Tah Tah gone wild: Episode 29

The Ghetto Culture has consumed us!

Herrin’: “Where’s everybody? ”

Roe: ” They’re trying to get Tah Tah committed to the nut house. Since we won’t have a casino in Taunton, a delegation of staffers went up there to see if they would take Tah Tah instead. They were beggin’ and pleading and willing to pay millions! ”

Herrin’: ” Now that’s a worthy mission. but I know they turned em down.”

Roe: ” Yah, they did .”

Herrin: “What she done now?”

Roe: “I donno where to start.   The girl is has scared the Bejesus outta every staffer in the damned building.”

Herrin’: ” That ain’t nothin’ new boy.”

Roe; ” Well, she keeps on terrorizin’ that Navajo Sue girl. And Navajo Sue is quittin’. She don’t wanna be the tribal administrator no more. She made it clear that she was tired of Tah Tah interfering. But it’s also because she sees the cash flow and the lack of money coming in. Navajo Sue said the Housing Director Ron Scott needed to be fired cause he was incompetent. Course the guy inherited a mess from a long line of incompetence since Alice died.  No one could clean that up.'”

Herrin’: ” I bet the indictment of that Narragansett Housing Director….that Brown woman, I bet that didn’t help matters did it?”

Roe: ” No it didn’t.  But here’s where Tah Tah comes in.   Tah Tah’s been keeping Ron on the job because he rents a room from her!”

Herrin’: ” Well then, what’s that say about him? Besides Tah Tah’s gotta keep that Repo man away.”

Roe: ” I know it. But listen, on one a her rampages, she took all the parts outta the copy machine cause she said it made too much noise when the staff used it. I guess she had a bad head.   It took days to get the service people to come because they are terrified of Tah Tah.   They finally came, put the parts in, and she took the damn thing apart again.  Shut the copier down AGAIN ! Money down the tube.”

Herrin’: ” That’s what they do best.”

Roe: “Yaaaaaas. Well you got certain Housing employees who are lounging on their decks instead of working on our housing needs. So we’re payin’ Valarie and Imani to hang out.”

Herrin’: ” It’s the new ghetto culture.”

Roe: ” It’s too bad.  We  came so far.  But what bothers me is the out and out lyin’.  Every body talked about how Jessie Baird was so nervous presidin’ over that Sunday Meeting. ”

Herrin: ” Yah, I heard that too.  But you know her.  She just makes things up, and presents them as fact. She don’t bat an eye either when she does it.”

Roe: ” She lied about Genting.  She said ‘ Oh yaaas they’re going to be with us for a while.’ And Carlo said, ‘No they’re not. They said they were gone in six months.’   And only Cedric knows when it begins and when it ends.   He and that perfect example of sophistication TFL were partying down on his birthday getting that tan.  All ya can see are the whites of his eyes now.”

Herrin: ” Whatta ya trying to say ? Ha ha ha. Oh,  Jessie says she needs staff.”

Roe: ” Wha for…keep up with her lies?”

Herrin’: ” Probably. Robbie got a $20,000 raise cause he didn’t know his salary was so low.”

Roe: ” Ya, he didn’t know that as the Treasurer, he was supposed to have an independent audit either. He asked Cedric what to do. Can you believe that? You know Ceddie Lou said, ‘ We don’t need no audit.’ As Mark Harding carried boxes outta the office. But those 15 bank accounts don’t lie.That boy is foolish. He was our last hope.   He’s still wanderin’ around.”

Herrin’ : “He fell right in with ’em. Jesus.”

Roe: ” They say he’s scared of CeddieLou.  That he just doesn’t know what to do.’

Herrin’: “Cedric ain’t who he should be scared of. “

Roe: “Speaking of scary, here come them Tobes…”

Herrin: ” Man, they ain’t changed in 100 years.  They got another petition goin’. Who’s side are they on today? “

Roe: ” Just, start the truck…..don’t run ova that kid for Christ sakes.

Plan B: Dump the Koolaid

It is a scene that is all too familiar: an Indian being plied with whiskey.  The results were predictable.  A drunken Indian soon forgot his duty to hunt and otherwise provide for his tribe.  Instead of keeping himself strong and ready to defend his village, he turned his violence inward on his own.  The drunken Indian becomes indolent.  Some of our Mashpee ancestors saw this and acted.

These ancestors, nearly 200 years ago, got involved in the Temperance movement.  Clear heads made sound decisions.  Men and women of vision knew that they could survive the world as it had become by being sober, industrious, and skeptical of the intentions of outsiders.  We owe them a debt of gratitude because they secured our survival as a tribe.  Some families and individuals rose to prominence, and in spite of the adverse conditions of those days, became relatively well-to-do.  Just look at some of the old houses around town built by our people, some still in our hands.

Selling his skins for a drink of whiskey.

I am often compelled to wonder—what is the future of our Tribe, economically speaking?  Are we being led by men and women of vision, or are we being led over a cliff by people whose tunnel vision can only see the the tempting mirage of their own economic gain and political power?  Forgive me if I am a skeptic in these matters.  We have not been given any evidence to be otherwise.

Whiskey is not the powerful tool that it once was, but I think that some of ours have been imbibing the Jonestown Koolaid. ( Or is it Dorchester Koolaid?)  The old time Indian sold off his beaver pelts for a jug of whiskey, with the full knowledge that in mere minutes that he would be roaring drunk, while some of our people are selling off their future and their children’s future for the promise of what, a job that does not (or may never) exist, or a restaurant or other business in a casino that may never exist?  What is our fallback, our Plan B?

I have an idea.  Let us be sober in these matters, let us be industrious, and most of all, let us not trust those who have no reason to be concerned for our future and our common welfare.  We can be the second wave.  We can create an environment of progress.  We can be respected.  We need not put all our hopes in a casino.  If it comes, then all the better, but let us have plan B in place.

Or maybe it should be our plan A, and let the casino be the plan B.

We can mistreat our own just fine, thanks.

Yer lookin a mite peaked, m’boy. Ain’t you eatin’ enough?

Spinning out of control

Cericspin is killing us.

Today’s Sunday membership meeting will be another futile session full of unanswered questions and nonsensical Cedricspin.   The poor man is trying, desperately to remain relevant because he’s destined to disappear into the world of scam artists who exploited their own people. And now you have that bastion of credibility, Cheryl Frye Cromwell, aka The First Lady, trying to stamp out any semblance of free speech and assembly left to tribal members.  She’s got a nerve.

Cedricspin was back on various state media talk shows spewing the annoying  blah blah talking points written by extremely overpaid White staffers.   The stuff is awful. It’s not only misleading, it’s demoralizing.   But Lou gets paid $17k a month Sometimes it’s $24k…pretty much whatever he bills a tribe with many members who make less than that a year. The guy is keeping Cedric on life support because he’s hooked up too. Best we know, other than contributing to the bad strategy and talking points, he gets pizza, garlic wings, Cedric’s laundry, runs errands for Connie and laughs all the way to Sovereign Bank.

Back to Cedricspin.  Cedricspin means you redesign the so called tribal casino and get it in the newspapers, reveal it to the suspicious Tauntonites ( who have not been given the incomplete LIT application that Mark Tilden keeps BILLING FOR WITH ABSOLUTELY NO PROGRESS…$160 k) and do more blah blah.

But to show you how ineffective Cedricspin is….. the Massachusetts Gaming Commission is moving forward by allowing southeast gaming interests to resubmit thier plans without paying the $400k fee. If they are rejected by a town…they can move on to another locale without paying the fee. The Commission is doing everything it can to launch a casino in our region because they do not believe Cedric. Cedric’s life support plan works like this: he redesigned Genting’s casino by relocating various parts of it,  which conflicts with the agreement with the town of Taunton.  Again just making things up to confuse people, giving them hope and justifying paying out $1.2m a month.

We don’t have a casino license.  We don’t have LIT.  We don’t have a way around the Supreme Court case that says the BIA can’t take our land in trust.   The whole plan is built on lies that Cedric keeps spinning as the truth.

Cedric’s irrelevance is our irrelevance because people keep asking, “Why don’t the tribal members do something ? Why does this keep going on if the guy is so bad?”  We don’t like the answer to that.   But Cedric takes advantage of it and keeps rigging elections and making us irrelevant.

So we will continue to watch Cedric preside over “ghetto fabulous” Council meetings where he tells Marie to ” Shut the fuc- up,” amid Council members getting huge raises and others crying as they’re outted for robbing various grants and still others are accused of selling drugs to the others mothers and taking care of outsiders instead of our families. This is our little reality show at the hands of a family that had little to do with us in the recent past and has never been in charge of anything in this tribe’s history. This is who we have become.

This is what happens when incompetence reigns and no one steps up to stop it.

Shovel Ready…

…means different things to different people.

Sorry, sorrier, sorriest

The trip to Taunton is another Ceddie sideshow. The Tauntonites want to see the land in

Cedric wears his trademark Turquoise bollo, the stone of the Navajo. He's accused of impersonating a Wampanoag.

trust application (tee hee). Cedric wants to avoid taking the stand.  Ceddie is on trial with no defense.  He can’t use the insanity defense, because he knew exactly what he was doing.   All for him nothing for you.

And despite Ceddie’s villainous  status, it’s the  loneliness that’s killing him, This guy is really disliked. All those tribal members dreaming of a casino. Their hopes dashed while Cedric knew all a long. All those people sucking up to Cedric and the guy was just trying to keep his paycheck rolling.  And true to form, he keeps up the smarmy facade of crap that continues to make us look like fools…..he has a thing about using the Elders. Cause everyone else got out of the wagon. Sadly the insanity seems to be shared by certain Council members old and new, who have turned on him and all of a sudden want to publicly chastise him for dragging us into the ditch. Well, they were willing participants in the complete reversal of our progress.   They were pushing the wagon while Ceddie pulled us. Into the ditch.  Into that vast ditch.  They all thought they would get away with it because what could the members do?  Everything was against us. No Land in Trust.  No court. No way to stop the abuse.  No resort eh? Nothing and no one to help us.

Hopefully the Federal lawsuits will save us. Or does someone have a better idea?

Well here’s the latest and the greatest people…Ceddies 3 months in arrears and that $5 million he just borrowed goes to pay lawyers who keep billing us for work on rejected legal premises.   Cedric allows them to bill $ 1.2 million a month. $1.2 million because he has to pretend we still have a chance at a license in the worst location in the state! And no ancient ties to the land.  It is absurd and the Mass Gaming Commission knew it.  He has to justify his pay check, so whatever it takes.  You get a $30 a month food card. Check this out, between Cedric and Cheryl they pull down about $18,000 a month.   No one knows what Cheryl does but embarrass the hell out of us and make up stories about her education. No matter what, they get those checks and so do those lawyers.

Navajo Joe put in a bill for $160,000 recently. Don’t ask what he did…no answer. So when you keep asking all those questions over and over and over and over like you’re doing something real, and hollering and screaming at Ceddie…. what do you hope to achieve? You know that’s a sign of insanity when you ask the same questions over and over expecting a different result.

He gives you no answers. No budget. Nothing.  He answers to Genting for that paycheck. A certain probing Council member made sure  her husband got a contract on a government project.   That’s a serious federal violation.   No waivers will cover you.  You are benefiting and have never done a damned thing for the tribal members.And you’re trying to be the heroine now.

Several of you face that serious dilemma. All the while lining your own pockets

Millions and millions hidden in the Tribal Gaming Authority. Ya…..

The only good thing to happen is that that worthless Economic Development Committee got no money in the budget.  That’s a relief, They did not create one job in 4 years or present a EDP just marched around and presented all these self serving proposals to set up a separate tribe….some people were just too inebriated to do the job, Even on the conference calls.

And suddenly….everyone is retiring.  Really?  That doesn’t absolve you. Everyone wants a raise on the staff and the Council and no one works. The Council offices are empty half the time…

“It’s like an echo chamber up in here !”



Wednesday Night Follies!

I wasn’t there, but I heard that last night’s Tribal Council meeting was a dooooozy!  Seems that Ceddie was upset that people were asking inconvenient questions that he did not want to answer, so he ended the meeting and went into executive session.  Not only that, but he threatened to put patrolman (formerly detective) Frye on the payroll to arrest any Tribe member or council member who has the temerity to question his authoritah!  Come on people, is this what you elected him for?  I don’t know about you, but I don’t need any dictator running my Tribe.

The 800 pound running bear in the weetu is the fact that we are in horrendous debt and we can not get any idea of where it is going.  Or how we are going to pay it back.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we had leadership that would level with us?  We can take it.  We have survived nearly four hundred years of adversity and we are still here.  If we have to endure this kind treatment from our own, we may need to apologize to the Pilgrims.

From Wikipedia:  “Megalomania is a psychopathological disorder characterized by delusional fantasies of power, relevance, or omnipotence. ‘Megalomania is characterized by an inflated sense of self-esteem and overestimation by persons of their powers and beliefs’.[1] Historically it was used as an old name for narcissistic personality disorder prior to the latter’s first use by Heinz Kohut in 1968, and is used these days as a non-clinical equivalent.[2][3] It is not mentioned in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)[4] or the International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD).”

FBI converge on Shinnecock gaming authority

Ten FBI agents converged on the gaming authority of the Shinnecock Tribe of New York. The FBI and state police also went to the home of a gaming authority member.  According to FBI spokesman, the search is part of an ongoing criminal investigation. The agents were searching the authority trailer and also removing files.

The Shinnecocks were recognized in 2010. Their gaming authority has 5 members.

Who’s next is the question.


Shattered dreams

The meeting last night was the continuation of the demoralization of the Tribe.  No answers, no plan, which effectively erases our future. Many of our people held out hope against hope that there was a casino in our future.  Now we are worse off than we were 40 years ago.

A real Mashpee would have had a true economic development plan in place 3.5 years ago, it’s the back up the government requires and it would have utilized the heritage that has helped us survive for centuries…. we would have had a plan B….the living heritage, aqua farming, hunting and fishing guides, indigenous cooking and on an on….but instead you had Greg Mckiney, totally disconnected, heading up the Economic development committee full more condescending tribal members who are clueless about the Mashpee Wampanoag and how to put our people to work. They produced nothing. It’s stupid confirming that Cedric knows nothing about Mashpee.  You can’t fix what ya don’t know.

This is one big hustle for Cedric that has come to a bad end.

There are 2 ” True Mashpee” on that Council, and you know who they are.   The others are an incompetent group who are showing up to see when the members are going to melt down. There’s nothing to front for anymore.  As the Genting money evaporates and the jobs disappear you will see less and less of Yvonne, Cheryl, that crackpot Jessie, Marge who is retiring…suddenly. And Cedric will disappear leaving us to worry about the debt.  Robbie, well, he’s still playing catch up or something.  He never asked anyone for help.Instead of bringing the nightmare to an end,  he fell in with the loosers.  Disappointing.

Cedric thinks he has no worries.   You can get as mad as you want.   You are helpless against a phantom government that has been telling you

” we’ll get back to you on that.” But he knows his legacy is one worse than any thing in our history.

The White lawyers and PR people walk away with millions because Cedric signs the contracts.  They keep giving Cedric bad advice and he keeps taking it….and they keep billing.


Cedric should resign along with Yvonne, Marie, Cheryl, Trish and anyone else that wants to help pull us out of the ditch. The elections committee should resign. Anyone who asks Earl Mills for his ID is not worthy of monitoring an election. The economic development committee fiasco should resign, Jessie should resign. She’s been beating the hell out of us for years. Jesus, how much scamming can we take.  The pine needles and sea foam is an absolute outrage. Is she back from her vacation yet? Smart to disappear when you know you bull—-isn’t going to help us get a casino.

We get a $30 food card.  Ain’t that great ? Ain’t that just dreamy?