Shovel Ready…

…means different things to different people.

Sorry, sorrier, sorriest

The trip to Taunton is another Ceddie sideshow. The Tauntonites want to see the land in

Cedric wears his trademark Turquoise bollo, the stone of the Navajo. He's accused of impersonating a Wampanoag.

trust application (tee hee). Cedric wants to avoid taking the stand.  Ceddie is on trial with no defense.  He can’t use the insanity defense, because he knew exactly what he was doing.   All for him nothing for you.

And despite Ceddie’s villainous  status, it’s the  loneliness that’s killing him, This guy is really disliked. All those tribal members dreaming of a casino. Their hopes dashed while Cedric knew all a long. All those people sucking up to Cedric and the guy was just trying to keep his paycheck rolling.  And true to form, he keeps up the smarmy facade of crap that continues to make us look like fools…..he has a thing about using the Elders. Cause everyone else got out of the wagon. Sadly the insanity seems to be shared by certain Council members old and new, who have turned on him and all of a sudden want to publicly chastise him for dragging us into the ditch. Well, they were willing participants in the complete reversal of our progress.   They were pushing the wagon while Ceddie pulled us. Into the ditch.  Into that vast ditch.  They all thought they would get away with it because what could the members do?  Everything was against us. No Land in Trust.  No court. No way to stop the abuse.  No resort eh? Nothing and no one to help us.

Hopefully the Federal lawsuits will save us. Or does someone have a better idea?

Well here’s the latest and the greatest people…Ceddies 3 months in arrears and that $5 million he just borrowed goes to pay lawyers who keep billing us for work on rejected legal premises.   Cedric allows them to bill $ 1.2 million a month. $1.2 million because he has to pretend we still have a chance at a license in the worst location in the state! And no ancient ties to the land.  It is absurd and the Mass Gaming Commission knew it.  He has to justify his pay check, so whatever it takes.  You get a $30 a month food card. Check this out, between Cedric and Cheryl they pull down about $18,000 a month.   No one knows what Cheryl does but embarrass the hell out of us and make up stories about her education. No matter what, they get those checks and so do those lawyers.

Navajo Joe put in a bill for $160,000 recently. Don’t ask what he did…no answer. So when you keep asking all those questions over and over and over and over like you’re doing something real, and hollering and screaming at Ceddie…. what do you hope to achieve? You know that’s a sign of insanity when you ask the same questions over and over expecting a different result.

He gives you no answers. No budget. Nothing.  He answers to Genting for that paycheck. A certain probing Council member made sure  her husband got a contract on a government project.   That’s a serious federal violation.   No waivers will cover you.  You are benefiting and have never done a damned thing for the tribal members.And you’re trying to be the heroine now.

Several of you face that serious dilemma. All the while lining your own pockets

Millions and millions hidden in the Tribal Gaming Authority. Ya…..

The only good thing to happen is that that worthless Economic Development Committee got no money in the budget.  That’s a relief, They did not create one job in 4 years or present a EDP just marched around and presented all these self serving proposals to set up a separate tribe….some people were just too inebriated to do the job, Even on the conference calls.

And suddenly….everyone is retiring.  Really?  That doesn’t absolve you. Everyone wants a raise on the staff and the Council and no one works. The Council offices are empty half the time…

“It’s like an echo chamber up in here !”



Wednesday Night Follies!

I wasn’t there, but I heard that last night’s Tribal Council meeting was a dooooozy!  Seems that Ceddie was upset that people were asking inconvenient questions that he did not want to answer, so he ended the meeting and went into executive session.  Not only that, but he threatened to put patrolman (formerly detective) Frye on the payroll to arrest any Tribe member or council member who has the temerity to question his authoritah!  Come on people, is this what you elected him for?  I don’t know about you, but I don’t need any dictator running my Tribe.

The 800 pound running bear in the weetu is the fact that we are in horrendous debt and we can not get any idea of where it is going.  Or how we are going to pay it back.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we had leadership that would level with us?  We can take it.  We have survived nearly four hundred years of adversity and we are still here.  If we have to endure this kind treatment from our own, we may need to apologize to the Pilgrims.

From Wikipedia:  “Megalomania is a psychopathological disorder characterized by delusional fantasies of power, relevance, or omnipotence. ‘Megalomania is characterized by an inflated sense of self-esteem and overestimation by persons of their powers and beliefs’.[1] Historically it was used as an old name for narcissistic personality disorder prior to the latter’s first use by Heinz Kohut in 1968, and is used these days as a non-clinical equivalent.[2][3] It is not mentioned in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)[4] or the International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD).”

FBI converge on Shinnecock gaming authority

Ten FBI agents converged on the gaming authority of the Shinnecock Tribe of New York. The FBI and state police also went to the home of a gaming authority member.  According to FBI spokesman, the search is part of an ongoing criminal investigation. The agents were searching the authority trailer and also removing files.

The Shinnecocks were recognized in 2010. Their gaming authority has 5 members.

Who’s next is the question.


Shattered dreams

The meeting last night was the continuation of the demoralization of the Tribe.  No answers, no plan, which effectively erases our future. Many of our people held out hope against hope that there was a casino in our future.  Now we are worse off than we were 40 years ago.

A real Mashpee would have had a true economic development plan in place 3.5 years ago, it’s the back up the government requires and it would have utilized the heritage that has helped us survive for centuries…. we would have had a plan B….the living heritage, aqua farming, hunting and fishing guides, indigenous cooking and on an on….but instead you had Greg Mckiney, totally disconnected, heading up the Economic development committee full more condescending tribal members who are clueless about the Mashpee Wampanoag and how to put our people to work. They produced nothing. It’s stupid confirming that Cedric knows nothing about Mashpee.  You can’t fix what ya don’t know.

This is one big hustle for Cedric that has come to a bad end.

There are 2 ” True Mashpee” on that Council, and you know who they are.   The others are an incompetent group who are showing up to see when the members are going to melt down. There’s nothing to front for anymore.  As the Genting money evaporates and the jobs disappear you will see less and less of Yvonne, Cheryl, that crackpot Jessie, Marge who is retiring…suddenly. And Cedric will disappear leaving us to worry about the debt.  Robbie, well, he’s still playing catch up or something.  He never asked anyone for help.Instead of bringing the nightmare to an end,  he fell in with the loosers.  Disappointing.

Cedric thinks he has no worries.   You can get as mad as you want.   You are helpless against a phantom government that has been telling you

” we’ll get back to you on that.” But he knows his legacy is one worse than any thing in our history.

The White lawyers and PR people walk away with millions because Cedric signs the contracts.  They keep giving Cedric bad advice and he keeps taking it….and they keep billing.


Cedric should resign along with Yvonne, Marie, Cheryl, Trish and anyone else that wants to help pull us out of the ditch. The elections committee should resign. Anyone who asks Earl Mills for his ID is not worthy of monitoring an election. The economic development committee fiasco should resign, Jessie should resign. She’s been beating the hell out of us for years. Jesus, how much scamming can we take.  The pine needles and sea foam is an absolute outrage. Is she back from her vacation yet? Smart to disappear when you know you bull—-isn’t going to help us get a casino.

We get a $30 food card.  Ain’t that great ? Ain’t that just dreamy?


Feed the lawyers starve the Tribe

Cromwell was never credible

If you’re wondering what happens next, you’re not alone.  But the answer may never come because there has never been a legitimate strategy, end game or plan B.  Cromwell is  now  spinning the ” persecution ” angle.  Says the Tribe is being mistreated.   Yes we are. Mistreated by Cedric and the gang.

Cromwell has bungled the casino deal from the start.

  • Selects Taunton-worst location in the state(50 acres) 5 months before the deadline.  We had the best in Middleboro(530 acres)
  • Wastes  $500k on Taunton election (election outcome no relevance to the process)
  • Wastes $4-5m on legal bills for “Crappy Compact” called the worst in the nation.
  • Tribal traditionalists revolt over aboriginal rights change in compact and other well known federal mandates violated in the Compact.
  • Land in Trust application remains incomplete-lacks historic ties, environmental clearance and proof of federal recognition before 1933 invalid. Middleboro deal had it all.
  • By September  2012 Genting tells Council…” We’re not in the loan business we’re in the gaming business.” The relationship deteriorates.
  • Ramona Peters and Jessie Baird try to repair LIT saying our link is through the river and that we originated from “pine needles and sea foam”
  • Tribal governance deteriorates, the Genting money comes in smaller increments and goes to pay for past debt, mostly legal bills.
  • Audio minutes of tribal government actions are skimpy at best presenting a bigger problem of government legitimacy.
  • Nov 2012 Attempts to alter election law, set up gaming commission and federal charter government fail.
  • Nov 2012 Mass Gaming Commission gives Tribe 90 days to resolve many federal problems signaling that it has lost patience
  • Mashpee 9 file federal lawsuit asking for federal investigation and monitoring of  2013 election—still pending
  • Kimberly Frye ” SR” ( Cromwell’s sister in law) is reappointed as Elections Chair after its determined she served illegally for a year
  • No movement on the Compact redo for 4 months
  • Compact redone, it’s as bad as the last, legislature never takes it up for approval
  • At the last minute Cedric adds Galleria to Compact because the land he has is inadequate
  • Tribal lawyers indicate they plan to sue MGC when its clear Tribe can’t get issues reolved in a ” reasonable ” time period.
  • Cedric spends $2m in a week on poorly produced, over saturating media campaign attacking the MGC, in an attempt to drum  up sympathy…it backfires….it also continues to run during Marathon terror attack
  • Despite Cedric’s misinformation, MGC confirms that it will take a minimum of 6 years to get  LIT
  • MGC opens Region C for bidding

So a real government would have a fall back position and one that helps tribal members get on their feet and improve their quality of life, instead of relying solely on casinos.   No such luck.   You have Cedric playing the blame game and still collecting a check for leading us over the cliff. It’s amazing that such consistent failure is rewarded…..if Cedric really cared, he would resign… such luck.   Maybe when they stop sending the checks.


Gonzo! Region C Open For Commercial Bids.

Thursday afternoon:  The Mass Gaming Commission voted unanimously to open Region C, Southeastern Massachusetts to bids from commercial gaming companies.  It’s not like we didn’t tell you.  The very concerns that we raised were the same that brought this on.  We are not, however, here to gloat.  We as a tribe lose not only the advantage that appeared to be ours, but we have lost much in good will and reputation.

Details as they become available.




Cedric  accepted the rules of the game, but clearly doesn’t know how to play.

He has humiliated us, indebted us and is now treating us like morons by telling us that we’re going to have a casino anyway. So did he tell the BIA that or the FBI?

He has never done a damned thing that would benefit  us. He allowed Genting to disable us and the lawyers to get rich off of us. And they’re going to continue with lawsuits that feed the lawyers and starve the tribe.

We are reduced to getting a monthly $30 food card like a third world nation.

He got us  So if Tribal members want to ignore what’s happened to us under Cedric Tobey Cromwell, well that’s going to be tough with this ridiculous debt hung around our necks binding generations to come, You can’t say you weren’t told. Cedric and his Fryebal Council destroyed the simplest dignity left to us. You knew it all along.

Keep making all that noise agitating the MGC.  Keep it up.

Ignorance and deceit is a killer. Ain’t it bird?



This is how it is

This is what’s going on.  From the Massachusetts Gaming Commission website.

“The Commission is considering a plan for Region C with the broadest range of options for the most parties, including protecting the Tribe’s option of getting land in trust in timely fashion, a plan that promotes the robust competition that has so successfully served the best interests of the Commonwealth in Regions A (Eastern Mass) and B (Western Mass). Under this plan, we would open Region C to commercial bidders, while the Tribe proceeds with its quest to get a Compact approved by the Legislature and its land in trust from the Department of the Interior. After the Commission reviews any commercial proposals we receive, we will then look at all the facts as they are at that time—including whether the Tribe has its land in trust and is ready to proceed with its project, and then decide what course of action is in the best interest of the Commonwealth and Southeastern Mass. “

And Cedric spent $2 million dollars on a negative media campaign against MGC. The expense is unreal. Again, the consultants made an incredible amount of money ( about $1.75 million ) along with you know who.  Once again producing a poorly concocted message that got us nowhere.   He said it was the investors money. Sure it was but it’s still our debt and another layer of humiliation on top of the fact that we have no economic development plan to get our people back to work.

Cedric Cromwell is a Mao man committed to Genting. Let’s see where he goes from here.




Commercial does damage

The person doing the voice work in Cedric’s homemade spot can’t even properly pronounce Wampanoag.  That’s the caliber of consultants we have working for us.

The strategy is beyond a reach…it’s pathetic.