Sunday Meeting Predictions

CeddieLou boasts about  his tremendous landslide and spending $500,000.00 on an election in Taunton that doesn’t count.  Oh yah….he forgot to tell you about the $300,000.00 he handed over to the Tauntonians to pay for the election.  $800,000.00 spent not only an election  that doesn’t count, but on people who are not tribal members.  Some kind of leader ain’t he?

Bobby “I Ain’t Got No GED Either” Foster will present his elusive 2008 Pow Wow Report saying he gave all the money to Nellie.  Sure you did….when everyone knows that your girlfriend at the time were rolling around in the cash like you were in the Great Train Robbery movie.

There are so many hurdles left to scale on a casino ( slot dump) that does not pay tribal members…..we have to refer you to the information on wampaleaks because the list is unending.

Signing off to go fishing 2:10pm

They’re all set

Come along little Tauntonians

Big day today for that crack team of Cromwellian political operatives lead by Brooke  Scannell who “loves to win.” This is an important moment because for the first time we will see what’s happened to  the $500k she was given to win over the Tauntonians. They’re paying about 35 tribal members  $150 to canvas and work the polls for a day.  That’s pretty good money… too bad they can’t find a way to help the members instead of themselves more often.

Scannell, who has  had a minimal career, seems to be a happy go lucky girl…recently married, and now sitting on a great nest egg…..congrats Brooke.  Do you feel guilty at all ?   Just kidding, course not.

Look who’s in charge of the Natives at the Taunton election side show….the totally trustworthy Patricia Kelliinui.  Patricia Keliinui who allowed Joanne, Ca and Carol Lopez to steal the 2009 tribal election right under her nose.  Now she faces a challenge or rather a demand for documents to prove the elusive sign in sheets weren’t doctored.  No word on that 6 month old request from Nellie Hicks…it’s languishing in Howard Cooper’s tribal court.

Obviously they can’t produce the documents. Of  Course Marietta Scott, the ” court clerk” says Robert Mills will be the judge of that demand.  Marietta, just stop talking okay. You know damned good and well Robert Mills is not going to risk his career fooling with that mystery court of no jurisdiction. You’ve been stalling Nellie for 6 months. That is when you come to work…which is almost never.  That heavy docket is overwhelming ain’t it?  No more tribal members to make fools of in the court without jurisdiction?

Anyway…election day is always exciting. Paula Peters will be over there bossing everyone around. Be sure to take pictures of  Patricia K trying to order those Mashpee around. Great photo op eh Brooke?




You left something out

The Cromwellians were able to get one good story in the paper yesterday.  It was about the tribal gaming commission. The second time Cedric submitted his little scheme…the Indian Gaming Commission accepted it .  Cedric”s Gaming Commission consists of  Markie the Harding, his faithful sidekick of late, himself and some poor patsy from the Council who will be outvoted by them should he or she ever disagree.

You can't submit without the LIT !

Cedric did his best to blow this thing up as though the federal government was sanctioning his rag tag slot dump. There was a critical part of the letter that was left out of the news story. Here’s what it said.

” It is also my understanding that the Tribe has not yet acquired Indian lands as defined by IGRAIt is therefor important to note that approval is granted only for gaming on Indian lands, as defined in IGRA, over which the tribe has jurisdiction.”

Translation….” Your little Commission does not mean a damned thing without land in trust.” 

Or ” Who are you kidding submitting this without land in trust?”

Or ” You really are as ridiculous as they say you are.”

Cedric is trying to divert attention away from the fact that the tribe is facing another lawsuit for ghetto business practices. The deed restrictions prevent him from moving forward.  How could he make  the same mistake twice….with so called professionals guiding him this time? Incompetence is obviously a prerequisite for hiring and being part of their team.

Aho bro.

Whatever Happened To… Bears and Bores and Boneheads

Just when we thought that all the runaway bear hoohaw was all done, now we hear that Mashpee has its own mysterious traveler.   Local environmentalists believe that the creature, thought to inhabit the uplands near Shoestring Bay, has been tracked heading west on the power lines that cross Mashpee and parallel Route 151.  One Mashpee High School employee reports that a strange critter was seen raiding a dumpster behind the cafeteria before it ambled away toward Old Barnstable Road.

Subsequent sightings were made near Plum Hollow and Hayway Roads.  At last reports, the mysterious creature was seen on Carriage Shop Road, nervously walking around in circles and peering into the windows of a house just north of Old Barnstable Road.  Bizarre.

You are known by the company you keep. Yeecchhh!!!

Speaking of  bizarre creatures, has anyone seen or heard from Paula?  Now that Glenn is home, what is going on with her?  Will she continue her bizarre behavior, or will she choose to fade into the woodwork where she belongs?  Everyone who knows the history of her “Fatal Attraction” obsession toward Glenn will tell you that it is not likely that anything will change.  Not only did she and her minions do their worst to get Glenn out of office, and  into prison, Paula actually tried to destroy Glenn’s family with her insanity.  Paula Peters, she-devil, narcissist, liar.

Mr. Lugnuts hisself

Speaking of liars, I wonder about another skulking critter-about-town, Peter Kenney.  Ol’ Pete, AKA Lugnuts, fancies himself a journalist, but he is far from it.  Pete is nothing more, at least concerning our Tribe, than a purveyor of half-truths and outright lies.  He did not have the courage to back up his assertions, but used the old tried and true method of posing it as a question, thus: “did Peter Kenney’s wife die because he loosened the lug nuts on her car?”  See, I did not accuse him of it, I merely asked if the rumor was true.

I had wondered where Petey had gotten his “information” from, other than from Paula.  I stopped wondering when I personally saw him emerging from the driveway of Fish House Hill, the palatial estate of one Amelia Peters Bingham, aunt of Paula Peters and first cousin of Glenn Marshall’s mother.  It gets dizzyingly complicated.


There’s something about those deed restrictions

Cedric confuses FR Mayor with jibber jabber

Remember the Fall River mess….it’s happening again. This time in the lovely resort village of Taunton. Cedric, Aaron and Markie can’t function unless they’re doing something illegal.  This time the city fathers are involved too.

The land into trust application for the Taunton Itty Bitty Casino asks about zoning.  A casino is not allowed on this property under the deed restrictions….so it can’t be taken into trust.  Not only is the property near public schools its zoned for “garden like corporate headquarters.”

The media keeps talking about Brook Scannell’s  $500,000 election  on Saturday. The vote by the city counsel is all they needed to push the deal through.  Saturdays vote makes no difference, legally. Believe me, she’s walking away loaded.

Everyone involved knew the status of the deed restrictions and went ahead anyway. Sleazy is what it is

This same group that challenged Cedric’s foolishness in Fall River have outsmarted him again.  And they come  baring lawsuits….again.

Send in your resumes !

Community Center Project Director (we’re guessing this is his title ) David Weeden did a shout out to tribal construction workers for the mystery project that may or may not happen.  He asked tribal construction workers to send in their resumes.  Now, I  don’t know any construction workers that have resumes handy, but I guess they can throw something together.

Oh yah, he said that they’ll find something for unemployed tribal members to do too…but tribal members  will have first shot at jobs with construction companies, ( which means they will be White and somehow connected to Mark Harding) followed by other Natives.  Judging by how the Narragansett and Pequot have taken over our Pow Wow, (better known as the Indian Circus where all kinda people wear costumes)….  That ought to be fascinating.

The Providence unions whose members have  been holding up pro casino signs don’t trust Cedric. They want a written contract with the tribe that promises them the work. Well the Council snickered when the great team of lawyers came up with a letter for the unions  that said a lotta nothing.  The Chinese are still running whatever results from this stumble bumble along debacle…..because their lawyers have drafted that legal document that Cedric will sign on our behalf.

They will hire who they please …. so hold on to those resumes.

Cedric says Deval is “in the bag”

Cedric says Deval's "all sewed up"

Governor Deval Patrick said the state casino law does not say Massachusetts has to have  3 casinos.  Course Cedric Tobey Cromwell said that made things good for the Mashpee.  Well now that’s not for him to decide.  That’s for the Gaming Commission to decide.  First they’ll determine whether the tribe will actually get land into trust and if a Mashpee commercial casino in Taunton will generate enough money worthy of a license.  If it fails to meet that criteria, the license will be given to another bidder.

Now that the Taunton City Counselors have approved the IGA it doesn’t matter whether Taunton voters vote the agreement up or down on June 9.  So you really have to wonder what happened to that $500 K Brook  Scannell was playing around with.  Never has there been so much negative press generated for so much moola. Lovely isn’t it. She paid someone pretty good to work those Taunton counselors over for their votes.

Cedric says that the deal  for a compact will be done with Deval in a couple of weeks.  Wonder if the Governor knows Cedric’s bragging that he’s got him and his beleaguered Gaming Commission all sewed up—as if they don’t have enough magnifying glasses burning them up.  Wow, we didn’t know Cedric and the Governor were so tight.  Rumors abound about…

So its back to LIT.  The ghetto management style is unreal. The Nashville office said “ they’re really trying to rush this through, there’s no guarantee of anything.” He also said the application can’t be considered if there are liens or taxes owed on the property.  Well of course taxes are owed on Tribal property.  Cedric does not want to pay them.  If the land is not in trust, it’s on the tax rolls.  The BIA official says there can be no waivers or stays.  The taxes have to be paid. The application is just as incomplete as it was when the BIA  rejected it in January (and Cedric forgot to tell us).  The Mashpee portion that was 95% complete when the previous administration left office and Cromwell has never finished it 3 1/2 years later.  It is impossible to prove the Taunton portion for the casino because there are no ancient links  to the Mashpee. That is  unless that tribal brother and sister team sprinkle some of those bones they been collecting (illegally) around the site. You know it’s crossed their minds if they haven’t done it already.

So are we to believe that Judy Shapiro and Ramona Peters can do the Taunton paperwork in a month and a half when it took a team of experts years to do Middleboro to the satisfaction of the BIA? Then there’s the little problem with the Congress that would have to fix the law to allow the tribe to take LIT. That will not happen with the Republican House.

And wait till they get a load of the tribal books. That’s mandatory, plus paying off all debt.  If you think the AMEX card scandal was bad…just wait.  It only gets better.

I Can Barely Bear It…

Run, bear, run!

Cape Cod is in the midst of a frenzy of bear sightings.  It seems that somehow a wild black bear made it across the Cape Cod Canal  or the bridge without even being stopped and asked for identification.  Bears and wolves did once roam throughout southeastern New England, over two hundred years ago, but hunting and loss of  habitat that came with the advance of colonization drove them to extinction here.

Well, he’s back!  We now have what seems, at least from the grainy, distant photos so far, a bear running for all he’s worth.  What he’s after is open to speculation, but bears don’t need much more than territory, food, and a mate.  All very well, but who is this bear?

Could this be our very own Running Bear, hellbent on a course that leads nowhere?  Or maybe he’s headed for the Chatham B’ars Inn on a quest for the perfect destination resort.  All he has to do is attach a slots shack and voilà, instant casino—easy, breezy, Mattakeesy!  What’s more, we can prove that some of the original inhabitants of Chatham migrated to Mashpee in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.  There’s our connection.

Whoever he is, good luck.  Run, bear, run!

If you believe Cedric, raise your hand….

Nellie asked for the permits to tear down the historic Tribal Council office and the permits to build the Community Building.  Course Cedric Tobey  Cromwell had nothing, but he told Nellie ” everything was in order” with the permits.  He just can’t produce them.  USDA has not sent the 12 million and why would they?

On to the leery Tauntonians political leaders stuck in the briars with Cedric.  Thorny and stinky.  If the Aquinnah went down in  in a blaze of defeat  in Freetown with their casino,  what’s in store for Cedric’s  slot dump and the Tauntonians? Well,  first the Mayor and his Counselors are looking at an agreement their constituents don’t like at all. They made that clear after about 5 hours of  “we hate this deal with the Mashpee. ”  The Tautonian leadership used the open government law to stall until Thursday.  But people, it works like this: The Mayor and those elected officials answer to the people who packed that auditorium.  It’s called democracy.  They have to  do what the electorate tells them to do or they don’t get re-elected.  And Cedric and his gang…well they don’t know anything about that.

Mark Harding talking about bones and secret burial places is atrocious.  He can only fantasize about the traditional ways of the Mashpee because he most certainly has never participated.

To disguise incompetence behind Indian tradition and some silly concocted  BIA procedure for land into trust is another outrage.   It’s also an insult to the most credentialed tribe in the country…. Aho Bro!brought to it’s knees by some awful people who care nothing about a very proud tribe.

Course if you’re not Mashpee, you just don’t get it.

The land in trust application comes first Cedric.  So throwing words around like scoping means nothing…cause you have the application in before the scoping.  The whole thing will take years according to your own lawyers.  No kidding. And if course you have no application in you’re not in play. So send a letter  out lying about  that.  Good luck with Taunton tomorrow.

Question….do we get a refund from Brook Scannell for $500,000 of negative  press?  Just saying. Aho Bro !

Ceddddddddddric…we know you’re in there!

Pago Pago eh Cedric?

Herrin’: “Everytime Reel Wamps busts Cedric he sends a letter out or somethin’. ”

Roe: ” I know it.  Now his behind is hiding in the trailer.  He moved back in weeks ago.  That cost $7,000 for the phone to be reconnected and the internet.”

Herrin’ : ”  Well boy, don’t you know he’s one of them monarchs. He’s powerful and important. But man that Wampaleaks is working his behind ova like a bulldozer !”

Roe:” Ya they are and them Chinamen want their money back if he blows this casino scam.  Where’s all them permits he says he’s gut for the Community  Building ? That damned dumpsta costs money don’t ya know.  Sittin out front like he’s goin’ to do somethin to the council building.”

Herrin’: ” Ain’t no permits to build or tear down. Ain’t no money from USDA.  Just some more lies to try to cover up.”

Roe: ” They sent out bid requests for demolition and construction to every member of the tribe.  We probably got 10 people with companies that can do that kinda work.  One household got 10 pieces….even the kids got a letter. All to try to look like they’re gonna do something on 55 acres.”

Herrin’: ” Foolish boy. Foolish. But I gut one worse than that.  They got Bobby ” I ain’t got my GED either” Foster, in charge of an auction of tribal equipment and utilities. He’s gut a new title don’t ya know. Office Services and Tribal Assets Manager he is.”

Roe: ” Jezzzzzzus.  Bobby?  Who would put Bobby in charge of money or assets?  Sherlock Holmes is still looking for his 2008 Pow Wow Report.”

Herrin’: ” Come on, come on boy…. Since Cedric’s gang took over the only asset we had was Slow Turtle’s statue, and Nita stole that.”

Roe: ” Shoot that thing is gonzo.  You’re right. I know.  But what about that Sunday meetin’ ? It was sickening.  He kept talking about the Community Building, that he can’t get the permits for.  The Chinaman sitting there lookin’ upset.  Markie and Aaron in the corner lookin’ at the floor.  Aaron lickin’ his lips ferociously. Tah Tah left early and went and sat in the corner at  Dino’s …sun glasses on….drink in hand.  Only 25 people showed up.  The front row was full of White people nobody knew.”

Herrin’: ” Most likely those people who would come into genealogy and tell Patty and Eleanor their grandmother was an Indian princess and show them a picture of somebody with black hair. Thanks Jessie Little Doe whateva whateva.”

Roe: ” Hey, even Glenn Marshall’s sworn enemies stood up and told Cedric he was horrible and that Glenn took good care of tribal members and we got nothing to show from Cedric but mess.”

"I'll never come outta the trailer."

Herrin’: “Who don’t know that.  Listen I think Cedric’s smart enough to boot it outta here.”

Roe: ” Well, normally you know, I would argue with ya, but after that meltdown at Taunton….Pago Pago looks mighty good to him right now.”

Herrin’: ” Oh ya, I forgot about all them Pago Pago plane tickets.  Hey, ya think he’ll take Cheryl TFL with him when he skips town?”

Roe: ” Hell no boy, he told Brook Scannell he was leavin’ Cheryl to attend to her Turkey Buzzards, and that awful Buzzard Crown she made for him.”

Herrin’: ” No shaaaaaa!”