“MY fatha Russell…….”
This is how it goes….when she starts cherping nonsense, you start mouthing the words. But she is not her father. Nothing like him and she is trying to attach herself to the memory of Russell Peters Tribal Chairman of 25 years for any positive residue she can salvage.
Paula Peters in her virtuous white regalia. She’s lucky the damned thing didn’t ignite in a blasphemous rage and burn her to smithereens. She’s been running behind men who don’t want her since she came to Mashpee when she was 13.
Paula is running for Secretary. She needs to be running for cover with her sactamonious blather. Since she wants to talk about being a Peters…let’s talk about it. Like all families …they fight and stop speaking…but like all families they duke it out face to face….especially Jim. He likes to argue. Most Peters are smart asses. And they think they’re the smartest in the room. Sometimes they are..
But Paula, she’s a weak, sniveling disloyal, power grabbing insecure woman who has been bad mouthing her relatives to other Mashpee to get votes.
She talked about her cousin Gayle to Tribal members pledging to take her off the rolls if she were elected. Right. She can’t look Gayle in the eye and damned near peed on her self when she saw her in Roche Brothers last time she was home.
With only two Elder Peters alive, Paula is not a favored niece for sure.
But Paula, you denegrated your Aunt Anne, you of all people accused her of neglegance. You forget your Aunt Anne knows of your total humiliation …but out of deference to her brother Russell she, unlike you will say nothing of the lie you’re living. Despite the fact that it’s common knowledge to everyone in the Tribe.
You are not worthy….ever.