Tribal Staff paid to attend Press Conference

What happened to us? What happened?

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal staff received a day off with pay to fill the room at Cedric Cromwell’s Taunton Presser today.  Clearly the CCT didn’t know that when it did the head count of 50.  They obviously don’t know Mashpee staff from the regular tribal members.  They all look alike don’t they? If I was getting a paid day off, I’d go too. Nancy Joseph ( Frye )was so excited she sent out her own email with Cedric’s authorization attached. A Frye move for sure.

Three employees were left behind to man the tribal government.  It would have been a great day for the Feds to show up.

Thousands of dollars spent on busing people to Taunton to do damage control for Cedric, Mark and Aaron’s  shady casino scheme.  The negative press has been horrific.  Every major paper accept one…you know CCT, had investigated and analyzed how impossible this venture would be under WHITE standards, essentially.

Cedric, AAron and Mark’s support has been reduced to the unqualified staff  who would be chronically unemployed if it were not for their  relatives keeping them on the dole.   Look who’s on the front row…

Harold Tobey.  Harold Tobey alright. You know that Harold told his cousin that the Mashpee were ” warming up to him now.”  Don’t  girl don’t ! as  KK  Lopes used to say.

Bobby ” I don’t have a GED either” Foster, Kevin Frye and his grandfather Micky Frye were on the front row. And about 20 other Fryes on the payroll behind them.  Then there were the Cedric and Aaron’s family Tobe(y)s….from over the Mashpee town line, trying to look dignified.  Ahhhh.

The real Elders refused to attend.

The Cedric sideshow revealed nothing new. Apparently the 40 acres will have to hold the 3 hotels and the resort casino. The CCT apparently thinks that will work. The ever changing plans  have no specific sites because Ceddie refuses to talk about the Galleria.  The Galleria must not be happening.

Cedric, Aaron and Markie have no land to build the casino on.  Even their lawyers say the tribe needs some land to do this.

Again, thank God stupidity is not contagious.

Please get on the bus….to Taunton

Cedric Cromwell sent out the email.  He wanted to be surrounded by his people at his event today concerning the “Taunton itty bitty casino.” Turnout at his press conferences has been abysmal in the past. A big zero in terms of tribal participation. So what does he announce? The Addition of the Galleria? He bid up to $65m, but the bank wants $120m. Knowing Cedric’s penchant for giving money away and paying triple the price, expect the worst. Then again no one knows what Cedric and the gang is actually doing.  The truth has never materialized.

Cedric and his council has no sense of decency.  Instead of spending  $500k on Brooke Scannell’s little Taunton PR dog and pony show that doesn’t amount to anything…why not keep the pantry open? Instead he’s giving the Elders $30 Stop & Shop  cards once a month. It’s true.  Then, the Elders have to fight to get them.

The Harvard Project offered a stunning evaluation of the so called governance of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe over the last three years. It says there’s no economic development, no direction, no planning, no coordination or interaction between the administration or program directors.  Absolutely no transparency, accountability.  Worst of all the tribal membership can do nothing about it. That’s what we always said at Reel Wamps.  Harvard confirmed it.

Astonishing is the fact that the tribe has three education committees and pays directors big money.  We have so very few Native children continuing their education on any level beyond high school. What the hell do they do but collect a check? Harvard didn’t know either and said so.  It’s a depressing peak into the future.  The incredible standouts  we do have achieve with the help of family and teachers.

All power !

Cedric said he knew nothing about the Harvard Project report.  Well, the evaluators were all over the tribal council , interviewing people, directors and employees.   Gathering information. But he didn’t know?  That’s silly.

Cedric was doing his thing. Hiding the truth.  Covering up.   Remember the Federal Charter mess that would have enshrined them as kings and queens forever? There was the land in trust debacle he hid for 2 months.  Now the Harvard Project Report, also hidden. There’s more forthcoming…the tribal Gaming Commission is a scandal.

But they are going out of their way to convince Taunton that they will treat them right.  Delusions no doubt.

We’re from the Tribal Council, and we’re here to help…

I can’t speculate on how many of you have read, or even aware of the “Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Gaming Authority Ordinance,” or if you have, how well you understand it.  At first glance, it is pretty much what I would expect.  It lays down all the necessary language to insure the proper operation of an authority that could very well manage many millions in property and income.  All well and good, but I have some nits to pick.  Nits as big as a city bus.  Let’s take a look. (Formatting and emphasis to clarify meaning.)

From section 6, Authority Officers and Board of Directors:

(b) Subject to Section 6(k) of this Ordinance, the members of the Board of Directors shall consist of the following:
(i) all individuals duly serving from time to time as the Chairperson or Treasurer of the Tribal Council (as those offices are described in the Constitution); any change in the individuals holding one of the foregoing offices of the Tribal shall result in an automatic corresponding change in the membership (and office) for the Board of directors; and(ii) up to three additional individuals (if any) duly serving as members of the Tribal Council, such appointment to be at the pleasure of the Tribal Council and lasting only so long as these additional individuals are serving on the
Tribal Council.
(c) Subject to Section 6(k) of this Ordinance:
(i) any individual then duly serving as the Chairperson of the Tribal Council shall automatically serve as the President of the Board of Directors; (ii) any individual then duly serving as the Treasurer of the Tribal Council shall automatically serve as the Treasurer of the Board of Directors…


(i) Except if approved by a majority of the members of the Board of Directors, any meeting of the Board of Directors shall not be open to all members of the Tribe.

So the membership of the board of directors is limited to the chairman, treasurer, and any other Council member they want.  How convenient.  Not to mention that ordinary Tribal members will be locked out of meetings.

From section 7, Reports:

(a) The Board of Directors shall keep records of all meetings and actions taken by it, and  such records may be viewed by or on behalf of any member of the Tribal Council at any reasonable time upon reasonable notice to the Secretary or the President of the Board of Directors.

And, from section 11, Accounting Matters:

(e) The books, records and property of the Authority shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by authorized representatives of the Tribal Council.

Where is the clause giving ordinary Tribal members the right to see books and records?  Are we to be kept in the dark as usual?

The Cromwell gang has once again shown their corrupt natures and their intentions.  They mean to continue to run the Tribe as their personal cash cow, in secret, and counter to every tenet of decent leadership you can imagine.  Prepare to be part of a banana republic.

See for yourself, download this PDF file:  Mashpee Tribal Gaming Authority Ordinance

You will need a PDF reader to read this file.

Read it and weep: The Harvard Report

We here at ReelWamps have come in to possession of a report by The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development and the Native Nations Institute at the University of Arizona.  We had wondered about the progress of the report, but there was no indication of any conclusions from these groups.  Frankly, we had thought that the project had fallen by the wayside, but we were wrong.  Here is, for all to see, the report, titled “Inventory Assessment, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.”  This is a document that should give you some sleepless nights.  See the link to the document at the end of this post.

Has Cedric been sitting on this report? It is dated 2011.  Is he afraid of the possible repercussions of this report?  He should be.  While his sycophants may cheer him and praise his performance as our chairman, there is something definitely and functionally wrong with this administration.  Could it be that they are so obsessed with their political power and economic gain that they have overlooked their duties to the Tribe?  You decide.  Download the document at the end of this post, read it, and print it out if you can and pass it out to others.

We will be making specific comments on this, but would like for you to be familiar with this.


You will need  a PDF reader to read this.

Conflict, corruption and confusion

There is no end to the insatiable greed and lunacy of Cedric’s Tribal Council.  Take a look at this.

1. Taunton  will vote the casino up or down in a June election that the tribe is paying a mint for.  But the vote is “non binding”.  That means that the town’s approval or disapproval will have no influence on the whether the casino is approved or built.

Question: If the vote of the  Taunton citizens is ” non-binding” why did Cedric’s crew authorize  Brooke Scanell to spend $500 K on a public relations campaign to get the project approved….when the outcome is irrelevant ?

ANSWER: MONEY. They gave her a $200k deposit a while back and now she’s getting ready to spend the rest of the money on  whoever being that she has no credentials in media or PR.  She’s a political consultant who specializes in fundraising.  Course she works mightily raising money for Speaker DeLeo.  And she also handles ” strategic consulting. ” If she has plotted the strategy of her beloved Cedric and the “Taunton itty bitty casino”…..well now that does settle  all questions of  competence doesn’t it? As we have said before it would take a while to spend  $500k in the entire state let alone Taunton, so there’s something else going on.

2. Consultants hire others to do specialty work. Brooke Scannell had a very small pool of people to select from apparently.  The sharing of big bucks does not go beyond certain Tribal Council members.  Patricia Keliinui asked for a “waiver “to  apply to work  with Brooke.  Lovely. She already works for the tribe  making upwards of $60k with  no job description.

Questions:  Keliinui is the center of a serious Election complaint filed by Tribal Elder  Nellie Hicks so how does she even have the nerve to apply for  a PR job when she’s responsible for the rigged 2009 election ? Is it true that on top of it all , as a Council member she voted for Brooke’s  phenomenal fee?


There’s no telling what else is behind this madness.  Mark Harding was defending Keliinui’s request.  You can believe Paula Peters is involved somewhere since they will never admit to hiring her despite her entire family being on the payroll.  But the feeling may be mutual now that her peeps and her partner are persona non grate.  She never got to reign over her Indian Empire.  Her little regime has successfully dismantled everything Russell built.

Another note, other Council members are looking for “Waivers” to work on tribal projects like the Community Center… a USDA loan.  What don’t they understand about the fact that you cannot sit on a governing body that allocates or receives federal funds and pay yourself, family or contractors fronting for you.  Ask the so called Treasurer Mark Harding who’s developed a tic from looking over his shoulder  50 times a day. Alice may be gone but the Housing bank records are still there and Housing is still shut down. A Waver does not provide immunity from federal prosecution.  Ask all those lawyers we’re paying for bad advice.

Luckily  stupidity isn’t a contagious disease, because this group would be deadly.


Whirlybird Maneuvers

Cedric Cromwell continues to amaze observers with his unorthodox strategies for self preservation.  According to

Cedric adds the whirlybird hat to his costume collection

several news reporters from Middleboro and Taunton, he actually commandeered  a helicopter to search for land for his commercial casino. He really did. Of course everyone knows it’s impossible to determine land boundaries from the air,  but then again, Cedric is not exactly a bastion of intelligence. It does explain how he settled on Taunton and the evolution of the brand now known as CeddieLou’s Whirlybird Maneuvers.

Herrin’:  “This Taunton business gets worse by the minute don’t it?”

Roe: “Yaas Yaas. No money for the tribal members.  Payola for his  crew and  lot of debt.  Question is, who’s suing us today?”

Herrin’: ” Hell, they ain’t suing me…they’re suing Cedric, Aaron, Marie Tah Tah, Markie Harding, and all those on the Council members who pledged allegiance to Cedric.  Guess Middleboro is at the top of the list. We don’t know how much they want.”

Roe: ” Nope. Don’t know. That’s a hard one for the Governor to ignore. ”

Herrin’: ” Yup, and  there’s the original investors. The Governor made sure that was written into the law.”

Roe: ” Didn’t he though? ”

Play Herrin' n Roe's pool. Gamble without interest !

Herrin’:  ” Well he has his reasons. ”

Roe : ” Yaas,  Cedric can’t play in that game cause he ain’t the sharpest knife in the draw.  ”

Herrin’ : “Yah but who looks for land from a damned helicopter ?”

Roe: ” Cedric.”‘

Herrin’: “He picks the worst spot in the whole state…all broken up and costing three times what it’s worth”

Roe: “Well maybe that’s the reason for the helicopters. You know, fly the gamblers from spot to spot since its all separated.”

Herrin’: ” Yah that’s it.  Instead of a water park, we’ll  have helicopter rides and call it Whirlybird Manuevers !”

Roe: ” I gotta better one.  How about Bad Deal Keeps Gettin’ Worse. Or We Don’t Make a Dime for 20 years.

Herrin’ : “Well ya know Minnie Ah Hah is selling tickets to today’s Sunday Meeting.  She’s gonna make a bundle.  Cedric puts on a clown show outta this world.”

Roe: ” Them New Bedford illegals don’t know any better, but we do.  I got a pool going….bettin’ on how many lies Cedric tells during the meetin’ another one for how many White people he trots out to lie for him.”

Herrin’ : ” We gotta get paid some kinda way.”

Roe : ” Damn right boy…and Genting ain’t chargin’ us 17%.”

Herrin’: ” Don’t brag.  It don’t take much to out smart Grungy, or what’s his name? Lip Licker, his cousin.  The Tobes! ”

Roe: ” Well you got those fish heads and pine cones? Nellie says members are itchin’ to throw ’em at Grungy.”

Herrin: “Yah I got ’em. ”

Roe: ” They say throwin’ fish heads and pine cones is an old Wamp stress reliever.”

Herrin’: “Who don’t know that.”

Roe: “Cedric.”

Herrin: ” Norman said come by for a beer.”

Roe: ” Les go.”

$65M more for the “Itty Bitty Taunto Casino”

The bid is in! $65 million dollars for the Galleria Mall.  Right.  Another 100 acres ( the size of Twin Rivers ) on the other side of the highway. In luxurious Taunton.  The Mayor there wrote a long letter to his constituents trying to explain that they should not worry about the special election vote …..because the Boston Globe said that  whether they vote the casino up or down, its not binding. Course that only adds to the very bad reputation of the Tribe brought about by Cedric. The other problems are that the  land tracts are between two schools.  Just what a community wants: gambling halls between their schools.

Look… we don’t have to continue to tell you how ridiculous this entire escapade has been.  So we should just continue to predict what happens next.

The Sunday meeting should be another “Ghetto spectacle”.

Here’s a few questions for Cedric.

Cromwell in his favorite Indian costume

Since the Massachusetts Commercial Gaming Law says the tribe has to prove that it has applied to take the land into trust,Where is the  LIT application for Tauton? Not a letter that says you intend to apply, but the actual application?  You will never see it. The document is hundreds of pages long.  Do you think this administration is capable of completing such a task?  You would never have known that the applications for Mashpee and Middleboro were rejected if the Taunton reporter hadn’t told the world. And Cedric is still denying it.

The new $65  million is added to the huge debt  we owe to  Genting that is being handed off  to Bank of America bonded or not at 2% how long do you think it will take us to pay off a debt of about $1.1 Billion or more? 40 or 50 years?  Where’s your check? Our kids will be dead by then….even if we get the damned thing.

Cedric told the Council after constant prodding by Carlton Hendricks Jr. that tribal members would get a  casino check in 8 years.  That’s a most Ghetto Fabulous lie! Is that how long it takes to pay off a billion dollars? No it’s a lot longer.

Then again you have to also ask who comes to a casino in Taunton ? Right, no one.

Why do you think Genting is bailing? There’s no money in this deal.

According to the law,  we have to pay off the first investors ($55m over  10 yrs), Middleboro ( thanks to the brilliant Weld law firm threatening Middleboro)($?), Genting($100m), purchasing land($100m), building the casino($300m), building infrastructure($300m), the state($250m) and God know who else because Cedric just keeps acquiring debt without explanation thinking that everyone’s too stupid to demand the documents he signs in our name. Where is that agreement to pay off the debt,the bank and  what is Cedric signing away with the  this deal with the state? ( If the Governor risks his reputation and future with this deal).

When will you get a check? For the New Bedford illegal aliens…listen up…Cedric, Aaron, Mark, Tah Tah, Cheryl,Trish, Winnie,  and Yvonne have been getting paid  hundreds of thousands  for 3 years, along with all their family members who do not have a Associates degree between them. The tribe has nothing to show for it. And, the pantry has been closed to boot!

You can’t be mad at Cedric cause you have never gotten a straight answer and he’s still making serious money stealing you blind.


Cover Up

We have no redress in the phoney Tribal Court


No one can face Nellie Hicks.

Not Supreme Court Chief Justice Henry Sockbasen, definitely not Cedric Cromwell, certainly not  Patricia Keliinui. The truth about the 2009 Election is not something this crew and their band of very expensive lawyers want under a microscope.  Obviously Chief Justice (wink wink) Sockbasen will never demand any examination of  the election documents.  So  one of about 6  tribal attorneys draft a convoluted “motion to dismiss”..without a hearing date! They don’t want a hearing.  They have to keep covering up.

Clearly Sockbasen and Cedric do not want to produce the records. That decision has already been made.  Sockbasen wouldn’t dare ask for records that may have been destroyed.  But then again, since Cedric certified his own election, the paperwork should be in the BIA Nashville office.

But this also clearly shows that the Court is a mirage,  and Sockbasen does not want to address a serious tribal dilemma. We have no legal redress to fix it. As we have said this 100 times.  The state is just watching the s-it show.

The other problem  for all on the Cedric band wagon is that the BIA has the documents that show that Nellie filed the complaint within 24 hours of the  2009 election. Elections Chair  Patricia Keliinui, ( and Mark Tilden ) dismissed the request  ( in 2009) without taking it before the Elders Tribunal.  They didn’t follow the Constitution.  That’s the point.  Course the very expensive tribal lawyers have referred to the new elections ordinance, passed God knows how…..when this refers to the laws in place 3 years ago.

By the way, every time that particular lawyer drafts a letter  or anything it  costs thousands of dollars. Millions have gone to these attorneys and the tribe has nothing to show for it.

A Cover up come undone equates to elections fraud, and 3 years of misfeasance and malfeasance by the Cromwell Administration and their band of very expensive defense attorneys.

Like we said. No one wants to face Nellie Hicks.


The Emperor’s New Clothes

Washington, we have a problem…

As many of you know, controversy has swirled around the 2009 election process like a  putrid miasma.  Accusations have been made about the conduct of the Election Committee and other responsible parties on that election day.  Because of the nature of the claimed  electoral irregularities that propelled the present regime into power, a lawsuit was brought in Tribal Court by a candidate in that election, Nellie Hicks Ramos.  In a April 3, 2012 motion to dismiss filed by the firm of Todd & Weld (you remember our former governor Bill Weld, don’t you?), they cite the doctrine of Sovereign Immunity in an attempted end run, to keep the case out of Tribal court.

What is sovereign immunity?

Sovereign immunity is a legal doctrine specifying that governmental entities are immune from lawsuit or criminal prosecution without their consent.  The doctrine also extends to government officials and employees in the performance of their duties. Sovereign immunity, as its name may suggest, derives from the idea that “the king can do no wrong,” or the “divine right of kings.”  The sovereign’s power and responsibility are granted by the deity and not the people.  It was supposed that an errant king would be ultimately be disciplined by the supreme being.  I guess Charles I of England and Louis XV of France were unaware of that.

Sovereign immunity today remains much the same, but more enlightened in some respects.  The doctrine is not so absolute, having been moderated somewhat by laws such as the Federal Tort Claims Act, the Freedom of Information Act, and the Tucker Act, the former of which allow lawsuits when a federal official or employee commits a tortious act, i.e., an action or lack of action that injures another party.  Governmental entities also waive Sovereign Immunity in contracts and government-to-government agreements.

How does Sovereign Immunity apply to Indian tribes?

Indian tribes have been granted essentially the same Sovereign Immunity as other governments, though the federal government may under some circumstances abrogate the tribes rights.  Logic will point to the following reasons for Indian tribes having  Sovereign Immunity:

  • To protect tribal reservation lands and natural resources.
  • To protect tribal enterprises.
  • To insure that Indian Tribes are not bankrupted by lawsuits.
  • To protect the cultural heritage and survival of Indian tribes.
  • To provide a way for Indian Tribes to enter into partnerships and agreements with other governmental entities.

I am sure that there are others, but you should get the idea.

What Sovereign Immunity does not, in my opinion , provide for, is an “impermeable shield” against prosecution or impeachment for corruption or criminality, rather, it is like an umbrella that protects those who remain under its shelter and do not stray outside it.  Sovereign Immunity protects those who faithfully and conscientiously, without favoritism or prejudice, perform their appointed duties.  Is this the case with the 2009 election?  I think not.

What do Todd & Weld say?

“Sovereign Immunity and separation of powers principles preclude Ms. Ramos complaint because Ms. Ramos did not file an appeal in accordance with the only appeal that was available to her under Tribal Law.”

I think that Todd & Weld are unaware that Nellie was not able to file a complaint with the Elders because Cromwell closed down the Tribal offices until the Wednesday after the election, beyond the one day requirement for such an appeal.  Furthermore, Cromwell had illegally removed the chairman of the Elder’s Judiciary Committee, which had by ordinance been granted all judiciary powers until the establishment of a Tribal court.

“…there is no factual allegation in the Complaint to support the bald, conclusory accusations that there was anything irregular about the February 2009 election… a politically motivated fishing expedition…”

I beg to differ.  Witnesses will swear to it.  Ms. Keli’inui ran off to celebrate with the Cromwell team without securing the ballots or turning over the sign-in sheets to the genealogy department  as had been done in previous electionsMs. Keli’inui is now a council member.  Furthermore, patrolman Kevin Frye, Mashpee PD, a tribe member who was the officer on duty, deserted his post because he had to “go to his son’s ballgame,” without providing any security at all.  The ballots and sign-in sheets were left to the care of who-knows-who.  We have no idea of their location or condition.

What’s all this then?

It should be obvious to all interested parties that there was and is some skulduggery afoot.  Cedric Cromwell after his “election” considered himself analogous to Barack Hussein Obama, but I would compare him to Richard Milhous Nixon.  You see, Nixon would have handily won the 1972 presidential election without the Watergate break-in, but will always be under a cloud.  Similarly, Cedric Cromwell may well have won the 2009 Tribal election without packing the tribal rolls or stuffing the ballot box.  Now he will live under a cloud forever.  The only he can clear his name is not to use the Tribes money and lawyers to stifle dissent and prevent a fair hearing of this matter.  I think that Cromwell & Co. are afraid of what would come out of a fair hearing, perhaps evidence of corruption and criminality?

I call upon the Tribal Council and the Judiciary to set this straight.  The future of our Tribe is at stake.  The Tribe was at the time of the election under construction, and still is in many ways, let’s not let it go down to destruction

That Mumbo Jumbo Tribal Court

The Tribal Court is a fake, as the Elders say.  They told Judiciary Committee members just that during their last meeting.  Vivian Bussiere and Barbara Harris were giving some kind of update.  Shortly thereafter, they resigned from the Judiciary Committee.  There were raised eyebrows, because Barbara especially, felt so empowered on the committee.  Finally someone had to pay attention to Barbara! We’ll get back to this in a minute.

Harold Tobey, never felt accepted by the tribe.

Harold Tobey was there.  Yes indeed.  Harold Tobey, is also a member of the Judiciary Committee. Harold Tobey also has the distinction of having no proof of Wampanoag blood according to those who would know. But, being the purveyors of chaos, the Tobeys put him on the roll.  Tobey’s history is tawdry.  Again according to those who would know, he was the flunky of the Cape police departments.  When they wanted to arrest a Mashpee…they sent Harold in. In a recent newspaper article he said he “never felt accepted by the Mashpee”….guess not. Now he has his revenge. But luckily, he’s on yet another committee without power.

The last remaining judge on the Tribal Court, or the Tribal Supreme Court or the Tribal Council Court  or the Fake Court,  or the Paper Cache Court, is Henry Sockbasen.  Henry is quite a guy.  He’s a Penobscot Indian from Maine.  He’s the first in his family to finish high school let alone law school. Many of us have similar stories.  He worked for the Pequot, and the Aquinnah….yah, he’s done the circuit alright.  Now he’s sitting alone on the bench…chillin’.  And you better believe he’s getting paid very wellLiving on Cape Cod and such.  He and Mark Tilden  probably play golf together being such superior Indians ya know. In article after article, Henry talks about tribal justice and in one in particular, he talked about bringing justice to the newly recognized Mashpee Wampanoag. Oh boy. We sure could use it right about now. Too bad you’re not on your job Henry.

There’s  an interesting twist to this little story.  Sockbasen may not have realized when he took the job that the tribe has no land in trust, which means it has no reservation, no compact with the town, police department, sheriff or any entity that

Judge Sockbasen, a judge in court without authority

works as the enforcement arm of a legitimate judicial system.  He was reportedly running around bad mouthing Cedric Cromwell calling him names because he was caught unaware about the status of the court.

In other words, the court has about as much judicial authority as a kindergarten class at Quashnet. He issues lengthy opinions, not rulings in legal formats that mean nothing. Totally unenforceable.  For someone that values the integrity of his professional reputation, this is pretty embarrassing.  But he keeps taking that check, and making speeches at Dartmouth and Harvard…. sitting on panels  pontificating about  tribal justice and the Native American Court system. If you need a true adjudication it has to be in Barnstable or a jurisdiction with authority.  Ask Bobby “I ain’t got no GED either” Foster.

Also, he’s supposed to be the chief judge of a Supreme Court with two other justices. (Oh ya, there’s no lower court).  The other judges were Rochelle Dechenaux, and Robert Mills. Mills  refused to set foot in the building because he knows two things.  The Tribal Court is a mirage.  It has no rules of procedure, or anything that constitutes a true body of judicial authority.  Dechenaux skedaddled after she admitted to throwing the 2009 election in favor of Cromwell. No one has seen her since.

This could be why Barbara and Vivian resigned. It’s gotten to be very problematic and certainly without prestige or power. No one respects this inept administration.

So Sockbasen sits there holding court like it’s real. The tribe pays big money to attorneys to play lawyer before him and tribal members have actually appeared in court with lawyers as though it’s going to amount to something. Nothing happens.  In the Harvard Project report.  Sockbasen was asked  if the Tribal Council interfered with his decision making.  “Oh Nooooo,” he says.  Cue the Cedric Wink. Followed by  Aaron licks his lips….

Well, he’s never opined against his employer, the Council.

Now we come to the most important part of this intriguing saga.

Nellie Hicks Ramos vs Patricia Keliinui, Chair of the 2009 Elections Committee.  The complaint attached bellow lays it out pretty good. This complaint has been sitting there since mid January.  Nellie calls Marietta Scott on every  one of the 3 days they’re open ( heavy docket ya know).  And Marietta  tells Nellie she’s going to get her that court date real soon. Sure she is.

No court date necessary.  Henry, just ask Cedric to produce the voter sign-in sheets from 2009.  Let’s see if there are any illegal voters on the list and we’ll be all set.

The federal  government takes voter fraud seriouslyThe government has jurisdiction over us.  Henry knows that. If he continues to cover up and will not even ask Cedric to produce the voter list.  There’s a problem  

Just think. We could wipe away the tragedy of the Cromwell Administration.  Haven’t they done enough  damage Henry Sockbasen ?




Nellie Hicks Ramos,




Patricia Keliinui, 2009 Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Election Committee Chairman




Plaintiff alleges:

1. Defendant failed to fully perform their duties as required by the Constitution under Art. IV, and Art. III, section 8, Election Ordinance, Section 1, requiring election records be kept and archived following an election.

2. Because of the Election Committee Chairman’s  negligence, the voter list was never seen after the 2009 election, the ballot box was not properly secured, and there was evidence of tampering and the fact that pending voters, were allowed to vote illegally, has disqualified the election of February 8, 2009

3. As a result, the voter list/sign in sheet has never been produced in order to verify the results of the 2009 election, and the ballots and other election materials have disappeared.

4. Further, Nellie Hicks Ramos challenged the election results in a letter. Chairperson Keliinui failed to follow Election Ordinance procedures for resolution of an election dispute by allowing the Elders of the Tribe, a review, as dictated by the law.  Because of the time constraints set out in the ordinance, the action of the Chairwoman amounts to substantial breach of the responsibility of her office.


WHEREFORE, plaintiff(s) pray(s) for judgment against defendant as follows:

1. That the voter list, sign-in sheets, ballots, and all other election materials for the Mashpee Tribe February 8, 2009 election be produced in accordance with the recordkeeping requirements of the Election Ordinance Section 1, and that the voter participants be validated as eligible to participate in the Mashpee Wampanoag tribal election.

DATED this 17th day of January, 2012.


Nellie Hicks Ramos