Let’s talk about the level of desperation enveloping the tribal government. Okay, you got a
bunch of very bad attorneys advising an inept chairman who after 8 years, remains a clueless pawn of the White lawyers and consultants. He actually does what they tell him to do. There are maybe 2 members of the Council who actually understand the legislative process in the Congress or the statehouse.So, they have countless meetings tossing out numerous bad ideas and no one, Messy Jessie included, challenges anything but one council member every time. All any of them cares about is the pay check.
Believe us when we say, they loved it until now. Now, out of options, they’re running on the adrenaline of pure desperation. So this was the plan last week: Get 2 lawmakers ( that means get a House member, probably from Taunton and a Senator also representing Taunton) to sponsor a bill to put an addendum on the compact/gaming law to allow the Tribe to go commercial.
We said..” No way, dead on arrival ” state lawmakers are sick of waiting for for Cedric to get it together. There was just no support among other legislators. The Mass Gaming Commission certainly signaled lawmakers that they wanted no part of the chicanery. They too have been made fools of by Shovel Ready Ceddie. Anyway, the proposal died unceremoniously never making it out of the House….as we predicted.
Back to the drawing board. Everyone seems to forget that our Land in Trust issue is still awaiting the Department of Interior brain trust to offer an alternative scenario that would satisfy the federal court. And the court won’t wait forever. Since the court is likely to reject the scenario. That means we would have no LIT. And its not like the DOI is a friend to Indians. DOI is actually undermining LIT, see the article below.
Right, its pretty bad. And how would you appeal the US Supreme Court’s own decision? Right. It’s just a matter of time before we’re in the rabbit hole. actually we’re in the rabbit hole.
The biggest flaw is that if we don’t have LIT, Genting takes the land in Taunton and files for their own commercial casino because we are completely compromised. The other problem is financing. We lost Bank of America 2.5 years ago, no one will touch us. Genting has promised $85m for something. But its a lie. Cedric is begging for a couple of million now. and he’s begging hard.
None of it’s for you. Tomorrow… well the Fryes aren’t going to like it.