Jessie Tobey White Baird is a beautiful chameleon. Just life threateningly overweight and prone to insatiable

Jessie So Messy….CAN’T GET NO RESPECT. Your cousins Ceddie and Harry make it so hard to play Indian !
lies.She supposed to be the Vice Chairman but no one knows what she does other than hire her kids and run around pontificating and now doing ” naming ceremonies ” that she is not authorized to do. Right, Messy Jessie is not the Medicine Man, but some tribal members who are totally clueless let Jessie name their daughter/granddaughter. Right. Totally clueless, who know nothing about tribal protocol and tradition. They fell for Jessie’s bulls*it. And the name was so ugly for a girl. The English translation makes no sense.
But this is Jessie’s MO. She preys on tribal members like the above who are really loony and don’t know our rituals from the Cheyenne.
Here’s the Latest Jessie Mess….she’s running for Chairman. I suppose her cousin Harold Tobey is her campaign

Harold Tobey, Jessie’s cousin, despised by the Tribe because he happily arrested tribal members and denounced us as Indians. Not considered a Mashpee Wampanoag, he was one of the first Red Box Indians of 900 Jessie put on the roll in violation of our laws. Jessie expects to be elected by the Red Box Indians she put on the roll.
manager. Harold has been out front…sort of the new mascot of the tribe. We call him ” Mr Red Box.” You know Jessie put him on the roll when she was in running enrollment. If you’re not one of the 1001 like the rest of us…it’s really questionable about your status because Jessie couldn’t even figure out Hazel, Eleanor and Patty’s numbering system.Course they did it that way for the numskulls like Jessie. Trouble is that Harold Tobey languished in the Red Box because he did not meet the requirements of the Constitution to be a tribal member. Tracing your ancestry is near impossible unless you’re a real member…but you could trace back to Massasoit ( which many of us can) it didn’t matter because you had to have participated in tribal events and the elders had to confirm you…pretty standard in any tribe…so showing up with lineage just gets your foot in the door. But Harold Tobey’s lineage was questionable there too needless to say, he was never a Mashpee and therefor languished in the Red Box. Jessie took him out. Just like she did all 900 Casino Stalkers who also languished in the Red Box.They never ever came to a Pow Wow or social or funeral, they went away an never came back to Mashpee until it looked like we we going to get a casino. And we all know that Red Box divided a lot of tribal members because the 1001 brought it home and the Casino Stalkers couldn’t tell the difference between John’s Pond and South Cape Beach. The Red Box drew the line. I missed one pow wow in my adult life…and I’m pretty old. None of us attend anymore because it is horror show where non Indians put on costumes and dance. All because of Jessie who went away and came back with the fantasy of being accepted and respected. Those are Jessie’s voters Casino Stalkers from the Red Box cluttering our Pow Wow…Course she’s Cedric’s cousin and plans to run against him with a group of women. Right Jessie needs to resign before she does anymore damage and she’s done a lot.
For those who don’t know, we are the most credentialed Indigenous people in America. We were shocked when the thousands of non Indians cheered us in 2004 during the grand entry at the opening of the Museum of the American Indian in Washington DC. The White people know our value, but we clearly don’t. We have more

Mashpee Wampanoag John Peters established ICWA, and was a world renowned Supreme Medicine Man. Tah Tah wants to make Guy Cash a paid Medicine Man ($68K) when he won’t show up to comfort tribal members at the many funerals we have. Guy Cash is a disgrace and an insult to the memories of Billie James and Peters. We don’t pay traditional leaders in case you forgot.
documentation validating our heritage, lineage and struggle than our more famous cousins from the west. We are the First Americans in many ways. We led the fight to regain our land setting the precedents for Native land reclamation. The western tribes followed our lead. Our Supreme Medicine Man, John Peters crafted the famous federal law 35 years ago, to protect native children known as Indian Child Welfare Act. Our people taught other eastern tribes the traditions and since the 1600’s we were political leaders who orchestrated our survival only to arrive at this place where the worst in the tribe undermine our future.
More on why Jessie and Cedric should resign and take their cousin Harold with them… tomorrow