Carlton Hendricks,Jr. called them out….” Wow this is the first time all the Council members are here at a Sunday meeting. But I forgot your’re here to keep that paycheck.” If they didn’t show up, the budget would have failed. The vote was small but telling 46 yeas and 37 neas. There were 11 members of the Council and the Medicine Man (who also violates tradition by taking a salary) who voted for the budget. If you take away the Council, the budget would have failed by 2 votes. Technically it failed. The trained seals were not there.
The budget was printed on expensive paper and you really don’t know what real and not real. It’s

There you are Gordon. Such a wiseguy eh? Talking all that nonsense all the time. A CPA you can’t be.
probably worse than we will ever know and you can’t compare it to previous budgets. That info was convieniently left out…and oh, the all-knowing Gordon Harris was more clueless than ever.
Our most vulnerable Tribal members were severely impacted by the cuts in the budget At Risk children saw no appropriation this year and the food pantry that recieved a paltry $78,000 last year received nothing. But guess what? The chairman, council members and the medicine man who comforts no one, recieved thier huge salaries in this budget The salaries exceed $100k a month and they only show up to get their check. Chew on that for a minute.
There’s more, but you can only take so much