Nelson left but ……

He’s still here.  Ya, that’s because Nelson Andrews resigned as Tribal


Nelson’s hard work is repairing our horrible image. Meanwhile, we spent over $2.2 m in the last decade on a Mittark we throw away and worthless emails from “PR” that fail to inform or redeem us to outsiders. Paula’s been riding that gravy train “cherp cherpin’ ” away. Lovely Winnona oversees all that effort. Stop laughing Ahem..

Emergency Mangement Director and took a federal job as the FEMA Region I Tribal Liaison that cover 10 eastern tribal nations… That includes the Mashpee Wampanoag.  Andrews has built an impressive national profile as an emergency management “go to” for Indian Country.  Harvard is putting together a Public Health Emergency Preparedness Steering Board for the CDC and he’s been invited to sit on that panel.

His dossier also includes the recent membership to the Mashpee Chamber of Commerce and a Tribal Governing official for the United Southeastern Tribes.

Nelson has brought in well over $15 m to the Tribe in these leadership roles and on the CDC which is expanding our economic development opportunities. No doubt he will help with the transitioning of the EM Department he built that set the standard in Indian Country. He will be based in Mashpee and remain on the Council.

And our Chairman was re-elected to the Mashpee School Committee, he was unopposed. We’re still searching for his initiatives there.  We have learned that he’s not real interested in his post as Vice Chair of National Council of American Indians.  Officials say he has been absent from the last two meetings.  And the meetings were on Zoom. We have no legislation, money raised, casino financing or even grant initiatives brought forward by the Child King. Talk about leadership… He files frivolous lawsuits against council members and misinforms others to get their votes. He’s an excellent whinner though…excellent. That’s a Child King for ya.

Desperation is like stealing from the Mafia: you stand a good chance of attracting the wrong attention