There goes the neighborhood

The changes to the Tribal Election Ordinance are particularly bad because they do three things:

  • Further disenfranchise true Mashpee Wampanoag from the voting process
  • Prevent true Mashpee Wampanoag from challenging election irregularities,
  • Removes all of our traditional methods of resolving disputes in an impartial forum, like an Elders Tribunal.

Allowing people to register to vote by mail will destroy the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.  We have a disreputable group of officers at the helm who want more outsiders to join them in taking over the Tribe.  The core of the Tribe has fought this for a long time.  It’s ironic that those families who fought for Recognition are watching the Tribe disintegrate at the hands of outsiders. But this happens in many Tribes.

  • SELECT IVE  VOTER PARTICIPATION  Voter registration by mail allows people who have never had anything to do with us participate in our election and essentially take over what’s left of the government. Of course these people tend to support the very unpopular Tobey Cromwell Frye group because they were brought on by them for this purpose. They’re only helpful if they show up.  IT’S VOTER SUPPRESSION  BECAUSE IT WORKS  FOR ONE GROUP AND AGAINST ANOTHER.  IT’S THE SAME STRATEGY THE REPUBLICANS USED DURING THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN IN STATES ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. 
  • THERE IS NO NEUTRAL GROUP TO OVERSEE THE PROCESS. ABSOLUTELY NO CHECKS AND BALANCES. IT INVITES VOTER FRAUD.  No government has the people who stand to benefit in charge of who participates and who does not. We already had extraordinary problems in 2009, that brought this group to power. IT’S ANOTHER  VOTER  SUPPRESSION MOVE OUT OF THE REPUBLICAN PLAY BOOK.
  • THE APPELLATE PROCESS  IS RIGGED AGAINST ANYONE WHO  CHALLENGES  VOTERS AND ELECTION IRREGULARITIES BEFORE AND AFTER THE ELECTION.  Who the hell thinks the Elections Committee Chair, Kimmie Frye (Cedric’s sister- in-law) and Elzy Tubbs (Mr. Probation Scandal) will give them a fair hearing? Right.  It’s so outrageous it’s comical. Even Paula Peters got off the committee because she was so embarrassed, and Patricia Keliinui took off after she allowed the 2009 election debacle meltdown. We’re still looking for the sign in sheets.

THE  COUNCIL’S TRIBAL COURT  WILL SETTLE ANY QUESTION OF ELECTION IRREGULARITIES. Okay, this is a so called tribal judiciary that has no Rules of Procedure.  A court that has no judicial merit or authority to enforce any rulings.  But it has made all those lawyers filing nonsensical petitions against tribal members filthy rich. Who believes they will get a fair shake in the Tribal Court?  How do you enforce it? IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE A FAIR HEARING.  ASK DAVID POCKNETT.  SOCKBASEN RULED AGAINST HIM 15 MONTHS AFTER THE ELECTION HE WAS TRYING TO QUALIFY FOR.  So much for going through our government process and the great Tribal Court.


Solid Republican roots

Folks, its like this.  Mark Tilden has a lot riding on this administration.  He went into private practice when they came to power. He has easily made over a $500K changing our ordinances.  It’s not like he has a lot of clients since he left NARF. These changes to the election law is an attempt to clean up Patricia Keliinui’s disaster in 2009, but also  would keep this regime in power so he keeps getting paid.  Tilden is an Arizona Navajo.  He is a Republican, like many of his people there.  He believes in the Republican way of suppressing votes.  He did a masterful job of using convoluted jargon to confuse people.  All amendment processes provide summaries that explain the changes in a way people understand. Not so here.  But the level of desperation is pretty high. And the attempt to cut the heart out of the tribe is most apparent.

Election Suppression

Bunch of  problems with these Election Ordinance changes  That’s why Cedric Tobey Cromwell never looked up during the Sunday Meeting. He knew Mark Tilden…the Navajo predator, had him covered. Tilden is the only Indian lawyer of the 12 on the payroll who  is  willing to work against tribal members to get paid. That’s his job exclusively.  Squiring Kimmie Frye around.  Chuckle.

All the Amendments to the Election Ordinances protect the current officials. They would never pass a public vote  before any tribe in any forum in the United States, and Mark Tilden knows it.

  1. Amendment to Section 2:   Allows 1,000 new people to register by mail. 


Voter Fraud is inevitable because WE HAVE NO INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT OF DISPUTES LIKE MOST GOVERNMENTS. Instead you are referred to the Elections Committee that is run by Cedric’s sister- in -law, Kimmie Frye and a bunch of  Tobeys and Elzy Tubbs ( Probation Scandal) no less.

(b) Amendment to Section 2:

  • Amendment to Section 1:  The Election Documents normally stored in a Federal Records Center ( Nashville BIA) will be stored in the Tribal Archives.

Okay…you can’t get the documents from the 2009 election.  What do you think happens with this change?

  • Amendment 2 and 9  : The election committee determines whether the complaints you make before the election are worthy of a hearing and the good  old worthless Tribal Court determines whether the election irregularities  are worthy of review and if so the outcome. Bet you feel confident in that process.




Why we’re so messed up

The Sunday meeting was as awful as usual but there were some very entertaining presentations  that were priceless.

Momma’s Gonna Knock You Out

Connie in sun glasses before she went ROGUE!

How about Connie (Tobey) Cromwell? Cedric’s mother was cheering on angry tribal members complaining bitterly, about the Community Building project that employs only 10 tribal members.  Cedric can’t  even keep his mother in line! Course no one believes that that the Community Building  will ever be completed.  It’ll be one of those unfinished construction sites with the cement foundation and the steel beams sticking up rusting away. Man, it’s an expensive PR project that took them 4 years to get underway.

“Little Scam-a-lot”

How about Jessie (Tobey) Baird babbling about anything she thought would make people pay

Jessie, where's the Wampanoag dictionary? Oh forgot about that ? Where's it at girl? Oh, on the internet? Since 2007?

attention and becoming indignant  about the fact that her husband didn’t get a job at the Community Center dust bowl .   Oh the “Populist ” Jessie ” the “advocate” ” the phoney linguist” without a college degree or even a high school diploma?  Running for office are you Jessie?  Going to win with all those illegals you added to the rolls when you were in charge? This oughta be good “Squish Squish.”

Big Belabor the Point

Reel Wamps has said for 3 1/2years that the tribe is getting screwed in a bad loan deal at  17% interest,  for what we believe is in excess of $45 million. We have nothing to show for it  but  incompetent self centered leaders with exorbitant salaries .  Once the documentation was given to the Mashpee Enterprise, it was merely confirmation of what we already knew.  But we still  still have a tribal member  who just can’t contain himself.  He hasta get up and keep talking about the atrocity.  It’s done.  Cedric signed it. Cedric of Dorcester  has signed us into slavery over and over because he’s the Chairman. He and his peeps ran a crooked election and they’re in charge. You got any ideas about how to undo this horror story or what we’re supposed to do now? How about you sat right there and watched all this crap happen.   Never lifted a finger.   Where ya been boy?

Do the “Tobey Freeze”

Reel Wamps loves Laura Tobey (Miranda).  She’s always doing all these great investigations to prove she’s smart and on top of things, a

Laura is seeking Nesting Counseling

friend to the members, and never tells anyone about her discoveries. It’s like she’s nesting. Remember the infamous  (Mark Harding) American Express scandal? Jesus.  She had the goods on the leadership (all of her Tobey cousins) and she didn’t do anything with it.  The story had to be told by a real Elder who reviewed the documents and told the tribe.  She saw the same thing and never said a word. So she was never even able to leverage her information for a deal.  No. Stupid. Yes stupid.   Act 2 : Laura Tobey starts gathering  and receiving information on  Wanda ” Biggest Looser” (not weight)Lord.  Lord is renowned for loosing millions and millions a in grant revenues while keeping her job at over $200k annually. Part of the Tobey Cromwell mandate.  Incompetence first. Anyway Laura gets over 100  packets printed up by a tribal department with the proof of  Wanda’s incredibly abysmal job performance (which RW has talked about repeatedly).  When the  Sunday meeting adjourned, Laura still had the packets in her lap.The  Nesting thing is serious. Laura just can’t pull the trigger. So those guys who thought they had a messenger are listening to the wrong Poo Bah for real. Yah….she’s supposed to be running for Tribal Secretary.  So….would she horde the Minutes as opposed to not taking them at all like Tah Tah?

Face it folks.  We just can’t take much more of the wrong Tobeys running things. It has not been a positive experience. Not only would we never have dreamed it.  It’s a horror story that is screwing with Joanne Frye worse than anyone.   She has to deal with all of them.  Ce Ce in particular trying to get her fired every day.  Imagine being chased around and harassed by them?  Bring back  memories? It’s generational don’t ya know. Sigh.


On bended knee

Cedric Tobey Cromwell has a new strategy.  He laid it out during the marathon council meeting that resembled Cirque du Soleil.

He’s going to ask the Bureau of Indian Affairs to ” provide guidance ” on drafting a new compact. Call it a serious cry for help on a casino that clearly is gonzo. Especially since the governor is trying to get a job in DC despite his scandalous tenure and the talks between the tribe and the state are non existent.

Let’s  add  that the Bureau’s disdain for us right now only means the scrutiny of our so called government will only intensify.

So.  Cedric’s  officers and Council paid nearly $ 4 million dollars for legal counsel  over a few months that resulted in the  worst compact in the United States. Why not ask  one of the 12  top notch lawyers for help?You over  paid them enough for bad advice and the pursuit of  projects that they knew were not possible….more fodder for the Bar Association.

The news articles saying that the Cromwellians have spent$40 m  is an under estimate, because no one knows what the Cedric Tobey Cromwells have done.  We have not seen  a budget for the first  3 years they were in office. Of course Reel Wamps  kept you informed for nearly 4 years while the newspapers printed the Administration’s press releases as though they were gospel.  Now Cedric will not return their phone calls.

But when you’re a pimp, you only worry about your money.  The lawyers are worried about questions of over billing and…….

The tribe is stuck with the bill and no way to repay it.  There’s a waiver of sovereign immunity. But the misfeasance and  malfeasance remains a problem….for Ceddie and crew. No contract with the Malaysians will protect them from government prosecution.  The government could care less about your exemption for personal liability for the loans. The government is interested in your willful participation in fraud, and the fact that the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is damned near destitute as a result! Cedric, Aaron, Mark, Yvonne, Trish, Cheryl, Selena and Laura will not be able to show the government one piece of evidence to account for nearly $50 million dollars loaned to us by the Malaysians. Not good, not good at all.Nothing to show for an average of  12 -14 million in debt a year at 17% interest.  Nothing but shame and despair.

Good luck to all preparing to launch their campaigns  today at the  Sunday Meeting.  Sitting by silent while the tribe suffered for 4 years does not make you any better than the current scandalous scoundrels. And if you’re waiting for a groundswell of support….you better not hold your breath. Mashpee folk may be helpless right now, but they’re not stupid.


Flash! More Revelations

While our Tribal leadership is still reeling from recent revelations from a “stolen” document concerning the enormous debt that they have burdened us with, the ReelWamps team has, through means fair and foul, obtained a copy of Chairman Ced’s prepared speech that he plans to deliver at the regular Sunday Tribal meeting concerning that debt.  We present it in part here:

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah…

We sincerely hope that this does not spoil your Sunday outing.  We left out quite a bit, but we think you get the idea.

Can You Say… Usury?

I’m trying to wrap my brain around the size of our debt to Genting, Arkana, RW Investments, or whoever it is.who owns it.  At $38 million that we know of, I need some comparison budget for scale.  The figure falls somewhere between the annual budgets of the towns of Truro and Mashpee.  What do we get for that money?  Well, one thing we get is Bill Delahunt for the low, low price of $15,000 a month.  What does he do again?  We also get a bunch of lawyers who seem to be billing for everything up to the air we breathe.  We have Council members and their sycophants living high off the hog, and we only have to pay off the loans at a mere 15%, with, you know, that little boost to 20% if we get a little behind.  Can you say “usury?”

We have to find out about this stuff from the Mashpee Enterprise, hardly a strident critic of the Tribe and its leadership.  Somehow a promissory note escaped and revealed this information to the world.  Some people blew gaskets.  How dare they betray the confidentiality of this information!  My God.  These people were more upset by the revelation of the note than the actual damning content.  It sounded like they wanted to raise a lynch mob.  If only they were as concerned about the extent to which the Council were willing to mortgage our future for the sake of extravagant paychecks for people who are otherwise unemployable.  Makes me wanna holler.

Oh, and we will have to pay it back.  Now let me get this straight:  Genting is spending money to build a casino that will benefit them (and a few select Tribe members), and we have to pay them “back” out of the pittance that we will get (eventually).  They have a waiver of sovereign immunity, so they can sue us for it if we don’t pay them, AND, we do not have LIT, so they can take our land.  And, they can attach any revenue we can raise from Tribal enterprises.  Yes they can.  Such a deal!

I’m sure you’ve read the letter from “Dear Leader.”  In his usual weasel words he has decried this horrific crime and lamented what a detriment it would be to our “..tribal sovereignty and self governance.”  Baloney.  The only threat is to his income and his neurotic need for adoration and obedience from the bleating flock that hangs on to every word that proceeds from his pie-hole.

“We will be taking steps to prevent this from happening again in the future.”  That is scary, in a North Korean sort of way.  Perhaps he will emulate his template, Kim Jong Un, and execute the naughty person with a mortar round.
All hail King Ceddie!  AKA Kim Jong Uncool

The blame game cometh

When the ship sinks the captain says, ” Every man for himself and God for us all.”  We at Reel Wamps want to salute Cedric Cromwell for doing what so many weak men do…… blame everyone else for his failings.  He’s blaming Tah Tah and of course Aaron Tobey for our status as the most pimped out tribe in the whole wide world…..We have a multitude of pimps, you know them Mark and well all those God awful lawyers.

Now financial  documents are missing and are supposed to show up in the Mashpee Enterprise Friday.  Well you better believe that they were leaked by someone from finance….and no one else.  Oh my nervous are we over there in finance? Yes you should be.

One thing you can say about Cedric though….he doesn’t quit ( every 2 weeks with great fan fair)  I’ll say that for him.  He doesn’t need a cheering squad and a huge audience to listen to his pontifications and bluster….then storm outta the room….He just sits there and says dumb stuff. You may stay on for the pay check Cedric but you should do early retirement.

Just remember when you’re looking for direction and leadership,….don’t go to the guy who never shows up for the fight.


No Wonda !

If you’re wondering why the Taunton land in trust is languishing…’s because Ramona Peters and and her  side kick Jessie Baird are (in) validating the ancient ties to the land.  Yes they are.   What does that tell you?  Neither have any credentials in this arena.  Never stopped them before you might say, but why entrust such a substantial research project to amatuers who will only screw it up. Cause  the Cromwellians are just trying to get paid as long as they can.

Well, all you need to do is examine where we are with the people who campaigned on transparency with the blessings of the CCT and failed to give us a budget for 3 consecutive years.

Anyway, the Cromwell Tobey Administration has serious cash flow problems.  They just got another $2.8 m from Genting and they’re paying off debt and inflated legal fees accrued in August.  They’re already broke.  What government spends $630 k a month…on what?  Certainly not on the 1642 legitimate members of the tribe.

Cedric is so discouraged, he’s talking to anyone who will listen.  He’s whining about the fact that Genting will no longer bank roll his Brain Trust of stealth strategy, to re negotiate the Crappy Compact.   Who doesn’t know that? As we said recently, Genting told them “they are not  in the business of making loans, they are in the gaming business.” They also said Cedric  had to get land into trust under an impossible deadline.

BBO…… Backers Backing Out.

You have Wanda Lord, an expert in losing tribal grants to the tune of millions and millions, dictating to the Cedric by ordering that the tribe pay the USDA loan with Housing Indirect Cost money.  Thus Leon Jacobs has an opening to make his exit.

The Cromwell Tobey crew has never given a damn about tribal government or serving our members.  But the complete degradation  of those services is an indictment of this administration.

As the sun sets on this sorry lot, it also reaffirms their incompetence when they acquiesced to pay Ramona Peters nearly $100 K a year as the Historic Preservation director.  Someone complained that she had not come to work in three weeks.  When has she ever come to work? What does she do ?


Hey…Gotta go. I quit. Ya me Leon Jacobs

Bailing out in a big way.  That would be Leon Jacobs. Another Lumbee  who came on board about 2 years ago making hundreds of thousands of dollars as a consultant serving as Housing Director and Tribal Administrator .  Well the guy has been trying to find someone to take over the troubled and raped Housing department. But no one is qualified to be tribal administrator or Housing Director.  And finally no one wants to work for this crew….including let’s review, Lesley Jonas, Marge and a host of others.

This administration is reduced to interviewing totally unqualified  people.  These people will absolutely  throw up red flags with HUD.  As if this administration needs any more attention.

Drones are hovering over us because the administration is so ghetto.  There is nothing they won’t do to keep that paycheck.  And the Bureau knows that.

Any how, Leon quit …in a huff because the Boobalas  were trying to rob Housing of  its  bill paying money, better known as Indirect Costs. Once again Leon said you can’t do that cause it’s illegal.  You cannot use IDC   money to pay off the USDA loan…..for the infamous Community Center.  That’s why there is no construction going on….as Reel Wamps said earlier.

Leon is just trying to get the hell out before the government shows up and  starts asking him  what the hell was going on under his watch.

The illegal use of  IDC  Housing money is a great excuse  t0 wave goodbye. But it does not eliminate participation in wrongdoing.  The government always asks why didn’t you say something? You knew it was wrong.  But you never said any thing …and you knew what they were doing was wrong.

Just like it does not clear other staffers in the  finance  department of wrongdoing.The other departments have the same problems  and the big question of ” Why didn’t you say something?”

It’s like felony murder. You may not have pulled the trigger, but you did nothing to stop the murder.


Here’s your “Exit Strategy”

Now that the Mashpee Wampanoag have been humiliated world wide, you would think the leaders of this travesty would step aside. Well, “of course they won’t” you say. Being that the Boobalas ( Mark, Cedric and Aaron ), all phoney Indians, would never be able to get a paycheck anywhere in the US.

You have to understand that they’re dragging us straight to Hades with ’em. Yessir !

There’s always hope. Perhaps we can give them an exit strategy….or reasons to resign.

Gimme that weatherization contract.Deposit that to Wamp Worx. Yah!

Mark Harding AKA the Treasurer:
*Has missed 3 meetings and clearly does not have the time to dedicate to serving the tribe.Ha Ha Ha

“Doesn’t care if he gets back in cause he set himself up” ( to continue siphoning off  all construction contracts that he was prohibited from taking as an officer on the Council)

HUD keeps asking him to come in and answer a few questions.

USDA keeps asking him to come in and answer a few questions.

He’s tiered of coming up with new disguises.

Cedric Cromwell  Chairman?

What happened? Nobody likes me.

The stress is killing him.

The high blood pressure, diabetes and Cheryl’s squallin’ is killing him.

He found out that Governor Deval Patrick  is really  not his “bro.”

No one believes he’s a Mashpee.

Tribal members  run from him on sight, and he’s embarrassed that  the extent of his education is a short stint at Roxbury Community College, not U Mass Amherst..

He can’t remember the last lie he told.

He just can’t seem to find the 2009  election sign in sheets.

Buckets of stinking fish heads surrounded his Escalade  after the last disastrous Sunday meeting.

Aaron Tobey the so called Vice Chairman AKA The Great Negotiator                          

What ? Mental capacity. The Compact is great!

BIA officials question the mental capacity of someone who would negotiate  The Crappy Compact.

Everyone’s always questioning  his mental capacity.

Fiance Ronda Jones Hughes is frantically trying to rent out the top floor of the mansion he recently purchased.

His Bomber Jacket Elders are no more but he did a perfect  job demoralizing the real Elders.


We clearly need another assist from the Government.  After the compact fiasco, the magnifying glass is all over these guys and their lawyers over-billing.  $500k in one  month for bad advice.

Aren’t you glad you have Cedric, Mark and Aaron looking out for us?