This business with the congressional legislation to protect our land in trust is right out of the Trump playbook. So let’s just call it what it is; distraction & disceit.
- THE TRIFECTA: Cedric, Je$$ie, and Congressman Bill Keating are using the LIT congressional legislation to distract Tribal members from the RECALL, while trying to keep the phantom casino alive so they can spend the last $400K that’s left in the Tribal bank account.
- Shovel Ready Ceddie, Messy Je$$ie and Keating take full advantage of the fact that most people don’t understand the legislative process. So anything that is going on looks like progress. Well, the trouble is there is no companion bill to Keating’s in the US Senate or a bill sponsor. That’s not only bad news, it’s A BILL KILLER because the legislation can’t pass unless the same bill passes both the Senate and the House. Other states are lining up to kill the legislation. Oh, they forgot to tell you that hu? Right D & D. And, not only is the US Senate, run by some really crazy republicans it’s a ” hostile” place for people like us. TRUMP has to sign the legislation for it to become law. How bout that? You know what he said about the Pequots.
- Ever notice that Keating and Town manager Rodney Collins (former police chief) are the only ones
ever quoted in the CCT and still hanging with Cedric. Keating said in that he was not interested in the internal battle going on in the Tribe or the $500m debt. Everyone else in theCongressss questions it and Cedric’s mismanagement…so what’s his story? Right. And Cedric and Collins have a bromance dating back to when he was the chief. Kinda creepy.
- The people backing this corrupt regime dismiss the debt, mismanagement and abuse of Tribal members, but you need to know that Cedric and his leadership team….still the last on the payroll, have been tinkering with the grants again. We are $600k in the hole with grant money… a no no. But why would they care, they just want to hang on until the last dime is spent.
- Treasurer Gordon Harris is still getting a weekly check of about $1,500 a week and has missed 4 council meetings which means he is supposed to be removed. Cedric keeps making excuses for him. Harris is incredibly incompetent, but Cedric has to keep him in place. Harris never recovered from the tribal rebuke when he tried to have Carlton Hendricks, Jr. removed. It did not go well.
- Cedric Cromwell makes nearly $3,000 a week, that we know of, and he cannot point to one project or benefit he has brougt the tribe out of the $500m debt.
- The Deaconess ( Francie ) $62k a year the last of the devout followers of Shovel Ready is still on the payroll. Good to the last drop.Does nothing, absolutely nothing
- Trish Keliinui makes $65K a year. She’s the spokesperson for the Tribe. Ahem. She never says anything worthwhile. So what’s new eh?
- Ann Marie Askew makes 75K a year and no one knows what she does other than collect a check.
As you know Ann Marie is on the elections committee and should not be because she’s on Council. The
Deaconess is on there too, but apparently, the others went right along to protect Cedric and Je$$ie and keep their paychecks. Anyway, they rejected about 103 signtures on the petitions based on addresses and other nonsense to keep the process from going forward. Because if they authorize the signatures, the recall election date has to be set. Tribal members are pretty adament about this recall. Over 300 signatures is pretty hefty. Those are definate votes. And we all know it take a lot to get a Mashpee to sign anything. But there are no rules now and no decency in this government. Like we said right out of the Trump playbook. So the fight to get rid of Cedric, & Je$$ie will probably continue because Tribal members are sick of it. Ten years is long enough.
Cedric is such a mess, we’re sure many of us feel sorry for him sometimes. Well this one situation was one where….well after you laughed, then you felt sorry. Messy divorces always bring out some things you’d don’t want people to know. Well Cedric got one of his women a boob job. Ok. Bad part was she took off right after it was done. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt. Translation– Stuneded.