It was a tough week for Bobby, so he engaged in radio silence. He wouldn’t answer the phone or respond to texts. What he did, though, was fix the Jaguar’s flat tire and remove it from Tribal property. He also

You shoulda asked somebody Canal Street. Cause TAT is a survivor. He’s already telling you what to do. Welcome to Mashpee boy.
returned the Ford Explorer to his uncle’s Tribal Police fleet. As noted yesterday, we anticipated Bobby dropping out of the race for Treasurer. And he endorsed Fenton Soliz. Of course, the Child King beat him to it on that one. Ellen put his slate out, endorsing Fenton and Talia Landry as Secretary over his cousin Cassie Jackson. Vintage CK …self-preservation at all costs.
Bobby made his announcement on Facebook. The accolades rolled in from adoring fans like Trish Keliinui (a lady friend of CK’s uncle David Weeden). She claimed that Bobby was “thrown into a hornet’s nest” left by Marie Stone. Well, that disaster occurred because CK forced the appointment of Bobby, violating tribal law that prescribed a special election. Once again, CK knew Bobby could not win an election for Treasurer, and we paid the price. The chairman said Bobby, The Alleged Treasurer did and “excellent job.” Endorsements are tricky in a small election like this because you run a high risk of offending key families and voters. This election will be about change and Fenton fell back in it on this one.
Clearly, Fenton does not understand Mashpee, nor has he tried to find out what the hell’s going on around here. He probably doesn’t know that he was nicknamed “Canal Street” because when he occasionally showed up in Mashpee, he was peddling knock-off pocketbooks and video games from the famed street. The Wall Street Wizard he professes to be smacks of exaggeration because he’s done real estate work had several mortgage companies, had several liens, bankruptcies, and loan issues. TAT’s horrific but then again a bank robber looks good compared to him.
Still Canal Street is not exactly the profile of a financial guru. He works at the “Citizens Supermarket Branch at Stop & Shop” after all. He asked’ about the Treasurer’s salary, and was told ($85K), he said, “Is that all?” He also said that Bobby’s decision to drop out of the race was “courageous.” Even the Fryes smirked on that one. Bobby had no choice.
There’s some really telling issues with his candidacy: Here’s what we know:
- Canal Street is endorsed by the Chairman and Bobby, who lead the finance coverup for years.
- Winnie (running for Vice Chair) and David Weeden (seeking reelection to Council) are also devout loyalists to the Chair and Bobby — they voted to block the investigation faithfully.
- Talia, also part of the “Cover Up Crew” ticket was fired from the Education Department by Brian but is back in his good graces.
Canal Street has used the Council meetings to campaign, and CK has let him. Let’s see if he condemns his own ticket when the wrongdoing is made clear tonight.
Connecting the dots on this one was easy
(There’s a pool going on calculating the odds on no shows at the EM. You can do the math. Magpie has again put Town over Tribe by attending the Board of Selectman meeting tonight instead. Absence will not make this go away dude.)