Moving forward

The Tribal Council has asked the Tribal Court for an advisory opinion on holding a special election to fill the potential Treasurer vacancy.  Marie Stone requested documents from the Council hearing where she was removed three weeks ago. She has yet to file suit. The Council is not waiting for her to make up her mind.

Creative, cost saving, energy efficient, environmentally sound solar canopies part of the Trbes’ move forward. CDC gets the credit.

The Tribal Community Development Corporation presented a solar energy project that it has been working on for a while.  It was well received and quite innovative in concept and design.  The first to benefit are the residents in tribal housing. and tree based solar canopies would become part of the parking lots generating energy for the government center.  There’s a little more to fine tune before the project is back next week.


Ojibwe Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan was the

Flanagan’s Republican opponent says she
“savaged” him by denouncing his position against abortion when a woman is raped.

target of a racial slur when her Republican opponent called her a “savage.”  Matt Birk is the culprit.  He was addressing a Right to Life group and commented that “two wrongs don’t make a right,” when justifying abortion in cases of rape. Flanagan said Birk’s position “denies survivors the choice to end their pregnancy and force them to live the lives their rapists chose for them rather than ones they wanted for themselves.” On Twitter Birk said Flanagan tried to ” “savage” him for his remarks.  He reluctantly apologized later. Flanagan is a citizen of White Earth Band of Ojibwe.

Native nations are supporting legislation to legalize and decriminalize cannabis in the United States. The bill was introduced in the US Senate Finance Commitee by Majority Leader Chuck Shumer and other leaders.  It is designed to bring uniformity to cannabis regulation nationwide. “The ultimate goal of this historic plant medicine legislation is the ability of our native people to choose their own path and thus their own future without interference by the states,” William Snell, executive director of the Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council, said. The legislation provides extensive grants, and funding for enforcement, healthcare education and a long list of guidelines designed to regulate a huge new industry.

The 6 tribes of the Chippawa Nation will decide whether to stick with blood quantum enrollment.

Minnesota Chippawa removes blood quantum enrollment requirement.  Since 1961, children had to have 1/4 Chippawa blood to be enrolled. The approval of the nonbinding referendum that allows the 6 tribes of that nation to decide if they want to lift that blood qualifier. Blood quantum tribal rolls are declining as is the Chippawa.  They will now decide whether stick with blood quantum, go back to direct lineage to the original rolls were calculated after the passing of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934.The federal government required the quantum measurement for tribes to receive services.

So What’s new?

The Tribe is putting out a weekly newsletter which is good. So how do we get it to Elders? They don’t fool with the internet.  They have their own news service. Second question. What is the Mittark good for? Slick and full of department reports compiled by department heads pretty much. They get paid nearly $100k a year to talk about  those grants and a lot of stuff that doesn’t help anyone. No comments from tribal members who have concerns about our problems with a multitude of issues…, overdoses, housing, employment.  Ignoring problems doesn’t make them go away.


Marie Stone has requested documentation from the hearing resulting in her removal.  It signals that she may file suit in Tribal Court.  There is a short time frame for that. Meanwhile the Tribe must prepare for a special election which is up to the Elections Committee Chair Robin Tobey Stamps.  She is out for a few more weeks and should be back to work soon.

Stay tuned.


Council removes Marie Stone as tribal treasurer

The young chairman handled an extremely difficult decision by confronting a problem involving a close friend. He won respect by putting the Tribe first.

Council members were determined but not very happy about what they had to do.  The detail of Marie’s misbehavior was sad and tedious.  But it left no doubt about the charges she faced and the overwhelming support for her removal as tribal treasurer. The charges were malfeasance and non-feasance, which is abuse of authority and wrongdoing by an elected official. There were 5 counts for malfeasance starting with the curse laden email, 2 being unauthorized use of the American Express Card with 11 charges, count 3, the loss of financial consultants who were unable to work with her and the abusive behavior toward financial staff and finally abandonment of duties.  For non-feasance there were many issues including no tax return, failure to pay TERO vendors, never filed the ARBA (which was payments to tribal members among others) and abandonment of her duties.

The motion to expel Marie Stone received the seven votes necessary but not before Councilwoman Winnie Johnson left the meeting prior to that vote.  At this point the Council vote to expel Marie Stone is subject to tribal court review if Marie Stone choses to appeal.

Some good news the Council adopted the Code of Conduct put together by Councilwoman Rita Pocknett and moved forward with the purchase of Del Sol. Both are significant to good government and address a serious problem that is killing our people.


Pow Wow Princess Royalty

Dasia Peters hands the crown to her cousin Amiyah Peters who will reign until next year’s Pow Wow.

The Pow Wow Princess legacy lives on in the Peters (Costa) family lead by brothers Jermaine (AKA “Quahog”)( & Christine) and Randy III.  Jermaine’s beautiful Dasia gave up the crown to her cousin Amiyah (2022-2023) the daughter of Randy, whose sisters Chenoa and Ketura wore the crown previously. Amiya performed a lovely traditional blanket dance for her exhibition.

The ladies maternal great-grandmother Natalie Costa is a much loved Elder of one of the Mashpee Wampanoag’s oldest families, the Cowets.  They are smart, talented and beautiful representatives of our people. Good luck Amiyah!


People are fascinated with Native Americans and for the first time in decades a slew of TV series and movies produced with Native actors by Natives and are digging into what that Native Life is for real.

Dark WindsIs an excellent mystery suspense with an all-Native cast on a Navajo

Walking in two worlds is tough as depicted in Dark Winds a well-produced mystery revealing the difficult life on a desolate Navajo reservation in the 70’s.

reservation centered around a small tribal police force trying to resolve murder robbery that heaps tribal revenge on the “colonizing demons,” spells, the FBI and all the social problems Native people experience in the workplace and at home.

AMC Sunday 9pm


Dreaming of ways to get off the reservation while trying to deal with the crazies surrounding you.

Reservation Dogs- Oklahoma reservation this comedy is full of characters found in every tribe. It centers on a crew of diverse hustling young Natives with big dreams that are hard to fulfill. Watch for the ghost …the funniest guy in the show. Catch up on Season 1 on Hulu or FX.

             HULU Season 2 — August 3

RUTHERFORD FALLS--A comedy that closely resembles us in that the tribe is in northern New York,

Rutherford Falls has everything! even PretendYins

still lives on their land surrounded by Whites. Their reservation and government are functioning ” the Indian way.” Unlike us they have a casino and they’re branching out with a marijuana business, lots of land to give away and a cultural center etc. It also has a transgender Native character. Maybe we can learn something.  It is funny. Got a new word for those nuts we run into all the time...”PRETENDYINS”

   Catch up on the 2 seasons on Peacock



We could make millions on a Mashpee show.  We wouldn’t have to make anything up.

Shut Reel Wamps down? Naaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Reel Wamps has been receiving threats lately. This is the second one in a matter of months. It’s kind of interesting because if Tribal members don’t like Reell Wamps, they don’t read Reel Wamps. But most people use it as an information source. Generally it’s stories they’ve already heard about merely confirmed here. Other times is details about actions that tribal members are not privy to but should know about. The information comes from sources who are tribal members. And a lot of the people that don’t like Reel Wamps would be shocked to know that their own family members are the ones ratting them out. We’re very careful about information that’s on here. We’re not trying to hurt anyone but merely convey some of the wrongdoing and weirdness that happens that just isn’t justified. And some sources complain mightily, and  constantly. That’s normal. But, we could not possibly put all of that stuff on here because a lot of the info is way too sensitive and just not true.  But looking at the big picture we talk about things that undermine the tribe and its governing purpose.
So the threat thing was so poorly orchestrated that you really have to laugh because the person claims to be carrying messages from Tribal members. The truth is the message is  from family members trying to manipulate the person because they like to throw a rock and hide their hand. The endgame is to leverage the shut down of Reel Wamps for personal gain. The lines go like this….
“Oh just shut it down for a year.”  Or “Aren’t you afraid somethings going to happen to you? I’m afraid for you.  Just warning you.”
Then there’s “Why are you upsetting the Elders?” Now that one is ridiculous. We all know that the Elders do exactly as they please and speak to issues that are bothering them as they should. It has nothing to do with Reel Wamps and everybody knows what that issue is right now. And Pauline Peters speaks to it at Sunday meetings.

Reel Wamps sources are the very family members of its detractors. To shut it down would be a disservice to its 3,000-4500 weekly readers.

A little trivia about Reel Wamps. It was cranked up in the spring of 2009 when the Cromwell administration took over. It was a blog and that’s why people still call it”The Blog.” But in  December 2010 it was hacked and it came down. Within a week it was back up as a .com and we have never stopped since.

We invite you to go back through Reel Wamps and see all the information that was given to tribal members. Most of it serious but some of it is hilarious.  All in all it’s actually pretty stunning. It was an information source to help us understand that our tribal government was sidewinding all over the place under a really bad regime. We have paid dearly for it over the 13 years. And Reel Wamps accurately predicted what has happened to us.

Shudder to think what would have happened if we did not keep the information coming.
That said, here we are starting anew with a new administration. We are hopeful.
We’re moving forward on important issues but governing is not a game.  After Cedric and crew, tribal members expect a lot. Governing is one of the worst jobs you can have if you’re not there to serve. You have to deliver, not just pick up a check. Constituents are always mad about something.  You can never keep everyone happy but they will support you if you’re doing the work. They are with you if you are transparent. That  is very very critical. We know that now.
So message to Reel Wamp detractors.  Careful what you say.  You could end up on Reel Wamps.

So here’s the news

Council Meeting

The Old Indian Church Cemetery is the resting place for ancestors who deserve better. Rosalie Newcomb is right.

Since the Mittark continues to be very selective about what they print…we thought we would talk about some Council activity that people actually care about….since few people read the Mittark  anyway.

Everyone complains about the bad activity going on at the cemetery. Rosalie Newcomb is always reminding Council about what goes on over there in plain sight. Thank you Rosalie.

Her points:

  • People are over there partying and drinking.
  • The trash and liquor bottles are everywhere.
  • Bobby Foster is in charge and he’s been on vacation twice since he got the job.
  • Camera’s and security are needed.
  • The whole thing is a disgrace to the ancestors.

All true Rosalie.

So she was told  there would be a follow up with the Tribal Administrator.  Ahem…

Ok so the Tribal Administrator is someone nobody sees.  The last time he actually took action was a couple of months ago

“The Floater” —Bobby’s wherever he wants to be whenever. A true Mashpee Wampanoag “Phenom.”

when he said that employees could take 2 hours off a day and fish. And that didn’t include the lunch hour either. That little faux pas was quashed within hours by a council member….. as she laughed all the way back to her office.  No one could figure out what the hell he was thinking because it was so outrageous. As for reigning in the notorious Repo Man (AKA  Bobby Foster) that could be tough since he’s been spotted touring Mashpee in a new ride…a Jaguar. Boby’s trifling ways are part of his incredible legacy….he’s held every job at the Council and never hit a lick.

The Code of Conduct should be implemented in a month.  

The language program will be brought under the Tribe which has been long awaited. There is a $276K deficit because of a lapsed grant. The Tribe will pay the bill and be reimbursed when the grant is restored.

Champion builders should complete the second phase of the housing project in 140 days. The company gets high marks for quality work but the Tribe is still negotiating to secure the bonding. Right now there is a 10% hold back of funds as opposed to a bond.

Rita is a talented professional. We’re lucky she’s on the Council and leading IHS.

Council Member Recognition

On May 18th Council members Rita Pocknett and Nelson Andrews received the Unsung Heroes

Nelson brings us national recognition. Positive press is good.

Award from the Mashpee Chamber of Commerce.  Needless to say, that’s a good thing.  Both council members hold important posts in the Tribal government that play important roles in maintaining good quality of life in our community. Our Indian Health Services department provides excellent service to tribal members and is a constant source of innovation and administrative efficiency that benefits the Tribe thanks to Rita. Nelson’s management and expansion of tribal Emergency Management is recognized and cited in Indian Country as an example of a well-run program. He’s called upon to present as an expert on tribal emergency management for FEMA and NCAI. Nelson constantly seeks out revenue sources and grants to self fund his department. He recently brought more distinction to Tribe when the MWT was the only Native Nation participating in the AmeriCorps/CDC initiative that will recruit, train, and develop future physicians, nurses, social workers, and other professionals in the public health sphere.

Good stuff to have our leaders recognized locally and nationally.  We need to say thanks too.



        Lots going on….. don’t miss it!

Not so busy is he?

Herrin’s been waiting for the TA to get to work. He’s been waiting and waiting and waiting.

Herrin’: “So I been watchin’ an waitin’, waitin’ an watchin’.’.

Roe: ” For what?”

Herrin‘: ” Action…. For the magic brilliance to be waved over the Council staff and workers in the building. You know from the Tribal Administrator.  The Cujo dude. He’s a member of the Coeur D’ Alene Tribe.

Roe: ” Wrong…his name is Cuno…Cujo is a rabid dog in a Stephen King book.  And he’s a Ho-Chunk from Wisconsin not a Coeur D’Alene. The Coeur D’Alene they’re mostly in Washington state. Man….Cujo are you kiddin’ me?”

The alleged TA David Greendeer who moniker is Cuno has been renamed Cujo…welcome to Mashpee.

Herrin‘; ”  Well that’s what they call him, Cujo…don’t know nothin’ about no Cuno. Besides, Coeur D’Alene sounds musical. They’re some cool  people.”

Roe: ” He’s a Ho-Chunk. They got a bunch of small businesses and six casinos.”

Herrin‘: ” If his people are doing so well, why ain’t he there with them?”

Roe: “Well that’s a good question no one can seem to answer, fully, but he married Danielle Hill and has a family….but he’s got kids with his first wife and visits them in Wisconsin one week outta  each month.”

Herrin’: “That’s a hell of a deal…that amounts to 3 months out of the year he’s in Wisconsin.”

Roe: “With a big fat paycheck of 140k a year. He hasn’t had a staff meeting in 7 weeks, There’s no strategic plan for the Council. He hasn’t turned in reports requested by Council members   and  I here he shows up when he gets damned good and ready.”

Herrin’:” Pretty much.”

Roe: ” Well, they say he’s busy, awful busy on other fronts if you know what I mean….you know, he gets around. And quite a bit.”

Herrin’ :” Well we’ll know soon enough.  There are no secrets in Mashpee.”




True Mashpee has no fear…we have no choice

It’s hard to imagine what Cedric was thinking during his trial because there just wasn’t a bright spot to be found. For someone who pleaded not guilty and was convicted on 6 of 8 counts, he either got some bad advice or thought he could get away with some really bad actions.

Now some of his crew tried to be evasive, like Trish and Bobby Foster.  They served on the Gaming Authority where at least $650 million was funneled to Genting vendors, lawyers, consultants, architects, builders and every non-tribal member you could imagine.

They were clearly watching too much Law and Order because they (Trish and Bobby) kept saying, ” I don’t recall.” and it was all in the FBI record. Stupid. Bobby’s complicity is beyond reproach. And Dino, Bobby’s cut buddy was so awful, we can’t talk about it here. Well, Robbie Hendricks told the truth.  Whatever contract Cedric wanted he got, no questions asked.

They called themselves Partners in Progress. On the gravy train. But, in the end, they abandoned Cedric. A Black man who attends Mashpee Baptist Church had to give him a ride to federal court in Boston.

Cedric had one character witness…Dan Neuy who served on the Gaming Authority, a cop no less insisted that he be paid. He showed up but the defense never called him. What does that tell you?

And yes, Trish ushered Cedric in with her cousin Paula Peters in the beginning with the 2009 election where non-tribal

Once again Bobby, the guy with a forged GED, is at the center of the storm with stupid dog tricks and a big salary. Yup. And a player in a federal criminal trial.

members voted and Bobby Foster was the caretaker of disheveled ballots that could not be validated and mysteriously disappeared. Incredible. The BIA was begged to help 3 times.  Tribal Elders took Cedric to court.  They kept on. Winnie Johnson was easily the most prolific Cedric cheerleader even after the indictments.  The shrewd  Yvonne, never out of power went along for the ride for 12 years. Finally, she resigned from the Gaming Authority as secretary after the FBI called her in asking for the minutes. Ahem.

Paula and Trish launched a regime that destroyed the Mashpee Wampanoag and a family legacy of Tribal progress for their own self-aggrandizement. A few of the Steve Peters family try to ignore this degradation of the influential family but it is a disgusting reality. It was initiated by a very few. But their actions impacted many  Mashpee in a bad way.


“Hap” Peters was beloved for initiating progress while preserving our unique culture. His children kept that tradition but some of the grandchildren chose the corrupting influence of power over the Tribe.

They are just as guilty as those Reel Wamps has criticized repeatedly for over a decade because they failed their ancestors by joining the corrupt regime.

There is not a damned thing about a Mashpee family that we don’t know…if we’re Real Mashpee. But quiet is kept, we hold it close because it is still us against them.

So think about where you think we should go from here.

What the future looks like for you and your family. You have a right to a good quality of life.

Sometimes we go deep here about our problems.  But it’s better to know than not know when someone aiming to hatchet you in the back.





Cedric faces a dark dawn

Cedric needs Jesus and new friends. They abandoned him and were absent from the trial.

Cedric Cromwell was rolled into a federal courtroom in a wheelchair to face his accusers who leveled 8 charges of bribery, tax evasion and extortion.

The two-week trial brought a jury verdict convicting Cedric on 6 of 8 charges.The worst case scenario is that Cedric gets the maximum of 30 years and half a million dollars in fines when he’s sentenced in September. And when the feds put you away, there is no gain time, only hard time.

The worst may not be over in that the trial revealed that for two years, Cromwell received $20,000 monthly payments from Stillman.  Shocker. That load was pulled from this trial you see.

That means a whole new trial could be on the horizon.

Tomorrow, courtroom antics.


Cedric’s lonely nightmare

Cedric’s bribery trial turned into a freaking nightmare. Stay tuned.