

The so called Council is supposed to present a budget to the membership to vote on, every year.

They’re suddenly doing just that.  Having finance meetings. Working those numbers people….cause they don’t have  a choice. Question is, what happened to the 2009, 2010 and 2011  budgets?  It’s a little late to try to reconcile the bad books and  shift the focus to others at this  stage of the game. It’s getting very hot for Mark Harding, Cedric, Marie and Aaron.  They violated the constitution 3 times because they failed to present a budget to the tribe for a vote.  They failed to do so in 2009, 2010 and 2011.  They’ve given themselves huge  raises repeatedly. And a host of atrocities continue.

Do you realize that you could give each legitimate member of the tribe ( 1700, including children) $2,000 a month and still come out ahead.  Cause people…these outsiders  in charge are pimping us hard for the Chinese.

Tribal members are still trying to figure out what the Council does for  over $650,000 in salaries a year and 24 million in debt. Then again they clearly don’t work for us they work for Genting. Of course there’s the American Express cards and all the other mystery spending and malfeasance that has plagued us since they came to power.

More tomorrow on your paycheck and that casino on Uranus…..even better Old School brings out the old habits of the First Lady once more !

Gangstas and their “Grungy Boy”

Whoever made this headmess for Cedric should be punished

Mashpee–Genting has quite a reputation. It’s so bad that the US  Senate  Select Committee on Indian Affairs launched an investigation into corruption in the Indian gaming industry that revealed that Genting had strong connections to Islamic extremists known to fund jihad.  That’s according to the Florida Clarion. That was revealed on Wampa Leaks at summers end.

It’s all the buzz in the Sunshine State that continues the steady drum beat against the Chinese.  The Republicans say  the Chine own America, and they have a tendency to be pretty obnoxious in committee meetings and  literally bought up every lobbyist in the state. Their technique is tacky.  The little Chinese man Cedric trotted out at the Sunday meeting condescended to tribal members by telling them that they would be trained as dealers… their casino on Uranus. There  was no answer to the question of, ” When should we expect a check ?”

Indians don’t work in their own casinos. They can work in commercial casinos that they front for though, cause that’s the only way they get paid.  Somebody needs to tell Bill Delahunt he paraded back and forth…chastising  the people he worked for when Glenn Marshall was chairman and now when Genting  is paying him, he needs to search his memory….hard.

Course the Mashpee have been pimped so hard by Cedric Cromwell he’s turned an ashy green “Grungy Boy”  Dorchester culla, ( there’s no word for it in the Wampanoag language) ah hmm. Genting  is  having issues with every Indian Tribe but the Mashpee.  The  Shinnecocks of New York got rid of their original investors ( sound familiar ? ) and were considering Genting.  Recently their tribal members  made it clear that they didn’t like Genting and voted against them taking over their tribe.  Cedric didn’t like that. Cedric believes in slavery, secrecy, no answers and tums.

But Genting’s track record is abusive against Native America.  Ask the Senecas.  The Senecas were paying 28% interest on a loan from Genting for the Seneca Niagara Casino Hotel .  It  was supposed to be for 5 years.  It ended up being for 15.  That’s a violation of federal law.  But more than that, the Senecas refused to pay it, ” armed Chinese , with guns blazing, showed up at the council meeting demanding payment.” That was sworn testimony. Genting is not a reputable group with anyone but Grungy Boy.

Barry W Brandon

Last bit of bad news. The tribe recently hired Barry W  Brandon, the Indian lawyer for the Seneca’s that literally ran out the door to a car when he was fired by them.  Course that was all during the Genting madness. Now he’s hanging out with us. In 2008 the Senecas were paying Brandon 700 K a year. Not bad.







Not one person in leadership had an ancestor doing what these men are doing.

Minnie Ah Hah so totally Mashpee

When the posse closes in, the bad guys start blaming each other for their demise.  They start making even more mistakes. But worst of all….they rat each other out. They start coming up with stupid ideas to cover their tracks and lie incessantly about what the tribal government can do.

Cedric stares off into space  babbling about some blog and shouts that Minnie Ah Hah is a Tobey, while traditionalists shake their heads sadly.  Everyone knows the impossibility of  that statement.  Everyone knows but Cedric. Belonging is so important to Cedric.

Cedric Cromwell says his Tribal Court is viable and effective and sovereign.  He says that Supreme Court Judge  Henry Sockabasin has presided over  40 cases. For God sakes  what  decisions?  Is it domestic violence? Is it civil? Is it criminal ? Have any tribal members received subpoenas? Do you have to show up?  Course not.  How are the rulings  enforced? Oh that’s right.  Real legal disputes are handled in Barnstable County Court….oh yah.  We have a fake court without  authority or enforcement powers. But the District Attorney and the Attorney General have to be convinced that we’re sovereign. Ha ha.

They had one tribal court case that was purely internal  a with it’s OPINION not  a ruling, that took  15 months for Sokobasin to give an opinion on what was a ballot issue.  It was a constitutional issue that a 12 year old could resolve because it was so obvious.  Sokobasin ruled against the obvious confirmation of the tribal constitution. He came down on the political side of  Cedric Aaron and Mark.

So as we languish in embarrassment.  Just remember they’re peeing in your face and calling it rain.

Chambermaid training available

Deal or no deal? Lots of show without telling anything.  The casino.  What’s in it for the tribal members? How does the tribe scale all the hurdles set in the law?

How do you get a community to do business with us after Cedric, Aaron and Mark abandoned Middleboro? Then they engage in the purchase of land in Fall River already set aside for a bio tech facility, stumble over to Raynham for another incomplete  crappy deal , then on to Plymouth of all places….and now it’s Bridgewater? Not enough land. So is it a slot dump? The real question is why are they scurrying around for land this late in the game and still trying to act like land in trust is not an issue? It’s all Cedric talks about in the papers.  LIT is another colossal screw up that he tries to coverup with impossible strategies that are confusing and misleading.

The deadline isn’t July, it’s whenever the state wants to say ‘times up” we were pretending to give you a license….we’re really giving it to some one else.

Genting says they'll give tribal members jobs

Worst of all….Genting for the second time, makes no commitment to tribal members about their share of profits, instead the little Chinese man  condescends to offer tribal members jobs in the casino. Steven Bingham said that was an insult.  And he was right.  Delahunt orders a tribal member “not to bring that up again,” as he paces back and forth on the stage wondering if this is worth the 15K a month.  Who works for who?

Cedric’s  hiring of Michelle (Tobey) Fernadez as the Housing Director set off a firestorm of protest, apparently from her own family.  The Tobey’s were pushing her around in the parking lot when she ran back in the building calling for security.

This is the ultimate horror show.

And the issue of the crazy spending on the charge cards…” That’s how you do business, ” says Cedric.  Are you kidding me?

Where are the financial reports from Mark Harding?  Next month he says.  That’s what he said last month And every month for years.  These babies have a lot to hide and they are in too deep to do anything but run for cover. All the meetings in the world will get us no answers.  None. Cover up is cover up.

As they say, they’re peeing in our face and saying it’s rain.



How do you know when they’re telling the truth? Right.

Before the story telling begins at today’s  Sunday meeting, tribal members need to be reminded of a couple of things.  Indian Health Services is a part of reparations.  It comes with recognition.  It’s part of the government package to pay for the bad things that have happened to us over the last 31/2 centuries. Indian Health Services is totally independent of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, and thank God.

Robin Stamps and her staff work for the US Health and Human Services, Indian Health Services, and we are a Federal Direct Care Facility. Along with the tribal EPA, IHS is the only program run properly without issue or controversy. That’s because the administration can’t put it’s hands on it.


Thank God for IHS

Robin and her staff do an excellent job of providing vital health services to the tribe.   That was obvious when the Nashville representative praised her work repeatedly yesterday never mentioning Cheryl Frye Cromwell. Course Paula The Peters praises Cheryl, in her new capacity as spokesperson for the Cromwell  administration.  No one can tell you what Cheryl does in ” the Health Department ” that is run by the tribe.   No one can tell you what her daughter-in-law does full time, nor can they tell you what her brother-in-law does.  They can tell you what the other staff does…but not Cheryl’s crew. Maybe we should ask Paula the Peters (Harding?…but she never uses that name does she?).

So with this grand opening of IHS…we are simply getting what we are owed.  That  process started with recognition, in 2007.

And when the second meeting on finances begins….you need to ask yourself  how do you know if they’re telling the truth when they always lie?  What evidence do you have to compare anything to?

That’s right nothing.


Just so you know who we are…

This was the Christmas tribal newsletter done three years ago.  Click on it and you will see news about the tribal members, promoting tribal businesses, and encouraging tribal unity and progress. No political  news about the Chairman or his administration. The members are the story.


Here you see the 2008 Special Edition Pow Wow newsletter.  Interesting and educational, for tribal members and the outside world

PowWowSpecial Edition pg1

Oops! She did it again!

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your
mouth and remove all doubt.
— A. Lincoln

Paula, Paula, Paula—just when people have forgotten what a fool you
can be, you jump out of a page somewhere and refresh our memories.
You project your foolishness in several ways.

First of all, no accusations were made about you personally, so I do
not see why you need to come to the defense of the Council members who
may be involved in any impropriety. Oh, yes, you fail to mention that
the man whom you referred to as “Treasurer Mark Harding” is not just
some guy you know, but your life and business partner, AKA your
“husband.” Is he not a man, can he not defend himself? Or does Mr.
Harding see you as a fool that he can use for that purpose?

Secondly, you doggedly cling to the lies that you and others
propagated about the shunning of certain individuals who were shunned,
not for asking for financial information, but for suing the Tribe and
for suing individual Tribal members, whose livelihoods and property
were placed in danger. I know of one member who was unable to
refinance her home because of the renegades. And while we are at it,
Steven Bingham was given free access to the Tribe’s books and did not
follow up, because the whole thing was a scam for the Binghams and the
Tobeys to have a big payday from the millions they sued for. Get your
facts straight.

Thirdly, you decry the anonymity of the bloggers, yet you remained
anonymous while your friend Peter “The Great Gadfly” Kenney wrote lie
after lie after lie about your enemies. You used all of your media
connections to tear down your enemies, especially Glenn Marshall, who
rebuffed you when you wanted him to leave his wife for you. Gad, you
are a disgusting individual.

Fourthly, if you don’t think that this administration are capable of
the vilest kind of retribution, think again. How is it that a man who
ran in two different Tribal elections was arrested the night before
each of those elections? Could there be a connection between those
arrests and the fact that the only Wamp member of the MPD is closely
related to and supportive of the people in power? I hope not, but I’m

Paula, you think that by publishing your plaintive pablum that you
can influence the people to sympathize with you, but you are wrong.
Do not imagine, either, that people outside the Tribe will be
fooled. It’s out there, and will continue to be.

You suffer from a common ailment among those who never were part of
the Mashpee community, that of underestimating our intelligence.
Your chairman, vice chairman, and treasurer grew up elsewhere, and
think that they can put one over on these bumpkins. Well, I have news
for you, not all closed eyes sleep, and the quiet man may be the wisest.

Paula, you really need to do some soul searching, because, you know,
many people want to like you, but your obsessions turn them off.
Honestly, I think you should consult with a wise person and avoid
those that you now associate with. They may drag you down with them.

Ever Wonder?

Did you ever wonder why Paula the Peters no longer works in the PR department at  Plymouth Plantation ?  Now you know why.

Say nawthin’ to them birds…


Minnie Ah Hah Mashpee Wampanoag Private Investigator


To my Uncle Herrin’ :

The  pornography  scandal.: There have been many sighting of  porn eruptions.  People are donating old porn tapes to keep Harding from renting them on the tribal charge card. Piles of them can be seen stacked for pick up on Monomascoy Island, down Punkhorn, the herring run and on his very fancy doorstep. He reportedly trips over them as he scurries to his simonized truck. Harding, never much for being Mashpee, now an official  “Hotel Potentate” : Hard Rock  Hollywood-$1,127.56, San Diego Hilton $798.63, Sheraton (includes  porn rentals 4/8/11) $1,741. Basic stuff…Shopping at Roch Brothers,  Jet Blue $1,999 …bill total on AMEX for May 2011- $13,098.35.  Much more to go.  Too awful to put all in one. Tribal Elder was only allowed to review 8 months out of nearly three years of spending. No detail on hundreds of airline tickets.

This is my report for December 8, 2011

Your Niece,

Minnie Ah Hah


Leon the Lumbee does Mashpee

Leon started working for the tribe as a consultant running Housing after Alice died.  Leon the Lumbee, the so called administrative guru is well past retirement age.  Or better yet,  way way past retirement.  Being up in age does not stop him from telling you, all the time, about his big reputation in Indian Country.  Well, that rep gets mixed reviews….

Leon ran Housing for a while, then he created a second consulting job for himself as the tribal administrator.  While in Housing he saw a lot of stuff and the reasons for a lot of negative audits.  He was supposed to be fixing things over there but he never did. Leon becomes the tribal administrator. The new guy comes into Housing and the melt down erupts a few month later…Noni  does a Mashpee on Shelly Tobey and the rest is history. New guy is out the door because the whole place is a mess.  Leon can’t find anyone to take over Housing after he tries everyone with actual credentials. They say hell no. He brings in Michelle(Tobey) Fernandez, as interim Housing director. Yes he did….. and the whole office implodes. Great administrator eh?

More weirdness occurs when Leon is doing the  Indian housing rehab program  and according to several sources tells a tribal member they have to use an Native contractor…..guess who that is?  Mark Harding, aka tribal treasurer, ….wow. How come you’re not surprised? Yah….course that’s illegal too.

Well, Leon is supposed to be skedaddling outta Mashpee soon.  For an old guy, he really moves around a lot.