About $700 K in the till

No Council meeting tonight not even an executive session  treasurers report from Gordon Harris. NOTHING.  Yah Gordon, elected by casino stalkers was going to give us the bad news we already knew about.  Nothing like being on the  outside Gordon, good job. Hummm.  The Chairman reportedly was not up to the ” Tribal Resistance tonight. No quorum.

There is  rumblings of a movement to call for his resignation. Where are all the lawyers? No quorum and Jessie’s on the island.  You know what that means. Ahemmmmm.

Cedric unhinged

Now everybody knows that Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Chairman Cedric Cromwell has come undone, thanks to the Cape Cod Times today. So we’re going to give you the story leading up to his second meltdown he’s had in a week.

The 7 ft Former tribal VP David Pocknett has challenged "Shovel Ready," repeatedly on traditional matters and a host of financial and irregularities that have indebted the Tribe. Cromwell's envy of Pocknett's reputation in Indian Country was due to status he was never been able to achieve.

The 7 ft former tribal VC David Pocknett has challenged and chastised  “Shovel Ready,” repeatedly on traditional matters and a host of financial irregularities that have indebted the Tribe. Cromwell’s envy of Pocknett’s reputation in Indian Country was coveted status he would never achieve.

Let’s start with the Council meeting late last week  where “Shovel Ready” Ceddie was being asked questions he wouldn’t answer.  David Pocknett asked Cedric (mentioning Vice Chair Jessie Jones Baird as a partner in crime) why he got a $50,000 bonus for land into trust that hasn’t materialized and failing to  deliver a single job or shovel in the ground? Course there was no answer.  Pocknett also asked (overpaid, under performing) attorney Judy Shapiro what the status was of the casino and what the BIA letter meant.  What ignited the blow up was the question “Are we going to break ground or not?”  Yes or no, he said. She did neither and just rambled. So Pocknett said he had enough and left the meeting. As he walked out, Cedric angrily called him a “punk” and a “bit–“.  This is vintage “Shovel Ready.” Ghetto to the end, the tribal chairman was shouting fighting words and would have been cowering in the parking lot if you dragged him outside.

A few days later on Sunday, at the annual pow wow, David’s son Chee Nul Ka talked to Ceddie about disparaging his father at the council meeting.  He said,  ” If you talk to my father like that again, there’s going to be a problem.” The drummer (and champion dancer) walked away.

Chee Nul Ka Pocknett called Cedric out but the Chairman still disgraced him self and the Tribe.

Chee Nul Ka Pocknett called Cedric out but the Chairman once again disgraced himself and the Tribe.

Well, instead of Ceddie appologizing or explaining why he lost his cool, he became Donald Trump.  He became a yelling screeching maniac calling  Chee a “mother fuc—,” threatening his family. Well, everything stopped except what was billowing out of the foul-mouthed chairman.  “Shovel Ready” is such a narcissist he forgot where he was. Proof that he has no knowledge or respect for tradition, because he was disgracing a place of honor by imploding under the Arbor.  Elders and drummers were forced to witness his unraveling. Cedric was forced to leave the pow wow with his security detail in tow.

Cromwell just couldn't make the transition to Indian. It was obvious when he clapped this poorly made imitation of a smoke dancers headdress on his head. The humiliating picture ran in Native newspapers nationwide. We don't even wear these. He only wore it a couple of times, but the crazy picture is everywhere reminding us that we had a phony in charge.

Cromwell just couldn’t make the transition to Indian. It was obvious when he clapped this poorly made imitation of a smoke dancers headdress on his head. The humiliating picture ran in Native newspapers nationwide. We don’t even wear these. He only wore it a couple of times, but the crazy picture is everywhere reminding us that we had a phony in charge.

It doesn’t end there people. Today, on the last day of the pow wow Cedric showed up again and got into a tug-o-war over the pow wow microphone trying to make excuses for his behavior, but Chee won the day by telling the audience what happened and how Ceddie threatened his family.  It’s not about Cedric, it’s about what he has done to us.

He is being crushed by the pressure and the tribes knowlege of  the deal going south. The bigger problem though is as everything shuts down so go his Great White Council of Lawyers. They just disappear… It could be a good thing because he’s been pimping us and they’ve been pimping him

The tribe is out of money. There were rumors that the drummers were not being paid and very little prize money.  But other indicators are posting red flags. VC  Messy Jessie asked for her $20K bonus now instead of

Jessie is Jessie and that's "messy." Chasing that $20k hard.

Jessie is Jessie and that’s “messy.” Chasing that $20k hard. When it gets too hot she’ll disappear  to the Island.

Leslie Jonas kept her Indian Heritage on the down low. Lots of wampum and doting on mystical Indians...ahem. But she's laying claim to 3 months pay and a long vacation.

Leslie Jonas kept her Indian heritage on the down low most of her adult life. Now it’s lots of wampum and cooing on mystical Indians…ahem. But she’s laying claim to 3 months pay and a long vacation.

later ( there’s never enough for Jessie). Tribal Administrator Leslie Jonas is taking 3 months paid leave, right now. Newly elected Council member David Weedon who campaigned on “NO SALARY” is taking it now and the first check dates back to the February election. Everyone’s getting theirs but the Tribal members. If you’re not on a grant or working for Indian Health….it’s bye! And those department heads need to watch out because the greedy council will take their jobs to keep getting paid. You know it.

There’s no more money to draw down and those who know that are raping the coffers before the collapse.  The Wednesday meeting should be interesting. Our sources say Genting is not interested in extending any loan. They are done with us. That will also impact the legal masinations underway with the Bureau and theTauntonites. Lawyers don’t work for free. The town of Taunton should not hold their breathe either.  He named himself Running Bear for a reason. So what’s our Plan B? Just asking.


Buying time. Literally

Okay, somebody’s throwing a lot of money around to buy time.  What the BIA is suggesting now is that the court allows them to substitute our state juristictional status for the mandated federal jurisitiction, to take our land into trust.  Not only is the BIA guy admitting that their original decision to put our land into trust was a scam….but is completely  dismising the US Supreme Court ruling defining the criteria for the agency to take land into the trust of the United States.That 2009 decision was devistating for us and other tribes…but Cedric Cromwell and his crew never had a clue or cared whether the tribe benefited from their chicanery .  They just kept the laundry going for Genting. Now the money and other deals have gotten good, but paying the sorry tribal lawyers for more bad work may not be on the Genting roster.

Shovel Ready Ceddie cannot live up to his name nor can he get his " Grove " on without the title and big salary. He's looking for an intervention and desperation drives his need to hold on to power and other things..... ahem.

Shovel Ready Ceddie cannot live up to his name nor can he get his ” Groove ” on without the title and big salary. He’s looking for an intervention and desperation drives his need to hold on to power and other things….. ahem.

But let’s move on to the prevailing problem.  The Tauntonites. Those people have the top Indian slayer as their lawyer, and this is a simple challenge….but Cedric gets more time to remain in power, months potentially…and that certainly helps with his scandalous personal life.

For us it’s just more pain and suffering.

Pity the fools

Well we lost again. No surprise. Actually it wasn’t us, it was Cedric and Jessies’ phantom government.  The mood at the Tribal Council is like a perpetual wake. The Fryes  are about to be pealed away from the gravy train as the Cromwell administration looks for another way to keep getting paid. And that’s restricted to them, and not all those Fryes’ with made up titles and payroll accounts that buys their  vote.

So Cedric and the lawyers APPEAL.

Tobey cousins Chairman Cedric Cromwell and Vice Chairwoman Jessie White Baird are responsible for reversing over 80 years of progress by tribal leaders. The great shame they have cast on us is historic and damning.Tobey cousins Chairman Cedric Cromwell and Vice Chairwoman Jessie Jones Baird are responsible for reversing over 80 years of progress by tribal leaders. The great shame they have cast on us is historic and damning.

Okay, you know that  we can appeal but all arguments on both areas HAVE BEEN EXHAUSTED. Okay so what do you think the court will say? How about NO because the court said we were not under federal jurisdiction and the BIA needed to give a new explanation to satisfy the supreme court decision. Ya well how about the BIA decided to do nothing, as we predicted.  The BIA  is in turmoil and is not  interested in doing their job or helping any Indians.

But hold it…let’s look at the real ballers in this game.  In Cedric’s Scam.  Ya.  The tribal lawyers.Now any appeal, no matter how frivolous, will continue the scandalous fees and over billing of the lawyers if Genting wants to keep running money through us.  Now…check out their monthly and annual fees….and dream of shopping in Roche Brothers every damn day of your life instead of begging Donna (Frye)Johnson and Ca for a loaf of bread at the Food Pantry ( AKA the Boston Food Bank).  Jesus, Maybe the shut down will force them to push away from the table and  loose a few pounds.

Anyway, Here’s a thumbnail of the break down and incredible shake down that has decimated us.

Attorney Debra Saquera             $60,000.00 a month    $720,000.00 annually

Howard Cooper                           $41,666.00 a month    $500,000.00 annually

Mark Tilden                                  $25,000.00 a month    $300,000.00 annually

Judy Shapiro                                $16,666.00 a month    $200,000.00 annually

If you know what the hell they are billing for?  You need to let us know cause it warrants  complaints to the Massachusetts Bar Association for gauging and over billing because it’s unreal. And they clearly know nothing of Indian law because we keep loosing….but then again, why not keep billing the damned fools.  That would be us…ahem.

Great job Ceddie. We heard you’re going to have a party even if we lost. Bet the Tobey’s are real proud of you and Jessie and your grand redemption of the family name. Who would have thought you would have reversed every ounce of progress the ancestors made.  Who would have thought it ? Quite a legacy indeed.

We haven’t forgotten you girl !

Messy Jessie pensive dreaming of staying in power by any means necessary.

Messy Jessie pensive and dreaming of staying in power by any means necessary.

Jessie…you’re on our mind with all your big new self serving ideas.Quahog Pie has a few questions we need to answer, but you’re comin’ up soon !

7 days hu?

Right, so what can they come up with in a week that they couldn’t produce in months?  Nothing, accept the BIA will put their decision not to act on the ROD, in writing.  The judge was being generous…… again.

Genting's architect change the design of phantom casino 3 times, and got paid millions to do so.  Wow wonder why?

Genting’s architect changed the design of phantom casino 3 times and got paid millions to do so. Wow, wonder why?

You ever wonder what the hell Cedric did with all that money?  Nearly $400m. Does anyone have the nerve to ask him before he starts bootin’ it down the road ?

We’ll just let you unpack that for a minute.

A delay…sure

The Cromwell administration got the bad news they knew was coming.  The BIA did not redo their justification for taking the Taunton and Mashpee lands into trust.  The Bureau said it was not going to do it.  BIA Secretary Ryan Zinke just did not put it in writing….allowing Ceddie Lou to buy more time and spin the bad news as a delay. The court must have the decision  in writing.  It’s not a delay.  How do you have a delay when the court set the deadliine for June 19? It’s a stalling tactic. What was the alternative proof that we were under federal juristiction?

It was so bad the administration plans another trip to DC to “sit with”  Secretary Zinke.  This Native Hater just fired all the top Native administrators at the Bureau. You think this guy wants to ” sit ” with Indians? Like all the Trumpsters, he was put in place to destroy the agency.

https://www.indianz.com/News/2017/06/19/secretary-zinke-shuffles-top-indian-affa.asp Do you think he wants to chit chat with Cedric and his incompetent lawyers, and get a warped history lesson from Messy Jessie? Exactly.

Cedric and side kick  Jessie have botched LIT from the beginning.  Leadership is not part of their DNA.

Cedric and side kick Jessie
have botched LIT from the beginning. Leadership is not part of their DNA.

So tonight,Ceddie’s crew of advisors and cronies started talking about appeals on section 2, or going the congressional route. Does that sound like a delay to you? And those efforts are virtually impossible.

Besides if it were good news.  Ceddie would have been on every news venue that would take him, despite the fact that the Taunton people would have sued again and won again.

How about we shoud have been working the Congress ( with other tribes) 7 years ago on a two track strategy that included a Plan B.  Plan B would be an economic development plan for the Tribe.

The only strategy ever in play was Cedric’s paycheck and that of the paid Council that got paid exorbitant salaries to do nothing.

Last September, the Tribe got $32 million from Genting.  $14 million in interest comes off the top. $14 million !  The last drawdown was for this month. It was $3 million  and of that, $2m goes to bills 60 days in arrears.

Out of money and options the next step is to fire employees, all but those who work in the federal programs that actually do something like health and dental.  There are at least 20 people who do nothing with no legitimacy but the Frye name. It’s a time where being a Frye is a liability.

And good ole Jessie.  She never stops trying to get that elusive respect.  More about her tomorrow.










Hold it !

Herrin’ and Roe are almost ready to tell their story about all this “Land in Trust nonsense.” But so is Quahog Pie….rounding them up these birds is a job in a half.


Why surrender is not an option

The tenacious Gay Head Aquinnah quietly stayed the course and made significant progress with gaming efforts while the renowned Mashpee consistently lost grown lead by phonies who undermined the tribal core and traditions for 8 years.

The tenacious Gay Head Aquinnah quietly stayed the course and made significant progress with gaming efforts while the renowned Mashpee consistently lost ground and its reputation in Indian Country, lead by phonies who undermined the tribal core and traditions for 8 years.

There’s been no talk of the casino….for us.  Casino’s are popping up all over Massachusetts, even on good ole Noepe, Martha’s Vineyard.  Ain’t that surreal? The Aquinnah seem to have overcome their image as “wards of the state,” to go on a build something on the island, to the dismay of other residents.  There isn’t much opponents can do since the Aquinnah have the upper hand…so far…..

Us? Well that’s another sad tale of bad evidence and legal advice lead by a bunch of scam artists posing as tribal leaders. This is a truly lousy reality show with a finale that is sad as can be.

Ever since a judge said the Bureau of Indians Affairs could not take our land into trust the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe has been in a kind of death spiral. This is because Ceddie spent tens of millions of dollars on the worst lawyers, and damned fools pretending to be experts who put the bogus LIT package together.  That’s why we are back in no mans land.

Those lawyers and perps had no evidence that we were ever under federal jurisdiction and everyone including Ceddie knew it.  If you recall, the “Chairman” was stunned himself when the decision came down. Well the

April 2016 was the last time Ceddie was "Shovel Ready." The judge said stay away from the Taunton land that Genting now holds title to. Ceddie has morgaged it to pay his salaries and those f the paid Council

April 2016 was the last time Ceddie was “Shovel Ready.” The judge said stay away from the Taunton land that Genting now holds title to. Ceddie has mortgaged it to pay his salary and those of the paid do nothing Council.

whole LIT celebration was  Fryebal Council party that was short lived cause….the White people in Taunton sued.  They said they would and you know them….they follow thru. Well, the judge said we didn’t prove we were under federal jurisdiction in 1934 (lame evidence that we talked about over and over), so all that show boating Ceddie did on that overpriced Taunton land came to a screeching halt.  Nothing has happened in 2 years. Oh yah, the judge said no building on the property because the LIT was in question.

A dormant work site is proof that the entire casino effort was a ruse allowing the Cromwell Administration to gauge the Tribe for 8 years rolling up the tab to nearly $400m.

A dormant work site is proof that the entire casino effort was a ruse allowing the Cromwell Administration to gauge the Tribe for 8 years rolling up the tab to nearly $400m.

Here’s something we forgot.  The Tribe had no money to even lay the foundation of the Asino. Bank of America pulled out as the outside backer (check story on May 17, 2016) But Cedric kept paying himself the Council (except Robert Dias and Carlton Hendricks), and the do nothing staff. They just keep running up the tab that is supposed to run out in June

So last week the BIA says it won’t appeal the case.  That’s not a good sign at all.  But the judge said the BIA could take the 2nd tract and present new evidence that the tribe was under federal jurisdiction in 1934. The Tribe asked for a delay on the decision, another bad sign.  Most

There were strong inferences that the BIA was pressured into granting LIT to Mashpee and BIA chief Washburn complained about the internal controversy and warring that broke out in the agency over the decision.

There were strong inferences that the BIA was pressured into granting LIT to Mashpee and BIA chief Washburn complained about the internal controversy and war that broke out in the agency over the decision.

agree that if the Tribe had the proof it would have offered it in the land in trust application in the first place.  But once again there were suspicious circumstances surrounding the BIA decision to take the LIT.  You may recall that the head of the BIA, newly retired after the LIT action, talked about the war that broke out in the bureau over the decision to take the Mashpee/Taunton land into trust.  He discussed it publicly during a gaming conference.  We never had the proof.

So now, the Bureau has until June 19 to  “prepare a decision on whether the Tribe was under Federal jurisdiction in 1934, and thus eligible to have land taken into trust for it.” It’s a stalling tactic for Cedric…it would be easier to pull doves out of his backside that produce new evidence. God knows we were always under state jurisdiction only.

All of the hundreds of millions of dollars wasted on stalling tactics could have gone to building B&B’s, restaurants and expanding fishing resources, our museum and other landmarks inviting tourist trade.  But the real shame is that our children and adults are dying on dope and the money wasted on the Asino and salaries (malfeasance)could have gone to a clinic to save lives. We should have housing for tribal members in need.

The casino effort is clearly fading before our eyes, and to think that we never prepared or even saved $20- $30 million for our people is proof that Cedric is not Mashpee.  He is a just like Trump…it’s all about him.

We’re nearly $400m in debt and all we have is a echo chamber of a building and  a food pantry sponsored by the Boston Food Bank.




Tribal Election Monitor says voting machine broke down

Old Mashpee watched unknown voters show up to cast ballots in an election where the outcome brought the “F Bomb” repeatedly.  To add fuel to the fire, an election monitor said the voting machine broke down in the middle of the balloting. It’s an unnecessary voting method that has brought criticism in the past because it can be easily manipulated particularly when it takes 3 hours too run 700-800 ballots.


It’s an unnecessary voting method because only about 650 so called tribal members voted. It always takes an hour or two or three to count the ballots….electronically.  It should take 10 minutes with such a small number of ballots on the SD cards.  Tribal members could do a hand count in front of everyone, and eliminate any doubt about the integrity of the election….but who cares about integrity right?

And once again, the Cromwell crew got in with the help of Messy Jessie’s “Casino stalkers”. A lot of money was flying around bringing strange looking people in from out of state outnumbering the people who have to live under this regime.

IF the election results were to be believed…Aaron Tobey gave Cedric quite a run.  People are tired Cedric’s disinterest in their struggle, his dishonesty about our status as a tribe.

The squeaker was Carlton Henricks, Jr.  Losing by 4 votes to Messy J for Vice Chair. He will likely ask for a recount but is the fix already in?

Gordon Harris, Cedric’s bestie won as Treasurer with foreign votes and never campaigned a day…just like Jessie.  Just bused in outsiders.

June is around the corner….that’s when the money ends. Let’s see who sticks around.