Is it too late? Probably


The only jobs being advertised are on the grants. Ramona Peters, the historic preservation director needs an assistant apparently to make her deposits. She makes $90K, the assistant makes minimum wage. The same person keeps applying for the assistant job  and the Housing Director post and they keep getting rejected.  They re-advertise. Some people don’t get the message.

The Fryes are trying to find jobs that aren’t paid for by  the investors. That means bum rushing the health department,and anyplace else they can finagle. Trouble is, none of them have an education and are trying to supervise people that have serious medical training. Robin, who knows Indian health, is on leave. Other people have quit or been fired.  That’s very frightening. That means Cheryl Frye is in charge….with all her education.

The Council meetings are moved around randomly without notice,  so members will not attend. There’s not much to talk about as the money dries up. But the 21% interest on the government building is another terrific legacy that can’t be ignored. Back to pillaging the grants and the jobs that go with them.

But as usual the real scandal is on the Council and there’s no hiding things.  The emails about Aaron getting Yvonne’s signature on paperwork to keep foster kids when it was common knowledge that his wife’s record would automatically disqualify them.  Now that’s pretty nasty alright.

And and the investors are tapped out.   But they keep getting a check.Some get 2.




Not the Food Cards

That big time gift is gonzo !

It’s getting close people….the end.  The $30 food cards will not be distributed anymore.  August is the last month.  It’s so absurd.  And you had to apply for  it like it was a home loan.

There was damned near a riot over the distribution of the fans for the Elders.  The  Elders also had the opportunity to sign up for air conditioners.  But the vast majority of them got fans, and the worst of the summer heat is over.  And, the air conditioners only went to certain families. Guess which ones?

Another day in Indian Paradise……just living the life.

Is it over yet?

Tell Tale Signs

  • The loan  for the the next 3 months plummeted from $5.4m to $3.4m. 95% of that goes to consultants who are owed in arrears and don’t work.  The rest goes to Council officers who get huge salaries and hide from their constituents.  Genting said ” We’re in the gaming business not the loan business.” It will all end soon…very soon. Cedric’s Running Bear alright.
  • If you’re wondering what happened to Aaron Tobey…he got married alright, but he’s lurking for the HR job and the Tribal Administrator job.  That is if there’s a tribe left. Which is looking bleak.
  • Robbie Hendricks the Treasurer ( tee hee)  continues to disappoint and flounder around trying to protect Marge and blame Mark Harding when he failed to do his job and audit the tribe when he came into office.  He went to the dark side and consulted Cedric about what to do.  You know what Cedric said. ” We don’t need no audit.” And  Marge said ” You don’t know what your doing…I’ll be the treasurer.”  Now he took the charge cards from Bobby Foster and Joanne Frye…so what.  A little late ain’t it boy? What does he say when the feds asked what happened to $58 million. Over billing, kick backs, charge card expenses( see: Pequots)…OMG it goes on.
  • Shoulda done the audit ROBBIE…
  • Oh…Robbie has 2 jobs Treasurer and Emergency Management and got the $20,000 raise.  He’s making big bucks…and can’t seem to do an audit to stop the bleeding.
  • Trish works for the new White word smith that is paid $15k a month.  They’re the  Regan PR firm in Osterville.  Bet her family is proud of her.  If you know what she does please let us know.
  • We have staffers that have serious alcohol  problems who should be in rehab instead of out and about. We

    Cedric atop Gov Building frame, too small before completed @ 21% & already in violation of FEMA regs.

    need to face these problems and should stop ignoring them.Very dangerous.

2013 Costume Ball huge success

The Mashpee Wampanoag Costume Ball was a remarkable success. The 4th of July heat wave did not stop loads of non Indians from appearing  dressed up like Indians and competing in our contests. Bunches of them. The Narragansett showed up to take the prize money .  You know them.The judges were all from other tribes.

Bermudans made prominent despite the fact that we had no connection to them

Most of our people stayed away or came to see if this Costume Ball was worse than last year and it was.   One   Elder walked around saying ” This is awful awful.”  But we have allowed it. We have allowed it for $58 m worth of Tobey Terror and guess what ?  Nobody feels sorry for us. If they can trick you…well…..

Twenty  or so of our people in Grand Entry…the children enjoying themselves and a ridiculous spectacle on the whole. The attendance was low because the price was too high for admission to an event with fake Indians participating in  the contests.

The fireball was a hot mess because Bruzzy was clueless. No explanation of  the game.Course he didn’t know where the hell he was! That was pretty outrageous.

Can’t wait to get that report explaining how they spent $120,000.  We could fund a Pantry for 120 weeks, but that’s too much like right ain’t it?

Oh to be a Mashpee Wampanoag… wonderful.



Ask Bob Doggett

Bob Doggett gives advice and information to members of the Wampanoag community and interested others.  There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.

If you have problem or want Bob to tell you where to go, don’t be afraid to contact him via this website.  Do be afraid, though, of his answers.

Rember, if you are confused, or otherwise distressed by a problem, raise your hands in the air and shout “BOB DOGGETT!


Dear Bob,
What was your favorite part of this year’s Powwow?

boswell Leapinlizard

Hey Boz,
The Demolition Derby.

Dear Bob,
I have high cheekbones and tan really well. I am pretty sure that I
have Native American blood.  How can I find out?

Uta Von Pittsburgh

Yo Uta,
Well, short of getting DNA tested, you could ask your dentist.
Natives and some Asians have additional roots in their molars, and
have so-called “shovel molars.”  Most reliable, though, is asking
about that great grandparent that your parents only talked about
behind their hands.

Dear Bob,
I am giving serious thought to taking the Wômpanâak Language Class.
Should I take it and why?

Running Pinecone

Dear Piney,

First of all, learning a language that has gone out of general use can
help to preserve it for future generations.  More important, it can
give, by its peculiar usages, insight into the minds and lives of its
native speakers.  On the other hand, if you are that much of a
masochist, I would recommend Chinese and Arabic, you’ll get way more
use out of those.

Dear Bob,
Whatever happened to Herrin and Roe?

Terry Scooterpie


Well, Herrin had a minor stroke, related to the rising price of gas
and finding out after all these years that Narragansett Lager Beer is
no longer made in Cranston RI.  Doctors expect him to be back up to
mischief by Summer’s end.  Roe spends most of his time quahoging and
trying to hit on young girls at Irish pubs Cape wide.

Hi Bobby,
How come you don’t call me any more?  Have you been running with that
little tramp I saw you with at Dino’s?  Listen, if you didn’t want

Errrr.. gotta go.  Text me maybe.

See you all next week.


Miss Blabbermouth Reports

Greetings fans and foes alike!  Your favorite Yankee Yenta is back in town and at the keyboard and sneaking, snooping, and schmoozing around the ‘shpee.  And, oh, the words that fall on my eager little ears…

By now we all know about the conviction of a Mashantucket Pequot leader of, shall we say, playing fast and loose with tribal funds and assets?  This after the FBI had raided the Shinnecock Gaming Authority back in May.  Seems like this circus train is slowly moving east, oh my.  Warning, Will Robinson, and anyone else with the fingers in the honey pot:  the day of train reckoning draweth nigh!

Tell me it’s not true:  rumors abound that we will lose that big old $30 a month gift card.  How EVER will I get my tushy lift in Beverly Hills without that dollar-a-day?

Miss B suspects that those funds are being diverted to much more urgent uses, like, oh, someone’s lavish sweet sixteen party, or maybe a damn-the-torpedoes, don’t spare the lobster and Champagne wedding celebration.

A little bird says:  look for former elected leaders secretly on the payroll.  [snicker]

Has anyone seen our former treasurer?  Is anyone on the scent?  [ick]

Well, ta-ta, little ones.  Miss B is late for tea.  Oh, and if you have a juicy morsel, share!  Don’t worry, don’t come looking for me, I’ll find you

The Temps

Since the speedy departure of Tribal Administrator Navajo Sue, compadrae of Navajo Joe (tribal attorney Mark Tilden) there’s been a steady stream of temporary replacements. First Cheryl Frye Cromwell took over ….that didn’t last long at all, then they stuck Yvonne Frye Avant in there ( she’s had every job but janitor) and is criticized for doing none of them competently Now they gave Marge Seagraves the job.  Temporarily.  Poor Marge.  She wanted the job and the big money  and they Council gave it to her a while back then took it away from her…it was a mess.  And now, she’s Temp #3.

Well, they put Navajo Sue in there to present the picture of competence….for the casino effort.  She quit along with other administrators because the casino effort is dead, and the money is drying up.  No need to pretend anymore.  There’s no one to impress or try to convince.

We got those food cards though and a bunch of people at the helm who are really indescribable !

Next….the double dipping and budget implosion…


Run it like a business ( wink wink)


Cedric is very predictable.  So we were not surprised when he attended the National Conference of American

Exactly why we don't get no respect.

Indians recently and began pontificating about the importance of economic development.  Well, for a long time Reel Wamps has lambasted him about the absence of a tribal economic development strategy and now he is taking our advice and idea with great fanfare.  If he gave a damn in the first place he would understand that we should have had a back up business plan to his disastrous casino boondoggle.  Trouble is it’s too late and everyone in Indian Country knows Cedric is a bungler without an original idea.

Here’s Cedric’s idea of economic development.  The annual pow wow, (no longer called the Indian Circus but has graduated to the Indian Costume Ball because of the huge number of non Indian participants) was a meticulously planned annual celebration that raised about $15,000 – $25,000.  It is now an over budgeted $120,000 flop that has gone in the hole at least $100K for the last 4 years. It’s probably worse than that because we never get a pow wow report. This year it’s about to take another nose dive.  So why would you keep dumping money into a once treasured homecoming that continues to deteriorate in attendance and tribal member participation?  A sensible business man or woman would evaluate the problem and correct it….let’s look at why the pow wow can’t draw a crowd or Natives ( Mashpee that is).

·         Cedric is the MC for the 5th time.  A total violation of tribal protocol.  Cedric also lacks credibility on everything, let alone pow wow. His obsession as an Indian Impersonator is all consuming. Then he was in the CCT talking about pow wow.  For Christ sakes, he had to be forced to get on the roll in 2006.  Now he’s an expert.  We all know David Pocknett should be doing that job.  That is his area of expertise.   He is well known throughout Indian Country for his knowledge.  He is a good ambassador and what you call a draw.  Participants, especially tribal members know things will be done on the up and the pow wow will be well done.  We would be more likely to show up. That also goes for drummers, they know Pocknett and have worked with him for years and will not gouge us.

·         The Pow Wow committee tried to give Pocknett the job for the 2nd time and David Weeden said they could not be “political” and anointed Cedric again.  What’s more political than making Cedric the MC? The pow wow committee was once very influential because it kept tradition and the integrity of our prized celebration in tact.  Now they have no say.

·         Both the drumming and  dance head  judges  are non-tribal members.  What does that say? Damien Pocknett, Marita Scott,  Selena Jonas, Marcus Hendricks and a long  list of others could do the job.

·         Head Man and Woman Dancers are Narragansett or Shinacock. Bet that makes you feel good! Bet you want to run right down and compete!

·         Non Natives competing.  We have few tribal members competing or other legitimate Native dancers .  The influx of non Native participants in our traditional dancing and competition is a direct result  of the disregard for our  heritage, and the people who run the pow wow are more worried about  Identifying tribal members than people dressing in costume impersonating Indians.

·         $120 K  budget and there’s nothing to advertise with.  No program, just pleas on Facebook to spread the word.  More of Cedric’s corny pleas begging people to come to the pow wow. Any vendors.  Getting thin?

More staff shake ups and a block on a big raise……..



End Game and We’re out

If you can find a mention of us in this article…shoot us a text.  #thenucrappycrew


Praying that it’s a rumor

They say that the First Lady is the Tribal Administrator. Oh boy! They say that Robbie Hendricks is still the Emergency Manager and collecting a check as Treasurer  and no one has seen him at either job ($150 K). They say Kimmie is manning the New Bedford Health Clinic and she can’t prick your finger let alone see it. They say no one knows what David Weeden does on the work site cause the White guys are in charge.  But he looks good in his brand new truck.

They say the Narragansett and the Shinnecocks  are dividing up the prize money already since their people are the judges at our pow wow…and the head dancers. They have decided to create a pow wow for the others because few of our people come to the Indian Circus. We can’t call it an Indian Circus really because we have so many Indian Impersonators that the Natives don’t come.  It’s a costume ball because they do not ask for a tribal ID for grand entry and to participate in contests. A lot of these people are not Indian and they compete .

Now that can get pretty sticky for a lot of people who used to claim tribes that were not federally recognized, because their roles were not validated.  Now that’s changed.  You would be surprised who is not Indian. Maybe not.

The Narragansett have been our enemy for centuries.Now they are smirking at us because our traditional leaders are not present to conduct ceremony and preside over the oldest pow wow in the country.  It’s another reason the real Mashpee stay away because it  has become a Costume Ball. And it’s not very good impersonations .