Give us your feedback

Do you have a tip for us?  Maybe you have a suggestion, a criticism, or just want to say hi!  Give us a shout at  All is fair, but credible threats will be relayed to the FBI.  We want to be the people’s voice, but we can’t be unless we hear the people’s voice.  Confidentiality will be strictly observed.



A quick question…

Who gave Marie “TaTa” Stone the authority to decide who will be buried in our cemetery?  I swear, the balls on these people.

A Mashpee Wampanoag Spring

Having tried logic, humor, ridicule, petitions, shouts, whispers, and
more, to wake the Tribal government of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe to
the intolerable situation that we, the citizens of this Tribe find
ourselves in, must move on to a more proactive, and potentially more
unpleasant action.  We have already laid out before them our
complaints.  Their recalcitrance in the matters of finance, hiring
policies, and the constitution are well documented.

What I propose today is to remove the present Tribal Council by whatever legal, prudent, and effective way available to us.

First things first.  We are not out to create a new tribe, nor to eliminate the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.  The goal is to rid ourselves of an illegitimate executive that rode in on a stolen election, and who has continually violated the constitution, failed to perform their duties faithfully, and moved to steamroll any dissent.  We are not going to allow this to continue.

First of all, we must organize.  We can set up a provisional government-in-exile, as did several Nazi-occupied countries in WWII.  The function of the provisional government will be threefold:

  • Be the true voice of the Mashpee Wampanoag People.
  • Organize and hold elections to fill all posts in the Tribal government.
  • Petition the BIA to recognize those elected as the only legitimate Tribal Government.

Once the Tribal government is in place, the provisional government will dissolve itself.

We can, and must, restore order and decency to our Tribal government

Do you agree?  You can email us at

2012 Elections?

Why is there no notice of the upcoming elections in the Mittark?  Could it be, as Cedric said, that there are no elections?  Could it be that he is so afraid of what could happen to him and his junta that he is willing to cancel the elections?  Let me put it to you this way:  there will either be free and open elections on the first Sunday of February, or there will be a revolution, complete with crowbars and sledge hammers.  These people have got to go?

You’ll need a scorecard to follow this…

The cast of characters:

1.  Paula Peters
2.  Mark Harding
3.  Cedric Cromwell
4.  Cheryl Frye Cromwell
5.  Aaron Tobey
6.  Carol Lopez
7.  Marie Stone
8.  Yvonne Frye Avant
9.  Carolyn Turner
10. Patricia Keli’inui
11. Kevin Frye
12. Peter “Great Gagfly” Kenney
13. George Brennan (Cape Cod Times)
14. “The Tobey Girls”
15. Amelia and Steven Bingham
16. Winnie Johnson Graham

The story goes something like this:

Paula “Princess” Peters, after an unsuccessful run at the Tribal
chair, and an even less successful run at Glenn Marshall’s affections,
apparently decided to take a different tack.  Using her connections
with 12, 13, 14, and 15, She helped to precipitate the downfall of

During the 2009 election fraud, Paula acted as 3, Cedric Cromwell’s
campaign manager, and boasted about it later.

Paula is the life partner of our thief-in-chief, 2, Mark Harding.

Cheryl Frye Cromwell, 4, is a council member and also is the wife of Cedric, 3.  Hers is another story.

Aaron Tobey, 5, is the vice chairman, and was also on the ticket with
3, as well as Marie Stone, 7, who is the daughter of Carol Lopez, 6,
who was the campaign manager for Aaron, 5.  Marie, AKA “TaTa,” is a
story all by herself, but I won’t go into the burning of a car in
Wareham.  No, I’ll save that one.

Aaron is cousin of Cedric, also 14.

As soon as the votes were “counted” in the fraudulent 2009 election,
Trish Keli’inui, 10, the chairman of the election committee, ran off
to Dino’s sports bar to celebrate with Cromwell & Co. instead of
securing the ballot box and putting it under lock and key.  Also,
Kevin Frye, 11, a Mashpee Police officer and the man on duty at the
polls, abandoned his post, leaving an unsealed ballot box for anyone
to tamper with.

The day after the fraudulent election, Cromwell and his team sealed
off all offices, allowing his close allies to enter any of the
offices.  In one gross violation of election protocol, Cromwell
CERTIFIED HIS OWN ELECTION.  In the past, and wisely, the membership
committee would compare sign-in sheets with the Tribal rolls and then
certify the election.  The ballot box would be sealed and stored.

When Cromwell finally allowed access to the offices, it was discovered that locked file cabinets holding sensitive and confidential member files had been rifled through, and cabinets were left unlocked.  Only one person, Carolyn Hendricks Turner, 9, knew the location of the hidden keys.  She is the sister of Yvonne Frye Avant, a council member and sister of ofc. Kevin Frye.

In that Wednesday, when Patty Oakley, planned to reenter her office, she called on Paul Mills, chair of the Elder’s Judiciary Committee and videographer for the Tribe’s cable TV show to accompany her as a witness and to videotape the conditions of the office and its files for her legal protection.

When Cromwell got wind of the taping, Cromwell accosted Mills, with
Yvonne as a witness, and in a threatening manner told Mills that he
was “no longer on the committee.”  Mills left the property to protect
the tape and privately owned video equipment.  Subsequently, Aaron
Tobey demanded of Mills the “return” of the privately owned tape.  The
tape is still available as evidence.

Well, I think many of you know the story from there — mass firings
and hiring of incompetents who supported the junta, adding of very
questionable “members” who could never pass muster with their
applications, the harassing of council members who were not o    n board
with the junta, ad nauseum.  They stole the Elder’s van and money.
They bought a worthless piece of junk in the form of a “bobcat” from
Winnie, 16, for what purpose I’ll never know.

Cedric Cromwell has no respect for tradition — banging on a drum and
singing “hyahyahyayah” does not make you Mashpee.  Wearing a clown hat
and saying a few words in our old language does not make you Mashpee,
not when you cuss out elder women and refer to a female Tribe member
as a “motherfucking bitch.”  Excuse my français.  Cedric needs to
spend some time sitting down listening and less standing up talking.

I hope I haven’t confused anyone with all the numbers and such, but I
can’t imagine being able to follow this tale of woe without a
scorecard.  You all need to realize how really serious this problem
is.  These people have got to go.

That’s Gratitude For Ya…

Not only are the members of the current ruling party of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe corrupt, they are also terrible liars.  “Integrity and justice” indeed.

I want to get right to the most dastardly of their lies, the idea that the Fisherman’s fund benefited Glenn Marshall, Shawn Hendricks, and Desiree Hendricks, plus “certain tribe members.”  Well let’s get right to the Tribe members that benefited from Mr. Marshall’s largesse, and Heaven help me, I am going to name names.

Sherry Pocknett (see Sherry with Cedric left)
Sherry is one who took aid from the Fishermen’s Fund and turned around and stabbed Glenn in the back.  Sherry, a single mother was seen many times “climbing the stairs” at the old Tribal building with requests for help, as did many others.  Glenn was more than happy to help out with mortgage payments, utilities, tuition, and the like.  In fact, Sherry’s son, Jamaal Branch, would not have been able to graduate from Colgate University without the help of Glenn Marshall and the Fishermen’s Fund.  Jamaal was a star running back at Colgate U, and later became a practice team member for the New Orleans Saints.  Though he never made the regular lineup because of the Saint’s depth, he did make a touchdown in regular season play.  That’s gotta be worth something.  That’s gratitude for ya.  Oh, and Sherry, you will never have a restaurant in the non-existent casino.  The Malaysians will see to that.

Yvonne Frye Avant. (right)
Yvonne seems to have forgotten that Glenn Marshall created a job for her in the Tribal administration, a job which she still holds.  Her husband, Elliot Avant, has also profited from the Tribe through no-bid work.  Oh, and Yvonne is a council member, and was so during Glenn Marshall’s administration.  She was reportedly on of those drinking champagne toasts and doing high fives when Glenn resigned.  That’s gratitude for ya.

Cheryl Frye Cromwell (see Cheryl and Cedric left.)
Yes, this is Mrs. Cedric Cromwell, another who has gone to the Glenn Marshall well many times.  Glenn did many good deeds for her.  That’s gratitude for ya.




Amelia Bingham.
Whaaaat?  Yup, Mrs. Bingham “climbed the stairs” at least once, when
she demanded an irrational amount of money for worthless and
inaccurate information that was requested for purposes of Tribal
recognition.  Of course, Glenn, being a softie, caved and gave her
money.  Tribe members, you ate that one. Oh, and she later sued the
Tribe and the Officers.  That’s gratitude for ya.

You see, the reason that Inspector Clueless, AKA Aaron Tobey does not want to reveal the names of the people who took money from Glenn is because it would reveal the names of many of the supporters of he current corrupt bunch of liars.

Okay, that’s a few.  There will be others coming.  Just hope that YOU are not on the list.

Dig This…

Oh, my dear Paula, you have elevated smarminess to an art form.  We all sorely miss Alice Lopez, but don’t you feel just a little bit ghoulish, digging up her recently departed soul to use as a screen to project your thoughts on?  And confusing thoughts at that.

Can it be that you are feeling some regret for your role in the stolen election of 2009?  Or maybe you realize that Cedric is not the messiah that you made him out to be.  Paula, you need to show a little courage in this.  You can tell the truth and they won’t hurt you.  Besides, what have they done for YOU lately?

Being nice to each other and getting along are such lofty goals when we are being raped and pillaged by our own tribal government.  I am sorry if this hits close to home, but truth can be uncomfortable at times.

To 40B or not to 40B

The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe has long recognized the need for affordable housing within the town of Mashpee.  Affordable housing is one of the ways to preserve a cohesive community and prevent the diaspora that will surely result from the artificially inflated sale prices and rents of even the most modest of houses in Mashpee.  This is, after all, our homeland.

We do, as a tribe, have access to HUD programs for Indian Tribes, and we are fortunate in being gifted with land on which to build housing.  To readily take advantage of our situation, that land should be in trust by the federal government.  It is not. I lay the blame at the feet of the Cromwell administration, who were so busy lashing out at their enemies and consolidating their power that the Carcieri case was decided right under their noses—and they hardly uttered a peep, until it was too late.  They could have submitted an amicus brief, and delayed the decision.  So what do they do?  40B.  Yup.

MGL Chapter 40B, sections 20-23 provide for affordable housing in the Commonwealth in municipalities with less than 10% affordable housing by allowing developers to bypass local zoning ordinances under certain guidelines.  40B developments often cause lawsuits and trepidation among the citizens of a town.  Not that an Indian housing development wouldn’t do the same, but at least we would have had the benefit of federal protection.

Of course, the 40B could become a reality, at which point then we will have to deal with a real problem: who controls the process of accepting or rejecting applications.  I certainly hope that the present council has no part of it.  If so, I could write out a list of who will live there.  You know what I’m talking about.  The only way to prevent that is to have a strict list of eligibility, in sequence:

1.  Elders currently living in Mashpee
2.  Elders who formerly lived in Mashpee, but left for various reasons.
3.  Needy families who currently live in Mashpee.
4.  Others.

The lowest level of tenant should be descendants of those who left and never attempted to return.  This program should not be a means for the council to buy votes.

Inspector Clueless rides again!

Aaron Tobey, AKA Inspector Clueless, has finished his investigation.
Forgive me while I laugh.  Inspector Clueless, a member of the present
illegitimate tribal council, has finished his illegitimate
“investigation” into the previous administration, whereby he concluded
that the illegitimate “elders council” should file charges against the
three members the previous administration that he, and the other
members of this corrupt and lawless regime, would like to punish.  Of
course the whole thing is probably unconstitutional as well as a
demonstration of a vindictive spirit within the tribal council.

It should be pretty clear to any but the most ignorant observer that
Cromwell, Tobey, and all their thralls and sycophants are guilty of
the most horrendous crimes against democracy and simple common
decency.  They are guilty of what could be charitably called
“irregularities” in the 2009 and subsequent elections, and corruption
in their daily activities.  They have used the platform of our beloved
tribe to enrich themselves, crush dissent, and buy the votes of
ignorant and questionable “members” of the Tribe.

This feckless and incompetent junta has systematically destroyed any
good will and friendship that we may have had.  They have stiffed all
or our most important vendors and consultants.  They have cheated,
lied, and stolen wherever they could, and yet, they have the
unmitigated gall to pursue Glenn Marshall, Desiree Hendricks, and
Shawn Hendricks.  They are doing this through judge Henry Sockbeson, a
close personal friend of council member and treasurer Mark Harding.
It’s funny how he took a year and half to consider David Pocknett’s
complaint, yet this one gets on the docket right away.  I get the idea
that they want to persecute Glenn Marshall in absentia.

There may be many violations of constitutional and tribal law
involved, including, but not limited to: bill of attainder, ex post
facto, ex parte communications, and so on.  We must put an end to
these crimes now, by whatever means necessary.

More coming…

Paula, Stevie, and cousin Amelia, is this what you wanted?

More coming…

They say there’s good news at today’s meeting…..



Roe says, " Minnie Ah Hah has the plan."

So……………..they’re all resigning?

Herrin' says, " We gotta get them outta there."