Thanks Governor

How about taking us to the Harvard Club Ced?

Herrin’: “Well I called my reservation in.”

Roe: ” What a you mean.?’

Herrin’:” For the the big  clambake.  You know,  Cedric’s trying to impress the governor.”

Roe: “Yah. That boy ain’t too swift. I heard the governor called him out sayin’ ‘Word on the street is you’re about as popular as a rabid three legged dog.’ Course Ceddie said it ain’t so and said he was throwing this clambake  in his honor so the whole tribe could come to thank him.”

Herrin’: “Thank him, are you kidding me….thank him for what? The worst Compact in Indian Country? Are we talking about the same “Crappy Compact? Giving the state 21% of the money from the phantom casino, that interferes with our aboriginal rights? We’re supposed to be thanking him for setting us back a century?”

Roe: “Yah…I know it.  Everyone’s thinking the same thing. ”

Herrin’: “Well I reserved 10 bakes and I made 5 calls .  I disguised my voice.  I got you and Minnie bakes and then I was on a roll until I said Glenn Marshall  and Nancy Grant said ” Glenn Marshall ?” And Joanne grabbed the phone, and she started talking up a storm. “Oh Glenn how you been? Are you really coming?  You know they’re scared to death of you.  Who knows what they’ll do . ” I started laughin’ and  she said, “Herrin’ damn it all, I know that’s you.”

Roe: ” Well I heard the things so outta control they are trying to dictate who comes, no girlfriends and on and on. Cedric added so many illegals to the rolls they don’t know who’s a member and who not.  None of them look like Mashpee, cause they not.  And they’re tellin’ people they can’t get their food to go . Who’s goig to stop ’em…Elzy?”

Herrin’: “Well it ain’t like anyone wants to hang around and make small talk with either one of  ’em for God sakes. ”

Roe: ” I know it.  “Hey Deval….great to see ya.  Got anymore rotten deals for us?” Or how about, “Jesus Cedric heard you were rushed to the hospital again last week. Is it worth it bro? Ya wanna be with the ancestor that bad? Oh, I forgot,you don’t even know ’em.”

Herrin’: ” Some people actually think they’ll be able to smooze with the governor.”

Roe: ” Chester Soliz comes to mind. He’s an author just like Deval.  He could come right on down and discuss his book…or the rewrite of his book. Some people say what they’ve seen is very entertaining.”

Herrin’: “He’s gonna do all that at a clam bake?”

Roe: ” Uncle Stacey said keep the clambake…give him the money.”

Herrin’: ”  Well the Elders are supposed to be the host of this plus some of the game committee to make Cedric and Aaron  look like they have the support of  real tribal members . Cedric can’t get anyone to come to any of his events.    But Elders knew nothing of the event, or their $4,000 contribution. It’s really Joanne and the bomber jacket elders who are run by Aaron.”

Herrin’: “Well as Aunt Dart says, It takes more than a lobster to buy me.  I can get a lobster anytime.”

Roe: ” Yah, and they’re on sale…… cheaper than prime rib I betcha.

Reel Wamps said it and so did Harvard..our Government’s the worst

Confirming the obvious

The Harvard  report is an assessment of tribal governance and their report on the Mashpee Wampanoag tribal government reconfirmed the majority of criticisms  by Reel Wamps. You may want to read it again ( April 21) if you need to refresh the horror story by outside experts.

Tribal members seem to have given up on expecting a properly run government so we’ll just give you the latest example of their disregard for serving the members.

Leslie Jonas did not take the Housing Director job.   Scared probably.  She certainly is not qualified and she can’t explain or fix the many problems in Housing… HUD is not a kind master.  Mark Harding knows this too. Strange loans and appropriations  to people in high places etc., etc., So who do they pick to be the 5th Interim Housing Director? Patricia Keliinui.Wow. Phew…..

Here’s the clincher.  The tribe lost the $275,000 Native Scholars grant because sources say Renee Pocknett didn’t fill out the paper work to renew the vital program.  You may recall that the Harvard report said the tribal education program was really screwed up with a lot of big salaries and no help for our kids.  Nothing. Three dysfunctional committees that have no authority to do anything…just like Housing.

There’s more revelations you won’t believe…but we don’t want to ruin your week end.

Bottom Feeders at the top

All that wampum don’t make you Mashpee

The Tobey Frye Cromwells have more than they ever dreamed.  So happy.  So much money. Hundreds of thousands  a year to their families.

How you doing?  Can you pay your bills?  How’s your family doing?

Winters just a few months away.

The very worst

Tribal members missing from Compact event

If you look at this picture.  There are less than 5  Mashpee at the signing of the compact.  Hardly anyone beyond the Council members and the few they promised a free lunch or an audience with the Governor.  The governor had a lot of pens out there and no signers.

Course if you read the Taunton Dailey  Gazette, you learned that  not only does the Chairman of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission expect the (Crappy) Compact to be rejected by the BIA, he expects it to be fixed just as quick.  You may ask why in the hell wasn’t it done correctly in the first place. Remember who you’re dealing with.

Course there’s all the law suits against us that complicate  our status including the suit by KG and others. The suits promised an extended delay for the entire state.  Right.

Bigger problem according to the Massachusetts Gaming Commission Chairman is the unfulfilled Land in Trust application.  Yes.  The LIT. Just completely screwed up.

Let’s move on to the really awful part of the deal for Cedric and the gang. The vetting. Ya, the state review of then tribal  books.  Also the vetting of Genting. …Wooohooo and Genting has to pay for it ( $4000K ) Finally tribal members will see what Cedric, Aaron, Markie, Yvonne, Trish, Cheryl and the Cromwell crew did with at least $30 million.

The  Gaming Commission Chairman said the fee should allow the state to thoroughly  investigate money laundering.

You mean the way they investigated their Executive Director Stan McGee.  Enlightening.  We just want someone to tell us what the hell happened to all that damned money.

More lawsuits to follow.

Hoka Cedric.


Don’t rest on ceremony !

Yet another news story talking about all the ceremony and  enormous hurdles Deval Patrick is supposed to just wipe away.  Like the President wants to waive the laws for us,  leaving  a bunch of other Tribes (who have completed their LIT paperwork properly) still waiting.  That’s a great plan during an election year.  A great one with all the baggage connected to Cedric and Genting. But campaign contributions could be more problematic than helpful.

Never mind that there’s nothing in the deal for the tribal members.  Nothing.

Oh, Cedric has a new sidekick.  The right venerable Bob Maxim. Post master.  Former selectman (ahem, uurrrrrrr).  He was just a grinnin’ too. He carries a lot a weight among the tribal members don’t he? They  really had a hard time trying to round up tribal members to support the worst compact in modern times.

Anyway here’s another news story that looks beyond ceremony and  all Cedric’s pitiful missteps and propaganda.

The Bodacious First Lady


Governor Deval Patrick was smiling up at Cedric surrounded by his loyal Council drones, when the photographer snapped the picture.  It was a historic moment.  A moment to be treasured by the few in the room.  The moment when the Mashpee Wampanoag agreed to what is now known as the worst compact between a Native American tribe and a government in the United States.   “Onerous” is what the Indian gaming expert called it  in the Boston Globe article…because it’s so awful.

But that’s old news.  No matter how bad the experts say it is …Cedric (with his long Genting money) and his new friend….. just keep grinning.

"The Bodacious First Lady" is in short supply at Payless

Anyway there was a major distraction at the historic event. Once again, “TFL” Cheryl Frye Cromwell and her renowned sense of style, stole the show with those bodacious white Payless shoes. It took the Governor’s breath away….or maybe he was gasping……like everyone else.

It’s all a matter of taste don’tcha know.


Confirmation that it’s a “Crappy Compact”

Onerous Compact in many ways

Yesterday, the Boston Globe confirmed that the treaty between the Commonwealth and Cedric Tobey Cromwell is  ” onerous” in terms of it’s impact on the tribe.  The question is who would negotiate something so unfair to us and so beneficial to the state? Bottom line is that it is unacceptable to the BIA because the Federal laws are put in place to protect tribes from greedy investors who take advantage of Native people.  In this case we’re being enslaved by our Phoney Government.

Mashpee Wampanoag tribal compact may be too generous to the state,risking federal rejection – The Boston Globe

Date:     Jul 29, 2012        

The state’s lucrative casino compact with the Mashpee Wampanoag, ratified last week by the Legislature, will now undergo a critical 45-day federal review amid signs that the state’s large take of tribal gambling profits could lead to the deal’s rejection, according to a Globe review of past compacts. “I would say there’s a fair chance it would not be approved because the terms are way too onerous,” said Oklahoma lawyer Gary S. Pitchlynncq, a specialist in tribal gambling law.

It’s so bad, it is obvious something else is a foot. Some other agenda in play.


Building a Crowd for the “Crappy Compact” ….Fryebal Council to the rescue

The Saturday meeting on the Crappy Compact was not only poorly attended but poorly defended.  There were only 4 Council members there, because the others clearly were afraid of another meltdown. There were about 15  very pale NuBees and 10 real tribal members there. Among them were a few fisherman who stormed out.  Course there was a member of the Natural Resources committee who was with the fishermen last week, and as predicted,  he flipped to the Crappy side with comments like, ” It’s not so bad.”

Hopefully the shakedown was worth it cause the flip flopper is well known to all and will never get a big piece of the pie cause he’s a cheap date.

The Crappy Compact defies federal law.   So why would anyone working for us negotiate something that ATTEMPTS to undercut our right to hunt and fish anywhere in the country. The incompetence of these people is amazing.

On to tomorrows signing of the Crappy Compact. The Cromwellians  had Joanne trying to round up Mashpeeians to get on the bus  to

Killing our heritage

Boston for photographs with Cedric and the Governor. They said “no” to Joanne  as usual.  No one wants to be tagged as a sell out on the Crappy Compact. The .50 Indians  ( we all know who they are) waffle and will get on the bus for the box lunch you understand. The Council  will be forced to transport the Fryebal council staff after giving them another day off with pay, because tribal members want no part of the mess.

Many Elders remember that at Thanksgiving the Boston political powers would round up our  people and put them on floats for the Thanksgiving parade. Well with the ’70’s land suit and a host of other revelations like …….since Thanksgiving and the King Phillips War, we  have had  a really hard time just surviving ….we obviously stopped playing Indian for the people that only wanted to see us at Thanksgiving.

But now we’re in the same situation. People who have no connection to us, negotiating for us, like they’re Mashpee Wampanaoag. They are imposters that are loved by people who don’t like us.   Patrick is no different. He has never met with the Traditionalist of the tribe.  He continues to collaborate with Mr. Dorchester.

Mashpee, you need to remember that Metacomet was undermined by his own people. That would be us.

Conflicted or How to avoid another “Go Mashpee” on ya

Robert Mills in his role as the tribal judge wrote Nellie and said he had to recuse  himself   ( “Excuse oneself from a case because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality) You may remember that Reel Wamps outlined all those conflicts on June 23 . Nellie’s case alleges elections fraud and the fact that Council member and “Do Girl” Patrica Keliinui , as  the 2009 elections chair, failed to properly resolve the dispute with an Elders Council tribunal as outlined in tribal law.  And of course we know that the infamous sign in sheets loaded with illegal voters, that brought the crew into power, is missing. Curious. Robert said ” I cannot compel the Council to produce the documents.”

There you have it.

But  here’s the big news, actually it was predicted by Patty Oakley.  Robert has handed the explosive case  off the our man Henry Sockbasen.  He’s the chief judge of the tribal court of no authority.  Must   be great to collect a check for years to hand down opinions that don’t amount to seagull poop.

Stay tuned people much more coming on this little diddy.

Misfeasance, Malfeasance, Nonfeasance


Now we come to the truly unbelievable stuff.  If and when the Genting signs over $202m  in refinancing (at 17%), it falls into the sticky hands of  Misfeasance, Malfeasance and Nonfeasance. That would be Yvonne Frye Avant, Cedric Tobey Cromwell, and Mark Harding under the auspices of the “Tribal Gaming Commission” allowing them to dispose of it as they see fit. Any of the three can sign checks independent of the other. Imagine them having access to that kind of money.

Can you spare us a few million?


Being the good pimps that they are….you can’t even hope for a few dollars here and there.  Besides, Genting is the Supreme pimp that keeps  them in line.

So if you’re holding out hope of getting a few dollars …..remember this….you ain’t seen a dime yet have ya? Alright  then.