Apparently we’re not the only tribe with a council drunk with power, but I’ll betcha none of them have a half-billion dollar debt and nothing to show for it. That puts us at the top of the “Worst of the Worst” list, no doubt. Jesus.
So Brian Weeden was talking and of course everyone was laughing. He just can’t stop runnin’ his mouth. Wah, wah, wah. Because he gets a new talking point from the embattled tribal chairman Cedric Cromwell and he pontificates like he’s some constitutional guru. Well he would be correct about enumerated powers if Cedric and paid council members followed any kind of law. But they don’t. They just do anything they want to do, and now its all disintegrating.
We were trying to keep from dumping more bad news on you but they just can’t stop shoveling it at us…from the congressional misinformation to statutes as the lights dim on our future.
We’ll get at it tomorrow.