Category Archives: News

Oh those memories and now the realities

Cedric & Mark during hay day when signing the Agriculture loan to pay for the building where we won’t be able to pay the light bill in a couple of months.

When Mark Harding was tribal treasurer, guess who talked a lot of crap about his lack of accountability? Gordon Harris, the current tribal treasurer, better known now as Guy with Knees Knocking or “KK” for short. Now they’re all in the same cesspool of corruption for the same misfeasance and malfeasance that is synonymous with their names.

How about Mark Harding’s total lack of transparency and inability to provide any consistency in justifying month to month budget reports was only surpassed by KK. Harding was horrible, but KK was atrocious. News reports also verified that KK would never provide the previous month, or quarterly report of income or expenditures for tribal members to evaluate and compare.  And he couldn’t explain anything. Nothing. An INDICTMENT FOR SURE.

Accounting basics say the client needs to know where the money is going and how it’s being spent.  Harris had no control over a damned dime and answered no questions about the end game and why lawyers are being hired to try to thwart the feds. Who doesn’t know that no amount of misinformation to tribal members or spin and waste of money on lawyers is going to stop a federal investigation? It’s just such a clown show. They should give up.

So Cedric has lost at least 50 lbs. because this is not going well for him. Stress is not his friend.

And guess what? KK hasn’t given us a financial report in 9 months, which is a

The Cromwell administration made a lot of White people rich. All we own is the debt. Delahunt and his pro bono is the final insult.

violation of the constitution.  All they’re worried about it trying to coverup the abuse and theft.  To hell with the tribe.

Here we go with rats jumping ship.  Navajo Joe, quit.  He was billing over $10k a month and made millions over billing.  He leaves behind Rebecca who charges a flat fee for doing stuff that takes 3 hours at best.  And she bills $10-20k a month.

To show you how weird this is getting…. Bill Delahunt, who was fired by Genting after making well over a million dollars on the tribe, is now saying he will work pro bono.  Hell, the tribe gets nothing cause he did nothing when he was getting paid. The feds have a hellified effect on people. And they love elected and former elected officials.

Pro bono fixes nothing.


FOLLOW THE MONEY –3rd tribal financial officer subpoenaed

Mark knows the meaning of circular firing squad.He and Cedric are about to become pros at it.

Reel Wamps has learned that former tribal Treasurer Mark Harding has been subpoenaed in what appears to be an extensive federal investigation into the financial workings of the Mashpee Wampanoag  Tribe under the leadership of Chairman Cedric  Cromwell. The Cromwell administration, with Mark Harding as Treasurer took over in February  2009. Harding was an intricate part of the tribal apparatus, outside contracts and partnerships for more than a decade. Harding and Cromwell were in lockstep deciding tribal money matters, policy and divvying up contracts to favorite lawyers, consultants, and subcontractors both tribal and federal.

Within 7 months of taking office, the new regime burnt through $1.2 million left by the previous administration as surplus and donations to tribal youth. Running out of money and refusing to stay with the old backers, the money dried up. Desperate for new casino backers, and underwriters of their excess,  Mark Harding brought the notorious Genting to the table. Genting is a known preditor of small Native American tribes, most on the east coast. the Pequots, Seneca and finally, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. Sources familiar with Gentings business practices surmise that Harding, who struggled as a contractor, probably received a finders fee for serving the Tribe up to the Malaysian gaming moguls.

Former Chairman Glen Marshall had no time for Harding’s whining. Once Marshall smacked Harding and then had him by the throat against a wall. Hazel and Patty had to stop it as Harding pleaed, “kill me, kill me!” Glen Marshall will have the last laugh in the end.

Very unpopular with core tribal members, and humiliated repeatedly by former chairman Glen Marshall, Harding road to power on the coattails of Cromwell under a cloud of an illegal election where pending tribal members voted outnumbering legitimate members on the roll.

Harding was ousted by the popular Robbie Hendricks in 2013.  Harding refused to leave the office, and Hendricks refused to force him out.  In Indian Country, these matters are resolved on election day with a change of locks and family member back up giving the perp a look like “do you want this thrashin’?” Robbie did nothing for weeks, despite angry pleas from supporters and relatives. All hopes of a real tribal member managing the money evaporated as Robbie acquiesced to the corrupt regime.  He presided over the biggest cash haul, and sleight of hand Cedric would concoct in front of the Creator and everyone. And now ,here he is. “I didn’t know,” won’t fly.

Demoralized and suffering from other personal issues, Robbie stepped down, did not seek reelection, and we got the arrogant pretender Gordon Harris.  We won’t review Gordon’s tattered record and his horrible relationship with tribal members. Just review our past posts.

The pain of watching the evolution of Cedric Cromwell.

Cedric Cromwell pulled off the biggest scam since Donald Trump.  He lied about his education.  He went to Roxbury Community College.  He said he handled financial accounts at Fidelity when in fact he was a computer tech.  His worst blasphemy is that he did a miserable imitation of a Mashpee Wampanoag and surrounded himself with the biggest imposters in the tribe.

Harding, on the other hand, never tried to fool anyone or blend in. He was just a jerk who’s insecurity made him appear arrogant. He gave up on trying to belong and just stole everything and stayed on the payroll some kinda way for ten years. For years as treasurer he was writing himself checks on federal grant contracts. The agency even wrote him a letter asking if he was doing it as reported. Just outrageous.

Now there will be a big reveal about the depth of the corruption when it’s over. Cause the subpoenas will keep coming.






Subpoenas, the IRS and the Recall Election

When the IRS showed up last week at the Tribal Council, well, the word spread like widfire. On fire was Gordon “Knees Knocking” Harris, the treasurer  rushing all around to get those 12 boxes together filled with all kinds of stuff for Uncle Sam. “KK” (no reference to our dear KK Lopes), was probably obsessed with cooperating in light of the fact that he also recieved a subpoena. And he was instructed to be at the council to recieve it.  Apparently the marshalls weren’t going to be rushing all around looking for him.  You know “KK” was in place.  The man has to be a wreck.  His wife, what’s her name, who also worked in finance with that damn condescending attitude is wondering how they’re going to do consulting work after all this business. But she could be in that struggle alone. Who knows?  Not so superior now are they?  On August 8, all the Tums and Pepto Bismol between Sandwich and  Boston will be gone. Yessir

But “KK” has even more on his plate.  The recall election has his name on the ballot.  His buddy Cedric

Shovel Ready & Knees Knocking will suffer the ultimate humiliation of removal from office and being just plain dishonest.

Cromwell is on there too.  First a bunch of tribal members….a lot of them, signed the

Hundreds of signatures from the core of the Tribe. The members are ready to start over and repair the damage done by outsiders.

petions to have the recall election (twice), then they have a humiliating vote to remove them from office September 15. The signatures on the petition is a who’s who of tribal families…everyone but the Fryes (accept Ellen). The Tribe may never recover from their blatant pillaging.

If the two are ousted an election to replace Shovel Ready Ceddie and Knees Knocking should be scheduled within a month.  One good thing is that the election will use paper ballots….finally a clean election. But only because it’s cheaper. But there’s another catch to the election.  Enough registered voters have to show up an hour before the election or the whole thing is called  off. Don’t ask me where all that came from. New form of voter suppression.

And poor Robbie.  He was the first to be subpoenaed in early July. He presided over nearly half of the disappearing $500m that went in and out  of the Tribe courtesy of Shovel Ready Ceddie’s  magic act…nothing here, nothing there. All on his watch. Hard  to explain.  And after he lost to Robbie, nasty Mark Harding, (with the ole bullseye following him around now), actually kept Robbie out of the office for a month while he rummaged around on the computers deleting and loading things on to jump drives etc,. etc….but Robbie let him continue in his role as treasurer. He did it to himself.

All of this unsavory business brings us to one thing that is unbelievable. The council and elections committee complained about the cost of sending out the heavy 62-page booklets to the registered voters, about $10k. Reportedly, the Cedric council members plan to pay Robbie’s personal attorney a $10 K retainer and $500 an hour. Robbie no longer works  for the tribe. He’s supposed to hire and pay for his own attorney. The same goes for Gordon Harris, and yes he works for the Tribe but so did Michael Flynn who was Trump’s National Security Advisor. Flynn had to pay for his own lawyer, not the federal government.  And as the corruption got too close, White House staff began “lawyering up” and the concern was protecting themselves from corruption would send them to the poorhouse.

Unless there’s some garuntee that these guys won’t flip on you know who…it still doesn’t make sense.  Just paying them to tell on ya…or go to prison.

But then again, this kind of flawed reasoning is what got Cedric, and Mark Harding in trouble in the first place.

Somebody hid those invisible cloaks.




The weakest links, telling the truth and nothing but….

The weakest links are being pried off the chain.  A second tribal financial officer got bad news today and there may be others in the finance department who have already come in voluntarily to validate statements before August 8.  And, the sycophants’ of Cedric’s  tribal council, loyal to the end, agreed to pay tens of thousands of dollars for the legal fees of these weak links who are bound to tell all to save themselves anyway.



That’s a tough one. Lawyers can only help when you come out and are indicted. Then, cutting a deal is a high priority.

And once again tribal members are on the back end of Cedric’s crap.  The council

A slave to the Plymouth Plantation cash cow, Paula could never get the Tribe to give her the credibility she desperately wanted. Now, it just gets worse.

should remove him immediately. Cromwell and his cronies have dragged us down at a steady clip. His public and private  partner Mark Harding has remained at the center of the storm as has Harding’s partner Paula Peters who maybe suprised at how sticky this whole thing is about to get for her. Her craving for attention and power in the Tribe could be realized at quite a price.

It is a sad sad place we find ourselves at. We did talk about all the signs for years. And here  we are. Ten years of no progress, $500 m in debt to Genting and accomplishments that are the result of the federal government.

The true Mashpee will get back up and move forward. Lesson learned we hope.


“Hands Up, Get ‘um up “


We’re at the point where a bowl of Cheerios looks damned good.

You ever get that feeling that there’s gotta be a better way?  Like when you walk into to the Government Center and, there’s nothing but strangers and boogie men you don’t recognize.  Can’t even recognize them by family. Like invaders.  And the Pow Wow was a pretty miserable display of foreign occupation and non-Indians dressed up in costumes…….with the exception of the children and their parents. Once again most of the real Mashpee stayed home.


We need scanners that actually detect the real Mashpee, the good Mashpee, the scandal free Mashpee, and members of the 1001 that brought us recognition. Instead we’re left with buzzards walking the halls of the echo chamber looking for handouts.  ” Nothin’ left bird, nothing left.”

So now, the incompetent greedy tribal govenrnment is on the verge of collapse. The Chairman, Cedric and

Cedric ” Running Bear”…….
Yup. No more invisible cloak.

his PR crew Winnie and Peter Pan, is trying to dispell the prospect of the Feds making those moves when he knows that he made it so easy for them. In Plain sight. Plain Sight.   Like a true neophyite , he thought he was invisible. And as a sovereign government, he thought he could do whatever.  Ya okay.

Let’s be honest.  The Feds can walk onto any reservation through a 1/4 inch slit and do just about anything. Why do you think Uncle Sam has to take our “LAND INTO TRUST ?” (And Ceddie Lou screwed that up). This is federal government land. Just so you know, all tribes are camping on their own land. The reality is painful. By the way moving the LIT court case  to Washington DC sounds like friendly worthwhile territory, but does not resolve the fact that the Congress has to pass a law to get around the Supreme Court decision. Ahem. Where is that legislation by the way?

Poor Robbie, not paying attention.

But no tribe will experience the kind of devastation we will face,  resulting from

Treasurer Gordon Harris received another new name. “Guy with Knees Knocking”

Cedric Cromwell’s ineptitude and web of lies. He surrounded himself with incompetent consultants unethical staff, overbilling law firms and lazy greedy council shills who were/are clueless about the most basic elements of good government and the law. He made them think they were invisible too. But Cedric isn’t sleeping too well and here’s why.


  • Question Weakest Links– Financial Officers and staff
  • Seeking Answers– Mysterious Gaming Commission, Potential money laundering, kickbacks, tax evasion, overbilling, gouging grants, and housing fraud
  • Results Lots of flipping noises, finger pointing and deal cutting anxiety 
  • The Wide Net Effect catches all fish and biggest fishes of all
  • Remember–Tell the truth cause they have all the answers…the bank statements, phoney companies and everything else

New name for Winne that we can talk about publicly. ” The Wacky Hacker”

Oh yah Cedric, will you please tell your scary mouth piece Winnie to stop talking about hacking this website.  She said YOU could not get the IP address to do it. Boy she’s a rocket scientist. She said it in front of several witnesses. Jezusssss does she not know that hacking is a federal offense? I bet you know don’t cha Cedric? You need new friends man,really.

A word about “Mr. De Facto”

Cedric hands the baton to Mr. De Facto.

The  Tribe is winning  the recall battle. Signatures were certified to call an election to

Treasurer Gordon Harris is up to be recalled, but the stall is on so he can keep getting a check.

remove Chairman Cedric Cromwell and yesterday Treasure Gordon Harris.  Now, the question is when? Both men, who have caused tremendous harm to our people, are still on the payroll and for all practical purposes never show up or hit a lick of work. Another scandalous move to squeeze every dime out of a tribe where they were never accepted. Stalling to keep stealing is what it’s called. We need an election date before we have to vote on toliet paper, cause it won’t matter in a month when the money is gone.  But when the investigations of this government begin it will verify the misfeasance and malfeasance.

Jessie is in the so called Tribal Court defending her return to the council after she resigned in writing.  Okay she blatantly violated the constitution ( what’s new).  But the problem is she’s using tribal lawyers paid $20K a month to defend her wrongdoing against the Tribe.

Jessie and her sidekick Mr. De Facto spin nonsense and do Cedric’s dirty work.

And Jessie, who refuses to honor tribal law, has once again inserted herself in the hiring process for the Human Resources job by ignoring the decision of the committee evaluating applicants.  Guess what? Tah Tah got the job.  How about, Tah Tah’s the roommate of “Mr. De Facto” that would be the all knowing youngster formally known as Peter Pan, Brian Weeden.  How about the committee made clear that she was not their choice.  Nor was she voted on by the Council.  She was the choice of Mr. De Facto, and Messy Jessie. Why do we need a HR director with less than a 1/4 of the Fryeball Council  employees on the payroll? See, this is rouge government at the end of the line.

We digress.  The Tribe has clearly hit bottom because Mr. De Facto is in charge of Tribal operations.  Yes, what you heard is true.  How the hell did that happen? Anyone close to having the credentials would not accept that responsibility even in the Tribe’s clear state of decline.Yes people…that’s where we are…in that old fertilizer pit that used to be in your grand parents back yard.

Word is that “Mr. De Facto” is running things for Cedric Cromwell and plans to run for tribal chairman. Hummmmmmmmmmm. Mr.De Facto was the top vote-getter in his election.  He let it go to his head.  He thinks all these people will vote for him again. Maybe.  But Maybe not. Being a chairman of a tribe brings scrutiny.  Scrutiny from the feds of you and everyone around you, the state too and you really have to know what you’re doing.  Also, tribal members are authorized to pretty much talk to you any kinda way. And, if you’re not from that kinda leadership legacy, you have no idea of how cruel tribal members can be. But right now he is the chairman…” Mr. De Facto.”  Take a good look at Cedric. He’s got that beat down look. That could be you.

So at the Sunday meeting Cedric discussed an internal audit of the Gaming Commission. Oh Happy Day.  Who in the hell will believe that?  Others are probably going to have a look that will probably be a lot more thoughrough.

So showing their true lack of discernable decency or tribal protocol, Carlton Hendricks Jr., had to force Cedric Cromwell to acknowledge the passing of his father-in-law George BIngham, III during the Sunday meeting.  Now, this was after the Council failed to recognize his death after 2 meetings. There was the  moment of silence Sunday. But our time on this earth should be honored.  Bingham was a paratrooper and a veteran of the Viet Nam war. He was a tribal member who was present when his tribe needed him and his passing on to the Creators place should have been acknowledged.  But it was recognition that was forced.  It was part of a pattern that has gone on since Cedric Cromwell has been chairman.  Elders Paul Mills, Dwight Peters, Richard Oakley and Leigh Potter deaths were never properly mourned by the Tribal government.  Now, we know those in the Tribe who  hold a life long family grudge. They’re out there ridged in their disdain.  But the government should be neutral and steadfast in recognizing the valuable place our members held on this earth.


Latest on the Recall petitions

Well DANM IT…they did what they did not have too, and got new signatures with current addresses for the Recall Election petition for Chairman Cedric Cromwell (128 signatures), Vice Chairman Jessie Baird (126 signatures) and….and Treasurer Gordon Harris (119 signatures). The signatures meet the tribal constituional requrements (100 signatures) with certified signatures of enrolled registered tribal members.  The address issue is not part of the constitutional recall mandate but the petitioners did it anyway. NO EXCUSES.

Very interesting  is the fact that Councilwoman Ann Marie Askew, and the Deaconess recused themselves from the committee.  In other words, they stepped off. That leaves Trish Keliinui, Rita Lopez and Elsie Pocknett to decide the recall issue. Well, you anaylize the threesome determining the future of a recall election.The least credible is Trish Keliinui who has not only sold her family out repeatedly but contiues to prostrate herself to Ceric Cromwell who has robbed the Tribe of it’s traditions, integrity and ability to comand respect as a soverign nation.

Trish who has has shamed her family repeatedly has been a steadfast supporter of Cedric Cromwell against all reason. Not a Peters move. So so desperate to be relevant.

Trish also ran the 2009 election that was rife with illegall voters, and brought us Cedric Cromwell. In Mashpee, you can identify tribal membrs because each family has a distinct physical profile that identifies them.  When questioned about all the unidentifiable members in line to vote, she said, ” I got this.” She was clueless.We were over run with “pending” members who were not properly processed, or PUT ON THE ROLL and we  have been punished ever since.  The voter lists were destroyed and we never had a good election since.

Tribal members need to attend the election committee meeting and make sure the constitution is honored and we have  an election with paper ballots to let the  people speak. We need a tribal government accountable to the people.

The long slide into the ditch

The Mashpee LIT trust bill is supposed to come to the floor of the US House Wednesday or Thursday.  The legislation would be taken up and voted on  as noncontroversial.  But it really isn’t .  The Mashpee bill has been bounced around,pulled from consideration and now cursed by the racist President.  Other issues plague the effort.  The US Senate, congressional members from New England states and lobbyists with ties to competing casino interests and Trump are fighting the bill….and winning.

So if it makes it out of the House and to the Senate it can be taken up without a sponsor and we would see

The man sure holds a grudge. Remember what he said about the Pequots? ” They don’t look like Indians to me.” We’re not going to say what he looks like, are we?

eventually if it is ” noncontroversial .” Okay let’s say it makes it out of the Senate to the Presidents desk can you guess what happens? Again, what is the plan? They knew the end game. So it was just a stalling tactic.

Like everything that happens to this tribe at the hands of this administration.  Nothing. Everything is done to buy more time for the besieged Ceddie.  No staff no lawyers never had any decent lobbyists  and  everything that has been thrown together lately is out of total desperation.

Lucky us.  And there are still Fryes out there that think Cedric’s going to be returned to power and give them their jobs back.  Yes, and other numbskulls out there are still thinking we’re getting a casino. Cedric got rich and they’re the damned fools still waiting for the pot of gold…been waiting a long long time.

Distraction Deceit and Shade

This business with the congressional legislation to protect our land in trust is right out of the Trump playbook.  So let’s just call it what it is; distraction & disceit.


  • THE TRIFECTA: Cedric, Je$$ie, and Congressman Bill Keating are using the LIT congressional legislation to distract Tribal members from the RECALL,  while trying  to keep the phantom casino alive so  they can spend the last $400K that’s left in the Tribal bank account.


  • Shovel Ready Ceddie, Messy Je$$ie and Keating take full advantage of the fact that most people don’t understand the legislative process.  So anything that is going on looks like progress. Well, the trouble is there is no companion bill to Keating’s in the US Senate or a bill sponsor.  That’s not only bad news, it’s A BILL KILLER because the legislation can’t pass unless the same bill passes both the Senate and the House. Other states are lining up to kill the legislation. Oh, they forgot to tell you that hu?  Right D & D.  And, not only is the US Senate, run by some really crazy republicans it’s a  ” hostile” place for people like us. TRUMP has to sign the legislation for it to become law.  How bout that?  You know what he said about the Pequots.


  • Ever notice that Keating and Town manager Rodney Collins (former police chief) are the only ones

    Keating, Collins and Cromwell all engaged in misinformation

    ever quoted in the CCT and still hanging with Cedric. Keating said in that he was not interested in the internal battle going on in the Tribe or the $500m debt.  Everyone else in theCongressss questions it and Cedric’s mismanagement…so what’s his story?  Right. And Cedric and Collins have a bromance dating back to when he was the chief. Kinda creepy.

  • The people backing this corrupt regime dismiss the debt, mismanagement and abuse of Tribal members, but you need to know that Cedric and his leadership team….still the last on the payroll, have been tinkering with the grants again.  We are $600k in the hole with grant money… a no no. But why would they care, they  just want to hang on until the last dime is spent.
  • Treasurer Gordon Harris is still getting a weekly check of about $1,500 a week and has missed 4 council meetings which means he is supposed to be removed.  Cedric keeps making excuses for him.  Harris is incredibly incompetent, but Cedric has to keep him in place. Harris never recovered from the tribal rebuke when he tried to have Carlton Hendricks, Jr. removed.  It did not go well.
  • Cedric Cromwell makes nearly $3,000 a week, that we know of, and he cannot point to one project or benefit he has brougt the tribe out of the $500m debt.
  • The Deaconess ( Francie ) $62k a year the last of the devout followers of  Shovel Ready is still on the payroll. Good to the  last drop.Does nothing, absolutely nothing
  • Trish Keliinui makes $65K a year. She’s the spokesperson for the Tribe. Ahem. She never says anything worthwhile. So what’s new eh?
  • Ann Marie Askew makes 75K a year and no one knows what she does other than collect a check.


As you know Ann Marie is on the elections committee and should not be because she’s on Council.  The

Ceddie with Deaconess and her cousin Nancy. Nancy’s gone but the Deaconess hangs on

Deaconess is on there too, but apparently, the others went right along to protect Cedric and Je$$ie and keep their paychecks.  Anyway, they rejected about 103 signtures on the petitions based on addresses and other nonsense to keep the process from going forward.  Because if they authorize the signatures, the recall election date has to be set.  Tribal members are pretty adament about this recall.  Over 300 signatures is pretty hefty. Those are definate votes.  And we all know it take a lot to get a Mashpee to sign anything. But there are no rules now and  no decency in this government.  Like we said right out of the Trump playbook.  So the fight to get rid of Cedric, & Je$$ie will probably continue because Tribal members are sick of it.  Ten years is long enough.


Cedric is such a mess, we’re sure many of us feel sorry for him sometimes.  Well this one situation was one where….well after you laughed, then you felt sorry. Messy divorces always bring out some things you’d don’t want people to know.  Well Cedric got one of his women a boob job. Ok.  Bad part was she took off right  after it was done. Better  to remain silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt. Translation– Stuneded.


Money is low, desperation grows

Signs signs everywhere signs

The recall effort really rattled Cedric Cromwell and Je$$ie Baird. And they confirmed it, because as soon as Aaron Tobey got the signs up all over town, Cedric was rushing to take them down. Such a dumb move.  We had reporters providing  photos immediately. The most important one was of the signs on Norman Dias’s property. When Norman puts a sign like that up, it’s serious.  Quite frankly, he’s a very good barometer of tribal sentiment.  After tribal members blocked  the  attempt to remove Carlton Hendricks, Jr. the council has hedged on making any more hostile moves against adversaries.

Meanwhile, the petitions for recall have gone  to the election committee for review and a decision on the next step.  Well, the committe is made up of Rita Lopez ( enrollment director & interimm tribal administrator ) and the Deaconess (Cedrics executive assistant…ahem), Elsie Pocknett and Ann Marie Askew. Well, Council woman Anne Marie is not supposed to be on the election committee for obvious reasons.  She’s a council member and you can’t have the possibility of impropriety or conflict of interest. Or why change things now? Of course there is supposed to be 5 members on the committee. Only 2 are reasonable, the other two would have to come off…. 3 added total.

Chew  on that for a minute.