Roll the video tape

Back in the day, from January 2008 – Feb 2009, tribal members could watch the Tribal Council public meeting sessions on video tape. If you wanted to read the meeting minutes you could do so in the hard copy log book at the reception area.Tribal Secretary Desi Hendricks also recorded audio tapes  of meetings. Every meeting.  Of course these audio tapes were the official record of minutes for the tribal government.

Now we have  none of the above.  Nothing. No accurate audio, hard copy or video. Probably on purpose because Cedric and his lawyers don’t want a record of this trifling group of unofficial Council Members who can’t conduct business properly.

When Shawn Hendricks was Chairman, by the beginning of 2008, it was decided that video taping the meetings would not only provide a visual record of the meeting, as is the case in government sessions all over the country….but also stop the inappropriate behavior of one Council member in particular.  She would march up and down behind the chairman like a banshee screaming and disrupting the meetings…out of order, like a ghetto fabulous queen.The video taping stopped Cheryl Frye Cromwell from embarrassing herself and the tribe. The video taping forced certain members to behave and conduct business properly.

Carlton Hendricks Jr brought the taping back during the last council meeting and the Cromwellians flew into a panic.  They don’t want anyone to see how they conduct business or whatever they call it.The video tape would have captured Tah Tah storming out of the meeting claiming duress when she is in fact running away from her constituency because she can’t answer questions about her  very poor record keeping.  Tah Tah’s madness will be the demise of the Cromwellians and it’s too late to turn back now.

The idea of video taping was absolutely out of the question vote wise and Trish looked like she was about to have a stroke…. so allowing council members to audio tape record the meetings passed.  Now to show you how absurd Cedric is, he was trying to stop Laura Tobey Miranda from tape recording the public meetings.  Anyone can do it . There’s no tribal law that says it can’t be done. If your tribal secretary is “coo coo” and cannot be relied upon to take the minutes….the last thing you want is for someone else to do it correctly.  It was so stupid…..but it served a purpose to collect more evidence.

Thank you Cedric, Trish, Mark Tilden, Tah Tah for confirming the failure to record and conduct business legally.   And the real Mashpee came to the meeting to see for themselves. Real Mashpee has had enough.






BIA Moves In Chukchansi Case

In case any of you don’t think that the BIA will intervene in a “sovereign” tribes election activities, read this:

With a little push from the federal court, we could finally have a resolution to the highly questionable 2009 “election.”

Drunken Debauchery at Dinos

Guess who fell off  the bar stool (backwards) at Dino’s ? Knocked themselves out for a minute. A very important tribal director !  Ask someone….oh never mind.  They were all wasted. Your tribal leaders whipping out the AMEX cards. We don’t know about Cedric Cromwell.   Honestly. He was observing the election revelry  with sunglasses on surrounded by his family and his one friend….Lou.  Lonely ain’t it bird?

Carlton Hendricks, Jr. poses continuing threat to Genting Tribe

Carlton Hendricks Jr, took a huge bite out of the Cromwell Genting Tribe on Sunday. The Fight for Right goes on. Hendricks vote count of 246 votes topped Genting pawns Cheryl Frye Cromwell (225) Yvonne Frye Avant (215)  and Winnie Johnson (213) and the Fryebal Council. Despite questions about recorded and non recorded votes from Aaron Tobey, Genting clearly feared the fallout of throwing yet another election in favor of their paid disciples.  So Reel Wamps can only claim credit for 2 out of 3 outcomes.

Hendricks has consistently voted against the continued increases in budget that is now approaching $80 million with no benefit to the true tribal members. Of course the  scandal continues over the slush fund to Council members and others where there is no record.  And the federal government is very interested in all this.  But we have t give Hendricks the total credit for fighting alone on the inside and without help from the outside.  Maybe the membership figured it out.

Apparently the pressure is on.

If the real tribe is to make a comeback it needs outside help for sure, but Robbie Hendricks needs to be ready to explain himself to his peers.  Tough job Robbie.

The Scoreboard…

C Hendricks 246

C Frye Cromwell 225

Y Frye Avant 215

W Johnson 213

W Pocknett 200

A Tobey 199

R Tobey Stamps 197

L Jackson  155

Many of these people had no business running and if they had gotten behind those who could win, our nightmare would have been over.Actually. Genting would have had to sacrifice their soldiers Cheryl and Yvonne.   But some people are bought off for nothing.  Yes they are. But there are new eyes watching. Thank God.




Genting’s Election Quick Picks !


The Genting rigged election is likely to come out this way…..

Yvonne Frye AVANT ( All of the Fryes will vote 2 or 3 times to keep getting paid as Council employees and besides  Kimmie Frye is in charge of the election…ballots in the trunk don’t you know….or “Hey need to vote a few more times? Nobody will know the difference cause we don’t allow any election observers.” Yvonne is such a mess she keeps reminding everyone she’s been on the Council over 20 years.  Too bad she only helps herself ! )

Cheryl Frye Cromwell ( When your sister is in charge and your peeps are voting 2 or 3 times why worry?  All your dirty little secrets aren’t secrets and all the phoney credentials and taking credit for federal programs can’t bring the respect you crave.  Worst, you can’t get that crick out of your neck from looking over your shoulder.)

Aaron Tobey ( Another delusional usurper who undermined the most essential tribal traditions.  Remember the “Tobey Elders” or the “Bomber Jacket Elders” he established to replace the true Elders, who disliked him.  He torpedoed our aqua farming opportunity owned by the late Mr. Kelly while screeching about Aboriginal Rights.  He gave away our Aboriginal Rights to hunt and fish to the state in the Crappy Compact…..that was a doozey.That was the first time the BIA said …who are these guys? in a scathing rebuke of our Compact. The guy almost started a full fledged riot.  Yes indeed he will replace Winnie Johnson who sucked up to Cedric so hard in the Mashpee Enterprise you had to wonder if she was on something. She’s so simple she was promising families monthly allotments from the casino we will never have….thanks to her buddies. And hiding her Mercedes 500 doesn’t mater either cause everyone knows shes hiding it.)

The fourth winner of this  election remains a mystery.  The corruption is so rampant you have to wonder if the outcome really matters.


No influence peddling here…no sir !

As they sat at the Council table wolfing down food ( while conducting tribal

Cromwell desperate for another $3.8m Genting loan. Where oh where does it go?

business), Cedric and crew were trying to find a way to get around a tricky tribal legal mandate.  The laws says that investor money can in no way be tied directly to tribal policy making.  It also says investor money can in no way be used to influence tribal elections or  governance of any kind.  Well at the last Council meeting they did the whole thing…. it took them a while but they absolutely violated the tribal law courtesy of Genting. They didn’t have enough votes because Cheryl Frye Cromwell and Yvonne Frye Avant (its their election) and others abstained or wouldn’t vote so it took 1, 2, 3 votes to get the required 7.

They desperately needed the $3.8 M loan from Genting. And the language of the loan agreement states that the loan would only be made if the election revisions were passed by the Council. Of course they will ensure that this upcoming election will come out the way they want it, just like all the others…after all we’re the ” no redress ” tribe eh? And  Mark Tilden aka tribal attorney was there violating tribal law and collecting his over billed fees right to the end.  He’s guilt free.

And there you are.  Confirmation that Genting owns us and could care less about our little constitution and our phoney government full of horrors.

Cedric,Jessie, Robbie and Tah Tah want that pay check and nothing is going to get in the way accept maybe an outside force of some kind. Stay tuned…








Making the case

On Tuesday Jonathan Polloni represented the Mashpee 9 before Federal District Court Judge Denise Casper. He made a salient point when he defended the complaint against the United States… essentially the Department of Interior home of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. He pointed out that it wasn’t about who was elected to the Tribal Council during the chaotic 2009 election, but the fact that tribal law was broken to bring the Cromwell administration to power. And it’s been a wicked ride for 5 years.



Federal District Court Judge Denise Casper had some interesting questions for the US Government

Judge Casper presided over Whitey Bolger’s case.   She is pretty no nonsense.  She seemed intrigued with the way the BIA turned a blind eye to alleged elections fraud.

The fact is the Elders went to Washington on three different occasions to complain and ultimately beg for intervention. The bureaucrats there never pointed them in the right direction. It also seems to support the fact that in Indian Country, no one respects the BIA because they have never done a good job of protecting Native Americans from anything.  It has in fact done an excellent job of abdicating its responsibility to protect indigenous people from harm especially from their own abusive governments….that’s rampant in Indian Country.

The fact that months before the 2013 election the BIA received a stream of documents showing violations and the refusals of the tribal government to hear claims and see proof of unqualified members loaded on to the rolls. Elections fraud is a serious violation when perpetrated anywhere in the United States, tribal nation or not. But in the case of the Mashpee, the government used its standard excuse that “the BIA does not interfere with the affairs of sovereign tribal nations. “  That brought an interesting question from Judge Casper.

” So does the BIA ever intervene in questionable tribal elections?”  The government said, “Yes your honor, but it’s very complicated. “ Wrong answer.

Polloni also pointed out the fact that all internal legal avenues were exhausted, and at each step of the process, tribal law was violated.  A very unique dilemma for the Mashpee. The MWT tribal sovereignty is incomplete because we do not have land in trust. Which means  we have a tribal court without authority or enforcement powers and “the do nothing no matter what”  BIA  which means we have no redress.  No where for us to go  to get justice …accept Uncle Sam.

Of course the Cromwell administration and their band of lawyers have known this all along and have taken full advantage of our 5 years of limbo status.  This has resulted in the treadmill land in trust process and the spiraling debt that will be $92 m shortly. The tribal members have absolutely nothing and can do nothing to stop the abuse. Somebody should be paying attention to that little discrepancy, eh ?

Judge Casper said she would take the motion to dismiss under advisement.  Which means she may want to check some things out.  But it was not what the government wanted to hear or the tribal lawyer who sat in the corner of the courtroom listening intensely. He was the same tribal lawyer who makes big bucks and condescended to Nellie Hicks Ramos in tribal court 2 years ago on this very issue, requesting an investigation and the production of the voter sign in  sheets. They wanted the case dismissed too.  But apparently the government didn’t make a good case for that.   Judge Casper could still dismiss it. She could also order the investigation or go to trial.  Hopefully she does something that will end our long nightmare.

Apparently the decision was bad enough to make the tribal lawyer and his pr buddy bolt from the court room to give Cedric Cromwell the bad news. He had no comment in any of  the Wednesday news stories. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Also, when Jonathan Polloni tried to use the search mode of the BIA website Tuesday night …..It wouldn’t work.  Wow.







Rolling up on $92 m and not even a Pantry to show for it? ?

There’s no need for a compact if you don’t have Land in Trust…The media continues to point out that securing this very important part of Native American sovereignty is a huge problem for us.

The Compact was approved by default, without the BIA’s official approval. It’s similar to what governors do when they don’t want their finger prints on a bad piece of legislation. They let a bill become law without their signature.

The BIA’s problem is that it could set off a firestorm of legal action by establishing bad precedent. Other tribes are watching. Since the BIA did not officially approve the  ” onerous ” Compact, that actually violates IGRA, it feels its hands are clean. Everyone is dirty in this deal.

Watchful eyes are on the land in trust process where the tribes’ only way around the US Supreme Court ruling is that there is proof that we were under federal jurisdiction prior to 1934. The BIA blew  that up when we sought recognition. And the documentation to that affect is everywhere.

Rest assured. Genting’s money is flowing.  Let’s see where this goes.


The tribe must still clear a potentially greater legal hurdle of securing federal land-in-trust approval for the proposed casino.


The tribe must still clear a potentially greater legal hurdle of securing federal land-in-trust approval for the proposed casino.

The Taunton Daily Gazette 1/3/14

Obtaining land sovereignty remains a potentially bigger hurdle on the Mashpee’s path to a tribal casino.

It’s all about the ” hurdle. ”
Since we’ve been waiting for Cedric’s” shovels in the ground” for 21/2 years
you’ve got to wonder why we can’t even get a Pantry out of the deal while we wait, and wait, and wait, and wait…

Meaningless Foolishness


What is the compact?

  1. A subterfuge.
  2. Cart before the horse.
  3. Excuse to keep paying the Cromwell Administration
  4. Excuse to praise Jessie (and her sea foam pine needle coo coo  theories)
  5. Will not stop the Massachusetts Gaming Commission from issuing a license to someone else
  6. Ultimate distraction from the fact that WE HAVE NO WAY TO GET THE LAND INTO TRUST TO BUILD THE DAMN CASINO. Can’t build the casino without LIT.

Cedric has never answered how or who puts our land into trust. Right.  More poo poo, caa caa.


Christmas gifts and wish list



The Tribal members finally got something from the Cromwell administration.   After careful thought  the ever resourceful  Jessie and Tah Tah decided to turn the flooded government center basement into a sauna by building fires around the sinking  exterior. If that doesn’t work, a sweat lodge is the next order of the day.

Tribal members surprised Michelle Fernandes with a gift certificate  to help her  battle her delusional issues.  Michelle told the Cape Cod Times that we should be grateful to her because ” she saved the tribe” from a bad deal with Middlebroro. Tribal members extended their generosity  to also include a basic math course at CCCC.   Michelle has difficulty calculating and understanding that the Middleboro land  (537 contiguous acres) cost $6 m and the Taunton parcel  (about 76 of 147 acres of disconnected  buildable land) for $39 m is almost 8x’s more money for far less property. Also paying the Middlebro investors back at 6% interest is a lot cheaper than paying Genting back at 17% interest. Elementary  school students understand that $15 m is less than the anticipated $92 m that has no benefit to the tribal members. The original deal involving the expenditure of $15 m to hire professionals to navigate  the legalities of  recognition was done over a 10 year period.  Money well spent.  Again there is NOTHING to show for the $70m- $92m debt.  As a matter of fact we have far less service to tribal members now than we did under Glenn Marshall or Shawn Hendricks.

Tribal members also gave Michelle an alarm system.  It keeps her from having a few too many drinks and running her mouth about certain people.  Michelle said she did it all and a certain elder did nothing to bring down the previous administration.Whoever did whatever did us no favors as we  all know now. Well the person she told went right back and told on Michelle, who was reportedly recorded boasting about how instrumental she was. Michelle thinks she’s pretty powerful. Maybe not so much She’s worked for both administrations and has been fired by both administrations and still owes the tribe thousands of dollars. She was advanced  the money by the Marshall Administration ( which included Cedric, Cheryl, Yvonne etc..) on a grant she never got. She promised to pay it back but she never did.  So her issue with amnesia needs to be addressed also.  Since all the tribal members know about that little deal….no need for a git certificate.  

As Tah Tah told the CCT, “This government can’t be held accountable right now,” Yup.  Everyone knows that. And we have no legal system with any enforcement powers, that fact was also conceded by Tribal Judge Robert Mills.  Whatever happened to ole Socabasin ? So Stephanie Tobey takes the malfeasance  to a real court.  The federal court.  Well you need a lawyer Stephanie. You know, like the lawyers that  worked for us to get us recognition? You can’t expect a federal judge to muddle through all your emails and American Express records.  You gotta get a lawyer to put it in order. Clearly he’s interested in evaluating your case so do it the proper way.

Since Cedric refuses to comment directly. He’s worried.  The lame responses make that clear.  So hopefully the gift certificates do us some good.