Okay, somebody’s throwing a lot of money around to buy time. What the BIA is suggesting now is that the court allows them to substitute our state juristictional status for the mandated federal jurisitiction, to take our land into trust. Not only is the BIA guy admitting that their original decision to put our land into trust was a scam….but is completely dismising the US Supreme Court ruling defining the criteria for the agency to take land into the trust of the United States.That 2009 decision was devistating for us and other tribes…but Cedric Cromwell and his crew never had a clue or cared whether the tribe benefited from their chicanery . They just kept the laundry going for Genting. Now the money and other deals have gotten good, but paying the sorry tribal lawyers for more bad work may not be on the Genting roster.

Shovel Ready Ceddie cannot live up to his name nor can he get his ” Groove ” on without the title and big salary. He’s looking for an intervention and desperation drives his need to hold on to power and other things….. ahem.
But let’s move on to the prevailing problem. The Tauntonites. Those people have the top Indian slayer as their lawyer, and this is a simple challenge….but Cedric gets more time to remain in power, months potentially…and that certainly helps with his scandalous personal life.
For us it’s just more pain and suffering.