Chaos….Tah Tah’s weapon

Okay, so Tah Tah Deja vu took it upon herself to rearrange the Tribal government organizational structure.  She just decided to change things the way she wanted.

She made the Comptroller, the Human Resources Director and the Tribal Administration equals. The directors and Comptroller are managed by the Tribal Administrator.  The Vice Chairman is the elected official in charge of operations.

They all collaborate to run the government.  Of course, no one knew anything about the switcheroo but her. There was no Council vote to approve it. So it was not true. It was all in Tah Tah’s head. And it sent shockwaves through the building paired with a lot of anger. Another day of chaos, running down rumors and canceling them.

Tah Tah’s audacity and mendacity is toxic. She plans to run the Tribe. Her Linkedin page says she’s the CEO of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. Guess she forgot to tell Brian Weeden. Ahem

By then, she was stoking another bonfire.  Another unauthorized action concerning one of the new hires she proudly announced during the Wednesday Council meeting.  That Comptroller could come in mighty handy for someone who can’t do basic accounting who is desperate to produce a budget. Tah Tah’s mendacity makes it impossible for anyone to work with her. We’ll see.  Again Marie is such a liability its not even funny.

She is so disruptive it’s hard to imagine having a day of productivity with a Treasurer trying to do everyonee else’s job while empowering herself at the Tribe’s expense.

Nowhere in sight !

A lot of confirmation of what everyone in the Tribe knew.  Yvonne Frye Avant resigned from the Gaming Commission. She hasn’t been around much. You may recall that Yvonne had trouble finding specific minutes per the FBI request. The Council replaced her with Council Secretary Cassie Jackson.

The episode at the Housing Commission meeting was a part of the discussion in public comment,  but so was Treasurer Marie Stone. ‘Why is Marie the Human Resources Director? She’s gotta lotta work in finance.  Why isn’t she handling finance?’ That was Kimmie Frye’s question. You could feel all 57 Tribal members on the zoom call lean in. Everyone wanted to know what was Tah Tah Deja vu doing?

As the Council meeting started, the Chairman was constantly looking for the ‘Treasurer” who did not respond when votes were called. She was very busy getting ready for her big reveal. So when she got good and damned ready she announced that the  Human Resources Director had been hired along with a Comptroller who would be on the job in two weeks.  Really? There were Tribal members who applied for those jobs that were on the zoom meeting, but never got a letter saying they had not been hired (let alone interviewed) until that evening.

But to show how determined Tah Tah Dejavu is to keep stalling, she’s bringing the very expensive Rewind Audit Team to the Sunday meeting… discuss the audit. The same audit as last time…that ate up 2 hours of the General Meeting.  Councilman Aaron Toby wasn’t having any of that.  ” Why the audit at this point? ” he said that it was obviously irrelevant.  So her plan to bore people to tears with the same audit report was cut short. They have 30 minutes.

Here’s the thing. We all know she has NO BUDGET to present. And six months of torture is enough.

Tribal members have a lot on their minds and Sunday is their time to have that dialogue. The Elders for one has serious issues to hash out.The budget allows the government to move forward.  It’s outrageous that one person is holding up progress and $15 million. We have the chance to jump-start and establish our economy. We need a budget to legally move forward.

We talk about a lot on this .com. Stuff that’s uncomfortable.  But if we told you everything we knew….you would lose your mind.



Times Up…

We waited a couple of months, silently to see if certain people would get their mind right.  And she didn’t.  You know who. Tah Tah Deja vu has done it again.  Wrecking havoc now with the new Tribal Council that’s trying to actually work. Course she’s not alone in the “don’t wanna have a council meeting cause people will ask about my gigantic salary” category. It’s a salary she can’t justify because she cannot do her job.  She doesn’t like being the treasurer just the salary. She likes power and revenge but not responsibility.  She sabotages meeting quorums feyning illness while her brand new Audi is seen parked at a familiar place where she’s partying.

TT Deja vu does her ominous threat dance around certain people. Hea yah, hea yah, hea yah…. “It’s me Tah Tah!”

She is back to terrorizing just about everyone in the government center because she covets the Human Resources post….of all things.  She rolled up on Denise and Armani who were laughing about her inability to figure out the most basic duties of the Treasurer.  She got Armani fired. Meanwhile, she opens people’s mail (we got that from three different staffers and Department heads).  She hides people’s keys, lies, and has returned to sending wacky emails that make no sense.

But it’s just not funny because she has no idea how to allocate the $15 million we received from the federal government.  She’s the one authorized to make those expenditures and avoids it like the plague. It’s the damnedest thing. Thus the stalling and excuses and the Tribe getting nowhere fast.To top it off, she wants to borrow more millions from Genting rather than spend the interest free money we have!  She knows how to spend that $7k she gets every month but can’t fulfill her duty to the Tribe.

Tribal members are taking note.  They are angry not only about her salary but the lack of action by the negligent council leaders. It’s about the lack of accountability with fewer and fewer meetings you see.  It got so bad Wednesday night that Carlton Hendricks Jr. had to call an emergency meeting because all of a sudden too many people were sick to have a quorum.  So the emergency meeting was called. There were 50 tribal members on that zoom call and council members interested in doing their jobs moved forward with some budget issues. That was after absurd group texts about who was in charge legally.

Here’s the thing. Congress just passed over a $1.2 trillion dollars infrastructure legislation Friday. The President will probably sign it into law this weekend. That has more millions for us to establish our TOTAL LACK OF INFRASTRUCTURE! Then there’s millions more ahead in the Build Back Better legislation that will pass before the new year.  So are we going to wait around for Tah Tah Deja vu to figure it out?

The first allotment is already in jeopardy because of her incompetence. We stand to lose more than money with the stranglehold Tah Tah Deja vu has on certain people.  There’s nothing she knows that we don’t know.  One thing for sure…the delaying tactics won’t work for long. Those days of pure unadulterated lunacy are gone.


Hey…..we’re checking in to let you know…..

We have updates that are coming your way. Stay Tuned.

Read all about it..David W does broadband

It’s not original, but let’s wait for the follow thru.

Oh, Okay broadband.  Is the town doin’ that?..or are we doing it with the town? Hey, it’s something new.

It’s not Genting….Follow thru David…oh yah, don’t forget the solar business….

GENTING profiting big from exploitation of MWT

“Rolin’ in the doe,” was a phrase carped by Cheryl Frye Cromwell when she talked about her

Cheryl was smart enough to get her kids educated in the deal. But in the end, she’s still with an indicted husband and works at Cumberland Farms.

family, the Fryes benefiting from their control of the Tribal levers of power.  That was back in the day, but still rings true when you look at who brought them to power …GENTING. Genting was struggling.  Profits were under water, until it opened Resorts World in Las Vegas two months ago. You may recall, some of our Council members went out there during the grand opening.

Well according to

Bet you didn’t know we were building a big_ss casino in Las Vegas did ya?

Genting Malaysia is part of the sprawling industrial conglomerate known as Genting Berhad, which is the official owner of the Las Vegas Strip integrated resort. The Malaysian unit owns 100 percent of Resorts World New York City (RWNYC) and nearly half of Resorts World Catskills (RWC) in upstate New York. Resorts World Las Vegas opened two months ago, and while the owner isn’t yet breaking out revenue figures for the new venue, the debut of the latest Strip casino-resort was well-timed, because Sin City is rebounding more rapidly than other major global gaming markets.

Genting is only making money, big money in the US.

When you think about it, the Council members and others Genting treated to the Las Vegas “Grand

We supposedly spent $39 m on architectural designs for First Light. The elaborate Genting Las Vegas casino clearly benefited not us. Not even a steel girder in the ground.

Opening” were enjoying what the Mashpee Wampanoag built.  About 1/5 of the money used to built the joint likely came from us, through the infamous Gaming Authority. All those hundreds of millions of dollars that were unaccounted for went to La Vegas. We got nothing but a _hitload of interest and a lotta humiliation.

The power couple with huge credentials at the height of their careers. Kevin’s psychologist wife of 15 years, SuGinia Sears-Jones  is the mother of 3 beautiful daughters. A psychologist, how cool!

Kevin Jones the Genting pitchman, is back at it again trying to rope the Council back in for the kill. He’s working with one particular officer, part of the old Cromwell regime… It’s his job you see.  But considering his credentials, it’s surprising that a proud HBCU graduate of Clark-Atlanta (and he went to Princeton and Harvard) would be so callous in his methods to lure the tribe into an incredibly bad deal. Course, the Council officer is “intrigued.” Ahem….

But Gentings’ torrid history with eastern tribes is legendary.  The rise and fall of the Pequot is a stunning reminder that the Malaysian moguls take no prisoners. Remember, Genting built Foxwoods, the Pequot got paid huge, (Genting too), but they had no fall back economic development plan to buffer the decline of their casino/hotel.  That’s mandatory because casino experts will tell you that the aura of any casino wears thin in 15 years. The Pequot were kept in the dark completely and had little help with managing tribal or personal assets.  And you know the rest of the story.   MGM Grand right behind Foxwoods is no longer a partner and the Pequot are into outlet malls while eyeing a license in Milford Ma.  The Malaysians are  egregious and predatory.

Actually, the Pequot fared  better than we did.  At least they had a taste of the casino high life.  Now we’re faced with a low grade gaming option, more debt and no answers about what and when tribal members get paid if we do anything. Course with Genting, we get nothing. What about the continuing lawsuits over LIT ? What about the Justice Department? Riding with these guys puts us on the Pequot road.

Kevin is fighting our attempts to be independent and find new interest free recurring revenue and  gaming alternatives that pay members directly.  He thinks he has to approve hires by the new administration to address these and other issues. That’s dumbfounding. It’s tantamount to being SHARECROPPERS!

Pretty shady but transparent. We’re still prisoners of Genting.



Flipping like a herring out of water

The trial of disgraced former Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Chairman Cedric Cromwell, scheduled for the first week in September is now slated to begin in early January 2022. The delay says a few things about the scandal that has enveloped the Tribe.

Cromwell is praying for an act of God to get him out of this jam.

In so many federal cases, these kind of delays signal the need for more information from the indicted person(s). With the extraordinary amount of money funneled through the tribal Gaming Authority and the continuing interviews of members involved, the focus appears to have shifted to the body that operated in the utmost secrecy and control of Genting. Seven years of transactions in the hundreds of millions of dollars is a lot to verify. Clearly Cedric is not the end of the line. Flipping on the gaming mogul could take years off Cromwell’s sentence. Surely they didn’t think the Justice Department would overlook the glaring wrongdoing.

The net is wide and could sweep up Mark Harding former Treasurer and Cedric’s business partner (who proudly brought Genting to the table): Gordon Harris, Jessie Baird, Yvonne Frye Avant and others in finance.

Not a happy time for the Mashpee Wampanoag trying to move forward.


New leaders, a new direction, old guard lurks despite the power shift

The Power Shift

The election of Nelson and Mingo signaled a new direction for the Tribe.

The core of this Tribe made its decision.  The election of Domingo Tiexeira and Nelson Andrews made the Tribal Council complete. A new Council is in place.  It is pretty diverse, which is good. Mingo has life lessons to offer and management skills sorely needed in areas where we need his expertise. He is actually excited about helping.  He’s a good man, looking  to the future for his children and ours.

Nelson Andrews has a long list of accomplishments and knowledge concerning federal grants and program funding that is vital to the Tribe. His relationships with state, federal and tribal entities is is invaluable. Another asset with a lot of knowledge.


We started from a bad place the day Cedric Cromwell became chairman.  To review the horrors of his 12 year reign is a lot to do.  But it’s best to understand who delivered the Tribal government back to the people. While the election was a clear sign that the membership wanted change, it was a very small group of council members who remained vigilant and never gave up. These Council members also had strong voter mandates and became a menace to the Cromwell Alliance along the way.  We have to say the Cromwell Alliance was loyal to the end which is really strange when Cedric did so much damage to the Tribal brand and government infrastructure. But that in turn tells you how they felt about the Tribe…their family.

Who fought for the Tribe

Easily the Council diplomat, Rita is also has the administrative skill to manage tribal assets.

Many suffered a lot, just trying to do their jobs.  Rita Gonsalves survived because her administrative skills were exceptional and when she brought plans and projects to Cedric he either killed or co-opted them as his own. He was atrocious in his theft of intellectual property. When she became a Tribal Council member, she was a triple threat  because she had a vote.

Aaron Tobey fought a years long legal battle that was instrumental

A stickler for Tribal law, Aaron kept challenging the corruption.

in ending the Cromwell regime’s grip on the Tribe. From the recall petition to the Constitutional challenge of the new election ordinance, Tobey’s efforts  restored local control to the core of the Tribe. The phrase “elections have consequences,” resonates for the Mashpee and it’s a good thing.

Carlton Hendricks, Jr. made good on his promises of transparency, government integrity and  building a tribal economy run by tribal members. He immediately began repairing damage done to tribal

In a matter of months Hendricks has made real progress on restoring essential fishing resources and programs that the Cromwell administration allowed to meltdown.

infrastructure by the Cromwell regime.  The oyster farm was on the verge of collapse and the state was  threatening to take over the critical project. Joined by tribal fisherman, Hendricks made the course correction to keep the state at bay.  Also a victim of neglect was the HASSP program that sets the stage for the Tribe to meet guidelines that allow it to produce fish product to sell retail and wholesale while improving the bay water quality. Also back on track, this project alone would provide a huge boost for fisherman struggling to to remain in business.  It also provides long term stability for the tribal economy. Inside the Council, Hendricks has worked to restore confidence in the government  and service to Tribal members. As the head of operations, he meets with Department heads frequently to get a grip on their progress, budgets and goals. The tribe is focused on competent experienced employees no matter their family ties.

Hendricks is laser focused on the Tribe’s financial well being. He continues to challenge the idea of taking high interest loans from Genting. Who does that when the Tribe can receive interest free appropriations? The loyalists don’t know what to do, how to get it done, or get the professionals to help us move past this disastrous situation. Cromwell’s people are eerily silent when they learn of more tens  of millions of dollars worth of expenditures on projects never started or completed. They never questioned it or asked why.  They just let it all happen… us.

Regardless of the Justice Department’s continued scrutiny, and interviews, Genting is bent on holding us hostage. They are desperate to ensnare us in what will be the biggest scandal in Indian gaming. Just remember that whatever Genting builds on the Taunton land and whatever money generated will go to Genting.  We get nothing. That money repays over $700m in debt that Cedric and crew acquired.

We do have options for self sufficiency and a vibrant economy. We have to let leaders lead.

Just understand what we’re up against. Cedric and his loyalists did an excellent job of destroying us.  It’s time to get off that struggle bus.


In La Vegas partying with our pimps

So tribal members are mad.  Really mad.  Let’s talk about why and how it could have been avoided ….Let’s just say it is such a dumb move, it should never even been considered. Genting invited, clan mothers (who refused the invitation), Council members, members of the Gaming authority and their guests  on a trip to THEIR NEW CASINO in  Las Vegas.  And the damned fools went ! Now you can figure out who didn’t go.

The Resorts World casino offers gambling in a ” honey combed area of slot machines” the size of two football fields. Even the design looks like our phantom First Light. And they’re out there celebrating when we’ve been robbed.

First, we’re still on the FBI radar…or rather council members are and they’re following in Cedric’s footsteps.  Taking gifts that are actually taxable income.  Cedric got busted for the same damned thing. They called it bribes. Donald Trump’s enterprise is about to go under for his ” taxable income gifts.”

Now, do ya think they planned to tell the IRS about this trip?  Do they think the government wouldn’t find out? Trump and Cromwell had a lot in common…they thought they were invisible to the intelligence agencies. Let’s do an estimate of what this little shindig cost: $1k round trip plane ticket per person, minimum $2k hotel room per couple, another $500 for food, $2K free chips and tokens to gamble, $2k shopping money and accounts in the gift shop…Jesus H Christ! It doesn’t cost Genting much. Genting writes it off but the Council members can’t.   This group has always been a cheap date.  $8,500 per couple or more. The tax man will figure it out…

Worst of all they were at the casino that was built on the money laundered through our tribe.  Remember the hundreds of millions filtered through the Gaming Authority that the auditors said disappeared?…well the cheap dates got a birds eye tour of the CTMWTB….the Casino That the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Built.

We were supposed to have a fresh start. The Tribe is on the back burner already.

ELECTION DAY Sunday….Get Out the Vote

Don’t forget to vote on Sunday.  This election is just as important as the last. You will be voting to fill the two vacancies on the Council. Vote for 2 from the following candidates qualifying:

Nancy Rose, Kimberly Frye, Walter Frye, Winona Pocknett, David Pocknett, Sr., Nelson Andrews, Jr.

Nitana Hicks Greendeer, Domingo “Mingo” Tiexeira

Good luck to all.

Volunteers Needed on Election Day

The Election Committee is seeking volunteers and monitors for the upcoming special election scheduled for July 11, 2021. If interested, please email the Election Committee at