Come on now……

Campaigns bring out the worst in people. You can always tell the ones on shaky ground.  They start spreading rumors, lying and exaggerating their life experiences and education. They start calling people and telling them not to support this one and that one.  In a small tribe like ours, every word gets back…and everyone knows who called who and who said what and ” who’s scraping the bottom of the barrel,” or  ” who’s too old” or ” whos’ a drunk ”  or “who’s got a nerve” and ” who did this” and ” who did that.”  In a small tribe there are no secrets.  But for the guy or gal running behind, it’s the only way they can get ahead of the lead candidate.  They have to attack .

So when you hear all that bad mouthing by certain candidates calling others “stupid, lazy and uneducated ,” you got to wonder if this is someone of leadership quality.  They’re busy tearing down their opponent instead of talking about what they plan to do. Its a distraction because they don’t have a plan or anyone to help us get back on track.

Then again some people think they’re anointed.  They think they don’t have to work for your vote. As one tribal member said..”They think they have birds flying outta their a–.”

Mashpee’s a tough crowd to win over…and pretty disgusted right now But they never pass up a good freebee.  And Big Brother Almighty ( Cedric ” Running Bear” Cromwell) had his shindig at Dino’s…free drinks and food all on the tribal credit card. Oh ya,  he phone banked the entire Tribe inviting them to come to his event….from 2-7.Well…it was attended by tribal staff and a very few actual members according to our reconnaissance.

We promise never to use this picture again if he promises never to wear it again.

But you would never know it to look on Facebook . BBA said  200 people attended his event. And he quoted the bible scripture in appreciation. During the 5 hour marathon, there weren’t 200 people passing through Dino’s how could all of them attend his event?

Let’s be honest….Cedric is not into negative campaigning but he’s an incredible liar. Award winning.



Read It For Yourselves

here is the complaint filed in Federal Court.


Repairing The Damage

Sometimes disaster happens.  A window is broken, a dam bursts, you have a fender bender.  In each case, you call the one who will repair the damage, a glazier, an engineer, an auto body specialist.  Pretty simple, something breaks, call the man.  What happens when an Indian Tribe is broken?  Who do you call?

Wait a minute, what do I mean by broken?  Well, glad you asked.

  • The Cromwell administration has destroyed the integrity of our membership and the democratic process by packing the Tribal rolls with people not qualified for membership to insure that he has a dependable pool of friendly voters.
  • The Cromwell administration has, in their haste to install their own team, stiffed vendors and investors to the tune of millions.
  • The Cromwell administration has saddled our Tribe with an overwhelming debt, without any hope of a return for the Tribe.
  • The Cromwell administration has alienated Tribal elders and any members with dissenting opinions, and attempted to disenfranchise and silence them.
  • The Cromwell administration has arrogantly ignored the material and spiritual needs of Tribe members.
  • I could go on, but you get the picture.

Given the magnitude of this disaster, who on Earth can we call to repair the damage?  May I suggest the man with the smile and handshake for all, but beholden to none; the man with the skill to set us back on the road to success, the man who will make us once again proud to proclaim  Mashpee as our name?

Tah Tah’s Revenge

The Flip Flop is back !

Herrin’: “ Well Tah Tah is determined to have her way.  She just can’t help herself.”

Roe: “ What now?”

Herrin’:  Shoot, they talk about how cuckoo she is… she’s pretty smart when she wants to be. She’s been on vacation for quite a while. Just when people are trying to file their papers to run for office.

Roe: “Yah.  Richard Oakley’s been trying to put his paperwork in for a week.  He’s runnin’ for Chairman.“

Herrin’: “Who don’t know that.  He’s made it official at a meeting on December 1.”

Roe: “Maybe Tah Tah’s trying to slow him down, you know, so people can make up their minds.”

Herrin’: “Ahhhhhhh the old Flip Flop. That‘s the oldest political scam there is. It’s a lost art that has been revived.”

Roe: “ Ain’t popular though. Nobody wants to see that little round dance again. Makes me shudder.  That’s why we’re in this mess right  now.”

Herrin’: “ Yah that was a disaster of stick mound proportions.”

Roe: “ Hey fact remains Tah Tah is having her revenge. She’s runnin’ things and she’s the least qualified to do so .  She’s the keeper of the records and she can’t produce the audio minutes for any random meeting you ask for…because they ain’t  there.”

Herrin’: “Right. And ain’t she supposed to verify that you have enough  meetings to qualify to run for office? “

Lovin' those Sunday Meetings with Tah Tah

Roe: “ Exactly, but you’re relying on her “Most Random and Occasional Meeting Minutes.” And those sign in sheets are a bigger mess.”

Herrin’ ” Boo Boo Da Fool and JFK are on those sign in sheets.  At the Sunday meetings there’s never anyone watching who signs in…..That’s the Dorcester Method. Just kinda random don’t ya know.”

Roe : ” Ya she’s in charge of who get’s on the ballot and who don’t.   She told Robert Dias he didn’t have enough meetings to qualify.”

Herrin‘: “You know Boo Boo has his meetings.”

Roe: ”  Yup…Maybe Robert should qualify as JFK.

Herrin’: ” Maybe.  Tah Tah is having her way. Seems like her and Boo Boo are having a field day at Dino’s, ya know what I mean?”

Roe: ” Tah Tah’s Revenge. ”

Herrin’: “Tah Tah outsmarts us again.”

Proping up the “Court of No Resort”

It is what it is!

Poor Tribal Court.  It don’t get no respect. Ain’t got no authority.  Ain’t got no way to enforce Sockeeeebasen’s rambling  rulings.

So……if the court is real, why can’t it hear real cases ?  Even real “ civil “ cases? Right.  No authority or enforcement powers.  But Sockbasen and all the greedy lawyers continue the charade.  Sockbasen has presided over the Court of No Resort that is incapable of resolving tribal problems but spent  millions  on lawyers  laughing at us and getting rich.  After 3 ½ years of this foolishness the Judiciary Committee suddenly said they wanted authority over the court spending. They’re a little late with the guilt complex. And Harold Tobey at the helm no less. God, can you imagine?

Suddenly the court will  publish the rulings in a law review.  Who the hell cares? The decisions don’t amount to anything.  Why not publish them in the Cape Cod Times,  the Boston Globe, the Mashpee Enterprise, Playboy or run it on Comedy Central ? The state and county courts publish legal records in major newspapers. Cause the Tribal Court is a facade,a fake and a fraud.

And all that business of keeping the Indian Child Welfare Act records being sealed….well it’s all handled in state or county court anyway so what’s that mean ? It means if you want real justice you “ takeittohigha ! 

Tah Tah has filed in a Barnstable Court, Autum Banks has filed in federal court, and Cedric and his PR flack are trying to pretend he’s running a real government when it’s too late. He knows more  lawsuits are on the way.

Holding Court in the Cape Cod Times is not effective, but it’s all he’s got.  Course the Court of No Resort  tells the CCT  Nellie filed the 2009 election challenge  3 years too late. The Mashpee Enterprise and the Mittark have the documented proof of the contrary.  Nellie filed the complaint with Patricia Keliinui and Mark Tilden right after the February 8, 2009  election.  Course the whole controversy is over the Cromwell’s failure to produce the election sign in sheets.  Maintaining records of anything just ain’t their thing.  So you see the problem. No record of the letter to Patricia ” I got this” Keliinui. We do know she resigned very  shortly after she failed to follow the election ordinance and have the Elders resolve the dispute.

Try to get records of court hearings, council meetings, anything.  Oh by the way the Tribal Court ” can’t compel ” the Council to produce anything, according to Patty and Nellie.  At least that’s what  they said Judge Robert Mills said.   Maybe we can play the tape of that little courtroom dialogue.

Just kidding.




Running Bear, Running Scared.

In spite of the Cromwell regime’s bumbling and fumbling of the casino ball, the Massachusetts Gaming Commission said they won’t give away the gaming license for 90 days .  The Commission will not accept commercial bids in the Southeastern Massachusetts region until Marc 15, 2013..

I have struggled to imagine what the Commission hopes to accomplish by doing so, particularly in light of the fact that every month wasted waiting for Cedric to pull a rabbit out of his hat is a month of lost revenue for the Commonwealth.  I sense that the Governor and the Commission are getting more than a little bit impatient with ol’ Running Bear and would like to be rid of him, but without the risk of seeming so.  Then it dawned on me.

March 15 is a month after the upcoming Tribal elections to be held on February 10, 2013.  Call me paranoid, but color me skeptical.  I would not put it past Cedric to campaign on the prospect that his re election will bring about a casino.  The false hope that he and his cronies have cultivated, and the debt that they have saddled us with can only result in the utter destruction of our Tribal community and all we have worked for over the years.   Don’t be fooled.  Turn Ceddie and his hench(wo)men out of office.

“Run, Ceddie, Run!”

Are we having fun yet?

3 months to do the impossible

No we are not.  Can we just say that this is not a REPRIEVE granted by the Massachusetts Gaming Commission.  It is in fact a death knell  for the Cedric Cromwell Administration payroll plan. The Taunton casino is dead because the Administration cannot complete the Land in Trust, and had no intentions of doings so.

Genting will stop paying in February, reportedly.

For us it is far worse.  It means we have to rebuild the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.  It means we can no longer elect leaders who want the power and the title without the responsibility of  governance and accountability to the members. We have to have leaders who work well with others.  We need team players and team leaders.  No more go it alone, or “my way or the highway.”

Pulling this Tribe together will require the dependable leadership of men and women.  Our people have to feel comfortable with our next leader.   They have to know that he or she is actually listening to them and will actually take their concerns seriously. We are in a bad place right now. We can’t afford to put anyone in charge who is dishonest about what’s at stake.

Politics is not only local, it’s social.  You have to know and  like your leaders and feel confident  that they  have stood up for you you all along and will fight for you in the future.

And, there is no way we can get back on our feet without ever single family participating on every level.  Every single family…together. The Tribal members have to remember that they make that decision.


Tire tracks on the Tribe…Thanks to the “Greedy Bunch”

Genting did a masterful  job of feeding the greedy who head  our tribe. We are totally incapacitated and burdened with debt.

Will they join " The Greedy Bunch ?"

Now Genting  is reportedly  targeting the Aquinnah.

You may recall that a few years ago they sent Cedric Cromwell to the Shinnecocks  to try to  entice them into a deal.  The Shinnecocks said “hell no” so Cedric probably lost his finders fee bonus on that one.

Said no to Cedric's Genting offer

No one took the bait but the Mashpee Wampanoag tribal officers.

Genting planned to disable the people who are the greatest threat to them and state commercial gaming efforts…..that’s Indian nations.   Load ‘em up with debt and get them out of the picture. Well now Aquinnah is up for the taking. If they bite, hopefully they won’t.

The Mashpee were always known for having politically savvy leaders.  That went away since the “You Know Who” took over. Yes sir.  Those prestigious days are gone. Course, Cedric kept trying to claim that “Mashpee” legacy.  He is so obsessed that he believes his own lies. He passionately told the Sunday meeting audience that he  “ was raised in Mashpee!” The Sunday crowd shouted, “ Don’t lie ! “  “Why does he keep saying that he knows he never lived here?” No Mashpee politician has ever sunk so low.

Cedric’s mania caused him to run down the isle of the high school auditorium and charge his cousin Laura Tobey Miranda.   She was trying to get over a chair to get to him she was so heated.  It was understandable….she had enough of him. But it was a scene. The tribal members could be heard mumbling “ This is awful.” The embarrassed Tobey’s who weren’t arguing walked out with everyone else.

Tah Tah rubs it in when they’re engaged in Email Battle.  She refers to him as “Cedric of Dorchester.”  Tah don’t play….she’s different for sure, but she takes that Mashpee thing seriously. And you know her.  When she digs in, he’s gonna know somethin’.  We have to say somebody has to stick up for the Mashpee on that Council….and it ain’t Yvonne.  You know Yvonne, when people were asking her how she voted on controversial issues she said, “ I don’t rememba .” Pleading the 5th. Bet she remembers when she gets  all three checks every month.

Anyhow the Council meeting  was a circus and scary.  Aaron Tobey is a very sick man.  He reportedly had a stroke a few months ago and was in the hospital recently with blood clots.   He walked into the meeting swollen and bloated.  The Council told him to go home he looked so bad. He stayed.  It’s not worth it Aaron.

But it got hot when Cedric found some lost strain of decency. Economic Development Committee poo bahs Jim Peters and  his cousin Greg Mckinney, tried to ram through the Federal Charter again, without the changes the tribe demanded a year ago.  That proposal would set up a separate tribe for Cedric and Mark Harding.   Well they got Greg on the phone…..he was a little, ah, groggy or something…. Little hard to understand….any way the women on the committee had no idea what the hell was going on and said they didn’t know anything about this and claimed discrimination.  Greg called them traitors.  Cedric became indignant and chastised McKinney and Harding for trying to pull a fast one (ha ha).

Course when Harding saw the storm rising he hid in the bathroom.  A proper place for him.  The funniest  thing was the sign on the bathroom door. It says “CASINO.” Calton Henricks, Jr’s., mischief.


Credric Cromwell’s misinformation is embarrassing

Cedric Cromwell’s desperate efforts to keep his casino scam alive have become absurd.  Of course Reel Wamps has repeatedly  for told of the subsequent disaster that has played out.  For those few tribal members who wanted to keep this all a secret under the guise of  “handling our business internally” the Administrations incompetence has been hard to hide. Every gaming  expert, government official, and observer has said the Taunton casino was impossible.  But Cedric and his side kicks Mark Harding, and Aaron Tobey, have kept up the lies.

Not only has the Massachusetts Gaming Commission kicked our license to the curb (as planned), they made clear they’re not waiting around for some miracle from Cedric to get the LIT or prove we have a connection to Taunton (again, that we don’t).  All these actions are mandatory and have never been done. Anyway, the following opinion in South Coast Today sums up Cedric’s ridiculous propaganda.

Your View: Tribal chairman’s comments fly in face of the facts


Allin Frawley lives in Middleboro.

December 14, 2012 12:00 AM

As I read Cedric Cromwell’s letter (“Tribal casino will benefit everyone,” Dec. 11 Your View), I became very concerned with some of his statements. Not surprised, but very concerned. He seems to either not understand the process he is involved in or is deliberately misleading the public as to the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s pursuit of a casino.

Mr. Cromwell states “we place great value in our legally protected right to conduct gaming in our ancestral homeland.” If he is referring to the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, he is misquoting it. IGRA was enacted “to regulate the conduct of gaming on Indian lands.” Indian lands is defined as “all lands within the limits of any Indian reservation; and any lands title to which is either held in trust by the United States for the benefit of any Indian tribe or individual or held by any Indian tribe or individual subject to restrictions by the United States against alienation and over which an Indian tribe exercises governmental power.”

The Mashpee tribe has no such lands. Furthermore, the tribe lacks the ability to acquire those lands. (See the Supreme Court decision Carcieri vs. Salazar.)

If Mr. Cromwell is implying that his “ancestral home” is in Taunton, he might want to check again. Taunton is Pokanoket territory. The Mashpee tribe is, oddly enough, from Mashpee.

As far as Mr. Cromwell’s assertion that the tribe “plans on contracting with small business throughout the area for supplies, goods and services,” his plans change as often as the weather; this is the third casino site planned in less than five years! In both the Middleboro and Taunton intergovernmental agreements, local hiring and local purchasing is to be done “in good faith” and “provided the cost and quality is competitive with other sources.” In other words, no local preference.

Mr. Cromwell goes on to state the project is further along than any other project in the state. There is no state/tribal compact, and the first one was rejected. The land into trust application is incomplete and still not even listed in the federal register. This project cannot move forward until, at the very least, land into trust has been established (again, please refer to the Carceri decision).

Mr. Cromwell refers to mitigation funds that have been set aside and yet the tribe has not engaged in one

Conduct unbecoming a Chairman part I

The  Sunday meeting was reportedly over the top.  And the so called chairman went over the cliff. Obviously Cedric Cromwell is having some sort of breakdown.  He was screaming at the top of his lungs at Council member Laura Tobey Miranda about her handouts.  He was calling for the restraint of his cousin.  Some people thought he was going to come down and deck her.  Laura said Cedric brought shame to the Tobey name.

Another screeching match erupted.  Sharron Tobey was screaming at Myrna Nuey in the the audience.  Sharron was  berating Myrna about some ancient stuff and was trying to take her outside to fight. Parents were literally fleeing with their children who were crying .

It was  not a Sunday meeting where you ask questions and get answers. It was a good old fashioned brawl.

Part II ” I was raised in Mashpee!”