People elected to leadership positions are very strange. They have enormous egos and start out with very good intentions. They have big ideas and want to fix things so you can be grateful to them. Well, there’s a downside, they’ll accept your flaws, yes.But, when you’re elected, you become their whipping boy for everything that goes wrong. That’s what they elected you for. Now in our Tribal government there’s a different setup. No democracy, just Cedric, and Carlo raising hell, constantly.and the council clown show, running around with their hands stuck out for that check. Free money.
It would be different if Cedric had a few victories but as we said. he’s got a donut and a lot of really distressingly bad moves that brought bad consequences for the Tribe.
We lost all credibility on every level….with the Town of Mashpee, the state of Massachusetts, legitimate financial institutions and communities around us.

Shovel Ready Ceddie with Interior Secretary Zenke. Who believes either of these guys is serious about our best interests?
Without and end game strategy beyond getting paid, Cedric was erratic and misguided.It would ultimately kill any hope of our getting a casino. But the thing Reel Wamps warned against, and repeatedly was the fact that Shovel Ready Ceddie never had a plan for the Tribe’s sustainability when things went south. We said it, we will say it again, it was never part of the plan. It’s not part of the plan now. It’s about Cedric and his paid voters (the council). What is the Tribe supposed to do without any economic development plan or means of generating cash flow? Right. This is what brought us to this disastrous place.
Taunton was bad real estate and no historic tie to us. That torpedoed the LIT application because Messy Jessie and the so called experts were creating history about why or how were so far north. Just a damned lie. Historians and experts know that was not our territory.
The sellers gouged the hell out of us because they knew Cedric was desperate and dumb. The Taunton land was not contiguous. It was about one third the acres we had in Middleboro and cost 25x’s as much. So they had to pay the old investors and just spent a lot of money on puzzle pieces they couldn’t put together. Worst of all, it was Taunton. And they had a handful of residents who had the BIA documents that said were were not under federal jurisdiction before 1933 (the 2009 US Supreme Court mandate). We told them that, and that the previous administrations efforts to use that was rejected. So the pesky Tauntonites won the court case, technically.
Okay so they keep bumping around rudderles. Designing and redesigning the casino. And guess where all the money is going? To Gentings architects. Money laundering again. What does Cedric care? That’s what he gets paid to do. First, the Asino has a hotel, then it doesn’t because nothing is going right, then the brain trust of lawyers try to pass state legislation to amend the compact to allow the tribe to go commercial, well that didn’t work. Can you imagine what the Mass Gaming Commission thought?
” What a bunch a——–”
It all goes back problems with Land in Trust. The application was so flawed, in November 2015, a federal judge agreed with the
Tauntonites and threw the damned thing back to the Department of Interior (BIA) and told them to fix it a few months after the agency took the land into trust. Meanwhile the Mass Gaming Commission is blowing up (late winter 2016) about their mistake of holding the southeastern region hostage to SRC and his madness. We laughed when it was clear that they really thought the Cromwell administration could pull this off.
The next boot to drop was when Bank of America pulled out (April 2016). They were supposed to build this great Asino. No LIT, mayhem and judicial order to hold all construction made the risk way too high. BOA wanted out so bad,hey said we didn’t have to pay them anything. All was forgiven. Bank of America walked away wiping their brow in relief.
There are no unknowns anymore.
SRC knows the the the Department of Interior cannot and will not help. It will return a negative finding to the court. That will take our land out of trust permanently. So Shovel Ready came up with his last stand in the Congress. They pulled a PR move and got a bill sponsored to protect our land in trust knowing that Interior is going to abandon us. US Senate Bill 2628 sponsored by Keating and Warren of course which was refered to the Committee on Indian Affairs in early March, and House Bill 5244 which was buried in two committees, Natural Resources and Indian Affairs. No action on the legislation in 21/2 months. That’s how you kill a bill. Never give it a hearing. Also have one of the Republicans most despised Senators, Warren, sponsor a bill to help you. Hummmmmm. The bills are

Elizabeth visited the Mashpee recently. Of course she and SRC could share war stories on ” what’s in a roll number?”
DOA, just like the mess SRC sent to the statehouse on the same drill.
So people have we gotten our $450 million worth?
Now the Tribe, oh sorry Cedric, has a pledge from Genting for $450,000 a month. That’s not much considering what they used to get when the Fryebal was rolling. About half of that goes to Cedric and the gang for salaries and other nonsensical items and don’t forget Genting takes its money off the top.No employees are coming back To show you how crazy it’s getting, the chairman’s getting a raise to about $220K and council members get a boost too. So you’re broke and there’s no plan to help the Tribe pay bills and secure a future beyond living off the grants? Well of course not.
Why would we be in the plan?
What do you think happens to the “pledge” when Interior lowers the boom nand the legislation dies in committee ?