Unless you’re a Tobey or a Frye, you need not apply

The deterioration of ethics in hiring and the blatant nepotism is just rampant because the administration has abandoned its most basic obligation, and that’s to provide service to the tribal members. No other government is run as poorly as ours. And its inflicted upon us by Cedric, Aaron and Yvonne’s peeps who don’t have a degree between them. That was pointed out in the Harvard assessment that said our government was atrocious.

The Cromwell administration has blamed Reel Wamps for the disastrous outcomes they have brought upon us. Reel Wamps told the truth about what was actually going on and spared no one. Otherwise the misleading Mittark propaganda written by a flak from Boston, would have been the tribes only resource. The core members of the tribe don’t even open it anymore. It’s that serious.

It is so sad that during this critical phase of our growth as a nation, the administration has mismanaged every single program with the acceptation of EPA and Indian Health Services. The Mashpee Wampanoag have suffered for nearly 4 years as a result.

Cedric Cromwell,Aaron Tobey, and Mark Harding have provided us with a trifecta of failure.They have humiliated us with their incompetence and ruined our good name.

If you're not a Tobey or a Frye you need not apply !

This administration continues to lie to members about the Community Building and the hiring practices. Bobby Our is still bumbling around clearing the land around the our original council building. The destruction of the building is another very bad move. It holds a historic place in our ascension to federal recognition and it’s being torn down….just like us. It’s all part of Mark Harding’s plan, which has never been in our best interest.

Back to hiring. The only tribal members working for Our other than Mark Harding (who is keeping the unions out) is PJ Fermino ( Cheryl Frye Cromwell’s son) and Darryl Frye (Cheryl’s brother). The people who keep coming to the site hoping to get work, are told to come back in two weeks or ten days. After a while they stop. Since they react to everything we write….maybe they’ll actually let David Weeden hire someone. Our people need the work. While you’re at it, open the damned Pantry. DO SOMETHING instead of vote buying and fixing tickets.

That’s the dumbest thing you can do. The old Mashpee trick is to take the money and still vote against ya. Are you listening Aaron? “The Great Negotiator” is what they call him in Boston, as they laugh themselves sick.

The latest hiring scam is the notice advertising for an Executive Administrative Assistant for the Mashpee Wampanoag Gaming Commission in Taunton (wink wink). The job requires ” superior administrative support” sure . That job is already been promised to a Tobey.

The Tobey’s and Fryes are so dominant in the Tribal government, it’s easier to count the few who are not. 5 Hicks, 1 Green, 3 Hendricks, 1 Pocknett, 1 Peters. The Tobey Fryebal Council totals 20. Who would bet against those odds? We’re in a loosing proposition.

A disservice and a disgrace

Washburn is serious about protecting tribes

The newly appointed Assistant Secretary of Interior Kevin Washburn was clearly disgusted with our compact.  Washburn was really angry and certainly told the world precisely why it was the worst deal in the country.  Unacceptable.   Washburn, who’s a Chickasaw,  graduated from Yale law school and apparently takes his role as the head of Indian Affairs very seriously. He was also a law professor and a law school dean. He seemed insulted that it was submitted, and that Governor Deval Patrick had the nerve to ask that it be accepted.   The condemnation of the compact was crystal clear. Here are the two areas that everyone knew would kill the deal.

What Washburn said about the  21.5%

While we have approved varying revenue sharing schemes in exchange for tangible benefits to tribes for over 20 years, the revenue-sharing provisions in this compact go ­beyond those permitted by the department or federal law.

Going too far with Aboriginal Rights

Congress expressly sought to prevent states from using gaming compacts to leverage power over sovereign tribes about matters unrelated to gaming.

The rejection letter went on to say that Duval Patrick’s endorsement of the tribes land in trust application for Taunon essentially meant nothing and was far from justification for 21.5% of the tribes casino revenues.

So much for Deval Patrick’s influence with his friend, the President and the President’s agency, that would be the Department of Interior

You can imagine what those people think of us.  It’s incredible that the so called Vice Chairman Aaron Tobey was in on the scam and literally threw the tribe under the bus. It  does not speak well of the Cromwell – Tobey administration.  Of course Cedric’s excuse was that they knew it would be rejected. Who would say that?  It’s just another example of  gross incompetence.

Worst of all the Elders can’t escape the bullying by the Bomber Jacket Elders who took over their  Saturday meeting.

Aaron Tobey was leading the chaotic loud talking mess.  All to try to explain the sellout job.
Renegotiate….there’s still no land in trust. What’s to negotiate ? Bet that land in trust application is a barrel of laughs. Watch for it on Dave Letterman. The Top Ten reasons the Mashpee Wampanoag are such a joke.

The Bureau said ” Hell No “

The Bureau of Indian Affairs rejected the Compact.  No surprise  there.  Poor poor Ceddie another Pepto Bismol  and Tums combo meal for real ! On to Plymouth eh Ceddie?

Daily combo meals of Tums & Pepto Bismol

Sources  close  to the BIA regional office say the Tribe’s application for land into trust is just as incomplete today as it was  when Cedric submitted  it in April.  No Environmental Impact Statement, no ancient ties  or any of the detailed information for the Taunton casino. Of course we all know that the signing of the compact was a PR stunt designed to make the Administration appear to be making significant progress when in fact Cedric Cromwell had botched the effort from the start: late to the game, bad property choice, no link to the tribe, property liens, everything was wrong. We have been saying this for a long long time.

Of course we were reminded of the Crappy Compact by Native columnist Harold Manteau.  Manteau’s column was scathing and  loaded with detail concerning the Crappy Compact and its impact on us and the rest of Indian Country. Clearly Aaron Tobey did not think about either as he pontificated and accepted conditions that set us back a century or more….Here’s the link if you want to read it.  It’s so long,  and so throughout,  you have to read it several times to absorb it all.

Where's my Tums & Pepto Bismol?


Cedric had one of those expensive lawyers write a response on behave of the tribe ….Ahem.  It was lame.  It essentially said we were a “landless tribe” ( no kidding ) and so the state was doing us a big favor by giving us this special set aside ( that’s about to be declared illegal by the court).  Well if the state were doing us such a favor, why do we have to have “LIT”  to get the casino?  It’s all impossible followed by absurd criteria.  Also, why can’t Cedric get us in compliance?  Right…ain’t happening.

But the most outrageous excuse for the CC was his claim that the casino was our only way to become self sufficient.  Really? I mean really, when tribal members don’t make a dime?  Now Cedric and the rest of them made a bundle.

Read it for yourself


And the door is closing ….sources say Cedric’s already searching for new land elsewhere…in a place with a great  big rock. We know.  It’s too much.

BBO baby.

Incompetence is a dangerous thing.

The Story of the Waiver Scandal

All the talk about the tribal members submitting their  construction resumes to work on the so called community building is funny but  read further and you’ll see how bad things really are.

The so called general contractor Bobby Our will have one Council officer (guess who), and the spouses of Council members as sub contractors. No word on tribal member participation on the $12 m project.

Waiver me on

They are: Mark Harding, Treasurer , Laura Tobey Miranda’s husband is a sub, and of course the insatiable Yvonne Frye Avant made sure her husband Elliot is at  the head on the line at the tribal ATM.

They gave themselves waivers.  Waivers.  It’s idiotic to think that the USDA is going to ignore the blatant violation of the law because they are justifying their greedy, illegal behavior with a waiver.Numbskulls.

I can't help myself

This building has been on hold for almost a year while Cedric continues his jibber jabber about ” draw downs” from what account, by whom? Markie ? How are you paying USDA back?  Oh still no check?

David Weeden keeps telling people to bring him their “resumes.”  You don’t think they’re going to really employ real tribal members do you.  Heaven forbid. No wonder the BIA shows up unannounced.

Anyone for a waiver?

Oh David, the permits are about to expire……again.  Ain’t you had enough boy?


BIA wants the Background Checks. Sockbason blasted,

Gimme the Background Checks !

A college education does not guarantee intelligence.  How do we know? When the BIA folks were doing their evaluation of the tribal government last week, one of the first things they did was to ask for the background checks on tribal employees. They were particularly interested in ICWA and Housing.  Guess who immediately started lying to the woman asking for the background checks? Yvonne Frye Avant.  That was after her sister Joanne Frye, Office Manager engaged in a lot of mumbling, so  Yvonne said the background checks were confidential and they  could not give them to her.  Now this is an authorized  employee of the Department of Interior  sent to investigate our messy, horror story of a government.

Well the BIA lady said, ” You will give them to me.” How about Joanne had to admit, she never did them at all.  On anyone.Wow 31/2 years of violations.

You can bet that triggered an immediate call to Frank Keel in Nashville.   You can imagine what that will turn up.  If they had done background checks, they would not have hired Ronda Hughes, Aaron’s love.  Hughes headed ICWA,  with a drug conviction. Certification, and license does not allow you to work around kids when you have a drug conviction.  The Feds don’t allow that. The failure to do  background checks is  extremely serious.

Order in the Court !

On to more suspicious activity.  It seems the Judiciary Committee has suddenly fallen out with their chief (and only judge) Henry Sockbason. Seems Henry spends whatever he wants from judicial coffers, whenever he wants with no oversight.  He has an affinity for the Peacemaker Court money.  The Peacemaker Court would be much more helpful to tribal members as opposed to the Court of No Resort or the Phoney Tribal Court.. All of a sudden, after the BIA was observing the court, the committee took their complaint  to the Tribal Council about the Sockbason overreach and his refusal to let the committee know what’s going on.  After 31/2 years, the committee decided to demand oversight. Well….Aaron put a stop to that.  He said he would handle it.

Course Aaron needs a civics course and should read the Constitution. Then he would understand that he is not supposed to interfere or try to influence the the tribal court, irrelevant as it is.  It violates separation of powers.  Who follows the rules? It’s a little late to cry fowl now that everyone knows the court is without any authority. The brochures about the court are absurd.  Not only are they poorly made, they perpetuate they misinformation about what the court can do.  Handle Civil cases? Are you kidding? It can’t compel anyone to do anything.  Again the Peacemaker court would be more effective, with tribal members resolving their own problems.  Of course with the judge drawing down on the funds….who knows…

Let’s go back to the pressing question….Where’s Aaron’s background check?


Madness on steroids

Let’s get this straight.  We have a tribal court without legal authority that has mislead tribal members concerning that authority for 3 years.  You have Tribal officers that use the court to harass tribal members, threatening and engaging in legal action and procedures that amount to absolutely nothing.

A Peace Maker Court would better serve the tribe

Two things are constant. The tribal judge gets a big check and the attorneys checks quadruple the judge’s.  The most outrageous abuse is that the judge tells tribal members they have access to ” pro bono ” attorneys to defend them against the big White firms working for the Council.  Sort of like public defenders don’t you know. Great.

As you know…..all the briefs and letters from Sockbasen and the attorneys ( that we have paid millions to) are proof that they are violating their oaths as ” officers of the court” because they are engaging in the worst kind of fraud. ….at the direction of the Council officers. They know it.  And all the letters of explanation about why they did this and that, does not erase the fact that they have violated that oath.

The Constitution set up a Peace Maker Court that would allow our own people to work out problems. Mediation if you will. All that money wasted on the phoney legal system would be put to better use if given to tribal members instead of  law firms milking us dry.

Our people are hurting.  And look at this madness.

Hopefully the BIA is paying attention to this gross exploitation.  Maybe they can find the damned 2009 election sign-in sheets that is if they still exist.

Gut Blow


That Federal status hearing  today ain’t gonna be pretty.  Watch and see.

Yo Henry…You’re a little late aren’t ya?

Here’s the letter Nellie sent to the tribal court about three weeks ago.  Like everyone else….she’s figured it out.


Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Court

Marita Scott, Clerk

483 Great Neck Road South

P.O. Box 480

Mashpee, Ma. 02649


August 14, 2012

Dear Ms. Scott,


I will not  attend the upcoming hearing scheduled in the Tribal Court regarding my Election Complaint. Tribal Court Judge Robert Mills confirmed that he “could not compel the Tribal Council or the 2009 Election Chair Patricia Keliinui to produce the documents” requested in the complaint.  So It does not make much sense to seek resolution in a court that cannot help me get to the bottom of this mess.

Also in light of the recent ruling of the US District Court in Alaska; Koniag, Inc again Alaskan Corporation & Michael P. O’Connenel, Plaintiff, V Kurt Karian individually as tribal attorney for the Native of Karluk Tribal Court Judge for Karluk Tribal Court….etc , is identical to our situation because the Alaskan tribe does not have land in trust either.  Of course the Federal Court ruled against the tribe saying the tribal court did not have the authority to do anything.

I have requested materials that should be a matter of public record to all tribal members and have been denied. I therefore have no alternative but to seek relief in the Federal court on the matter.



Nellie Hicks Ramos

P.O. Box 118

Mashpee, Ma. 02649

So Nellie gets this long letter from Judge Henry Sockbasen basically calling her a liar. He  threw the case out…and you want to say ” Where’d he throw it ?”  He keeps ” holding court” and nobody shows up, but the tribal attorneys who get paid enough to feed a tribal family for years.

He said Nellie never wrote the letter to Patricia Keliinui on February 9, 2009 challenging the election.  Well Patricia Keliinui knows what happened and so does Mark Tillden and about 5 other witnesses…because they verbally denied Nellie’s request. That’s the problem.

Nellie and Patty Oakley heard Robert Mills say he can’t make the Council do anything ( no land in trust ).  And why would Mills walk away from the case beyond the fact that the issue can’t be resolved and the court has no authority to resolve it.

And lastly, the voter sign in sheets seem to be missing and just can’t be produced.

No matter. There is video of  people who were not on the roll standing in line to vote…..and lots of affidavits  and testimony  for a real court.

Besides if  the court were legit why aren’t Indian Child Welfare cases resolved in our Tribal Court?That’s how other tribes handle it.

Why isn’t anything resolved in our court ? And why do the lawyers keep billing knowing full well the court has no legal authority. That is problematic also.for the lawyers.


Tah Tah on the war path sending up Smoke Signals

The payment of a $1,097 invoice from Smoke Signals  (an alleged media consulting firm owned by Paula Peters)  caught the attention of Marie Tah Tah Stone.  Why?  Two reasons.  First, it was for services rendered to Cedric’s attorney  Howard Cooper who bills the tribe for hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.  And second, Paula’s man, that would be Treasurer Mark Harding, instructed Marge to make the check out to his company Wamp Worx instead.

Marie ain't happy with the Treasurer's creative book keeping

Well Marie being Marie did her Tah Tah dance and raised hell with Howard Cooper who refused to answer her questions about conflict of interest when invoices are funneled through his law firm that come from the family members of the council. Worst of all Harding wanted to have the check made out to his company.

Marie was last seen in her new office at the corner table in Dino’s…sun glasses on, laptop open, drink in hand working out her next challenge.  Who knows how many times they’ve billed and for how much ? How’s that legal?

And isn’t that a violation of the council rules that set up to prevent conflict and the abuse of power by the council?

Stop laughing.