Uncle Herrin’,
Cedric’s Indian Circus turns out to be worse than the reports from The Pond.

Hoka Bro ! Where were the Indians?
Several Elders said it was the worst excuse for a pow wow the tribe has ever had.
No publicity, no tourists, no attendance. No money made on the gate. In the hole $125,000.
Pow Wow during the previous administration made $10k – 25k.
Fewer Tribal members attend this year than last….only those with small children who want to dance.
Even Annawon boycotted and hung out at The Pond like everyone else.
Many, many costumed non Natives in the circle, and Grand Entry. They outnumbered the Natives.
CeddieLou heightens the embarrassment by shouting, and chanting Native words he doesn’t even know the meaning of.
People are still talking about how he made a fool of himself, and was barking orders and changing everything.
Can’t pay the kids who worked and give them vouchers. Mark Harding was paying drummers with checks…good luck on that one eh ?
The few Canadian Natives and others looked on horrified as the chaotic circus played out.
Cheryl’s Frye Cromwell kids won top prize in their categories and so did her brother Daryl’s boy. Such a coincidence !
The worst was the so called moccasin burn that lumped men and women together and ended up being a 40 minute non stop dance marathon Sunday night. That did not help our battered reputation.
Fights in parking lot and the torture of CeddieLou’s epic jibber jabber. It was pure torture.

We were spared the trauma
But there was a bright spot. CeddieLou did not wear that God awful Buzzard Crown.
That is my report , July 8, 2010
Your Niece,
Minnie Ah Hah
Mashpee Wampanoag Private Investigator