Genting has pulled the plug on the cash flow to the Cromwell gang forcing them to fire two more employees and a consultant. Controversial grant writer Wanda Jean Lord is out along with Lesley Jonas and Myrna Nuey.
Lord has done a horrible job of getting grants for the Tribe but she is one hell of a milker. She has to be the only grant writer in the world who makes a salary of $250 K as opposed to the standard fee of 10% of what she brings in. She clearly couldn’t do it that way or she would starve to death. Lord is part of the cadre of lawyers and consultants who over billed the Tribe because no one in leadership has any professional experience to know better.
Lesley Jonas who had nothing to do with the Tribe 5 years ago became an expert on Pow Pows and was made the Pow Wow director. We lost hundreds of thousands of dollars on a cherished event that used to make $25K. Not only did the Tribal attendance drop dramatically the White people stopped coming too. So what do they do with Lesley? They hire her in another job she knows nothing about. Assisting Lord with grant writing. Jonas cannot write a complete sentence or thought, so how would she persuade the most astute evaluators that we deserve anything? Close to a million dollars was wasted on those two. And we have fewer grants and more people on the roll to take the reparations we fought for for over 32 years. Sad.
This administration really knows how to kill a tribe.
It’s been Chinese Water Torture.
But they won’t get away with murder. Too many eyes. Too many people with evidence of wrongdoing.