Department of the Interior did not have the authority to take our land into trust. It was catastrophic for us. Cedric and the crew never responded to the lawyers. They were too busy getting paid by Genting.
  • The point was that US Senator Ted Kennedy was still alive and a good friend to our people.  He could have gotten an Act of Congress passed for us to get our land into trust..  Only Kennedy could have done it. Cedric was clueless They were in the limousine phase and making their exit from the ghetto.  They were partying down and everyone saw the shade and the bad stuff coming.

More tomorrow about how bad he really is…just a reminder.




The Hubbub that keeps on givin’

“What’s all the hubbub about?” Now it’s about the foolishness involving the latest effort to make it appear that the Land in Trust is going to happen some kinda way.  You may know that Hubbub is  our thousand year old  dice game.  It was confusing to the colonist because of the shouting Native players made to intimidate opponents.  It was very messy to the White people you know…noise. The dice game was very common and played by all ages. A game of chance with a lot of noise. It was a game. Like the one played by Cedric Cromwell and a very very small group of 10 Congressman (out of 435 that  he claims are “bipartisan”) who say they’re going to get our land into trust with a special bill just for us. This has to be done by “consent” which is nearly impossible.  Well first of all all 10 members on the bill are from Massachusets or liberal states like California are not in leadership and do not have Senate support in a chaotic body that is not going to do a damned thing before November, let alone pass a bill that defies the Carcieri Supreme Court decision.

But you know what this is about don’t you ? You know don’t ya?  The Department of the Interior is not going to render a positive decision on our LIT at the end of the month about a way around the Carcieri decision, because there is none. And the chaos in the Trump administration is almost as bad as what’s going on in the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. But Cedric like Trump knows the walls are closing in and the money is running out.

So if you think another bill that is dead on arrival in the Congress will bail Cedric out…..you’re nuts.

Shovel Ready had the title but never the respect. And this tribe has been rudderless for 9 long years.

But there has never been a play for the tribe outside of Cedric and the corrupt Council getting paid.  They’ve fired everyone they can. and are  pushing grant directors out to put themselves in place until the well runs dry.

The Cape Cod Times new reporter apparently didn’t do his research when he did a couple of stories about everyone being fired at the council because he forgot to note that the Council is still getting paid hundreds of thusands of dollars and none of them do a damned thing for it…its called malfeasance and misfeasance.But Cedric still wants to avoid responsiblitity for destroying the Tribe while lining his pockets to sell us out.

When we finally got what we deserved, recognition and an opportunity to lift ourselves up and give our kids something, he singlehandedly sold us out for the title of Chairman and boatloads of money.

There’s more to the horror story.  When he and the Council suck up every dime that’s left and there ain’t much  we’ll be looking for help from the Congress? The strategy linking us to the Virginia tribe is similar to the lame scam they used before saying we were like the Cowliz…remember them?  Yah, take a look.  Every effort was to stall and drag things out.  We spend millions on crappy lawyers to give us bad advice while Shovel Ready Ceddie kept getting paid and running up the tab.They keep getting paid to do nothing.  Great work if you can get it. Apply at the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.


Where is Tah Tah when you need her?

You know during these sad times we need a little brevity. At Reel Wamps we thought of the Mashpee that actually reflected many of our atributes of defiance and humor.  Of course the award winner without denial is Marie Stone, affectionately known as Tah Tah. Her performances have been extraordinary and impacting particularly on our unpopular Chairman who marches around with his talking points from the White Man and desperately seeking relevancy where there is none with a racist regime that will likely be marched out of the White House under heavy security.

This is a good long one so we  will revisit tomorrow along with the crazy budget shennnanagens with your coo coo Treaurer Gordon Harris  who is totally unaware of the Consitution and his job responsibilities.   And the Cape Cod Times missing the real story yet again cause they don’t talk to the INDNS.


So sickening damn it !

If we had something funny to discuss we would but, the $10 gift card at Thanksgiving was too much.  It was bad enough that we got a turkey and a ham in previous years, but we’re so broke now we get nothing but a pitily $10 gift card.  It’s indicative of what happens when the Council leadership continues to take a salary when  money is needed elsewhere. And we should remind you that these pay cuts they claim to have imposed, have not happened.  Fraudulent greedy imposters.

The First Lady has been treated shabbily. But you better believe she will have the last word in the end.

The Council is still taking full salaries.  They are worse than the White consultants and lawyers who milked us up until most recently. They are gone, their pockets full, laughing all the way to the bank. But, the lawyers in particular have  to be worried. All the years of exorbitant billing with no tangible result, is suspicious at best.The statehouse lobbying was greased from the start and could have been handled by one law firm instead of an army of attorneys. The Taunton deal could have been handled by a small firm. Taunton was so desperate for money, they would have taken a $10m flat fee.But this is what happens when people lie about their credentials. Cedric was clueless and greedy.

Look at the land in trust submission.  It was TOTALLY FRAUDULENT, and rejected because it blatantly defied the US Supreme Court decision.Instead of forming a coalition of tribes needing congressional corrective action on the Supreme Court decision, they screwed around, taking millions in huge salaries and drawing 3 different casino architectural designs costing nearly $50 mill (glaring money laundering). Look at the inflated purchase of the land in Taunton of over $150m.  It is land no one would have purchased, especially when we had 536 acres in Middleborough ( bought for $6 million ). How in the hell do you justify that? They screwed around for six years without ever understanding how to get our land in trust properly. And, the lawyers knew there was no way around the US Supreme Court decision but they kept on billing and Cedric and crew kept taking millions in salary.  And now that it’s clear that the Department of Interior has swept us under the rug. Shovel Ready Ceddie’s  “Hybrid” (for us to go commercial), is not only the turd in the room….it’s been flushed.

Now Cedric Cromwell is all alone.  All the overpaid, underperforming lawyers are gone accept for Mark Tilden’s nasty assistant.

Even Stephanie Sfiridis, a CLOSE friend of SRC has abandoned ship, leaving the mysterious money dump at the Gaming Commission for a DC law firm. Ahem.

Arlinda Arlinda You’ve Such a Big Spender exited in early spring. What does that tell you?  Right, she was the lead on LIT.  Even  Lew, Cedric’s $180,000 a year, executive assistant is gone.  Some say Lew was undercover for the feds. They do that you know. So he’s relying on Genting’s attorney’s.  The same people who took extraordinary interest off the top of every money transfere and announced to the Council several months ago that they were taking the Taunton land and opening their own casino….a prediction we also made years ago.

Just so you know, of the thousands of people reading Reel Wamps, 1/3 are from Boston.  We have a handful of members in the capital city, so think about who’s reading this.

But Cedric was on YouTube begging for help on Thanksgiving when he blew through $425 m in 8 years. Nothing to show for it . That’s pretty bold, ya know? He has to fire at least 60 Fryes after Christmas never mentioning a strategy for economic development or an employment plan now that the Genting money is gone.  And they are still taking a salary. There are rumors about some kind of side business deal bumping around, but it’s doubtful that it’s anything to benefit tribal members. Oh we forgot, Messy Jessie says she’s giving up her salary and volunteering from now on.  Come on girl, you’ve never hit a lick since elected.  You’ve done nothing but run your mouth, lie a lot and hire incompetent people to

Mean Travel Queen has stayed under the radar but watch for all her relatives chasing her down Rte 130 soon.

be your assistants and assistants to those assistants.

So the Frybal Council, lead by Yvonne, the Mean Travel Queen, has dissolved which will end the  bemoaning of its unqualified

membership who keep asking how they’re going to pay their car notes.

Maybe SRC will give you a high interest loan.




Elder abuse and Tribal abuse is a bad combo

The Elders are fuming and they will make that clear Sunday.  Simply put they were told the truth for once. There’s no money in their account and they will no longer receive  services.  Well honestly, the decline of Elder status began in earnest when Cedric Cromwell took over the Tribe in 2009.  He demeaned the Elders by removing them from perch above us.  He sytematically excommunicated them from enrollment and other important positions of oversight and guidance.  Their essential roles in this Tribe evaporated.  They were reduced to having luncheons and random field trips most of them were not interested in. The Phoney Indian was guilty of gutting one of the most important traditions of any tribe.

He could have cared less. And the rest of his leadership was complicit.  And on and on.

But let’s go on to the really bad stuff.  Shovel Ready Ceddie has now become a horder or millions of dollars. The million he scraped up from Genting recently will not go far, plus he has the standard bills in arrears. He must pay himself and the Council of course. Meanwhile they’re going from office to office asking employees if they will voluntarily be laid off.  Yes really.  While Ceddie and crew continue to get the huge paychecks and by the way that little bullsh– pay cut set to begin at the end of October, never happened.  But 60 of the 100 employees will be gone January 1.

The grant programs have begun to build impenetrable barricades around their offices.

The food pantry has no food .  Clearly the Boston Food Bank got wise to the fact that millions flow threw the MWT but they just don’t have enough to money to get food for their own food pantry.

Now on to the real knee slapper. Genting was pretty tiered of us and about three months ago they told Cedric they were going to build a commercial casino on their own….and Cedric pitched it to the Council. Yes he had the nerve.  As long as Cedric get’s paid what does he care? That’s how bad it is people. There was No mention of the Tribe’s casino, cause….well you know  it was never about us was it?

Tomorrow the disappearing act.

Cheryl’s magic jump drive

Well, it was too much for Cheryl Frye Cromwell. She calmly walked out of the Council meeting saying she had enough  as Shovel Ready Ceddie chastised  her, shooed her, told her to  “get outta here.”  Cedric was angry because Cheryl, his wife, was tired of listening to his clap trap in the meeting and left.  As she exited he continued to demean his wife and she said.  ” Okay Cedric you’re going to talk to me like that ?”


The First Lady has suffered enough. What she has on that ‘”Magic JUMP Drive ” could put him away forever. That’s Mashpee for ya.

Yes he was.  His machismo bull sh– just bought him the never ending nightmare of imagining what’s  on  Cheryl’s Magic Jump Drive.  All things will be revealed on Cheryl’s Magic Jump Drive.


Let’s unpack that for a minute. We will talk about the ” Magic Jump Drive.”

Chop Chop !!

The Council made a magnanimous gesture…in their minds anyway.  We put the pressure on about the huge salaries and no return on our investment and guess what?  They decided to cut their salaries, a little…just a tiny bit.  Actually Ann Marie cut her salary far more than anyone else, even more than the passionate chairman, about 1/3.  Take a look.

Where’s my next pay check? Shovel Ready says Reel Wamps are “Haters.” Well yes we are, we “hate” the way you played us, pimped us out, leaving us on the side of the road with a tin cup. Our only consolation, and it’s not a good one, is that we told you so.

Cedric Cromwell    178 – 147, Jessie Baird $130 -109, Ann Marie Askew $109 -75, Gordon Harris $91-82, Winnie Johnson, Winnona, Cheryl Frye Cromwell $75-68, The Invisible Medicine Man Guy Cash $68-61, cutting about $123 K a year.   Well they need to do more.  Why? Cause they don’t deliver to the constituents. Malfeasance.  And in light of the fact that Shovel Ready is still begging the deaf ear Genting for $1.5M, the money is drying up to pay the Genting tribal employees, consultants and the Council.  And it’s doubtful the Tribe will be operational by this time next year. We didn’t even do the math on the millions that would be saved if we fired all the spongy lawyers and overpaid consultants.  We don’t need them, they do nothing.

The Mashpee Wampanoag need to get what they can right now, while they can. The paid Council members should give up their monthly pay checks through January ( 3 months, $200 K ). The money would create  a special trust for economic development specifically designed to employ and train tribal members. It would be administered by an independent panel of professional tribal members. Boy that’s novel ain’t it ? 

A couple of million to put us to work and deliver income to tribal coffers for us?  Why do we keep paying people who contribute nothing to our quality of life?  Its dumbfounding.  They never put a plan of independence together for us because its about their sustainability…..and Genting wouldn’t allow it.

Next the raiding game and the declining $1.3 m in the dormant Gaming Commission.