Oh for God sakes….

So, if it weren’t so sad it would be funny, but it’s not. Once again the Pow Wow is being undermined by the woefully inadequate treasurer and chairman. It’s so pathetic, we’ll give you the short version.  So the Pow Wow Committee, led by Maddas, Victoria and other capable women, started their work on the

The Alleged Treasurer leaves his buddy Cedric’s federal court hearing years ago with that worried look on his face. The Pow Wow has haunted him since $30k came up missing on his watch in 2008. Deja vu baby. You betta give up the ghost.

project.  First thing they did was ask Bobby (The Alleged Treasurer) for a budget.  He said they had $43k.  Well okay.  With that in mind, they proceed to pull things together. And that’s quite a job.  Dealing with vendors, drummers, dancers, head man & woman dancers, judges, arena directors, EMS, security, the clam bake, fireball, cash registers, advertising and on and on.

The Pow Wow is about two and a half weeks away and they needed answers and money to move forward. They emailed and texted The Alleged Treasurer got no response for days on end. He was ghosting them hard. When they finally cornered him, he confessed the $43K was missing….but get this. The committee raised and deposited an additional $17k and, WAIT FOR IT….that’s gone too!

We’re going to leave that right there; cause we all know what needs to happen.

COMMICAL NEW SPIN….. just to keep you updated. The

Download it and read along. See for yourself. It’s just the Constitution, what do they care?

Child King is circulating new deflecting talking points saying all the officers are responsible for Operations (the collapse of the Tribal government). Once again, he shirked responsibility, empowering himself with oversight of operations. He’s just incapable of doing any work or accepting responsibility. That pesky Resolution 33 did it.  Another unconstitutional action. Violating the Constitution is an obsession with him.  Maybe he should read it.  It defines all the responsibilities of the officers. Operations is supposed to be the VC’s job.  But CK wanted it and here we are.

It’s gettin’ hot in here.