The Federal Court — 

Drawing a Bead on the Administration

A tribal member has collected her own evidence and a host of emails that she presented it to the Federal District Court in Boston and there’s a pretty good chance that the court is going to take a look at it being that the court waived the filing fees. The Tribal member wants the court to examine   the expenditures the council officers  made on the American Express credit cards.  The scandal was off the chain (see December 3, 2011 story).  There seems to be a precedent for judicial review in light of the fact that the Pequot brothers, the former chairman and treasurer are headed to jail for their credit card atrocities.  The court has a case to point to in order to move forward. Ya see ? And there is yet another federal case that is even more ominous for the the Cromwell Clown Show.  That’s a discussion for another time. However,  the timing of the AMEX scandal is another example of what happens when unqualified people are in charge of a tribe.

Museum Chairs Returned and New PR Director Urges Censorship

Emails were flying telling people not to pay attention to Reel Wamps and Pauline Peters, the unpaid PR maven, was on a rant that was clearly coming from a person who was not only  misguided but clearly not connected to the very interesting goings on in Mashpee.  She’s really passionate and all but come on. Her propaganda comes from a confidant who is not only foreign to Mashpee but is not very nice to Elders. Actually abusive to Elders.  Serious domestic violence. Course everyone one in Mashpee knows about this person but  Pauline.  But she allows herself to be used by this person and others take advantage of her bitterness that spills out all over the place. She is clueless. Whatever.  Pauline should concentrate her energy on getting people to visit the museum. Few people visit the  museum.  Put your energy into educating people about us and getting them to learn our proud history instead of defending people who laugh at you as they drive down Rt. 130.

YVONNE TOBEYTake a Civics Course

Yvonne Tobey is a little different.  She’s a Tobey.  She brought a envelope to the meeting last week and she handed it to her sworn enemy Carlton Hendricks Jr.  He looked at it, laughed and handed it to everyone in the room and they laughed.  She was filing suit against him in the non existent  Tribal Court. He is her boss who questioned why she did a lot of really stupid stuff. Like giving Aaron $700 for his resume?  She claimed he was verbally abusive because he asked her questions.  He voted against giving her a raise.  Why? He’s her boss. And she does a lousy job of getting our people jobs.  Being a Tobey comes with serious baggage.  Maybe she doesn’t know.  They will be branded with the degradation of the Tribe.  We were soaring.  Now we are a joke. Jessie, Cedric, Cheryl and Tah Tah with her warrants and madness still allowed to serve on the Council.  Who would take us seriously?

The Feds are Circling

The HUD housing program is so messed up that people are betting on the number of housing committee members that are going to tell on Leon Jacobs.  Course he and Cedric were approving extensions for Joanne and her sister Nancy Joseph without even consulting the commission.  God they are pathetic.  Worse yet, the commission never did a damned thing to stop it. Nothing, and certain ones are trying to paint a picture of horror at what’s going on. It’s been going on for 4.5 years.  Come on.

Tobey Terror, Frybal Council Ignorance

Theft at the Museum

Our artifacts are stolen and nothing is done. Nothing is sacred.

You know, some very valuable artifacts were stolen from the Mashpee Wampanoag Museum.  Various volunteers and staffers have complained that the Bourne chair and other items are missing….every time a certain person ( who has a key to the museum) visits and leaves, as staffers come to work.  We all know who the thief is. A staffer actually saw the items in the suspects vehicle.

So Ramona Peters has closed and locked the museum essentially accusing the staff and volunteers of theft.  She needs to let the Mashpee Police interview the museum workers who witnessed the theft to get this resolved instead of engaging in a ridiculous cover up.

She’s got a lot of nerve. She took things out of the museum and put them in her office and workers had to get them and return them to museum.   But the Bourne chair is very important to us. And it’s valuable.  We’re still trying to find all those burial places for all those bones and artifacts she was supposed to have  repatriated.  Good luck on that too.

Of course the Administration has done nothing and people have been complaining about it for weeks. More proof that we are not a tribe anymore.

Begging Genting

The movement of the Compact in the statehouse is another maneuver to stoke Genting because Cedric’s cash flow  has stopped.  Simple problem however.  The Compact does not matter without Land in the Trust. No land in trust no license, no casino. The application is still incomplete !  Reel Wamps and every media outlet says we have no path to LIT, unless we get an Act of Congress which ain’t happening.  The Republicans hate the President emphatically…and have paralyzed funding.  How  do you think they feel about us?  Right.  Act of Congress …..sure. We are so out of the picture most have stopped writing about us because the stories always end at the blockade…LIT.

Since Cedric has provided no service to our people for $62 million …..he continues to mislead certain members with this mythical casino ( we would not get a dime anyway  because of the debt to the investor).

He should resign.  If he were a real man he would resign.



Tobey-Frye Tribe Housing Scandal

When will it stop?  Maybe we should ask HUD.  The Tribal Housing Department lead by on again off again consultant Leon Jacobs has a unique way of selecting people for the 184 housing loans.  It’s very very unique indeed.  These 184’s are basically cosigned by the Tribe because  usually the applicants will not qualify for a standard loan. It’s supposed to be awarded through a lottery and based on “need” .The tribal member should also be able  to eventually assume the loan on their own .


A program where nepotism reigns

But Leon ( a Lumbee who can’t get hired by his own tribe) has his own rules. And perhaps he’s getting direction from a Poo Bah on high….but  90% of the people who get these homes, are Tobeys or Fryes and coincidentally tribal employees.

Earlier this year Joanne Frye, who runs the Elders program got a house on Santuit Pond and her sister Nancy Frye Joseph who works in finance got a house. Joanne is a master at surviving threats of termination.  That’s because she knows where that 2009 voter list went to and she knows how the pending tribal members ended up on the voter list because Trish gave her the list from start to finish..  Viola! Cedric, Tah Tah and  Mark Harding no less are elected. Joann (and her son Bobby) is all powerful and gets what she wants…credit cards,food cards, air conditioners, fans, emergency kits, pantry items…houses.

Here’ the latest batch— Yvonne Tobey who runs WIA and 2 other Tobey-Frye tribal employees have been awarded 184 homes.  Now the Yvonne Tobey giveaway is too much.  They just froze her WIA money because she gave her cousin former Vice Chairman Aaron Tobey  $700 to do his resume.  Of course that’s a free service the state and the tribe does for the unemployed .  It’s so ridiculous you have to wonder when someone is going to save us from these duplicitous people.

The old saying get what you can while you can is in play.  These practices are blatantly discriminatory against families who are not Tobeys or Fryes.  And it’s nepotism in the worst way!  The pattern is pretty consistent along with the violation of other HUD procedures. Leon knows HUD don’t play so he’s been trying to shift the focus.

Instead of hiding, Robbie should be investigating this crap.  Instead of talking about all the meetings she attends for $98,000.00 a year, Jessie should for once do something for her people.  As close as she was to Alice you would think she would be all over this.  But her BS is a mile wide and just as deep.  Jessie is about Jessie.

The 184 loans are a government to government partnership that is being abused at the expense of the tribal people who really need housing. It’s supposed to give them the opportunity to get on their feet and own a home.  Instead it is being  exploited for the most unworthy of our people.

So sad.



The turd in the toilet

Land in Trust is the big turd in the toilet that Cedric can’t flush.  He dreams about it going away….every night,  but it never does. Flush after flush.  Round and round the turdie goes and we all know where it goes…..NOWHERE.

The great revelations about finally finishing the environmental component of the LIT application is just as irrelevant as the Compact.  Why? Because the BIA cannot take our land into trust ( the US Supreme Court said it has no authority) and we can’t prove we were under federal  jurisdiction before 1934.The 1934 issue was denied by the BIA when we tried to use it for recognition nealy 10 years ago.  But the Cromwellians cranked it back up as a new way to milk Genting and pretend we weren’t out of the game.

Just as annoying is the governor’s ploy to prod the state Senate to act on the Compact. The Compact is permanently stalled because it is irrelevant.  Governor Patrick said  that if the Senate didn’t act, we would build a casino on our own and not pay that onerous tax ( that the BIA won’t approve).  Listen, if  Cedric can’t get land in trust for a state license, how can he get one independent of the state? Signing our sovereignty away has never been a problem for CeddieLou, as long as he gets that pay check.

But CeddieLou can only keep stringing the investors along for so long.  About 4 weeks ago Genting made CeddieLou do some explaining. They gave him 2 days notice and called an emergency meeting in Taunton.  Very few Council members showed up, but CeddieLou, and the developer once again tried to convince Genting that things were progressing. Keep in mind this was exactly the time when KG Urban Enterprises put in their bid for the Southeast region. The investors were not happy So CeddieLou pitched this:

  • DEC 2014 Casino Phase 1 A built ( only half a plan)
  • Casino: 1600 slots, 60 table games,1buffet hotel, 2500 parking spaces

Same BS with another  years delay !

When the presentation was over, guess what Genting said ? ” When are you getting over the hurdles?”

CeddieLou could not give them an  answer.

So the irrelevant news stories are not enough to placate the investors who have spent $62 million on a raggity casino strategy.  One thing for sure, the White lawyers got rich, Navajo Joe got rich…( and he brought another Navajo in as the tribal administrator) Leon got richer than rich.  Cedric, Aaron, Jessie, Mark, Yvonne, Cheryl and Trish all combined made well over $3 million dollars to sell us out and render us destitute.

Cedric has quite a battle going on cause that turd has some strong medicine. Quite a distinction…. the only chairman to  be beaten by a turd.







Time to catch up on the Tobey-Frye Tribe


The odds were against us since the Tobey-Frye takeover of the Tribe

* The truth about our casino status and the hay day pay day a for a tribal government that shut down 4 years ago.

* What the investors are saying and why that means  big problems for the tribal leadership.

* The election protection plan designed to benefit two of the most unpopular and ineffective members of the Council. The new consultant is allowed to actuality speak publicly and  the fallout to come.

* The  WIA crackdown and the Housing meltdown as HUD closes in.

* Conjuring up scandal to cover the bigger scam …now that’s pretty lame.

* And why the Mashpee Indians have abandoned the Tobey-Frye Tribe.

Stay tuned !


Come on !

Just because we don’t know what to do yet, doesn’t mean we don’t know what you’re doing to us. Obviously Mark Tilden’s sudden interest in the Mashpee Wampanoag Constitution election law is predicated upon protecting the Frybal Council (staff) lead by union leader Yvonne Frye (Avant?). First Lady Cheryl, also up for re election with her cousin, is trying to hang on for another year and another $140,000 worth of salary.

Yvonne can't be out of a job now

The shameless transparency of Navajo Joe’s cash cow operation is supposed to be explained away at the special meeting Sat. Funny he’s never followed the Constitution before. In fact he was constantly being forced to adhere to the constitution during last year’s bizarre election. That was because Traditionalists forwarded proof of his violations of the law and filed suit in federal court. All that information was forwarded to the BIA for the record so they couldn’t say they didn’t know.

Cheryl has run out of ribbon cuttings

The Tribe should have an election in 2014 and another election in 2015.
The tribe should not be made to suffer with those two because they want to keep getting a check.
Course Yvonne and Cheryl know their popularity is waning. Kimmie can’t throw another election for her brother in law no less her sister and first cousin. She’s not allowed to be involved with the next election and all of a sudden they’re saying we have to wait.

Kimmie put the 2013 ballot box in her car and went into Dino's to tie one on.

Cheryl and Yvonne don’t want to risk it. But the families should have the opportunity to unite behind candidates and rid the Council of two of the worst, most self serving members ever to finagle their way on to that board.

And if we don’t have the good sense to do it….we have no one to blame but ourselves.




Wake Up People, We’re Wastin’ Sunshine!

Does anybody know anything about this?  It is a solar panel array on the large barn at the rear of the “horse farm.”  Click on the picture to enlarge it.

A solar installation such as this should be capable of supplying a significant portion of the power consumed by a place such as a farm, in fact, if scaled appropriately, it can also provide a source of revenue for the Tribe.  The solar panels produce DC power which is converted to AC by a device called an inverter.  The power is then available for use, and what is not used is sent to the power grid, causing the electric meter to actually run backwards.

The question I have is, are we using the panels, and are we gaining, or at least saving by it? That is obviously the reason it was put there, right? I mean, if that was not the purpose then what was?

My cynical side wants to believe that maybe somebody profited from this, you know, maybe some party in the Tribal leadership, or someone close to him may have manipulated a grant for his own benefit—nah, nobody would do that, would they?

Alert! You Are About To Be Disenfranchised!

Have you received this letter?  If not, then click on the image at left to read it.  If you have received and read the letter, then you should understand that it is a thinly veiled attempt to extend the terms of, um, certain key members of the Cromwell administration.  It is not enough that it is unconstitutional, but morally corrupt in the bargain.  More details are coming.


The Feds are keeping us alive…but we could use a Pantry eh?

If it were not for the Federal Government, the members of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe would have nothing. Nothing.  We do have a gigantic debt don’t we?  But the bad part is we have no idea what $62 M was spent on. The Council holds random meetings without posting them to keep people away and to minimize questions.  They cancel more meetings than they hold.  Why should they?  They don’t follow the law unless it’s going to help them personally .

Cheryl's Bald Eagles were turkey buzzards and the trailer will cost $1m to move

We know Cedric and his wife Cheryl  are always grinning  for the cameras, cutting ribbons for services and ground breakings that are financed solely  by the federal government . Cedric misleads unknowing tribal members by making them think his administration did all this.

Actually we should give the tribal members more credit because very few attend these events.Most often it’s staff in the background…the Fryes mostly and two or three Tobes.  Frybal Council membership is lead by union leader Yvonne Frye ( Avant?).

Let’s take a look back  and the benevolence of the Federal Government.

Indian Health Services, is saving lives courtesy of the US Department of Health and Human Services….not   the Cromwell Administration.

The new Tribal Dental Clinic is courtesy of the US Department of Health and Human Services….not the Cromwell Administration.



The Tribal Government Center is courtesy of the US Department of  Agriculture loan of  $12 million at 4% interest  (that is being repaid with Genting money borrowed at 17% interest). Very few of our people have worked on this project.




Housing……the tribute to Alice for her hard work is worthy.  We all agree on that.  But if the millions in  funding ever materializes …..we will be building a public housing project that is open to anyone who qualifies. Cedric says Elders first “depending on “qualifications”   but we cannot discriminate…all courtesy of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Oh yeah, the only way we can discriminate and offer it  exclusively to our people, is if we had LAND IN TRUST.  Right. That’s more elusive than the 2009 voter sign in sheets that brought  this wonderful group to us.

It  all reminds us that everything this Administration takes credit for is built on false pretenses.Maybe this has been a bad dream we’re forced to watch play out over and over.  But let’s face it.  Most members just don’t know what to do.  When you settle for $30 a month food cards….that tells how far we’ve fallen.

Next….. Yvonne and Cheryl’s Election Protection Scam.