In the previous post here on ReelWamps, we talked about how Cromwell is suing Tribe members, using God only knows whose money, in a vindictive effort to punish his predecessors. The legal notice for this action showed up on the Tribal Facebook page and was seen by many and commented on by a few. You can see it on the page if you have access. Paula speaks:
“Desire is being given an opportunity to answer charges made in our own court of law. I hope she does and can exonerate herself. Regardless of what you believe, the matter is one that calls for due process for her and the others accused who are all innocent until proven otherwise.”
My, Paula, you are the very pinnacle of smarminess. But let me address the major lack of understanding here. First of all, this is not a criminal case, it is a civil case, and, oh, by the way, we do not even have a civil code with any kind of power to compel compliance. We have no reservation and likely won’t any time in the near future. The Tribal Court may not even be able to hear this case.
“Due process is far more than what was afforded shunned tribal members who had no other recourse than to seek justice in a court outside our tribal purview in 2006. We have come a long way since then, but still have a long road to travel to rebuild our sovereign government.”
Red herring season is here. Irrelevant. Because you perceive what you think is a wrong in the past, that justifies this? Once done, it won’t be undone.
“Those who feel the system is not delivering justice fairly need to be heard and a process established for vetting grievances in order to establish unimpeachable integrity in “our” tribal court. A system of justice that earns the trust and respect of tribal members will maintain societal order and is a critical element of our sovereignty.”
No, it is not the duty of ordinary Tribe members to fix a broken Tribal Court. It is the duty of the justices of that court. They get paid damned good money to do so.
“It is time to stop throwing stones and build foundations.”
And using expensive, big city lawyers to bring suits against Mashpees is going to do that? More empty platitudes from Saint Paula.
“Imagine we are bigger than one individual, bigger than ourselves collectively, bigger than this moment. Its hard to think unselfishly when the accused is someone you know and love but try to imagine that what we do today will not only resolve this dispute, but have consequences for generations to come. This process will define what they will expect of their leadership, how they are governed, how they are held accountable when found in violation civil, and social or traditional expectations.”
Imagine we have leaders with some measure of common sense and common decency, but who am I kidding.
“We live in a country that is considered the leader of the free world in terms of government and this is in no small way a result of the example set by 17th century Wampanoag leaders. It was our historic leaders who practiced the original Executive, Legislative and Judicial houses of government adopted in the United States Constitution.”
More irrelevant platitudes.
“To stand before your accuser, bring evidence in your defense and be judged on your character is not anything new to us.”
And when your accuser is a slime like Cedric Cromwell, or your “husband” Mark Harding, who could not figure out that he couldn’t take contracts from the Tribe when he was treasurer, and was put out of office because everyone knows his shenanigans in office? I laughed and laughed…