Herrin’: ” Here he comes. Let’s go.”
Roe: ” Who?”
Herrin’: ” Quahog Pie. He’s got too many questions. He won’t stop askin’ ”
Roe: ” Well that ain’t right you’re an Elder. You’re supposed to have the answers.
Herrin’: “Alright damnit, you’re so sanctimonious, let’s see..”
Quahog Pie: ‘Oh Uncle Herrin’ I wanted to ask you something. I’m getting ready to go to college and I wanna know why I can’t get some money from the Tribe. With all that money coming in from the Chinese people, and everything. I heard it was nearly half a billion dollars that they’ve given us. Is that right ?”
Herrin’: ” Well yes Pie, that’s right…but I’m gonna let your Uncle Roe explain it all to ya. Roe….”

Older and even wiser, though still a teenager bound for college, Quahog Pie realizes that his tribal government is not interested in his future. That means they are not interested in the Tribes’ future.. right? Right.
Roe: ” Ah, well it’s like this. We don’t know what happened to all that money Pie, we really don’t. And that’s the reason you can’t get any money from the Tribe. There’s nothin’ left, cept to pay the chairman and some of the council members and the medicine man.
Quahog Pie: ” But Uncle, we coulda built our own college with that kinda a money.
Roe: “Yup, they spent millions on things and people who will not help us. What can we do?
Herrin’: Those salaries to certain council members and Guy Cash, paid by Genting pays for their loyalty to Cedric and their votes. They would vote to blow up the building if Cedric told them to, cause they would keep getting a check.
Quauhog Pie: ” Uncle, that’s not right. That’s not the Wampanoag way.”
Roe: “No it ain’t but it can’t get any worse for us but it can for Cedric Cromwell. He lost his tribal voters. All the Fryes who were paid by the Chinese were sacrificed to the unemployment Gods. The Mashpee paid a high price to put over 35 Fryes on the payroll for 8 years who were totally unqualified. That was $3 million a year, $24 million to the Fryebal Council (give or take a few million for girl friends in the notorious Gaming Commission and such), that don’t exist no more .But they voted for whatever Cedric wanted, like lemmings. Not any more. If they didn’t show up to vote for the budget and they almost lost by 2 votes.
Quauhog Pie: “Uncle that is not right. The Chief told me we are a people of honor and intellegence. We are a givivng people. We take care of our own.”
Herrin’: “Shovel Ready ain’t one of us anyway and the only thing the Chinese are payin’ for is Cedric’s salary and the councils.Take it to higha boy!”

So they rounded up a few Indians and ” others ” to take a picture with US Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the antithesis of who we are. She says she’s Indian…so what’s her roll number? As hard as we fought to get ours you would think we would reject someone who completely disregarded the relevancy of Native American status. What does SRC know? He didn’t know what the roll was. Right.
Quahog Pie: ” I will Uncle, I will.”
( Quahog Pie storms off to the Council headquarters)
Roe: ” That kids gonna raise hell with that casino stalker chairman.”
Herrin’: ” I know what I’m doin’.”
Roe: ” Let’s bet… I bet Cedric starts squallin’ and complaining about his hip replacement.”
Herrin’: “No bet here. He’s not man enough to face the kid.”
Learn More about Quahog Pie and his first encounter with Chairman Cedric Cromwell in his debut on Reel Wamps April 14, 2016. Young people have no fear.
Next…..The laundering and the squandering…